Fl. Peruv. Prodr., 113, plate 24. 1794.
Taxon | Illustrator ⠉ | |
![]() | Cotula coronopifolia Soliva sessilis Cota tinctoria | Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey |
Annuals, (1–) 2–10 (–30+) cm (taprooted, often stoloniferous and/or mat-forming). Stems 1–5+, ± procumbent to erect, simple or branched, glabrous or strigillose to villous [piloso-hispid] (hairs mostly basifixed). Leaves basal or basal and cauline; alternate; sessile or petiolate (bases ± clasping); blades ± obovate to spatulate, usually (1–) 2–3-pinnately or -pinnati-palmately lobed (ultimate lobes oblong or lanceolate to oblanceolate or spatulate), ultimate margins entire or dentate, faces glabrous or strigillose to villous. Heads disciform, borne singly (sessile in leaf-axils). Involucres ± hemispheric or broader, 2–8+ mm diam. Phyllaries persistent, 5–8+ in 1–2+ series, distinct, lanceolate to ovate, subequal, margins and apices (usually colorless, sometimes brownish) scarious. Receptacles flat to hemispheric or conic, epaleate. Ray-florets 0 (peripheral, pistillate florets 5–100+ in 1–8+ series; corollas 0, styles sheathed by pericarp tissues, soon indurate, becoming spinelike). Disc-florets 2–8+, functionally staminate; corollas yellowish or whitish, tubes ± cylindric, throats campanulate to funnelform, lobes (2–) 4, ± deltate (without resin sacs). Cypselae: (bodies) ± obovate to oblanceolate or oblong-cuneate, obcompressed or flattened, winged (wings entire or sculpted), faces glabrous or ± scabrellous to hirtellous or (distally) villous to pilose or arachnose, glabrescent (pericarps without myxogenic cells or resin sacs); pappi 0 (persistent stylar sheaths indurate, spinelike). x = unknown.
Introduced; South America, also in Europe, Asia, Pacific Islands (New Zealand), Australia
Species 4–8 (3 in the flora).
Selected References
Lower Taxa
1 | Cypselar bodies obovate to oblanceolate, margins usually ± winged (wings not transversely rugulose or ribbed), faces glabrous or ± scabrellous to hirtellous | Soliva sessilis |
1 | Cypselar bodies oblong-cuneate, margins winged (wings transversely rugulose or ribbed), faces glabrous or distally villous to pilose or arachnose, glabrescent | > 2 |
2 | Leaves mostly basal, blades 3–8(–15) cm, 2–3-pinnati-palmately lobed; cypselar wings rugulose or ribbed in proximal 2/3, shoulders not spinose | Soliva anthemifolia |
2 | Leaves basal and cauline, blades 1–2(–3) cm, 1(–2)-pinnati-palmately lobed; cypselar wings rugulose or ribbed in proximal 9/10, shoulders ± spinose laterally | Soliva stolonifera |
"broader" is not a number.