imported>Volume Importer |
imported>Volume Importer |
Revision as of 01:26, 30 July 2020
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: inflorescence
- A Top Level Property
Types of inflorescence
- Ament
- Ament architecture
- Ament architecture or arrangement
- Ament architecture or fragility
- Ament some measurement
- Anthela
- Anthela architecture
- Anthela architecture or arrangement
- Anthela architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Anthela density
- Anthela length or size
- Anthela shape
- Anthela width
- Axial glomerule architecture
- Axillary ament reproduction
- Axillary and terminal cyme architecture
- Axillary and terminal cyme architecture or arrangement
- Axillary cyme architecture
- Axillary cyme architecture or arrangement
- Axillary cyme architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Axillary cyme architecture or fragility
- Axillary cyme arrangement
- Axillary cyme density
- Axillary cyme life cycle
- Axillary cyme quantity
- Axillary cyme size
- Axillary glomerule architecture
- Axillary glomerule architecture or arrangement
- Axillary glomerule architecture or fragility
- Axillary glomerule arrangement
- Axillary glomerule coloration
- Axillary glomerule density
- Axillary glomerule orientation
- Axillary glomerule position
- Axillary glomerule shape
- Axillary glomerule size
- Axillary panicle condition or size
- Axillary panicle length
- Axillary panicle position
- Axillary panicle presence
- Axillary panicle quantity
- Axillary panicle shape
- Axillary panicle size
- Axillary panicle width
- Axillary raceme architecture
- Axillary raceme condition or size
- Axillary raceme growth order
- Axillary raceme quantity
- Axillary raceme reproduction
- Axillary raceme size
- Axillary spike arrangement
- Axillary spike height or length or size
- Axillary spike size
- Axillary terminal panicle architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Axillary terminal panicle reproduction
- Axillary terminal raceme architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Axillary terminal spike architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Axillary umbel architecture
- Axillary umbel arrangement
- Basal spike architecture
- Basal spike arrangement
- Basal spike character
- Basal spike prominence
- Basal spike quantity
- Branch panicle arrangement
- Branch panicle shape
- Cauline spike arrangement
- Cauline spike arrangement or density
- Cauline spike some measurement
- Central glomerule architecture
- Central glomerule architecture or arrangement
- Central glomerule length
- Central glomerule shape
- Central glomerule width
- Compound-corymbiform array
- Corymb
- Corymb architecture
- Corymb architecture or arrangement
- Corymb architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Corymb architecture or course
- Corymb arrangement
- Corymb atypical length
- Corymb atypical quantity
- Corymb atypical width
- Corymb coloration
- Corymb density
- Corymb length
- Corymb orientation
- Corymb position
- Corymb pubescence
- Corymb quantity
- Corymb shape
- Corymb size
- Corymb some measurement
- Corymb width
- Cyathium
- Cyathium architecture or arrangement
- Cyathium architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Cyathium arrangement
- Cyathium arrangement or growth form
- Cyathium duration
- Cyathium position or structure subtype
- Cyathium pubescence
- Cyme
- Cyme architecture
- Cyme architecture or arrangement
- Cyme architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Cyme architecture or course
- Cyme architecture or fragility
- Cyme architecture or function or pubescence
- Cyme architecture or shape
- Cyme arrangement
- Cyme arrangement or growth form
- Cyme arrangement or structure subtype
- Cyme atypical some measurement
- Cyme coating
- Cyme coloration
- Cyme condition or size
- Cyme count or density
- Cyme density
- Cyme development
- Cyme diameter
- Cyme height or length or size
- Cyme insertion
- Cyme length
- Cyme length or size
- Cyme life cycle
- Cyme orientation
- Cyme position
- Cyme position or structure subtype
- Cyme position relational
- Cyme presence
- Cyme prominence
- Cyme prominence or shape
- Cyme pubescence
- Cyme quantity
- Cyme shape
- Cyme shape or vernation
- Cyme size
- Cyme size or width
- Cyme some measurement
- Cyme width
- Dichasium
- Dichasium architecture
- Dichasium architecture or arrangement
- Dichasium architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Dichasium arrangement
- Dichasium coloration
- Dichasium diameter
- Dichasium position
- Dichasium quantity
- Dichasium reproduction
- Distal cyme architecture
- Distal cyme position
- Distal cyme presence
- Distal cyme prominence
- Distal lateral spike architecture
- Distal lateral spike arrangement
- Distal lateral spike atypical quantity
- Distal lateral spike l w ratio
- Distal lateral spike length
- Distal lateral spike position
- Distal lateral spike quantity
- Distal lateral spike reproduction
- Distal lateral spike shape
- Distal lateral spike size
- Distal lateral spike width
D cont.
