
A. L. Andrews

Bryologist 53: 58. 1950.

Etymology: Genus name Platyloma and Latin -ella, diminutive, alluding to replaced later homonym
Basionym: Platyloma Kindberg Gen. Eur. N.-Amer. Bryin., 22. 1897,
Synonyms: Sciaromium sect. Platyloma Brotherus
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 319. Mentioned on page 263, 264, 341, 652.
AmblPlatylomellaLescurii.jpegPlatylomella lescuriiPatricia M. Eckel

Plants small to somewhat large, dark green to blackish with yellowish green shoot apices. Stems fine, prostrate, irregularly branched or subpinnate; hyalodermis absent, central strand present; paraphyllia present, filiform; rhizoids basal or sometimes adventitious distally on decumbent shoots, forming tomentum, slightly branched, smooth; axillary hair distal cells 1 or 2, hyaline. Stem-leaves erect-spreading, straight or incurved, cordate-ovate to ovatelanceolate, not plicate, 0.5–1.5 mm; base not decurrent; margins plane, serrulate distally or to base, sometimes entire, limbidia conspicuous or sometimes inconspicuous, 2–4-stratose, cells incrassate; apex gradually or abruptly acuminate, sometimes apiculate, tips often obtuse; costa single, strong, percurrent to short-excurrent, usually confluent distally with limbidia; alar cells undifferentiated; basal laminal cells rectangular or oblong-hexagonal; distal cells short-rhomboidal to oblong-hexagonal, 6–12 × 15–40 µm. Branch leaves similar, slightly smaller and narrower. Sexual condition autoicous. Capsule horizontal to cernuous, oblong-cylindric, asymmetric, sometimes arcuate; peristome hypnoid; exostome margins dentate; endostome cilia appendiculate. Spores 12–17 (–25) µm.


c, e North America


Species 1.

Platylomella has previously been included in Sciaromium (Mitten) Mitten, a synonym of Echinodium Juratzka (S. P. Churchill 1986).

Selected References


"narrower" is not a number.

... more about "Platylomella"
not +  and separating +
acuminate +
John A. Christy +
A. L. Andrews +
not decurrent +
Platyloma +
autoicous +  and sexual +
cucullate +
curved +  and straight +
horizontal +  and cernuous +
oblong-cylindric +
undifferentiated +
inflated +
incrassate +
not +  and differentiated +
appendiculate +
percurrent +  and short-excurrent +
2 - ? +  and 1 - ? +
short-rhomboidal +  and oblong-hexagonal +
c +  and e North America +
Genus name Platyloma and Latin -ella, diminutive, alluding to replaced later homonym +
brownish +  and yellowbrown +
short +  and narrow +
0.05 cm0.5 mm <br />5.0e-4 m <br /> - ? +  and 0.15 cm1.5 mm <br />0.0015 m <br /> - ? +
incurved +  and erect-spreading +
cordate-ovate;ovatelanceolate +
inconspicuous +  and conspicuous +
entire +, to base +  and serrulate +
multistratose +  and 1-stratose +
hexagonal +, rectangular +  and short-linear +
short-rostrate +, rostrate +  and conic +
obovate +, oblong +, ovate +  and lanceolate +
adventitious +
yellowish green +
subpinnate +  and branched +
Sciaromium sect. Platyloma +
Platylomella +
Amblystegiaceae +
obtuse +
incrassate +
dark green +  and blackish +
large +  and small to somewhat +
transitional +