Solidago subsect. Junceae

(Rydberg) G. L. Nesom

Phytologia 75: 9. 1993.

Basionym: Junceae Rydberg Fl. Plains N. Amer., 792. 1932
Synonyms: Glaberrimae Rydberg Solidago (sect. Undefined) ser. Junceae (Rydberg) G. L. Nesom Solidago (sect. Undefined) ser. Spectabiles G. L. Nesom
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 20. Treatment on page 140. Mentioned on page 109.

Leaves: basal often present in rosettes at flowering, proximalmost cauline petiolate to attenuate-subpetiolate, sometimes present at flowering, largest; cauline sometimes 3-nerved (with two prominent lateral nerves), distal usually subtending fascicles of small linear leaves of lateral branches, two usually much larger than others. Heads in thyrsiform-paniculiform arrays, wand to club-shaped or sometimes secund cone-shaped, proximal branches ascending to spreading. Phyllaries not striate, glabrous, eglandular. Pappus bristles usually in 2 series (inner weakly, if at all, clavate).


North America, n Mexico


Species 7 (7 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Arrays club-shaped to subracemiform; leaves not 3-nerved, sometimes fleshy and waxy; caudices short-branched; usually boggy, marshy ground or stream margins > 2
1 Arrays pyramidal to rhombic or obpyramidal, never racemiform; leaves waxy, not fleshy, sometimes 3-nerved; caudices short to long rhizomatous > 4
2 Phyllaries narrowly ovate to lanceolate, margins flat, obtuse to acuminate; rays usually 8–12; boggy or marshy grounds, alkaline meadows and hot springs, Nevada and adjacent states Solidago spectabilis
2 Phyllaries narrowly linear-triangular, margins revolute distally, sharply acute; rays usually 5–10; wetter areas, along streams, c, s California into Mexico > 3
3 Leaf lengths usually less than 10 times widths; arrays usually paniculiform-thyrsiform; c, s California Solidago confinis
3 Leaf lengths usually 10+ times longer widths; arrays narrowly paniculiform or racemiform; (along streams) vicinity of San Carlos and San Benito peaks, San Benitoand Fresno counties, California Solidago guiradonis
4 Stems from elongated creeping rhizomes; proximal and mid stem leaves often 3-nerved; prairies and prairielike habitats, mostly w of Mississippi River into Rocky Mountains Solidago missouriensis
4 Stems from short thick rhizomes or caudices; proximal and mid stem leaves multinerved, rarely 3-nerved; fields, disturbed areas, glades in e Canada and United States > 5
5 Rays mostly 7–13; disc florets mostly 8–12; widely distributed, Nova Scotia to Manitoba, s to Alabama and Arkansas Solidago juncea
5 Rays mostly 3–8; disc florets mostly 3–9 > 6
6 Distal leaves ± spreading or reflexed, bearing axillary fascicles of reduced leaves; piedmont and Atlantic Coastal Plain; North Carolina, adjacent South Carolina, se Virginia Solidago pinetorum
6 Distal leaves closely ascending or appressed, usually without axillary fascicles; cedar barrens, limestone ledges, and glades; Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee Solidago gattingeri
... more about "Solidago subsect. Junceae"
not tailed +, rounded +  and obtuse +
distinct +
subequal +
scarious +
usually triangular +  and linear +
usually deltate +  and lanceolate +
thyrsiform-paniculiform +
indeterminate +  and determinate +
John C. Semple +  and Rachel E. Cook +
- Rydberg G. L. Nesom +
not persisting +
decurrent +
Junceae +
compound +  and simple +
rugulose +  and muricate +
not 2-lipped +  and actinomorphic +
yellow +  and white +
ampliate +
beaked +, 2-ribbed +  and 5-ribbed +
compressed +, narrowly obconic +  and cylindric +
fertile +  and bisexual +
fertile +  and bisexual +
usually much larger +
North America +  and n Mexico +
resinous +
stipitate-glandular +, puberulent +, pilose +, glabrous +, glabrous or +  and sparsely densely scabrous strigillose or villous +
pistillate +, staminate +  and neuter +
winged +  and beaked +
dispersed +
indeterminate +
heterogamous +  and homogamous +
cone--shaped +, wand +  and club-shaped +
each +  and sessile +
0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br /> - 1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br /> +
campanulate;cylindric +
0.17 cm1.7 mm <br />0.0017 m <br /> - 1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> +
erect;spreading +
triangular +  and narrowly lanceolate +
linear-lanceolate +  and oblong or ovate +
unequal +  and rarely subequal +
2-carpellate +
persistent +
not persisting +
ovate-oblanceolate +
ascending +  and spreading +
petiolate +  and attenuate-subpetiolate +
bearing subulate enations +, hairy +  and bristly +
strigillose +  and glabrous +
8 +  and 10 +
exalbuminous +
decumbent +  and ascending or erect +
short-villous +, hispid +, strigillose +, strigose +  and glabrous +
appendaged +  and truncate +
papillate +  and smooth +
Glaberrimae +, Solidago - sect. Undefined ser. Junceae +  and Solidago - sect. Undefined ser. Spectabiles +
Solidago subsect. Junceae +
Solidago sect. Solidago +
subsection +
not persisting +
100 cm1,000 mm <br />1 m <br /> - 200 cm2,000 mm <br />2 m <br /> +
5 cm50 mm <br />0.05 m <br /> - 100 cm1,000 mm <br />1 m <br /> +
tree +, shrub +  and subshrub +