Revision as of 19:57, 7 June 2022 by imported>Volume Importer
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: spikelet
- A subproperty of inflorescence
- A Part of inflorescence
Types of spikelet
Parts of spikelet
- Apex awn pubescence
- Apex awn some measurement
- Apical awn quantity
- Apical awn some measurement
- Awn
- Awn architecture
- Awn architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Awn architecture or pubescence or relief
- Awn architecture or pubescence or shape
- Awn architecture or shape
- Awn arrangement
- Awn arrangement or shape
- Awn arrangement or vernation
- Awn atypical length
- Awn atypical quantity
- Awn atypical some measurement
- Awn atypical width
- Awn awn architecture or shape
- Awn awn pubescence
- Awn awn some measurement
- Awn coating
- Awn coloration
- Awn coloration or density
- Awn coloration or reflectance
- Awn condition or texture
- Awn course
- Awn course or shape
- Awn dehiscence
- Awn depth
- Awn derivation
- Awn development
- Awn duration
- Awn fixation
- Awn fragility
- Awn fragility or size
- Awn fusion
- Awn height or length or size
- Awn length
- Awn length or size
- Awn life cycle
- Awn location
- Awn orientation
- Awn position
- Awn position or structure subtype
- Awn position relational
- Awn presence
- Awn prominence
- Awn prominence or shape
- Awn pubescence
- Awn pubescence or relief
- Awn pubescence or texture
- Awn quantity
- Awn relief
- Awn reproduction
- Awn shape
- Awn size
- Awn size or length
- Awn size or quantity
- Awn size or width
- Awn some measurement
- Awn texture
- Awn thickness
- Awn variability
- Awn width
- Basal awn architecture
- Basal awn course
- Basal awn pubescence
- Basal awn relief
- Basal awn shape
- Basal awn some measurement
- Basal awn texture
- Basal awn width
- Basal lemma length or size
- Basal lemma some measurement
- Base awn coloration
- Between florets glume life cycle
- Between leaflets awn duration
- Between leaflets awn shape
- Between leaflets awn some measurement
- Between setae awn some measurement
- Central and lateral awn life cycle
- Central awn architecture
- Central awn arrangement
- Central awn arrangement or shape
- Central awn atypical some measurement
- Central awn course
- Central awn height or length or size
- Central awn length
- Central awn length or size
- Central awn orientation
- Central awn presence
- Central awn quantity
- Central awn shape
- Central awn size
- Central awn some measurement
- Central awn thickness
- Central awn variability
- Central awn width
- Distal lemma architecture or pubescence or relief
- Distal lemma architecture or shape
- Distal lemma orientation
- Distal lemma pubescence
- Distal lemma pubescence or relief
- Distal lemma relief
- Distal lemma reproduction
- Distal lemma size
- Distal lemma some measurement
- Distal rachilla architecture
- Distal rachilla arrangement
- Distal rachilla quantity
- Dorsal awn course
- Dorsal awn quantity
- Floret awn some measurement
- Floret lemma architecture
- Floret lemma architecture or shape
- Floret lemma pubescence
- Floret lemma pubescence or relief
- Floret lemma reflectance
- Floret lemma shape
- Floret lemma some measurement
- Floret lemma texture
- Fruit awn atypical some measurement
- Fruit awn some measurement
- Glume
- Glume architecture
- Glume architecture or function or pubescence
- Glume architecture or pubescence or relief
- Glume architecture or pubescence or shape
- Glume architecture or relief
- Glume architecture or shape
- Glume arrangement
- Glume arrangement or course or shape
- Glume arrangement or shape
- Glume atypical quantity
- Glume atypical some measurement
- Glume awn architecture or shape
- Glume awn atypical some measurement
- Glume awn some measurement
- Glume character
- Glume coloration
- Glume coloration or density
- Glume coloration or reflectance
- Glume course
- Glume depth
- Glume development
- Glume duration
- Glume fixation or orientation
- Glume fragility
- Glume fragility or texture
- Glume fusion
- Glume growth form or texture
- Glume height or length or size
- Glume l w ratio
- Glume length
- Glume length or size
- Glume life cycle
- Glume orientation
- Glume position
- Glume position relational
- Glume presence
- Glume prominence
- Glume prominence or shape
- Glume pubescence
- Glume pubescence or relief
- Glume pubescence or texture
- Glume quantity
- Glume reflectance
G cont.