- Distal panicle architecture
- Distal panicle density
- Distal panicle height or length or size
- Distal spike architecture
- Distal spike architecture or arrangement
- Distal spike arrangement
- Distal spike arrangement or course or shape
- Distal spike atypical length
- Distal spike atypical quantity
- Distal spike atypical width
- Distal spike course
- Distal spike density
- Distal spike fusion
- Distal spike height or length or size
- Distal spike length
- Distal spike orientation
- Distal spike position
- Distal spike position or structure subtype
- Distal spike position relational
- Distal spike prominence
- Distal spike quantity
- Distal spike reproduction
- Distal spike shape
- Distal spike size
- Distal spike some measurement
- Distal spike width
- Distalmost lateral spike size
- Distalmost spike architecture
- Distalmost spike arrangement
- Distalmost spike quantity
- Glome
- Glome architecture
- Glome arrangement
- Glome fusion
- Glome some measurement
- Glomerule
- Glomerule architecture
- Glomerule architecture or arrangement
- Glomerule architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Glomerule architecture or fragility
- Glomerule architecture or shape
- Glomerule arrangement
- Glomerule arrangement or density
- Glomerule atypical quantity
- Glomerule coloration
- Glomerule density
- Glomerule diameter
- Glomerule fusion
- Glomerule length
- Glomerule life cycle
- Glomerule orientation
- Glomerule position
- Glomerule position or structure subtype
- Glomerule position relational
- Glomerule prominence
- Glomerule quantity
- Glomerule reproduction
- Glomerule shape
- Glomerule size
- Glomerule some measurement
- Glomerule texture
- Glomerule thickness
- Glomerule width
- Included secondary panicle architecture
- Individual raceme length
- Individual spike length
- Individual spike width
- Inflorescences
- Inflorescences corymb architecture
- Inflorescences corymb architecture or shape
- Inflorescences corymb coloration
- Inflorescences corymb position or structure subtype
- Inflorescences corymb pubescence
- Inflorescences corymb quantity
- Inflorescences corymb some measurement
- Inflorescences cyme architecture
- Inflorescences cyme arrangement
- Inflorescences cyme arrangement or architecture
- Inflorescences cyme density
- Inflorescences cyme length or size
- Inflorescences cyme orientation
- Inflorescences cyme width
- Inflorescences dichasium architecture
- Inflorescences dichasium architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Inflorescences glomerule architecture
- Inflorescences glomerule arrangement
- Inflorescences glomerule atypical quantity
- Inflorescences glomerule atypical some measurement
- Inflorescences glomerule length
- Inflorescences glomerule life cycle
- Inflorescences glomerule quantity
- Inflorescences glomerule some measurement
- Inflorescences glomerule width
- Inflorescences panicle architecture
- Inflorescences panicle architecture or arrangement
- Inflorescences panicle architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Inflorescences panicle architecture or function or pubescence
- Inflorescences panicle arrangement
- Inflorescences panicle coloration
- Inflorescences panicle condition or size
- Inflorescences panicle density
- Inflorescences panicle development
- Inflorescences panicle length
- Inflorescences panicle life cycle
- Inflorescences panicle location
- Inflorescences panicle orientation
- Inflorescences panicle position
- Inflorescences panicle position or structure subtype
- Inflorescences panicle pubescence
- Inflorescences panicle quantity
- Inflorescences panicle shape
- Inflorescences panicle some measurement
- Inflorescences panicle width
- Inflorescences raceme architecture
- Inflorescences raceme architecture or arrangement
- Inflorescences raceme architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Inflorescences raceme architecture or fragility
- Inflorescences raceme architecture or shape
- Inflorescences raceme arrangement
