Revision as of 18:02, 29 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer
Leaves sparsely stellate-pubescent abaxially. 2n = 38.
Phenology: Flowering May–Aug; fruiting Jul–Oct.
Habitat: Limestone cliffs, along streams.
Elevation: 200–800 m.
Variety racemosa is found on the eastern end of Edwards Plateau.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
... more about "Buddleja racemosa var. racemosa"
hypogynous +
acute +
truncate +
globular;cylindric oblong ellipsoid or subglobular +
lanceolate;ovate-oblong +
absent +
absent +
symmetric +
tomentose +
campanulate +
decussate;opposite +
symmetric +
pale-yellow +
6-12-flowered +
capitate +
4;28 +
Tex. +
yellow-orange +
glabrous +
fragrant +
globular;cylindric oblong ellipsoid or subglobular +
glandular-tomentose +
ovoid +
fleshy +
1.7mm;2mm +
stellate +
pseudoverticellate +
racemose +
axillary +
simple +
stellate-pubescent +
orbiculate +
? (?) +
involute +
axile +
superior +
glandular-tomentose +
ovoid +
anatropous +
absent +
hypogynous +
connate +
absent +
2-carpellate +
Rep. U.S. Mex. Bound. +
1859 +
20;100 +
ellipsoid +
middle +
Endemic +
pseudoverticellate +
didynamous +
adnate +
equal +
absent +
much-branched +
glandular-tomentose +
absent +
as stipular lines +
absent +
Buddleja racemosa var. racemosa +
Buddleja racemosa +
variety +
white +
autotrophic +
pendent +
not fleshy +
absent +