- Glume relief
- Glume reproduction
- Glume shape
- Glume shape or architecture
- Glume size
- Glume size or width
- Glume some measurement
- Glume texture
- Glume variability
- Glume width
- Largest lemma some measurement
- Lateral awn architecture
- Lateral awn arrangement
- Lateral awn arrangement or shape
- Lateral awn atypical some measurement
- Lateral awn course
- Lateral awn height or length or size
- Lateral awn life cycle
- Lateral awn orientation
- Lateral awn presence
- Lateral awn prominence
- Lateral awn quantity
- Lateral awn shape
- Lateral awn size
- Lateral awn some measurement
- Lateral awn texture
- Lateral awn variability
- Lateral awn width
- Lateral central awn length or size
- Lateral central awn quantity
- Lateral central awn shape
- Lateral central awn texture
- Lateral lodicule some measurement
- Lemma
- Lemma architecture
- Lemma architecture or fixation
- Lemma architecture or pubescence or relief
- Lemma architecture or pubescence or shape
- Lemma architecture or relief
- Lemma architecture or shape
- Lemma arrangement
- Lemma arrangement or course or shape
- Lemma arrangement or shape
- Lemma atypical some measurement
- Lemma awn architecture
- Lemma awn atypical some measurement
- Lemma awn course
- Lemma awn orientation
- Lemma awn position relational
- Lemma awn shape
- Lemma awn some measurement
- Lemma character
- Lemma coloration
- Lemma coloration or density
- Lemma coloration or pubescence or relief
- Lemma coloration or reflectance
- Lemma condition or size
- Lemma course
- Lemma course or shape
- Lemma development
- Lemma duration
- Lemma fixation
- Lemma fixation or orientation
- Lemma fragility
- Lemma fragility or texture
- Lemma fusion
- Lemma growth form or texture
- Lemma height or length or size
- Lemma insertion
- Lemma l w ratio
- Lemma length
- Lemma length or size
- Lemma life cycle
- Lemma orientation
- Lemma orientation or shape
- Lemma position
- Lemma position or shape
- Lemma position or structure subtype
- Lemma position relational
- Lemma presence
- Lemma prominence
- Lemma pubescence
- Lemma pubescence or relief
- Lemma pubescence or texture
- Lemma quantity
- Lemma reflectance
- Lemma relief
- Lemma reproduction
- Lemma shape
- Lemma shape or vernation
- Lemma size
- Lemma size or length
- Lemma size or width
- Lemma some measurement
- Lemma texture
- Lemma thickness
- Lemma variability
- Lemma width
- Lemma-awn
- Lemma-awn duration
- Lemma-awn prominence
- Lobe awn presence
- Lobe awn some measurement
- Lodicule
- Lodicule architecture
- Lodicule architecture or pubescence or shape
- Lodicule architecture or shape
- Lodicule arrangement or course or shape
- Lodicule arrangement or shape
- Lodicule atypical quantity
- Lodicule fusion
- Lodicule height or length or size
- Lodicule orientation or shape
- Lodicule presence
- Lodicule prominence
- Lodicule pubescence
- Lodicule quantity
- Lodicule shape
- Lodicule size
- Lodicule some measurement
- Lodicule texture
- Lodicule variability
- Lodicule width
- Longer awn atypical some measurement
- Longer awn some measurement
- Longest awn arrangement
- Lower and upper glume pubescence
- Lower awn quantity
- Lower awn some measurement
- Lower glume architecture
- Lower glume architecture or course
- Lower glume architecture or fixation
- Lower glume architecture or fragility
- Lower glume architecture or pubescence or relief
- Lower glume architecture or pubescence or shape
- Lower glume architecture or relief
- Lower glume architecture or shape
- Lower glume arrangement
- Lower glume arrangement or course or shape
- Lower glume arrangement or density
- Lower glume arrangement or shape
- Lower glume atypical quantity
- Lower glume atypical some measurement
- Lower glume coloration
- Lower glume coloration or reflectance
- Lower glume condition or size
- Lower glume development
- Lower glume fixation
- Lower glume fixation or orientation
- Lower glume fragility
- Lower glume fusion
- Lower glume height or length or size
- Lower glume l w ratio
- Lower glume length
- Lower glume length or size
- Lower glume orientation
- Lower glume position
- Lower glume presence
- Lower glume prominence
- Lower glume prominence or shape
- Lower glume pubescence
- Lower glume pubescence or relief
- Lower glume pubescence or texture
- Lower glume quantity
- Lower glume reflectance
- Lower glume relief
- Lower glume shape
L cont.