- Inflorescences raceme arrangement or growth form
- Inflorescences raceme atypical some measurement
- Inflorescences raceme coloration
- Inflorescences raceme density
- Inflorescences raceme development
- Inflorescences raceme fragility
- Inflorescences raceme growth form or location
- Inflorescences raceme length
- Inflorescences raceme length or size
- Inflorescences raceme life cycle
- Inflorescences raceme location
- Inflorescences raceme orientation
- Inflorescences raceme orientation or shape
- Inflorescences raceme position or structure subtype
- Inflorescences raceme pubescence
- Inflorescences raceme quantity
- Inflorescences raceme shape
- Inflorescences raceme size
- Inflorescences raceme some measurement
- Inflorescences raceme width
- Inflorescences spike architecture
- Inflorescences spike architecture or arrangement
- Inflorescences spike atypical some measurement
- Inflorescences spike coloration
- Inflorescences spike development
- Inflorescences spike length
- Inflorescences spike location
- Inflorescences spike orientation
- Inflorescences spike position
- Inflorescences spike position or structure subtype
- Inflorescences spike position relational
- Inflorescences spike pubescence
- Inflorescences spike shape
- Inflorescences spike size
- Inflorescences spike some measurement
- Inflorescences spike thickness
- Inflorescences spike width
- Inflorescences umbel architecture
- Inflorescences umbel length
- Inflorescences umbel life cycle
- Inflorescences umbel orientation
- Inflorescences umbel width
- Involute secondary panicle arrangement
- Involute secondary panicle density
- Involute secondary panicle orientation
- Involute secondary panicle quantity
I cont.
- Larger spike architecture
- Larger spike density
- Largest glomerule diameter
- Lateral cyme size
- Lateral glomerule architecture
- Lateral glomerule diameter
- Lateral panicle atypical some measurement
- Lateral panicle some measurement
- Lateral spike architecture
- Lateral spike arrangement
- Lateral spike arrangement or course or shape
- Lateral spike arrangement or density
- Lateral spike arrangement or shape
- Lateral spike atypical length
- Lateral spike atypical quantity
- Lateral spike average length
- Lateral spike coloration
- Lateral spike coloration or density
- Lateral spike density
- Lateral spike length
- Lateral spike length or size
- Lateral spike orientation
- Lateral spike position
- Lateral spike position or shape
- Lateral spike position or structure subtype
- Lateral spike position relational
- Lateral spike presence
- Lateral spike prominence
- Lateral spike quantity
- Lateral spike reproduction
- Lateral spike shape
- Lateral spike some measurement
- Lateral spike width
- Longer lateral spike ratio
- Longest proximal spike length
- Longest proximal spike width
- Longest spike architecture
- Longest spike atypical some measurement
- Longest spike some measurement
- Longest terminal spike atypical length
- Longest terminal spike atypical width
- Longest terminal spike length
- Longest terminal spike width
- Main panicle position or structure subtype
- Main panicle reproduction
- Midculm secondary secondary panicle quantity
- Midculm secondary secondary panicle size
- Middle spike architecture
- Middle spike reproduction
- Monochasium
- Monochasium architecture
- Panicle
- Panicle architecture
- Panicle architecture or arrangement
- Panicle architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Panicle architecture or fragility
- Panicle architecture or function or pubescence
- Panicle architecture or orientation or position
- Panicle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Panicle architecture or shape
- Panicle arrangement
- Panicle arrangement or course or shape
- Panicle arrangement or density
- Panicle arrangement or shape
- Panicle atypical length
- Panicle atypical some measurement
- Panicle atypical width
- Panicle coloration
- Panicle coloration or density
- Panicle condition
- Panicle condition or size
- Panicle count or density
