This template is used to set the semantic properties for treatments of the Grimmiaceae family
It defines the following properties:
- Property:abaxial base quantity
- Property:abaxial cell architecture
- Property:abaxial cell coloration
- Property:abaxial lamella quantity
- Property:abaxial row quantity
- Property:abaxial side width
- Property:abaxial surface relief
- Property:acumen arrangement or relief
- Property:acumen coloration
- Property:acumen course
- Property:acumen length or size
- Property:acumen shape
- Property:acumen size
- Property:acumen width
- Property:adaxial bud quantity
- Property:adaxial cell architecture
- Property:adaxial cell atypical quantity
- Property:adaxial cell coloration
- Property:adaxial cell quantity
- Property:adaxial cell shape
- Property:adaxial cell size
- Property:adaxial epidermal-cell quantity
- Property:adaxial epidermal-cell size
- Property:adaxial side shape
- Property:all coloration
- Property:all pubescence
- Property:angle quantity
- Property:annulus architecture
- Property:annulus architecture or arrangement
- Property:annulus duration
- Property:annulus presence
- Property:annulus prominence
- Property:annulus shape
- Property:annulus variability
- Property:apex architecture
- Property:apex architecture or shape
- Property:apex coloration
- Property:apex height or length or size
- Property:apex length or size
- Property:apex orientation
- Property:apex presence
- Property:apex quantity
- Property:apex relief
- Property:apex shape
- Property:apex size
- Property:apiculu architecture
- Property:apiculu coloration
- Property:apiculu height or length or size
- Property:apiculu texture
- Property:archegonium orientation
- Property:areolation coloration
- Property:areolation relief
- Property:auricle fusion
- Property:auricle prominence
- Property:auricle shape
- Property:author
- Property:authority
- Property:awn architecture
- Property:awn architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:awn architecture or shape
- Property:awn atypical some measurement
- Property:awn coloration
- Property:awn course
- Property:awn fixation
- Property:awn fragility
- Property:awn fragility or size
- Property:awn height or length or size
- Property:awn length
- Property:awn length or size
- Property:awn orientation
- Property:awn presence
- Property:awn prominence
- Property:awn quantity
- Property:awn relief
- Property:awn shape
- Property:awn size
- Property:awn size or length
- Property:awn size or width
- Property:awn some measurement
- Property:awn texture
- Property:awn variability
- Property:awn width
- Property:back architecture or shape
- Property:back relief
- Property:band architecture
- Property:band architecture or arrangement
- Property:band prominence
- Property:band width
- Property:basal and medial cell arrangement or course or shape
- Property:basal and medial cell length or size
- Property:basal and medial cell some measurement
- Property:basal and middle part architecture
- Property:basal juxacostal laminal cell architecture
- Property:basal juxacostal laminal cell course
- Property:basal juxacostal laminal cell height or length or size
- Property:basal juxacostal laminal cell shape
- Property:basal lamina architecture
- Property:basal laminal cell architecture
- Property:basal laminal cell atypical length
- Property:basal laminal cell height or length or size
- Property:basal laminal cell length
- Property:basal laminal cell relief
- Property:basal laminal cell shape
- Property:basal laminal cell width
- Property:basal marginal border coloration
- Property:basal marginal border fusion
- Property:basal marginal border position
- Property:basal marginal border presence
- Property:basal marginal border prominence
- Property:basal marginal border variability
- Property:basal marginal bud shape
- Property:basal marginal bud width
- Property:basal marginal cell architecture
- Property:basal marginal cell coloration
- Property:basal marginal cell fusion
- Property:basal marginal cell length
- Property:basal marginal cell presence
- Property:basal marginal cell reproduction
- Property:basal marginal cell shape
- Property:basal marginal cell width
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell architecture
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell coloration
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell course
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell dehiscence or orientation
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell height or length or size
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell length
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell position
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell quantity
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell shape
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell variability
- Property:basal marginal laminal cell width
- Property:basal marginal proximal laminal cell coloration
