This template is used to set the semantic properties for treatments of the Linaceae family
It defines the following properties:
- Property:2n chromosome quantity
- Property:all atypical some measurement
- Property:all some measurement
- Property:androecium position
- Property:angle atypical quantity
- Property:angle degree
- Property:angle quantity
- Property:anther architecture
- Property:anther atypical some measurement
- Property:anther coloration
- Property:anther coloration or density
- Property:anther dehiscence
- Property:anther depth
- Property:anther some measurement
- Property:apex architecture
- Property:apex architecture or relief
- Property:apex architecture or shape
- Property:apex dehiscence
- Property:apex orientation
- Property:apex pubescence
- Property:apex shape
- Property:appendage presence
- Property:area prominence
- Property:area size or width
- Property:author
- Property:authority
- Property:band coloration
- Property:band position
- Property:band position or shape
- Property:band prominence
- Property:band width
- Property:basal leaf arrangement
- Property:basal leaf orientation
- Property:base architecture
- Property:base architecture or fixation
- Property:base coloration
- Property:base development
- Property:base growth form or orientation
- Property:base prominence or shape
- Property:base pubescence
- Property:base quantity
- Property:base shape
- Property:base some measurement
- Property:base texture
- Property:base width
- Property:basionyms
- Property:between filaments notch depth
- Property:blade area
- Property:blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:blade atypical length
- Property:blade atypical some measurement
- Property:blade atypical width
- Property:blade length
- Property:blade margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:blade margin architecture or shape
- Property:blade margin shape
- Property:blade position
- Property:blade position or shape
- Property:blade shape
- Property:blade size
- Property:blade some measurement
- Property:blade width
- Property:bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:bract architecture or shape
- Property:bract margin architecture
- Property:bract margin architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:bract margin pubescence
- Property:bract margin shape
- Property:bract shape
- Property:branch architecture
- Property:branch arrangement
- Property:branch density
- Property:branch length or size
- Property:branch orientation
- Property:branch position
- Property:branch quantity
- Property:branch size
- Property:branchlet width
- Property:capsule architecture
- Property:capsule coloration
- Property:capsule coloration or reflectance
- Property:capsule dehiscence
- Property:capsule diameter
- Property:capsule fragility
- Property:capsule length
- Property:capsule shape
- Property:capsule some measurement
- Property:capsule texture
- Property:capsule width
- Property:carpel length
- Property:carpel shape
- Property:carpel width
- Property:caudex pubescence
- Property:caudex some measurement
- Property:caudex texture
- Property:cauline leaf length
- Property:cauline leaf width
- Property:cell dehiscence
- Property:cell shape
- Property:central and marginal vein prominence
- Property:central ligule presence
- Property:claw height or length or size
- Property:common name
- Property:cup coloration
- Property:cyme architecture
- Property:cyme arrangement
- Property:cyme arrangement or structure subtype
- Property:cyme density
- Property:cyme shape
- Property:distal leaf architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:distal leaf arrangement
- Property:distal leaf fixation or orientation
- Property:distal leaf length
- Property:distal leaf orientation
- Property:distal leaf quantity
- Property:distal leaf width
- Property:distal node architecture
- Property:distal node arrangement
- Property:distal node orientation
- Property:distal part pubescence or texture
- Property:distal part quantity
- Property:distal portion pubescence or texture
- Property:distal portion size or width
- Property:distal portion variability
- Property:distalmost leaf architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:distalmost leaf texture
- Property:distalmost margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:distalmost margin architecture or shape
- Property:distalmost margin shape
- Property:distribution
- Property:elevation
- Property:false septa and margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:false septa and margin derivation
- Property:false septum architecture
- Property:false septum coloration
- Property:false septum coloration or reflectance
- Property:false septum fusion
- Property:false septum position
