Sedum stenopetalum var. stenopetalum

Synonyms: Sedum douglasii Hooker
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 209.
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Leaf-blades of principal vegetative shoots linear. Inflorescences terminal, 9–25-flowered cymes.

Phenology: Flowering late spring-mid summer.
Habitat: Cliffs, talus slopes, rocky meadows, open woods or aspen groves, scab-land
Elevation: 300-3100 m


V8 421-distribution-map.gif

Alta., B.C., Calif., Idaho, Mont., Oreg., Wash., Wyo.


Selected References


Lower Taxa

perigynous +  and hypogynous +
long-acuminate +, acute +  and obtuse +
Hideaki Ohba +
scarious +
0.43 cm4.3 mm <br />0.0043 m <br /> (1.38 cm13.8 mm <br />0.0138 m <br />) +
lobed +  and toothed +
not glaucous +
subterete +, linear +  and elliptic-oblong +
0.1 cm1 mm <br />0.001 m <br /> (8 cm80 mm <br />0.08 m <br />) +
succulent +
0.14 cm1.4 mm <br />0.0014 m <br /> (0.27 cm2.7 mm <br />0.0027 m <br />) +
linear-lanceolate +
smaller +
not forked +
not circumscissile +
brown +, yellow-green +  and pale green +
whorled +, opposite +  and alternate +
not circumscissile +
9-25-flowered +
Alta. +, B.C. +, Calif. +, Idaho +, Mont. +, Oreg. +, Wash. +  and Wyo. +
300-3100 m +
connate +  and distinct +
5-merous +, 3-branched +  and 9-15(-25)-flowered +
spreading;erect +
Cliffs, talus slopes, rocky meadows, open woods or aspen groves, scab-land +
3-branched +  and 9-15(-25)-flowered +
axillary +  and terminal +
persistent +  and deciduous +
connate +
spreading +  and erect +
yellowish white +  and greenish yellow +
square +  and reniform-subquadrate +
spatulate;reniform;spatulate;reniform;oblong;square;oblong +
semi-inferior +  and superior +
tenuinucellate +, crassinucellate +  and bitegmic +
perigynous +  and hypogynous +
distinct +
Flowering late spring-mid summer. +
(3-)4-5(-12)[-30+]-carpellate +
distinct +  and connate +
Fl. Amer. Sept. +
reticulate-papillose +  and reticulate +
ovoid;ellipsoid +
yellow-green +  and pale green +
distinct +
ovate +  and lanceolate +
unequal +
0.09 cm0.9 mm <br />9.0e-4 m <br /> (0.17 cm1.7 mm <br />0.0017 m <br />) +
1 +  and many +
scarious +
adnate +  and free +
antipetalous +
2 times as many as sepals +
creeping +  and procumbent +
ascending +  and erect +
succulent +
distinct +
Sedum douglasii +
Sedum stenopetalum var. stenopetalum +
Sedum stenopetalum +
variety +
not conspicuous +
perennial +, biennial +  and annual +
perennial +, biennial +  and annual +
3 +  and 5 +