- Property:basal marginal proximal laminal cell shape
- Property:basal membrane architecture
- Property:basal membrane architecture or shape
- Property:basal membrane height or length or size
- Property:basal membrane orientation
- Property:basal membrane position
- Property:basal membrane presence
- Property:basal part arrangement
- Property:basal part width
- Property:basal segment architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:basal-bud architecture
- Property:basal-bud coloration
- Property:basal-bud course
- Property:basal-bud position
- Property:basal-bud shape
- Property:basal-bud width
- Property:basal-cell architecture
- Property:basal-cell length
- Property:basal-cell quantity
- Property:basal-cell relief
- Property:basal-cell reproduction
- Property:basal-cell shape
- Property:basal-cell thickness
- Property:basal-cell variability
- Property:basal-cell width
- Property:base architecture
- Property:base architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:base architecture or fixation
- Property:base architecture or shape
- Property:base arrangement
- Property:base atypical length
- Property:base atypical width
- Property:base growth form or orientation
- Property:base length
- Property:base orientation
- Property:base prominence or shape
- Property:base quantity
- Property:base shape
- Property:base shape or vernation
- Property:base some measurement
- Property:base width
- Property:basionyms
- Property:beak course
- Property:beak height or length or size
- Property:beak length or size
- Property:beak orientation
- Property:beak orientation or shape
- Property:beak shape
- Property:border architecture or arrangement
- Property:border coloration
- Property:border fusion
- Property:border prominence
- Property:branch height or length or size
- Property:branch quantity
- Property:branch relief
- Property:branch shape
- Property:branch size
- Property:branch variability
- Property:branchlet architecture
- Property:branchlet height or length or size
- Property:branchlet orientation
- Property:branchlet position
- Property:branchlet quantity
- Property:branchlet shape
- Property:bud architecture or shape
- Property:bud arrangement
- Property:bud arrangement or shape
- Property:bud coloration
- Property:bud prominence
- Property:bud quantity
- Property:bud shape
- Property:calyptra architecture
- Property:calyptra architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:calyptra architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:calyptra architecture or relief
- Property:calyptra position relational
- Property:calyptra quantity
- Property:calyptra relief
- Property:calyptra shape
- Property:calyptra size
- Property:capsule architecture
- Property:capsule architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:capsule architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:capsule architecture or shape
- Property:capsule atypical length
- Property:capsule atypical some measurement
- Property:capsule coloration
- Property:capsule coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:capsule course
- Property:capsule dehiscence
- Property:capsule length
- Property:capsule length or size
- Property:capsule location
- Property:capsule orientation
- Property:capsule position
- Property:capsule presence
- Property:capsule prominence
- Property:capsule pubescence
- Property:capsule quantity
- Property:capsule reflectance
- Property:capsule relief
- Property:capsule shape
- Property:capsule size
- Property:capsule some measurement
- Property:capsule structure in adjective form
- Property:capsule width
- Property:cell architecture
- Property:cell architecture or shape
- Property:cell areolation fusion
- Property:cell atypical quantity
- Property:cell cell coloration
- Property:cell cell variability
- Property:cell coloration
- Property:cell coloration or reflectance
- Property:cell end prominence
- Property:cell height or length or size
- Property:cell length
- Property:cell papilla prominence
- Property:cell papilla size
- Property:cell presence
- Property:cell prominence
- Property:cell pubescence or shape
- Property:cell quantity
- Property:cell row architecture
- Property:cell row atypical quantity
- Property:cell row quantity
- Property:cell shape
- Property:cell size
- Property:cell variability
- Property:cell width
- Property:cell-wall architecture
- Property:cell-wall course
- Property:cell-wall shape
- Property:cell-wall size
- Property:cell-wall width
- Property:cells row atypical quantity
- Property:cells row quantity
- Property:central groove size or width
- Property:central strand fragility
- Property:central strand fusion
- Property:central strand presence
- Property:central strand prominence
- Property:central strand quantity
- Property:central strand size
- Property:central strand size or width
- Property:channel depth
- Property:channel shape
- Property:columella duration
- Property:common name
- Property:constriction fusion
- Property:corner size
