
Richard ex Sprengel

Syst. Veg. 3: 709. 1826.

Etymology: Greek stenos, narrow, and rhynchos, snout, alluding to the narrow rostellum on the column
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 545. Mentioned on page 499.
FNA26 Plate 089.jpegSpiranthes diluvialis
Stenorrhynchos michuacanum
Cranichis muscosa
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi

Herbs, perennial, terrestrial. Roots fascicled, fleshy. Stems with foliaceous sheaths. Leaves flat at maturity. Inflorescences densely flowered racemes. Flowers resupinate, without mentum or spur; perianth parts distinct and free, basally connivent, forming tube, apically recurved; lip elliptic-lanceolate, base truncate or slightly cordate, apex free, acute; calli barely raised on either side of basal claw extending onto base of lamina of lip where hairy; column not inflated adaxially at base, extended obliquely on top of ovary only very slightly; anther entire; viscidium narrowly elliptic, sheathing rostellum; stigma nearly terminal; rostellum well developed, needlelike. Fruits capsules.


Tropical regions, Western Hemisphere


Species 9 (1 in the flora).

Selected References


... more about "Stenorrhynchos"
self-pollination +
Paul M. Catling +  and Paul Martin Brown +
Richard ex Sprengel +
cordate +  and truncate +
indehiscent +
not +  and articulate +
conduplicate +  and plicate +
flattened +, triangular +  and cylindric +
not inflated +
extended +
Tropical regions +  and Western Hemisphere +
Greek stenos, narrow, and rhynchos, snout, alluding to the narrow rostellum on the column +
3-merous +, sessile +  and pedicellate +
lateral +  and terminal +
petiolate +, sessile +  and simple +
duplicate +, convolute +, whorled +, opposite +, distichous +  and alternate +
cauline +  and basal +
reduced +
elliptic-lanceolate +
larger +
differing in form and color +
1-many-flowered +  and cymose +
pendent +  and erect +
free +  and distinct +
aerial +  and subterranean +
needlelike +  and sheathing +
minute +
free +, distinct +, adnate +  and connate +
foliaceous +
not +  and alike +
branched +, or +  and simple +
pendent +  and erect +
proliferous +
thickened +  and stout +
concave +  and convex +
Stenorrhynchos +
Orchidaceae - tribe Cranichideae subtribe Spiranthinae +
aquatic +, lithophytic +, terrestrial +  and epiphytic +
saprophytic +, photosynthetic +  and mycotrophic +