Sisyrinchium idahoense var. occidentale
Brittonia 28: 174. 1976.
Basionym: Sisyrinchium occidentale E. P. Bicknell Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 26: 447. 1899
Synonyms: Sisyrinchium juncellum Greene
Stems 1.5–2 mm wide, margins entire. Spathes: keels entire, outer less than 2 times inner, basally connate 3–6 mm; inner 12–20 mm. Outer tepals 8–13 mm; filaments bluish violet. 2n = 64.
Phenology: Flowering summer.
Habitat: Moist meadows, stream banks, edges of springs
Elevation: 400–3100 m

Ariz., Calif., Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nev., N.Mex., Oreg., Utah, Wash., Wyo.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
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parallel +
extrorse +
not appressed +
surrounding +
green +
proximal +
undifferentiated +
yellow +
not persistent +
parallel-veined +
glabrous +
petaloid +
expanded +
thickened +
stigmatic +
purple blotches;beige;light or dark-brown +
monochasial +
obvious +
small +
hard +
bluish violet +
weak +
connate +
stipitate-glandular +
tapering +
actinomorphic +
monochasial +
not fragrant +
aerial +
capsular +
smooth;roughened +
globose +
woody;firm;cartilaginous +
Present +
singly +
entire +
evenly curved;straight +
outer +
0-2 times inner basally connate 3-6 mm +
glabrous +
hyaline +
connate +
0.1mm;0.5mm +
unifacial +
oriented +
connate +
longer +
tapering +
axile +
inferior +
anatropous +
2;few +
erect;ascending +
not reaching +
membranous +
Brittonia +
1976 +
leafy +
large +
discernable +
thickened +
fleshy +
black +
winged +
discoid +
many +
globose;obconic +
open +
closed +
equitant +
green +
inner +
glabrous +
smooth to scabrous +
unequal +
equal +
monochasial +
arranged +
glabrous +
compressed +
1.5mm;2mm +
abaxial +
petaloid +
connate +
erect +
filiform +
not broad +
Sisyrinchium idahoense var. occidentale +
Sisyrinchium idahoense +
variety +
distinct +
showy +
not clawed +
subequal +
arranged +
arcuate +
fibrous +
green;ashy olive +
perennial +
not glaucous +
unequal +
equal +