Property:Endosperm quantity
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: endosperm
- Character: quantity
- A subproperty of seed
- A Part of seed
Types of endosperm quantity
Parts of endosperm quantity
sparse;copious +
sparse;copious +
abundant +
abundant +
scanty +
scanty +
scanty +
scanty +
scanty +
scanty +
scanty +
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sparse;copious +
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sparse;copious +
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sparse;copious +
sparse;copious +
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sparse;copious +
abundant +
abundant +
abundant +
abundant +
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scanty +
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sparse;copious +
sparse;copious +
scanty +
scanty +
abundant +
sparse;copious +
sparse;copious +
sparse;copious +
copious +
sparse;copious +
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