- Panicle course
- Panicle course or shape
- Panicle density
- Panicle depth
- Panicle development
- Panicle diameter
- Panicle duration
- Panicle fixation
- Panicle fragility
- Panicle fusion
- Panicle growth form
- Panicle growth form or orientation
- Panicle height
- Panicle height or length or size
- Panicle l w ratio
- Panicle length
- Panicle length or size
- Panicle lengths
- Panicle life cycle
- Panicle location
- Panicle orientation
- Panicle position
- Panicle position or shape
- Panicle position or structure subtype
- Panicle position relational
- Panicle presence
- Panicle prominence
- Panicle pubescence
- Panicle pubescence or relief
- Panicle quantity
- Panicle reflectance
- Panicle reproduction
- Panicle shape
- Panicle size
- Panicle size or width
- Panicle some measurement
- Panicle thickness
- Panicle variability
- Panicle width
- Pleiochasium
- Pleiochasium architecture
- Pleiochasium arrangement
- Pleiochasium coloration
- Pleiochasium fusion
- Portion spike architecture
- Primary panicle architecture
- Primary panicle architecture or arrangement
- Primary panicle condition or size
- Primary panicle count or density
- Primary panicle density
- Primary panicle development
- Primary panicle fragility
- Primary panicle height or length or size
- Primary panicle l w ratio
- Primary panicle length
- Primary panicle length or size
- Primary panicle life cycle
- Primary panicle orientation
- Primary panicle position
- Primary panicle quantity
- Primary panicle reproduction
- Primary panicle shape
- Primary panicle size
- Primary panicle size or width
- Primary panicle some measurement
- Primary panicle width
- Primary raceme quantity
- Proximal and mid cyathium life cycle
- Proximal and mid cyathium pubescence
- Proximal cauline spike architecture
- Proximal cauline spike shape
- Proximal cyme architecture
- Proximal lateral spike architecture
- Proximal lateral spike architecture or arrangement
- Proximal lateral spike arrangement
- Proximal lateral spike arrangement or course or shape
- Proximal lateral spike atypical length
- Proximal lateral spike density
- Proximal lateral spike length
- Proximal lateral spike orientation
- Proximal lateral spike quantity
- Proximal lateral spike reproduction
- Proximal lateral spike width
- Proximal panicle architecture
- Proximal panicle position or shape
- Proximal spike architecture
- Proximal spike arrangement
- Proximal spike arrangement or density
- Proximal spike atypical length
- Proximal spike atypical quantity
- Proximal spike atypical some measurement
- Proximal spike atypical width
- ... further results
Parts of inflorescence
- Accessory branch height or length or size
- Agamous flower presence
- Agamous flower quantity
- Antheridial branch position
- Antheridial branch quantity
- Antisepalous whorl quantity
- Apex flower architecture
- Apical bract prominence or shape
- Apical bract quantity
- Apical bract shape
- Apical bract size
- Apical bract width
- Apical spikelet condition
- Apical spikelet length
- Apical spikelet shape
- Apical spikelet some measurement
- Apical spikelet width
- Axillary and terminal branch architecture
- Axillary bracteole shape
- Axillary bracteole some measurement
- Axillary branch architecture
- Axillary branch architecture or arrangement
- Axillary branch arrangement
- Axillary branch atypical quantity
- Axillary branch height or length or size
- Axillary branch length
- Axillary branch length or size
- Axillary branch position
- Axillary branch presence
- Axillary branch quantity
- Axillary branch shape
- Axillary branch size
- Axillary branch width
- Axillary flower architecture
- Axillary flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Axillary flower arrangement
- Axillary flower condition or size
- Axillary flower growth order
- Axillary flower presence
- Axillary flower quantity
- Axillary flower shape
- Axillary flower size
- Axillary or terminal flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Axillary pedicel architecture