- Property:costa architecture
- Property:costa architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:costa architecture or shape
- Property:costa arrangement or shape
- Property:costa atypical length
- Property:costa coloration
- Property:costa course
- Property:costa fragility
- Property:costa fragility or size
- Property:costa length
- Property:costa orientation
- Property:costa position
- Property:costa prominence
- Property:costa quantity
- Property:costa relief
- Property:costa shape
- Property:costa size
- Property:costa size or width
- Property:costa texture
- Property:costa width
- Property:costal transverse-section arrangement or shape
- Property:costal transverse-section fragility
- Property:costal transverse-section prominence
- Property:costal transverse-section shape
- Property:cushion architecture
- Property:cushion architecture or arrangement
- Property:cushion architecture or fragility
- Property:cushion coloration
- Property:cushion dehiscence
- Property:cushion density
- Property:cushion fragility
- Property:cushion prominence or shape
- Property:cushion pubescence
- Property:cushion pubescence or texture
- Property:cushion shape
- Property:cushion size
- Property:cushion texture
- Property:decurrency prominence or shape
- Property:distal and medial laminal cell length
- Property:distal and medial laminal cell shape
- Property:distal and medial laminal cell width
- Property:distal and median cell architecture
- Property:distal and median cell height or length or size
- Property:distal and median cell length
- Property:distal and median cell shape
- Property:distal and median cell width
- Property:distal basal-bud character
- Property:distal basal-bud coloration
- Property:distal bud architecture
- Property:distal bud architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:distal bud arrangement or shape
- Property:distal bud course
- Property:distal bud relief
- Property:distal bud reproduction
- Property:distal bud shape
- Property:distal bud width
- Property:distal cell architecture
- Property:distal cell atypical length
- Property:distal cell coloration
- Property:distal cell length
- Property:distal cell length or size
- Property:distal cell reproduction
- Property:distal cell shape
- Property:distal cell width
- Property:distal lamina architecture
- Property:distal lamina development
- Property:distal lamina position
- Property:distal lamina structure in adjective form
- Property:distal laminal apex architecture
- Property:distal laminal bud architecture
- Property:distal laminal bud architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:distal laminal bud architecture or shape
- Property:distal laminal bud atypical some measurement
- Property:distal laminal bud course
- Property:distal laminal bud relief
- Property:distal laminal bud reproduction
- Property:distal laminal bud shape
- Property:distal laminal bud size
- Property:distal laminal bud some measurement
- Property:distal laminal bud width
- Property:distal laminal cell architecture
- Property:distal laminal cell architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:distal laminal cell architecture or shape
- Property:distal laminal cell atypical length
- Property:distal laminal cell coloration
- Property:distal laminal cell course
- Property:distal laminal cell length
- Property:distal laminal cell pubescence or shape
- Property:distal laminal cell quantity
- Property:distal laminal cell relief
- Property:distal laminal cell reproduction
- Property:distal laminal cell shape
- Property:distal laminal cell width
- Property:distal laminal margin architecture
- Property:distal leaf arrangement
- Property:distal leaf length
- Property:distal leaf shape
- Property:distal leaf width
- Property:distal margin architecture
- Property:distal margin orientation
- Property:distal margin shape
- Property:distal part architecture
- Property:distal part atypical length
- Property:distal part atypical width
- Property:distal part condition
- Property:distal part length
- Property:distal part orientation
- Property:distal part shape
- Property:distal part texture
- Property:distal part width
- Property:distal segment relief
- Property:distribution
- Property:division relief
- Property:division shape
- Property:elevation
- Property:end wall width
- Property:epapillose quantity
- Property:epidermal-bud course
- Property:epidermal-cell shape
- Property:exothecial bud architecture
- Property:exothecial bud architecture or shape
- Property:exothecial bud arrangement
- Property:exothecial bud arrangement or shape
- Property:exothecial bud shape
- Property:exothecial bud size or width
- Property:exothecial cell architecture
- Property:exothecial cell architecture or shape
- Property:exothecial cell arrangement
- Property:exothecial cell height or length or size
- Property:exothecial cell shape
- Property:exothecial cell variability
- Property:exothecial cell width
- Property:external wall coloration