- Lower glume shape or vernation
- Lower glume size
- Lower glume size or width
- Lower glume some measurement
- Lower glume texture
- Lower glume variability
- Lower glume width
- Lower lemma architecture
- Lower lemma architecture or pubescence or relief
- Lower lemma architecture or shape
- Lower lemma arrangement
- Lower lemma arrangement or shape
- Lower lemma atypical some measurement
- Lower lemma coloration
- Lower lemma course
- Lower lemma course or shape
- Lower lemma fixation or orientation
- Lower lemma fragility
- Lower lemma height or length or size
- Lower lemma length
- Lower lemma length or size
- Lower lemma position
- Lower lemma position relational
- Lower lemma presence
- Lower lemma prominence
- Lower lemma pubescence
- Lower lemma pubescence or relief
- Lower lemma quantity
- Lower lemma relief
- Lower lemma reproduction
- Lower lemma shape
- Lower lemma size
- Lower lemma size or width
- Lower lemma some measurement
- Lower lemma texture
- Lower lemma variability
- Lower lemma width
- Lowermost lemma architecture
- Lowermost lemma coloration
- Lowermost lemma pubescence
- Lowermost lemma shape
- Lowermost lemma some measurement
- Lowest glume presence
- Lowest glume shape
- Lowest lemma architecture
- Lowest lemma architecture or pubescence or relief
- Lowest lemma architecture or shape
- Lowest lemma arrangement
- Lowest lemma arrangement or shape
- Lowest lemma atypical some measurement
- Lowest lemma coloration
- Lowest lemma fragility
- Lowest lemma height or length or size
- Lowest lemma length
- Lowest lemma length or size
- Lowest lemma life cycle
- Lowest lemma pubescence
- Lowest lemma pubescence or relief
- Lowest lemma pubescence or texture
- Lowest lemma relief
- Lowest lemma shape
- Lowest lemma size
- Lowest lemma some measurement
- Lowest lemma texture
- Lowest lemma variability
- Lowest lemma width
- Pappi awn some measurement
- Pappus awn atypical some measurement
- Pappus awn length
- Pappus awn quantity
- Pappus awn some measurement
- Plant lemma pubescence
- Plant lemma shape
- Plants awn length or size
- Plants awn reproduction
- Posterior lodicule size
- Prophyll awn orientation
- Prophyll awn pubescence
- Prophyll awn some measurement
- Proximal lemma l w ratio
- Proximal lemma pubescence
- Proximal lemma shape
- Rachilla
- Rachilla architecture
- Rachilla architecture or pubescence or relief
- Rachilla arrangement
- Rachilla coloration
- Rachilla course
- Rachilla development
- Rachilla duration
- Rachilla fragility
- Rachilla fragility or size
- Rachilla length
- Rachilla length or size
- Rachilla orientation
- Rachilla presence
- Rachilla prominence
- Rachilla pubescence
- Rachilla relief
- Rachilla shape
- Rachilla size
- Rachilla some measurement
- Rachilla texture
- Rachilla variability
- Rachilla width
- Shorter awn some measurement
- Slender awn length or size
- Slender awn quantity
- Slender awn some measurement
- Slender terminal awn height or length or size
- Spikelet glume architecture
- Spikelet glume architecture or shape
- Spikelet glume height or length or size
- Spikelet glume length
- Spikelet glume pubescence
- Spikelet glume pubescence or relief
- Spikelet glume shape
- Spikelet glume size
- Spikelet glume some measurement
- Spikelet glume width
- Spikelet lemma architecture or shape
- Spikelet lemma coloration
- Spikelet lemma pubescence
- Spikelet lemma shape
- Spikelet lemma some measurement
- Subapical awn course
- Subapical awn fragility
- Subsequent lemma development
- Terminal awn arrangement
- Terminal awn quantity
- Terminal glume fixation
- Thickness; thickness awn arrangement
- Thickness; thickness awn arrangement or shape
- Thickness; thickness awn course
- Thickness; thickness awn some measurement
- Tooth awn course
- Tooth awn shape
- Tooth awn some measurement
- Upper awn some measurement
- Upper glume architecture
- Upper glume architecture or fixation
- Upper glume architecture or pubescence or relief
- Upper glume architecture or pubescence or shape
- Upper glume architecture or relief
- Upper glume architecture or shape
- Upper glume arrangement
- Upper glume arrangement or shape
- Upper glume atypical quantity
- Upper glume atypical some measurement
- Upper glume average some measurement
- Upper glume coloration
- Upper glume course
- Upper glume fixation or orientation
- Upper glume fragility
- Upper glume fragility or texture
- Upper glume fusion
- Upper glume height or length or size
- Upper glume l w ratio
- Upper glume length
- Upper glume length or size
- Upper glume orientation
- Upper glume position
- Upper glume position relational
- Upper glume presence
- ... further results
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Apex awn pubescence +
- Apex awn some measurement +
- Apical awn quantity +
- Apical awn some measurement +
- Apical spikelet condition +
- Apical spikelet length +
- Apical spikelet shape +
- Apical spikelet some measurement +
- Apical spikelet width +
- Awn +
- Awn architecture +
- Awn architecture or arrangement or growth form +
- Awn architecture or pubescence or relief +
- Awn architecture or pubescence or shape +
- Awn architecture or shape +
- Awn arrangement +
- Awn arrangement or shape +
- Awn arrangement or vernation +
- Awn atypical length +
- Awn atypical quantity +
- Awn atypical some measurement +
- Awn atypical width +
- Awn awn architecture or shape +
- Awn awn pubescence +
- Awn awn some measurement +
- ...