- Axillary pedicel architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Axillary pedicel condition or size
- Axillary pedicel growth order
- Axillary pedicel some measurement
- Axillary peduncle atypical some measurement
- Axillary peduncle fragility or size
- Axillary peduncle height or length or size
- Axillary peduncle length or size
- Axillary peduncle some measurement
- Axillary peduncle width
- Axis bract arrangement
- Axis bract arrangement or density
- Axis bract atypical quantity
- Axis bract atypical some measurement
- Axis bract coloration
- Axis bract position relational
- Axis bract quantity
- Axis bract shape
- Axis bract size
- Axis bract some measurement
- Axis flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Basal and apical bract reproduction
- Basal bracteole presence
- Basal bracteole shape
- Basal branch architecture
- Basal branch arrangement
- Basal branch atypical some measurement
- Basal branch fixation or orientation
- Basal branch fragility
- Basal branch growth form or orientation
- Basal branch height or length or size
- Basal branch length or size
- Basal branch orientation
- Basal branch position
- Basal branch presence
- Basal branch quantity
- Basal branch size
- Basal branch some measurement
- Basal branch texture
- Basal distal branch life cycle
- Basal flower architecture
- Basal flower arrangement
- Basal spikelet architecture
- Basal spikelet duration
- Basal spikelet presence
- Basal spikelet quantity
- Basal spikelet reproduction
- Base branch orientation
- Between flowers flower quantity
- Between flowers flower reproduction
- Bract
- Bract architecture
- Bract architecture or arrangement
- Bract architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Bract architecture or coloration or relief
- Bract architecture or fixation
- Bract architecture or fragility
- Bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Bract architecture or orientation or position
- Bract architecture or position
- Bract architecture or pubescence
- Bract architecture or pubescence or relief
- Bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Bract architecture or relief
- Bract architecture or shape
- Bract arrangement
- Bract arrangement or course or shape
- Bract arrangement or density
- Bract arrangement or growth form
- Bract arrangement or shape
- Bract arrangement or vernation
- Bract atypical length
- Bract atypical quantity
- Bract atypical some measurement
- Bract atypical width
- Bract character
- Bract coating
- Bract coloration
- Bract coloration or density
- Bract coloration or odor
- Bract coloration or pubescence or relief
- Bract coloration or reflectance
- Bract coloration or relief
- Bract condition
- Bract condition or texture
- Bract count or density
- Bract course
- Bract density
- Bract depth
- Bract development
- Bract diameter
- Bract duration
- Bract fixation
- Bract fixation or orientation
- Bract fragility
- Bract fusion
- Bract growth form
- Bract growth form or location
- Bract growth form or texture
- Bract height or length or size
- Bract l w ratio
- Bract length
- Bract length or size
- Bract lengths
- Bract life cycle
- Bract location
- Bract orientation
- Bract orientation or shape
- Bract position
- Bract position or shape
- Bract position relational
- Bract presence
- Bract prominence
- Bract prominence or shape
- Bract pubescence
- Bract pubescence or relief
- Bract pubescence or texture
- Bract quantity
- Bract reflectance
- Bract relief
- Bract reproduction
- Bract shape
- Bract shape or vernation
B cont.
- Bract size
- Bract size or length
- Bract size or width
- Bract some measurement
- Bract texture
- Bract variability
- Bract width
- Bract-axil
- Bract-axil architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Bract-axil arrangement
- Bract-axil quantity
- Bracteole
- Bracteole architecture
- Bracteole architecture or function or pubescence
- Bracteole architecture or pubescence or shape
- Bracteole architecture or shape
- Bracteole arrangement
- Bracteole arrangement or course or shape
