This template is used to set the semantic properties for treatments of the Lauraceae family
It defines the following properties:
- Property:2n chromosome quantity
- Property:age coloration
- Property:anther architecture
- Property:anther architecture or structure in adjective form
- Property:anther arrangement or dehiscence
- Property:anther dehiscence
- Property:anther dehiscence or orientation
- Property:anther position
- Property:apex coloration
- Property:apex orientation
- Property:apex shape
- Property:apex size
- Property:author
- Property:authority
- Property:bark architecture
- Property:bark architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:bark coloration
- Property:bark odor
- Property:bark relief
- Property:bark width
- Property:basal vein texture
- Property:base duration
- Property:base shape
- Property:basionyms
- Property:bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:bract arrangement
- Property:bract arrangement or course or shape
- Property:bract duration
- Property:bract life cycle
- Property:bract quantity
- Property:bracteole architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:branch density
- Property:branch pubescence
- Property:branch shape
- Property:bud duration
- Property:bud prominence
- Property:common name
- Property:cupule depth
- Property:cupule diameter
- Property:cupule presence
- Property:cupule prominence or shape
- Property:cupule relief
- Property:cupule shape
- Property:cupule size
- Property:cyme architecture
- Property:distribution
- Property:domatium presence
- Property:domatium pubescence
- Property:drupe architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:drupe coloration
- Property:drupe diam
- Property:drupe diameter
- Property:drupe location
- Property:drupe pubescence
- Property:drupe shape
- Property:drupe some measurement
- Property:drupe width
- Property:elevation
- Property:endosperm presence
- Property:filament size
- Property:floral bract some measurement
- Property:floral-tube depth
- Property:floral-tube size
- Property:flower architecture
- Property:flower arrangement
- Property:flower coloration
- Property:flower diameter
- Property:flower odor
- Property:flower position
- Property:flower pubescence
- Property:flower quantity
- Property:flower reproduction
- Property:flower some measurement
- Property:gland architecture
- Property:gland quantity
- Property:habitat
- Property:hair coloration
- Property:hair density
- Property:hair fixation or orientation
- Property:hair orientation
- Property:hair quantity
- Property:hair reflectance
- Property:hair relief
- Property:hair shape
- Property:hypanthium development
- Property:hypanthium position
- Property:illustration copyright
- Property:illustrator
- Property:inflorescence architecture
- Property:inflorescence arrangement
- Property:inflorescence position
- Property:inflorescence presence
- Property:inflorescence pubescence
- Property:inflorescence some measurement
- Property:inflorescence stalk pubescence
- Property:inflorescences spike size
- Property:inner anther dehiscence or orientation
- Property:inner stamen quantity
- Property:inner tepal quantity
- Property:inner whorl quantity
- Property:innermost row size
- Property:introduced
- Property:leaf architecture
- Property:leaf arrangement
- Property:leaf life cycle
- Property:leaf odor
- Property:leaf orientation
- Property:leaf pubescence
- Property:leaf size
- Property:leaf some measurement
- Property:leaf-blade architecture
- Property:leaf-blade arrangement or shape
- Property:leaf-blade coloration
- Property:leaf-blade depth
- Property:leaf-blade length
- Property:leaf-blade pubescence
- Property:leaf-blade reflectance
- Property:leaf-blade shape
- Property:leaf-blade texture
- Property:leaf-blade width
- Property:lenticel shape
- Property:lenticel size
- Property:locule arrangement
- Property:margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:margin architecture or shape
- Property:outer anther dehiscence
- Property:outer stamen quantity
- Property:outer tepal height or length or size
- Property:outer whorl quantity
- Property:ovary architecture or structure in adjective form
- Property:ovary placentation
- Property:ovary position
- Property:ovary pubescence
- Property:ovary shape
- Property:ovule quantity
- Property:pair quantity
- Property:panicle architecture
- Property:pedicel coloration
- Property:pedicel shape
- Property:pedicel texture
- Property:peduncle height or length or size
- Property:peduncle length or size
- Property:peduncle pubescence
- Property:peduncle variability
- Property:petiole pubescence
- Property:petiole some measurement
- Property:phenology
- Property:pistil architecture
- Property:pistil pubescence
- Property:pistil quantity
- Property:pistil some measurement
- Property:pistillode presence
- Property:place in publication
- Property:primary-vein atypical quantity
- Property:primary-vein quantity
- Property:pseudoumbel architecture
- Property:pseudoumbel life cycle
- Property:publication title
- Property:publication year
- Property:receptacle shape
- Property:reference
- Property:remnant position
- Property:rim architecture or shape
- Property:rim quantity
- Property:season; season pedicel duration
- Property:season; season pedicel size
- Property:season; season pedicel some measurement
- Property:seed quantity
- Property:smaller blade arrangement or shape
- Property:smaller blade atypical length
- Property:smaller blade length
- Property:smaller blade texture
- Property:smaller blade width
- Property:source xml
- Property:special status
- Property:stamen arrangement
- Property:stamen atypical quantity
- Property:stamen dehiscence
- Property:stamen dehiscence or orientation
- Property:stamen length or size
- Property:stamen presence
- Property:stamen quantity
- Property:staminode architecture
- Property:staminode development
- Property:staminode presence
- Property:staminode quantity
- Property:staminode shape
- Property:staminode size
- Property:staminodial position
- Property:staminodial quantity
- Property:stem coloration
- Property:stem duration
- Property:stem fragility or size
- Property:stem growth form
- Property:stem pubescence
- Property:stem shape
- Property:stem size
- Property:stem some measurement
- Property:stigma architecture
- Property:stigma architecture or shape
- Property:style size
- Property:style some measurement
- Property:surface coloration
- Property:surface prominence
- Property:surface pubescence
- Property:surface reflectance
- Property:synonyms
- Property:tepal architecture
- Property:tepal atypical quantity
- Property:tepal coloration
- Property:tepal duration
- Property:tepal orientation
- Property:tepal position
- Property:tepal pubescence
- Property:tepal quantity
- Property:tepal shape
- Property:tepal size
- Property:tepal some measurement
- Property:tepal variability
- Property:terminal bud position relational
- Property:terminal raceme position relational
- Property:terminal racemose-panicle position relational
- Property:tree height
- Property:tree size
- Property:trunk life cycle
- Property:twig coloration
- Property:twig life cycle
- Property:twig pubescence
- Property:twig shape
- Property:whole_organism atypical some measurement
- Property:whole_organism duration
- Property:whole_organism growth form
- Property:whole_organism nutrition
- Property:whole_organism odor
- Property:whole_organism position
- Property:whole_organism size
- Property:whole_organism some measurement
- Property:whorl atypical quantity
- Property:whorl quantity
- Property:x chromosome quantity