Information for "Crataegus harbisonii"
Basic information
Display title | Crataegus harbisonii |
Default sort key | Crataegus harbisonii |
Page length (in bytes) | 8,369 |
Page ID | 61330 |
Page content language | en - English |
Page content model | wikitext |
Indexing by robots | Allowed |
Number of redirects to this page | 0 |
Counted as a content page | Yes |
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Edit | Allow all users (infinite) |
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Edit history
Page creator | imported>Volume Importer |
Date of page creation | 12:45, 30 July 2020 |
Latest editor | imported>Volume Importer |
Date of latest edit | 12:45, 30 July 2020 |
Total number of edits | 1 |
Total number of distinct authors | 1 |
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days) | 0 |
Recent number of distinct authors | 0 |
Page properties
Magic word (1) |
Transcluded templates (8) | Templates used on this page:
... more about "Crataegus harbisonii"
pubescent +
aggregated +
appressed-pubescent +
epigynous +
dehiscent +
glossy +
acute +
flattened-scaly +
stipuliform +
cuneate +
green +
deep +
1.6-2 +
shiny +
subcoriaceous +
leafy +
absent +
ligulate +
symmetric +
semipersistent +
subherbaceous +
absent +
falcate +
larger +
7mm;18mm +
spreading +
pilose +
woody +
simple +
lobed +
Harbison hawthorn +
aggregated +
absent +
absent +
aggregated +
mature +
fascicles +
chestnut-brown +
determinate +
mid +
pilose +
persistent +
pubescent +
obconic +
constricted +
2mm;6mm +
5-12-flowered +
arising +
axillary +
crassinucellate +
compound +
alternate +
deciduous +
horizontal +
prominent +
absent +
1-few-stemmed +
dominant +
serrate +
caducous +
free +
earlier +
stipitate-glandular +
smaller +
herbaceous;membranous +
absent +
aggregated +
superposed +
monopodial +
corymbose +
subterminal +
convex +
absent +
epigynous +
pale paper brown +
post-mature +
gland-dotted +
absent +
1;250 +
exposed +
thin +
pruinose +
pubescent +
suborbicular +
craspedodromous +
stipitate-glandular +
Bot. Gaz. +
1899 +
grooved +
plane +
not arillate +
2;1 +
persistent +
patent-reflexed +
lanceolate +
nonaccrescent +
lateral +
woody +
perennial +
lateral +
absent +
woody +
excavated +
eroded +
absent +
pitted +
plane +
leafy +
lateral +
shallow +
matte +
usually shorter +
spreading +
outer +
capitate +
pinnate +
deciduous +
free +
absent +
persistent +
distinct +
terminal +
3;5 +
elongate +
Crataegus harbisonii +
Crataegus (sect. Coccineae) ser. Bracteatae +
species +
compound +
straight +
stout +
recurved +
glossy +
gland-tipped +
pinnate +
young +
2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> (?) +
developed +
absent +
inconspicuous +
minute +
absent +
thorny +
straight +
determinate +
mature +
unarmed +
perennial +
incised +
narrower +