- Property:external wall size or width
- Property:filament shape
- Property:forming character
- Property:furrow depth
- Property:furrow shape
- Property:furrow width
- Property:gemma architecture
- Property:gemma arrangement
- Property:gemma coloration
- Property:gemma orientation
- Property:gemma presence
- Property:gemma quantity
- Property:gemma reproduction
- Property:gemma shape
- Property:groove coloration or size
- Property:groove depth
- Property:groove shape
- Property:groove size or width
- Property:group coloration
- Property:group prominence
- Property:group shape
- Property:group size
- Property:guide bud quantity
- Property:habitat
- Property:hairpoint arrangement or shape
- Property:hairpoint atypical length
- Property:hairpoint atypical some measurement
- Property:hairpoint coloration
- Property:hairpoint condition or texture
- Property:hairpoint course
- Property:hairpoint height or length or size
- Property:hairpoint length
- Property:hairpoint length or size
- Property:hairpoint orientation
- Property:hairpoint shape
- Property:hairpoint some measurement
- Property:hairpoint texture
- Property:hairpoint width
- Property:illustration copyright
- Property:illustrator
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf architecture
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf architecture or shape
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf arrangement or shape
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf atypical quantity
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf coloration
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf development
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf length
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf prominence
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf pubescence
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf shape
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf size
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf texture
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf variability
- Property:inner perichaetial leaf width
- Property:innermost perichaetial leaf atypical quantity
- Property:innermost perichaetial leaf coloration
- Property:innermost perichaetial leaf development
- Property:innermost perichaetial leaf shape
- Property:innermost perichaetial leaf variability
- Property:intermarginal band architecture
- Property:intermarginal band architecture or shape
- Property:intermarginal band presence
- Property:intermarginal band shape
- Property:introduced
- Property:lamina architecture
- Property:lamina architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:lamina costa architecture
- Property:lamina costa architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:laminal bud relief
- Property:laminal cell architecture
- Property:laminal cell architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:laminal cell arrangement or course or shape
- Property:laminal cell atypical length
- Property:laminal cell atypical width
- Property:laminal cell coloration
- Property:laminal cell course
- Property:laminal cell dehiscence or orientation
- Property:laminal cell density
- Property:laminal cell height or length or size
- Property:laminal cell insertion
- Property:laminal cell length
- Property:laminal cell position
- Property:laminal cell pubescence
- Property:laminal cell pubescence or shape
- Property:laminal cell relief
- Property:laminal cell shape
- Property:laminal cell size
- Property:laminal cell width
- Property:larger adaxial cell atypical quantity
- Property:larger adaxial cell quantity
- Property:largest distal leaf architecture
- Property:largest distal leaf architecture or relief
- Property:lateral branchlet height or length or size
- Property:lateral branchlet quantity
- Property:lateral branchlet shape
- Property:lateral furrow architecture
- Property:lateral furrow atypical some measurement
- Property:lateral furrow prominence
- Property:lateral furrow some measurement
- Property:lateral furrow width
- Property:lateral wall architecture
- Property:lateral wall coloration
- Property:lateral wall dehiscence or orientation
- Property:lateral wall orientation or shape
- Property:lateral wall shape
- Property:lateral wall size
- Property:lateral wall size or width
- Property:lateral wall width
- Property:layer atypical quantity
- Property:layer quantity
- Property:leaf apex architecture
- Property:leaf apex arrangement
- Property:leaf apex coloration
- Property:leaf apex shape
- Property:leaf architecture
- Property:leaf architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:leaf architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:leaf architecture or shape
- Property:leaf arrangement
- Property:leaf arrangement or shape
- Property:leaf atypical length
- Property:leaf atypical quantity
- Property:leaf atypical some measurement
- Property:leaf atypical width
- Property:leaf bud architecture
- Property:leaf bud quantity
