Townsendia fendleri
Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts, n. s. 4: 70. 1849.
Perennials, 3–12 (–25+) cm. Stems decumbent to erect; internodes 5–10 (–20+) mm, pilose to strigose (surfaces seldom hidden by hairs). Leaves basal and cauline, blades narrowly oblanceolate to linear, 6–20 (–35) × 1–2 (–3.5) mm, not fleshy, faces piloso-strigose to strigose. Heads at tips of stems (usually surpassed by leaves). Involucres ± campanulate to hemispheric, (5–) 7–13 mm diam. Phyllaries 22–40+ in 4–5 series, the longer ± lanceovate to lanceolate, 5–8 mm (l/w = 2.5–5), apices acute, abaxial faces strigose. Ray-florets 10–25+; corollas white or pinkish adaxially, laminae 5–10 mm, usually glabrous, sometimes glandular-puberulent abaxially. Disc-florets (20–) 40–80; corollas 2–3.5+ mm. Cypselae 2–3+ mm, faces hairy, hair tips glochidiform; pappi persistent; on ray cypselae 12–20 (–30) lanceolate to subulate scales 0.2–0.5 (–1.5) mm; on disc cypselae 15–25+ subulate to setiform scales 2.5–3+ mm.
Phenology: Flowering Jun–Aug.
Habitat: Sandy or rocky soils, desert scrub, pinyon/juniper woodlands
Elevation: 1200–2400 m
Of conservation concern.
Upon naming Townsendia fendleri, Gray stated that it “most resembles” T. fremontii Torrey & A. Gray (i.e., T. incana). I feel that the affinity of T. fendleri may be closer to T. strigosa than to T. incana.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
"broader" is not a number.