Dudleya blochmaniae

(Eastwood) Moran

Leafl. W. Bot. 7: 110. 1953,.

Conservation concern
Basionym: Sedum blochmaniae Eastwood Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 2, 6: 422, plate 53. 1896 (as blochmanae)
Synonyms: Hasseanthus blochmaniae (Eastwood) Rose Hasseanthus variegatus var. blochmaniae (Eastwood) Jepson
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 193. Mentioned on page 172, 192, 194.
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Corms subglobose to oblong, 0.7–3.5 cm × 5–20 mm. Leaves 3–50; petiole 0.3–1.5 mm wide, to 1/3 as wide as blade; blade green, oblanceolate or clavate-oblanceolate, 1–6 cm × 2–8 mm, 1–4 mm thick, base 1–4 mm wide, apex subacute to rounded, surfaces sometimes ± glaucous. Inflorescences: cincinni 3–10-flowered, 1–6 cm; floral shoots 3–12 cm × 0.5–2 mm; leaves 8–25, ascending, blade triangular-ovate to lanceolate, 0.5–2.5 cm × 3–10 mm, 2–4 mm thick, apex rounded to subacute or obtuse. Flowers with musky, sweet odor; petals connate to 1 mm, widely spreading from near middle, white, ± yellowish green at base, red-lineolate on keel, drying purplish, elliptic, 6–10 [–12] × 2–3.5 [–5] mm, apex acute, corolla 8–20 mm diam.; pistils separate, ascending; ovary 3–4.5 mm; styles 1–1.5 mm. Follicles widespreading, with adaxial margins nearly horizontal.


Subspecies 2 (2 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Rosette leaves 3-12, blade oblanceolate, 1-4(-6) cm; inflorescence leaves not or slightly glaucous. Dudleya blochmaniae subsp. blochmaniae
1 Rosette leaves 15-30(-50), blade clavate-oblanceolate, 1-3.5 cm; inflorescence leaves gray-glaucous. Dudleya blochmaniae subsp. insularis
... more about "Dudleya blochmaniae"
perigynous +  and hypogynous +
acute +, rounded +  and subacute or obtuse +
Reid V. Moran +
(Eastwood) Moran +
1mm +  and 4mm +
Sedum blochmaniae +
lobed +  and toothed +
triangular-ovate +  and lanceolate +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> (0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br />) +
whorled +, opposite +  and alternate +
1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> (6 cm60 mm <br />0.06 m <br />) +
unbranched +  and tuberous +
0.7 cm7 mm <br />0.007 m <br /> (3.5 cm35 mm <br />0.035 m <br />) +
0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> (2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br />) +
0.8 cm8 mm <br />0.008 m <br /> (2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br />) +
Calif. +  and nw Mexico +
0.05 cm0.5 mm <br />5.0e-4 m <br /> (0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br />) +
branched +  and simple +
erect;pendent +
widespreading +
erect;spreading +
axillary +  and terminal +
sessile +, petiolate +  and subclasping +
alternate +  and crowded +
persistent +
wider than tall +
semi-inferior +  and superior +
0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br /> (0.45 cm4.5 mm <br />0.0045 m <br />) +
tenuinucellate +, crassinucellate +  and bitegmic +
0 cm0 mm <br />0 m <br /> (0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br />) +
perigynous +  and hypogynous +
1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> (1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br />) +
0.35 cm3.5 mm <br />0.0035 m <br /> (0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br />) +
purplish +, yellowish green +  and white +
6mm;10mm +
0 cm0 mm <br />0 m <br /> (0.1 cm1 mm <br />0.001 m <br />) +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> (0.35 cm3.5 mm <br />0.0035 m <br />) +
0.03 cm0.3 mm <br />3.0e-4 m <br /> (0.15 cm1.5 mm <br />0.0015 m <br />) +
(3-)4-5(-12)[-30+]-carpellate +
Leafl. W. Bot. +
cross-ribbed +  and ribbed +
1 +  and many +
Conservation concern +
adnate +  and free +
antipetalous +
2-branched +  and simple +
underground +
distinct +
0.1 cm1 mm <br />0.001 m <br /> (0.15 cm1.5 mm <br />0.0015 m <br />) +
Hasseanthus blochmaniae +  and Hasseanthus variegatus var. blochmaniae +
Dudleya blochmaniae +
Dudleya subg. Hasseanthus +
species +
cylindric +  and 5-gonal +
perennial +, biennial +  and annual +