Sphagnum sect. Rigida

(Lindberg) Limpricht in G. L. Rabenhorst et al.

in G. L. Rabenhorst et al., Krypt.-Fl. ed. 2, 4(1): 116. 1885,.

Basionym: Rigida Lindberg Öfvers. Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Förh. 19: 135. 1862
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 27. Treatment on page 55. Mentioned on page 47.

Plants low-growing in loose mats to compact cushions, capitulum often indistinct or concealed by upwardly directed branches; pale green, straw-colored, brownish to reddish. Stems with superficial cortex of 1–3 layers of efibrillose, inflated, thin-walled, nonornamented, and aporose cells. Stem-leaves much smaller than branch leaves, triangular-lingulate, border entire and broadened at base; hyaline cells rhomboid, efibrillose, nonornamented, aporose, and usually nonseptate; hyaline cells not resorbed on either surface. Branches strongly dimorphic, spreading branches much stronger than pendent branches. Branch fascicles with 2–3 spreading branches and 2 (–3) pendent branches. Branch stems green, green to brownish, surrounded by 1 layer of efibrillose, nonornamented, inflated, thin-walled, uniporse cells with slight protruding necks. Branch leaves ovate to ovatelanceolate, apex broadly truncate, smooth and toothed; margin denticulate; hyaline cells fibrillose, smooth or papillose, convex surface with ± 5 small to medium-sized free pores, sometimes numerous pseudopores, concave surface with large pores in cell angles; chlorophyllous cells elliptic to ovate-triangular in transverse-section, completely enclosed or exposed on concave surface, end walls unthickened. Sexual condition monoicous or dioicous. Capsule 2 mm or less, with numerous pseudostomata. Spores mean diameter more than 30 µm, raised Y-mark sculpture on distal surface; proximal laesura more than 0.3 spore radius.


Worldwide except Antarctica


Species 5 (2 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Chlorophyllous cells of branch leaves elliptic in transverse section and completely enclosed on both surfaces, adjacent hyaline cell walls smooth; stem leaves lingulate to oblong-triangular. Sphagnum compactum
1 Chlorophyllous cells of branch leaves elongate-triangular to ovate-triangular, enclosed on the adaxial surface and exposed on the convex surface, adjacent hyaline cell walls minutely papillose; stem leaves bluntly deltoid. Sphagnum strictum

"less" is not a number.

... more about "Sphagnum sect. Rigida"
toothed +
thin-walled +  and efibrillose +
nonornamented +
Cyrus B. McQueen† +  and Richard E. Andrus +
- Lindberg Limpricht in G. L. Rabenhorst et al. +
Rigida +
differentiated +
broadened +
much stronger +
ratio +, length +  and width +
ovate +  and ovatelanceolate +
pendent +, spreading +  and directed +
2 +  and 3 +
more slender +
green +  and brownish +
differentiated +
chlorophyllous +, thin-walled +  and efibrillose +
alternating +
strengthened +
enclosed +
nonornamented +
0 - ? +  and 4 - ? +
papillose +  and smooth +
elliptic +  and ovate-triangular +
fibrillose +
concealed +  and indistinct +
spherical +
2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> - ? +
monoicous +, dioicous +  and sexual +
Worldwide except Antarctica +
dioicous +, monoicous +  and sexual +
unthickened +
conspicuous +
isophyllous +, hemiisophyllous +  and anisophyllous +
denticulate +
protruding +  and slight +
in G. L. Rabenhorst et al., Krypt.-Fl. ed. +
tetrahedral +
septate +, porose +  and efibrillose +
triangular-lingulate +
much smaller +
differentiated +
concave +  and convex +
small;medium-sized +
Sphagnum sect. Rigida +
Sphagnum +
section +
swollen +