- Property:false septum prominence
- Property:false septum texture
- Property:filament fusion
- Property:flower architecture
- Property:flower architecture or arrangement
- Property:flower arrangement
- Property:flower arrangement or growth form
- Property:flower position
- Property:flower reproduction
- Property:fringe architecture or fragility
- Property:fruits capsule architecture
- Property:fruits capsule dehiscence
- Property:fruits capsule shape
- Property:fruits schizocarp dehiscence
- Property:gland architecture
- Property:gland coloration
- Property:gland prominence
- Property:gland quantity
- Property:gland shape
- Property:gland size
- Property:glandular-hair arrangement
- Property:habitat
- Property:hair architecture or shape
- Property:hair arrangement
- Property:hair coloration
- Property:hair course
- Property:hair fragility
- Property:hair growth form
- Property:hair orientation
- Property:hair pubescence
- Property:hair quantity
- Property:hair size
- Property:hypanthium presence
- Property:illustration copyright
- Property:illustrator
- Property:inflorescence architecture
- Property:inflorescence density
- Property:inflorescence orientation
- Property:inflorescence position or structure subtype
- Property:inflorescence shape
- Property:inflorescences cyme architecture
- Property:inner sepal architecture
- Property:inner sepal architecture or shape
- Property:inner sepal fragility
- Property:inner sepal height or length or size
- Property:inner sepal position
- Property:inner sepal shape
- Property:inner sepal some measurement
- Property:inner sepal width
- Property:internode architecture
- Property:internode height or length or size
- Property:internode length
- Property:internode length or size
- Property:introduced
- Property:leaf architecture
- Property:leaf architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:leaf architecture or shape
- Property:leaf arrangement
- Property:leaf coloration
- Property:leaf coloration or reflectance
- Property:leaf duration
- Property:leaf fixation or orientation
- Property:leaf life cycle
- Property:leaf orientation
- Property:leaf position
- Property:leaf position or shape
- Property:leaf shape
- Property:leaf width
- Property:main axis development
- Property:main axis height or length or size
- Property:margin architecture
- Property:margin architecture or course
- Property:margin architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:margin architecture or shape
- Property:margin coloration
- Property:margin position
- Property:margin pubescence
- Property:margin shape
- Property:margin texture
- Property:margin width
- Property:marginal gland arrangement
- Property:marginal gland fragility
- Property:marginal gland presence
- Property:marginal gland prominence
- Property:marginal gland quantity
- Property:marginal gland size
- Property:marginal nerve prominence
- Property:middle and distal leaf arrangement
- Property:midrib prominence
- Property:midrib pubescence or texture
- Property:midstem leaf architecture or shape
- Property:midstem leaf atypical some measurement
- Property:midstem leaf shape
- Property:midstem leaf some measurement
- Property:midstem size
- Property:midvein coloration
- Property:nectary position
- Property:node arrangement
- Property:notch depth
- Property:nutlet quantity
- Property:outer sepal architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:outer sepal architecture or shape
- Property:outer sepal atypical some measurement
- Property:outer sepal orientation
- Property:outer sepal pubescence
- Property:outer sepal quantity
- Property:outer sepal shape
- Property:outer sepal size
- Property:outer sepal some measurement
- Property:outer sepal texture
- Property:outer sepal variability
- Property:outer sepal width
- Property:ovary architecture or structure in adjective form
- Property:ovary arrangement
- Property:ovary chamber quantity
- Property:ovary position
- Property:ovule orientation
- Property:ovule quantity
- Property:panicle architecture
- Property:panicle density
- Property:panicle quantity
- Property:panicle shape
- Property:pedicel architecture
- Property:pedicel atypical some measurement
- Property:pedicel course
- Property:pedicel fragility or size
- Property:pedicel length or size
- Property:pedicel location
- Property:pedicel orientation
- Property:pedicel shape
- Property:pedicel size
- Property:pedicel some measurement
- Property:perianth position
- Property:petal architecture
- Property:petal arrangement
- Property:petal attachment prominence
- Property:petal atypical some measurement
- Property:petal base fusion
- Property:petal coloration
- Property:petal fixation
- Property:petal fusion
- Property:petal orientation