- Property:leaf bud reproduction
- Property:leaf bud shape
- Property:leaf cell architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:leaf cell atypical some measurement
- Property:leaf cell development
- Property:leaf cell quantity
- Property:leaf cell reproduction
- Property:leaf cell shape
- Property:leaf cell some measurement
- Property:leaf coloration
- Property:leaf condition or size
- Property:leaf costa arrangement
- Property:leaf course
- Property:leaf fixation or orientation
- Property:leaf fragility
- Property:leaf fragility or size
- Property:leaf height or length or size
- Property:leaf lamina some measurement
- Property:leaf length
- Property:leaf length or size
- Property:leaf life cycle
- Property:leaf limb architecture
- Property:leaf limb shape
- Property:leaf margin orientation
- Property:leaf orientation
- Property:leaf prominence or shape
- Property:leaf pubescence or shape
- Property:leaf quantity
- Property:leaf region quantity
- Property:leaf reproduction
- Property:leaf shape
- Property:leaf shape or vernation
- Property:leaf size
- Property:leaf some measurement
- Property:leaf texture
- Property:leaf tip orientation
- Property:leaf tip presence
- Property:leaf variability
- Property:leaf width
- Property:leaf-axil architecture
- Property:leaf-axil arrangement
- Property:leaf-axil presence
- Property:low position
- Property:lower leaf shape
- Property:lumen arrangement or shape
- Property:lumen cell architecture
- Property:lumen cell coloration
- Property:lumen cell reflectance
- Property:lumen cell relief
- Property:margin architecture
- Property:margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:margin architecture or relief
- Property:margin architecture or shape
- Property:margin atypical width
- Property:margin coloration
- Property:margin condition or size
- Property:margin course
- Property:margin length
- Property:margin length or size
- Property:margin orientation
- Property:margin position or shape
- Property:margin presence
- Property:margin pubescence
- Property:margin pubescence or shape
- Property:margin quantity
- Property:margin relief
- Property:margin shape
- Property:margin shape or vernation
- Property:margin size or width
- Property:margin some measurement
- Property:margin structure in adjective form
- Property:margin variability
- Property:margin width
- Property:marginal basal laminal cell coloration
- Property:marginal border coloration
- Property:marginal border presence
- Property:marginal border prominence
- Property:marginal bud shape
- Property:marginal cell architecture
- Property:marginal cell pubescence or shape
- Property:marginal cell reproduction
- Property:marginal distal laminal cell architecture
- Property:marginal distal laminal cell reproduction
- Property:marginal region variability
- Property:marginal row architecture
- Property:marginal row quantity
- Property:mat architecture or arrangement
- Property:mat architecture or fragility
- Property:mat coloration
- Property:mat density
- Property:mat prominence or shape
- Property:mat reflectance
- Property:mat size
- Property:mat texture
- Property:medial and distal cell length
- Property:medial and distal cell shape
- Property:medial and distal cell width
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell architecture
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell arrangement
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell atypical length
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell atypical width
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell length
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell relief
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell reproduction
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell shape
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell size or width
- Property:medial and distal laminal cell width
- Property:medial cell shape
- Property:medial cell width
- Property:medial laminal cell architecture
- Property:medial laminal cell atypical length
- Property:medial laminal cell course
- Property:medial laminal cell density
- Property:medial laminal cell height or length or size
- Property:medial laminal cell length
- Property:medial laminal cell relief
- Property:medial laminal cell shape
- Property:medial laminal cell width
- Property:median and proximal portion width
- Property:mid distal bud architecture
- Property:mid distal bud relief
- Property:mid distal bud shape
- Property:mid distal cell architecture
- Property:mid distal cell course
- Property:mid distal cell shape
- Property:mid leaf architecture
- Property:mid leaf architecture or shape
- Property:mid leaf course
- Property:mid leaf position
- Property:mid leaf position relational
- Property:mid leaf quantity
- Property:mid leaf relief
- Property:mid leaf shape
- Property:middle cell architecture
- Property:mouth architecture
- Property:neck prominence
- Property:operculum architecture or shape
