Xanthisma grindelioides var. grindeloides
Plants tufted, 10–35 cm. Leaves evenly distributed along stems, margins usually ciliate, sometimes spinulose-dentate, bristles usually 0.5–1.5 mm. Heads 1 or often 2–5. Peduncles 0.5–2 cm, often bracteate to proximal to heads. 2n = 8.
Phenology: Flowering spring–summer.
Habitat: Gypseous or sandy plains or badlands
Elevation: 1000–2400 m

Alta., Sask., Ariz., Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nebr., Nev., N.Mex., N.Dak., S.Dak., Utah, Wyo.
Variety grindeloides is known to hybridize with Xanthisma coloradoense in southern Wyoming.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
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introrse +
connate +
tipped +
distinct +
herbaceous +
obtuse;acute +
scarious +
hirsute +
papillate +
corymbiform +
continuous +
persistent +
distal +
1/4;1/2 +
decurrent +
thickened +
indurate +
1-nerved +
lanceolate;spatulate or narrowly ovate +
reduced +
ribbed +
stigmatic +
white +
persistent +
absent +
branched +
spaced +
red-purple +
absent +
monomorphic +
6-18-ribbed +
dimorphic +
2mm;3.5mm +
staminate +
straight +
distinct +
proximal +
absent +
1;5 +
bisexual +
dispersed +
indeterminate +
2;5 +
surrounding +
hemispheric;campanulate +
unequal +
pinnatifid;entire +
distributed +
bristle-tipped +
triangular +
spinulose-dentate +
serrate to serrulate +
scarious +
2-carpellate +
inferior +
attached +
anatropous +
barbellate +
persistent +
flattened +
bracteate +
proximal +
tough +
thick +
absent +
connate +
1-nerved +
stramineous +
persistent +
stiff +
distinct +
falling +
unequal +
laciniate +
Sida +
2003 +
pistillate +
absent +
fertile +
epaleate +
pitted +
flat;convex +
branched +
elongate +
hairy +
fibrous +
exalbuminous +
modifed +
3;5 +
unequal +
white +
distinct +
Endemic +
alternate +
lanceolate +
2-branched +
glabrous +
woody +
Xanthisma grindelioides var. grindeloides +
Xanthisma grindelioides +
variety +
tipped +
6-18-ribbed +
prominent +
thick +
perennial +