Sphagnum trinitense

Müller Hal.

Syn. Musc. Frond. 1: 102. 1848,.

Synonyms: Sphagnum cuspidatum var. serratum (Austin) Austin Sphagnum cuspidatum var. serrulatum (Schliephacke) Schliephacke Sphagnum helleri Sphagnum laxifolium var. serrulatum Schliephacke Sphagnum serratum
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 27. Treatment on page 77. Mentioned on page 63, 73.

Plants moderate-sized, slender and weak-stemmed, green to pale-yellow; flaccid and plumose in aquatic forms to more compact and sprawling in emergent forms; green to pale-yellow; capitulum not especially enlarged and differentiated. Stems green; superficial cortex of undifferentiated or slightly differentiated cells. Stem-leaves ovate-triangular to triangular, 1–1.6 mm; appressed to spreading; apex acute to slightly obtuse; hyaline cells often fibrillose and often 1-septate. Branches straight and unranked, in capitulum tapering at distal end to a point, leaves greatly elongated at distal end. Branch stems green, cortex enlarged with conspicuous retort cells. Branch leaves ovatelanceolate to lanceolate, 2–3.5 mm; straight, undulate and slightly recurved when dry; margin serrulate; hyaline cells on convex surface with 0–1 small pores at cell apex on concave surface with round wall-thinnings in cell angles (often indistinct or lacking); chlorophyllous cells trapezoidal in transverse-section and exposed more broadly on the convex surface. Sexual condition monoicous. Spores 26–40 µm; ± roughly to densely granulose.

Phenology: Capsules mature early to mid summer.
Habitat: Submersed or stranded at edge of shallow, acidic pond, lakes, and roadside ditches, mostly in sandy areas of the Atlantic coastal plain
Elevation: low to moderate elevations


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Del., Fla., Ga., Ill., Kans., La., Md., Mass., N.J., N.Y., N.C., Pa., S.C., Va., South America


Sporophytes are common in Sphagnum trinitense, which can often be distinguished from S. cuspidatum in the field by the appearance of its branches when wet. In this state the branches of S. trinitense just below the capitulum resemble a fine paintbrush drawn out to a pointed tip. See also discussion under 29. S. fitzgeraldii and 39. S. mississippiense. Spore features are taken from H. A. Crum (1984).

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... more about "Sphagnum trinitense"
acute;slightly obtuse +
Cyrus B. McQueen† +  and Richard E. Andrus +
Müller Hal. +
differentiated +
broad +  and narrow +
more slender and delicate +
ratio +, length +  and width +
undulate +, ovatelanceolate +  and lanceolate +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> - 0.35 cm3.5 mm <br />0.0035 m <br /> +
pendent +  and spreading +
1 +  and 3 +
slender +
differentiated +
chlorophyllous +  and 1-septate +
alternating +
strengthened +
exposed +  and undifferentiated +
nonornamented +
monoicous +  and sexual +
trapezoidal +
enlarged +
fibrillose +
differentiated +
differentiated +
spherical +
0 cm0 mm <br />0 m <br /> - ? +  and 0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> - ? +
monoicous +, dioicous +  and sexual +
enlarged +
Del. +, Fla. +, Ga. +, Ill. +, Kans. +, La. +, Md. +, Mass. +, N.J. +, N.Y. +, N.C. +, Pa. +, S.C. +, Va. +  and South America +
low to moderate elevations +
monoicous +, dioicous +  and sexual +
conspicuous +
isophyllous +, hemiisophyllous +  and anisophyllous +
Submersed or stranded at edge of shallow, acidic pond, lakes, and roadside ditches, mostly in sandy areas of the Atlantic coastal plain +
0.1 cm1 mm <br />0.001 m <br /> - 0.16 cm1.6 mm <br />0.0016 m <br /> +
appressed +  and spreading +
ovate-triangular;triangular +
inconspicuous +  and conspicuous +
Capsules mature early to mid summer. +
0 +  and 1 +
Syn. Musc. Frond. +
tetrahedral +
septate +, porose +  and efibrillose +
triangular;lingulate +
usually smaller +
differentiated +
with a few to numerous pores or pseudopores +  and porose +
convex +  and concave +
Sphagnum cuspidatum var. serratum +, Sphagnum cuspidatum var. serrulatum +, Sphagnum helleri +, Sphagnum laxifolium var. serrulatum +  and Sphagnum serratum +
Sphagnum trinitense +
Sphagnum sect. Cuspidata +
species +
swollen +
green +  and pale-yellow +
slender +  and medium-sized +