- Bracteole arrangement or dehiscence
- Bracteole arrangement or growth form
- Bracteole arrangement or shape
- Bracteole atypical length
- Bracteole atypical quantity
- Bracteole atypical some measurement
- Bracteole atypical width
- Bracteole coloration
- Bracteole course
- Bracteole density
- Bracteole depth
- Bracteole derivation
- Bracteole development
- Bracteole duration
- Bracteole fixation
- Bracteole fixation or orientation
- Bracteole fragility
- Bracteole fusion
- Bracteole growth form
- Bracteole growth form or texture
- Bracteole height or length or size
- Bracteole length
- Bracteole life cycle
- Bracteole location
- Bracteole orientation
- Bracteole position
- Bracteole position or shape
- Bracteole position relational
- Bracteole presence
- Bracteole prominence
- Bracteole pubescence
- Bracteole pubescence or texture
- Bracteole quantity
- Bracteole reflectance
- Bracteole shape
- Bracteole size
- Bracteole size or width
- Bracteole some measurement
- Bracteole texture
- Bracteole variability
- Bracteole width
- Bractlet
- Bractlet architecture
- Bractlet architecture or fixation
- Bractlet architecture or pubescence or shape
- Bractlet architecture or relief
- Bractlet architecture or shape
- Bractlet area
- Bractlet arrangement
- Bractlet arrangement or course or shape
- Bractlet arrangement or shape
- Bractlet atypical length
- Bractlet atypical quantity
- Bractlet atypical some measurement
- Bractlet atypical width
- Bractlet coloration
- Bractlet coloration or density
- Bractlet course
- Bractlet development
- Bractlet duration
- Bractlet fixation
- Bractlet fixation or orientation
- Bractlet fragility
- Bractlet fusion
- Bractlet growth form or texture
- Bractlet height or length or size
- Bractlet length
- Bractlet length or size
- Bractlet orientation
- Bractlet position
- Bractlet presence
- Bractlet prominence
- Bractlet pubescence
- Bractlet quantity
- Bractlet shape
- Bractlet size
- Bractlet size or length
- Bractlet some measurement
- Bractlet texture
- Bractlet variability
- Bractlet width
- Branch
- Branch architecture
- Branch architecture or arrangement
- Branch architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Branch architecture or course
- Branch architecture or dehiscence
- Branch architecture or fixation
- Branch architecture or fragility
- Branch architecture or function or pubescence
- Branch architecture or orientation or position
- Branch architecture or pubescence or relief
- Branch architecture or pubescence or shape
- Branch architecture or relief
- Branch architecture or shape
- Branch arrangement
- Branch arrangement or course
- Branch arrangement or course or shape
- Branch arrangement or density
- Branch arrangement or growth form
- Branch arrangement or shape
- Branch atypical length
- Branch atypical quantity
- Branch atypical some measurement
- Branch atypical width
- Branch coating
- Branch coloration
- Branch coloration or density
- Branch coloration or pubescence or relief
- Branch coloration or relief
- Branch condition
- Branch condition or texture
- Branch count or density
- Branch course
- Branch course or shape
- Branch dehiscence
- Branch density
- Branch development
- Branch diameter
- Branch duration
- Branch duration or growth form
- Branch fixation
- Branch fixation or orientation
- Branch fragility
- Branch fragility or size
- Branch fragility or texture
- Branch function
- Branch function or structure subtype
- Branch fusion
- Branch growth form
- Branch growth form or orientation
- Branch growth form or texture
- Branch height
- Branch height or length or size
- Branch length
- Branch length or size
- Branch life cycle
- Branch location
- Branch orientation
- Branch orientation or shape
- Branch pedicel atypical some measurement
- Branch pedicel some measurement
- Branch position
- Branch position or shape
- Branch position or structure subtype
- Branch position relational
- Branch presence
- Branch prominence
- Branch prominence or shape
B cont.