- Property:operculum course
- Property:operculum fixation
- Property:operculum fragility or size
- Property:operculum fusion
- Property:operculum height or length or size
- Property:operculum life cycle
- Property:operculum orientation
- Property:operculum relief
- Property:operculum shape
- Property:operculum some measurement
- Property:papilla architecture
- Property:papilla arrangement
- Property:papilla coloration
- Property:papilla density
- Property:papilla fragility or size
- Property:papilla height
- Property:papilla prominence
- Property:papilla prominence or shape
- Property:papilla relief
- Property:papilla shape
- Property:papilla size
- Property:papilla size or width
- Property:part architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:part coloration
- Property:part position or shape
- Property:part size
- Property:patch architecture
- Property:patch architecture or fragility
- Property:patch coloration
- Property:patch dehiscence
- Property:patch density
- Property:patch fragility
- Property:patch orientation
- Property:patch prominence or shape
- Property:patch size
- Property:patch texture
- Property:patch variability
- Property:patch width
- Property:patched architecture
- Property:patched quantity
- Property:perforation shape
- Property:perichaetial fragility or size
- Property:perichaetial leaf architecture or shape
- Property:perichaetial leaf coloration
- Property:perichaetial leaf length or size
- Property:perichaetial leaf reproduction
- Property:perichaetial leaf shape
- Property:perichaetial leaf size
- Property:perichaetial leaf variability
- Property:perichaetium position or structure subtype
- Property:perigonium architecture
- Property:peristome architecture
- Property:peristome architecture or shape
- Property:peristome arrangement
- Property:peristome atypical some measurement
- Property:peristome coloration
- Property:peristome dehiscence
- Property:peristome development
- Property:peristome height or length or size
- Property:peristome orientation
- Property:peristome presence
- Property:peristome prominence
- Property:peristome relief
- Property:peristome shape
- Property:peristome shape or vernation
- Property:peristome size or width
- Property:peristome some measurement
- Property:peristome tooth architecture
- Property:peristome tooth architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:peristome tooth architecture or shape
- Property:peristome tooth atypical some measurement
- Property:peristome tooth coloration
- Property:peristome tooth coloration or density
- Property:peristome tooth development
- Property:peristome tooth height
- Property:peristome tooth height or length or size
- Property:peristome tooth length
- Property:peristome tooth length or size
- Property:peristome tooth orientation
- Property:peristome tooth position
- Property:peristome tooth relief
- Property:peristome tooth shape
- Property:peristome tooth some measurement
- Property:peristome tooth width
- Property:peristome width
- Property:phenology
- Property:place in publication
- Property:plant height or length or size
- Property:plant reproduction
- Property:plants awn length or size
- Property:plants awn reproduction
- Property:plication size
- Property:point coloration
- Property:point height or length or size
- Property:point shape
- Property:point some measurement
- Property:portion life cycle
- Property:portion shape
- Property:prong architecture or course
- Property:prong orientation
- Property:prong quantity
- Property:prong shape
- Property:prong size
- Property:proximal cell architecture or arrangement
- Property:proximal cell length
- Property:proximal cell shape
- Property:proximal cell width
- Property:proximal portion architecture
- Property:publication title
- Property:publication year
- Property:quarter architecture
- Property:quarter quantity
- Property:reference
- Property:ridge architecture
- Property:ridge arrangement
- Property:right position
- Property:rim coloration
- Property:row atypical quantity
- Property:row coloration
- Property:row quantity
- Property:row shape
- Property:section architecture
- Property:segment arrangement
- Property:segment quantity
- Property:segment shape
- Property:seta architecture
- Property:seta architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:seta atypical some measurement
- Property:seta coloration
- Property:seta course
- Property:seta course or shape
- Property:seta fixation
- Property:seta fragility or size
- Property:seta height or length or size
- Property:seta length
- Property:seta length or size
- Property:seta orientation
- Property:seta quantity
- Property:seta reflectance
- Property:seta relief
- Property:seta shape
- Property:seta size or length
- Property:seta some measurement
- Property:shoot quantity
- Property:shoot shape
- Property:side length
- Property:side quantity
- Property:slender awn length or size
- Property:slit quantity
- Property:slit size or width
- Property:source xml
