Difference between revisions of "Sphaeralcea caespitosa var. williamsiae"

N. H. Holmgren

Sida 20: 49, figs. 1E – H. 2002.

Conservation concernEndemic
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 6. Treatment on page 361.
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(No difference)

Latest revision as of 11:37, 30 July 2020

Leaf-blades green, thin, sparsely pubescent. Staminal columns 6–9 mm.

Phenology: Flowering spring–summer.
Habitat: Shallow soil or alluvium
Elevation: 1400–1600 m


Of conservation concern.

Variety williamsiae is known from Nye County.

Selected References


Lower Taxa


"not wider" is not a number."dm" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.

acute;truncate;acute;truncate +
John La Duke +
N. H. Holmgren +
cuneate +
green +  and gray-green +
5 cm50 mm <br />0.05 m <br /> (8 cm80 mm <br />0.08 m <br />) +
not rugose +  and wrinkled +
3-lobed;unlobed;ovate +
asymmetric +  and symmetric +
ovate +  and triangular trullate or cordate unlobed or pedately dissected +
truncate-spheric +, helmet--shaped +, short-urceolate +, ellipsoid +, truncate-ovoid +, spheric +, truncate-conic +, conic +, hemispheric +, flattened-spheric-conic +, flattened-spheric +, ovoid +, cylindric +  and inflated +
indehiscent +  and loculicidal +
1400–1600 m +
sparse;copious +
thread-like +
pistillate +  and staminate +
in axillary cymose racemes +  and fascicled +
unisexual +  and bisexual +
Shallow soil or alluvium +
3-6-flowered +  and open +
axillary +  and terminal +
tough-fibrous +
connate +  and distinct +
sessile +  and petiolate +
distichous +  and alternate +
entire +  and serrate +
2-celled +  and 1-celled +
tan +  and brown +
0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br /> (0.6 cm6 mm <br />0.006 m <br />) +
wedge--shaped +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> (0.45 cm4.5 mm <br />0.0045 m <br />) +
3-40-carpellate +
(1-)2-many +
dehiscent +  and indehiscent +
adnate +  and distinct +
1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br /> (2.2 cm22 mm <br />0.022 m <br />) +
Flowering spring–summer. +
flattened-spheric +
black +  and brown +
reniform +
persistent +
1.1 cm11 mm <br />0.011 m <br /> (1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br />) +
Conservation concern +  and Endemic +
sessile +  and subsessile +
0.6 cm6 mm <br />0.006 m <br /> (0.9 cm9 mm <br />0.009 m <br />) +
white-gray +  and gray-green +
filiform +, linear +  and capitate +
1-2 times number of carpels +
deciduous +  and persistent +
unbranched +  and branched +
stellate-pubescent +
Mallow +
Sphaeralcea caespitosa var. williamsiae +
Sphaeralcea caespitosa +
variety +
rounded +
monoecious +, dioecious +  and hermaphroditic +