Zygodon viridissimus

(Dickson) Bridel

Bryol. Univ. 1: 592. 1826.

Basionym: Bryum viridissimum Dickson Fasc. Pl. Crypt. Brit. 4: 9, plate 10, fig. 18. 1801
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 81. Mentioned on page 79, 80.

Plants to 2.3 cm. Stem-leaves loosely erect and ± spirally twisted to somewhat contorted, sometimes falcate-secund at stem apices when dry, erect-spreading to spreading when moist, lanceolate, narrowly so, elongate-lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, or linear-lanceolate, 1–2 mm; margins entire or irregularly serrulate or serrate near apex, somewhat wavy; apex acute with gradual apiculus, apiculate, short-apiculate, or short-acuminate; costa ending below apex, abaxial surface covered by quadrate papillose cells distally; basal laminal cells subquadrate to rectangular; distal cells 7–11 µm, papillae 2–4 per cell, walls somewhat thick. Specialized asexual reproduction by clavate, elliptic, or subcylindric gemmae, longitudinal walls present or absent. Sexual condition dioicous. Sporophytes unknown.


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North America, Mexico, Central America, Europe, w Asia, Africa, Atlantic Islands (Canary Islands)


Varieties 5 (3 in the flora).

Zygodon viridissimus in the flora area includes phenotypes with ovate to elliptic gemmae; narrowly lanceolate, loosely erect leaves; the abaxial surface of the distal 1/3–1/2 of the costa covered with papillose, quadrate cells; dioicous sexual condition; and rudimentary (or no) peristome.

Selected References



1 Leaf margins serrulate at apex. Zygodon viridissimus var. dentatus
1 Leaf margins entire > 2
2 Gemmae with longitudinal septa present; leaves oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate. Zygodon viridissimus var. viridissimus
2 Gemmae with longitudinal septa absent; leaves linear- to elongate-lanceolate. Zygodon viridissimus var. rupestris

"entire" is not a number.

... more about "Zygodon viridissimus"
short-acuminate;short-apiculate;short-acuminate;short-apiculate;acute +
Dale H. Vitt +
- Dickson Bridel +
decurrent +
Bryum viridissimum +
erect +  and ascending +
conic +  and cucullate +
long-exserted +
elliptic-oblong;fusiform +
not constricted +
papillose +
quadrate +
differentiated +
excurrent +  and percurrent +
roundedquadrate;rounded-hexagonal +
North America +, Mexico +, Central America +, Europe +, w Asia +, Africa +  and Atlantic Islands - Canary Islands +
linear-lanceolate +
reflexed +, recurved +  and erect +
rectangular;elliptic +
connate +
occasional +
erect-spreading +  and squarrose-recurved +
not rugose +
oblong-lanceolate +  and linear-lanceolate +
serrate +, serrulate +  and entire +
synoicous +, autoicous +, dioicous +  and sexual +
not differentiated +
rostrate;convex;conic +
mammillose +  and smooth +
sometimes larger +
lateral +  and terminal +
Bryol. Univ. +
sinistrorse +, dextrorse +  and erect +
0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br /> - 1.3 cm13 mm <br />0.013 m <br /> +
Illustrated +
falcate-secund +
linear-lanceolate +, oblong-lanceolate +, elongate-lanceolate +  and lanceolate +
0.1 cm1 mm <br />0.001 m <br /> - 0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> +
erect +  and ascending +
superficial +
Zygodon viridissimus +
species +
specialized +
dioicous +  and sexual +
incrassate +
olive brown;reddish-brown;olive brown;reddish-brown;dark green +