- Property:petal position
- Property:petal position or shape
- Property:petal quantity
- Property:petal shape
- Property:petal some measurement
- Property:petiole presence
- Property:phenology
- Property:pistil architecture
- Property:pistil quantity
- Property:place in publication
- Property:plate architecture or fragility
- Property:plate position
- Property:plate pubescence or texture
- Property:pollen architecture
- Property:portion pubescence or texture
- Property:portion width
- Property:projection shape
- Property:projection size
- Property:protuberance prominence
- Property:proximal branch arrangement
- Property:proximal leaf arrangement
- Property:proximal leaf orientation
- Property:proximal leaf position or shape
- Property:proximal leaf quantity
- Property:proximal margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:proximal margin pubescence
- Property:proximal node presence
- Property:proximal part texture
- Property:proximalmost leaf arrangement
- Property:proximalmost leaf orientation
- Property:proximalmost leaf position
- Property:publication title
- Property:publication year
- Property:raceme architecture
- Property:reference
- Property:rim pubescence
- Property:rim shape
- Property:root position
- Property:root width
- Property:row quantity
- Property:seed coloration
- Property:seed length
- Property:seed quantity
- Property:seed shape
- Property:seed some measurement
- Property:seed width
- Property:seed-coat coating
- Property:segment architecture
- Property:segment duration
- Property:segment life cycle
- Property:segment quantity
- Property:segment shape
- Property:sepal atypical some measurement
- Property:sepal coloration
- Property:sepal duration
- Property:sepal fusion
- Property:sepal life cycle
- Property:sepal orientation
- Property:sepal position
- Property:sepal pubescence
- Property:sepal quantity
- Property:sepal shape
- Property:sepal size
- Property:sepal some measurement
- Property:sepal variability
- Property:septa margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:septum architecture
- Property:septum derivation
- Property:sinus depth
- Property:slender terminal awn height or length or size
- Property:slit dehiscence or orientation
- Property:source xml
- Property:special status
- Property:stamen atypical quantity
- Property:stamen atypical some measurement
- Property:stamen fusion
- Property:stamen orientation
- Property:stamen position
- Property:stamen quantity
- Property:stamen some measurement
- Property:staminode presence
- Property:staminode quantity
- Property:staminodium presence
- Property:stem architecture
- Property:stem architecture or shape
- Property:stem growth form
- Property:stem growth form or orientation
- Property:stem growth form or texture
- Property:stem orientation
- Property:stem position
- Property:stem position or shape
- Property:stem pubescence
- Property:stem quantity
- Property:stem shape
- Property:stem size
- Property:stigma architecture or shape
- Property:stigma arrangement or course or shape
- Property:stigma coloration
- Property:stigma quantity
- Property:stigma shape
- Property:stigma size
- Property:stigma size or width
- Property:stigma width
- Property:stipular gland coloration
- Property:stipular gland development
- Property:stipular gland presence
- Property:stipular gland prominence
- Property:stipular gland quantity
- Property:stipular gland size
- Property:stipule presence
- Property:style atypical quantity
- Property:style atypical some measurement
- Property:style coloration
- Property:style fusion
- Property:style position
- Property:style quantity
- Property:style some measurement
- Property:style some measurement or shape
- Property:surface architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:surface pubescence
- Property:synonyms
- Property:tip orientation
- Property:tip shape
- Property:tip size
- Property:tip some measurement
- Property:tip variability
- Property:tooth architecture
- Property:tooth architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:tooth quantity
- Property:tooth size
- Property:tube fusion
- Property:vein atypical some measurement
- Property:vein coloration
- Property:vein shape
- Property:vein some measurement
- Property:wall texture
- Property:wall width
- Property:whole_organism architecture
- Property:whole_organism atypical some measurement
- Property:whole_organism duration
- Property:whole_organism fragility or size
- Property:whole_organism growth form
- Property:whole_organism height or length or size
- Property:whole_organism pubescence
- Property:whole_organism some measurement
- Property:whorl arrangement
- Property:whorl quantity
- Property:x chromosome quantity
- Property:zone coloration