- Property:special status
- Property:split architecture
- Property:split architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:split height
- Property:split orientation
- Property:split relief
- Property:spore architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:spore atypical some measurement
- Property:spore coloration
- Property:spore pubescence
- Property:spore pubescence or texture
- Property:spore relief
- Property:spore relief or texture
- Property:spore shape
- Property:spore some measurement
- Property:spot architecture
- Property:spot quantity
- Property:stem apex architecture
- Property:stem apex shape
- Property:stem apex some measurement
- Property:stem architecture
- Property:stem architecture or shape
- Property:stem arrangement or shape
- Property:stem atypical quantity
- Property:stem atypical some measurement
- Property:stem costa architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:stem costa architecture or shape
- Property:stem costa fragility
- Property:stem costa orientation
- Property:stem costa shape
- Property:stem fragility
- Property:stem growth form
- Property:stem growth form or orientation
- Property:stem height
- Property:stem height or length or size
- Property:stem length
- Property:stem margin architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:stem margin architecture or shape
- Property:stem margin fragility
- Property:stem margin orientation
- Property:stem margin shape
- Property:stem orientation
- Property:stem presence
- Property:stem pubescence
- Property:stem quantity
- Property:stem shape
- Property:stem some measurement
- Property:stem tip architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:stem tip architecture or shape
- Property:stem tip fragility
- Property:stem tip orientation
- Property:stem tip shape
- Property:stem tip width
- Property:stereid presence
- Property:stoma presence
- Property:stoma quantity
- Property:stoma size
- Property:stomate presence
- Property:strand architecture
- Property:strand arrangement
- Property:strand quantity
- Property:streak architecture
- Property:stria architecture
- Property:stria quantity
- Property:strip architecture
- Property:strip coloration
- Property:strip width
- Property:structure architecture or shape
- Property:structure position
- Property:structure presence
- Property:structure shape
- Property:synonyms
- Property:thickening arrangement or course
- Property:thicker wall dehiscence or orientation
- Property:tip length
- Property:tip orientation
- Property:tip shape
- Property:tip width
- Property:tooth architecture
- Property:tooth architecture or course
- Property:tooth quantity
- Property:tooth relief
- Property:tooth shape
- Property:tooth size
- Property:torsion quantity
- Property:transverse-section architecture
- Property:transverse-section prominence or shape
- Property:transverse-section shape
- Property:transverse-section width
- Property:tranverse-section shape
- Property:trigone architecture
- Property:trigone architecture or shape
- Property:trigone arrangement or shape
- Property:trigone presence
- Property:trigone shape
- Property:trigone size
- Property:trigone size or width
- Property:tuft architecture
- Property:tuft architecture or arrangement
- Property:tuft architecture or fragility
- Property:tuft coloration
- Property:tuft dehiscence
- Property:tuft density
- Property:tuft fragility
- Property:tuft position
- Property:tuft pubescence
- Property:tuft reflectance
- Property:tuft shape
- Property:tuft size
- Property:tuft texture
- Property:turf density
- Property:upper and medial laminal cell length
- Property:upper and medial laminal cell shape
- Property:upper and medial laminal cell width
- Property:urn coloration
- Property:urn length or size
- Property:urn shape
- Property:wall architecture
- Property:wall architecture or arrangement
- Property:wall bud course
- Property:wall bud shape
- Property:wall bud width
- Property:wall character
- Property:wall coloration
- Property:wall course
- Property:wall dehiscence or orientation
- Property:wall reproduction
- Property:wall shape
- Property:wall size
- Property:wall size or width
- Property:wall variability
- Property:wall width
- Property:way quantity
- Property:whole-organism pubescence
- Property:whole-organism reproduction
- Property:whole_organism architecture
- Property:whole_organism arrangement
- Property:whole_organism arrangement or pubescence
- Property:whole_organism atypical some measurement
- Property:whole_organism coloration
- Property:whole_organism fragility
- Property:whole_organism fragility or size
- Property:whole_organism growth form
- Property:whole_organism life cycle
- Property:whole_organism orientation
- Property:whole_organism pubescence
- Property:whole_organism pubescence or texture
- Property:whole_organism reflectance
- Property:whole_organism relief
- Property:whole_organism size
- Property:whole_organism some measurement
- Property:whole_organism texture