- Branch pubescence
- Branch pubescence or relief
- Branch pubescence or texture
- Branch quantity
- Branch reflectance
- Branch relief
- Branch reproduction
- Branch shape
- Branch shape or vernation
- Branch size
- Branch size or length
- Branch size or quantity
- Branch size or width
- Branch some measurement
- Branch structure in adjective form
- Branch texture
- Branch thickness
- Branch variability
- Branch whorl architecture
- Branch whorl quantity
- Branch whorl shape
- Branch width
- Calyculus
- Calyculus architecture
- Calyculus arrangement or course or shape
- Calyculus atypical quantity
- Calyculus atypical width
- Calyculus bractlet some measurement
- Calyculus coating
- Calyculus coloration
- Calyculus duration
- Calyculus fixation or orientation
- Calyculus fusion
- Calyculus length
- Calyculus orientation
- Calyculus presence
- Calyculus prominence
- Calyculus pubescence
- Calyculus quantity
- Calyculus shape
- Calyculus shape or vernation
- Calyculus size
- Calyculus width
- Capsule pedicel length
- Caudex branch architecture
- Caudex branch arrangement or growth form
- Caudex branch atypical diam
- Caudex branch diam
- Caudex branch fragility or size
- Caudex branch height or length or size
- Caudex branch orientation
- Caudex branch presence
- Caudex branch quantity
- Caudex branch shape
- Caudex branch size
- Caudex branch texture
- Caudex branch width
- Caudices branch architecture
- Caudices branch height or length or size
- Caudices branch length or size
- Caudices branch size
- Caudices branch width
- Cauline and distal floral bract architecture
- Cauline and distal floral bract size
- Cauline bract architecture or shape
- Cauline bract quantity
- Cauline bract shape
- Cauline bract size
- Cauline distal and floral bract architecture
- Cauline distal and floral bract architecture or fixation
- Cauline distal and floral bract size
- Central bract shape
- Central bract size
- Central bract some measurement
- Central branch architecture or arrangement
- Central branch prominence
- Central flower architecture
- Central flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Central flower arrangement or shape
- Central flower length
- Central flower length or size
- Central flower quantity
- Central flower reproduction
- Central flower shape
- Central flower size
- Central flower width
- Central spikelet architecture
- Central spikelet quantity
- Central spikelet reproduction
- Central spikelet shape
- Central spikelet some measurement
- Central spikelet variability
- Cincinnal bract architecture or shape
- Cincinnal bract arrangement
- Cincinnal bract coloration
- Cincinnal bract quantity
- Concealing flower prominence
- Connation; connation flower placentation
- Culm bract architecture or shape
- Culm bract atypical some measurement
- Culm bract height or length or size
- Culm bract length or size
- Culm bract orientation
- Culm bract pubescence
- Culm bract quantity
- Culm bract shape
- Culm bract some measurement
- Current flower architecture
- Current flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Cyme peduncle some measurement
- Daughter flower shape
- Distal bract architecture
- Distal bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Distal bract architecture or shape
- Distal bract arrangement
- Distal bract arrangement or course or shape
- Distal bract atypical some measurement
- Distal bract coloration
- Distal bract diameter
- Distal bract growth form or texture
- Distal bract height or length or size
- Distal bract l w ratio
- Distal bract length
- Distal bract length or size
- Distal bract life cycle
- Distal bract orientation
- Distal bract position
- Distal bract position or structure subtype
- Distal bract position relational
- Distal bract presence
- Distal bract pubescence
- Distal bract quantity
- Distal bract shape
- Distal bract size
- Distal bract some measurement
- Distal bract texture
- Distal bract thickness
- Distal bract variability
- Distal bract width
- Distal bracteole arrangement or course or shape
- Distal bracteole duration
- Distal bracteole texture
- Distal branch architecture
- Distal branch architecture or arrangement
- Distal branch architecture or pubescence or relief
- Distal branch arrangement
- Distal branch atypical length
- Distal branch atypical width
- Distal branch coloration
- Distal branch count or density
- Distal branch course
- Distal branch height or length or size
- Distal branch length
- Distal branch life cycle
- Distal branch orientation
- Distal branch pubescence
- Distal branch pubescence or relief
- Distal branch relief
- Distal branch reproduction
- Distal branch size
- Distal branch variability
- Distal branch width
- Distal cauline bract arrangement
- Distal cauline bract quantity
- Distal distal and floral bract architecture or fixation
- Distal distal and floral bract size
- ... further results
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Accessory branch height or length or size +
- Agamous flower presence +
- Agamous flower quantity +
- Ament +
- Ament architecture +
- Ament architecture or arrangement +
- Ament architecture or fragility +
- Ament some measurement +
- Anthela +
- Anthela architecture +
- Anthela architecture or arrangement +
- Anthela architecture or arrangement or growth form +
- Anthela density +
- Anthela length or size +
- Anthela shape +
- Anthela width +
- Antheridial branch position +
- Antheridial branch quantity +
- Antisepalous whorl quantity +
- Apex flower architecture +
- Apical bract prominence or shape +
- Apical bract quantity +
- Apical bract shape +
- Apical bract size +
- Apical bract width +
- ...