Thymophylla tenuiloba var. wrightii

(A. Gray) Strother

Sida 11: 378. 1986.

Basionym: Hymenatherum wrightii A. Gray Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts, n. s. 4: 89. 1849
Synonyms: Dyssodia wrightii (A. Gray) B. L. Robinson Dyssodia tenuiloba var. wrightii (A. Gray) Strother
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 244. Mentioned on page 240, 243.
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Leaves linear to spatulate, usually entire, rarely with 1–5 toothlike lobes. Pappi of 10–12 unequal, aristate scales to 3 mm. 2n = 16.

Phenology: Flowering spring.
Habitat: Sandy soils, coastal grasslands, roadways
Elevation: 0–30 m


Selected References


Lower Taxa

hirtellous +  and glabrous +
not tailed +, rounded +  and obtuse +
darkened +  and pale +
connate +  and distinct +
subequal +
scarious +
usually ovate +  and lanceolate +
usually deltate +  and lanceolate +
spiciform +, racemiform +, paniculiform +  and corymbiform +
indeterminate +  and determinate +
John L. Strother +
(A. Gray) Strother +
decurrent +
Hymenatherum wrightii +
compound +  and simple +
1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br /> (2.8 cm28 mm <br />0.028 m <br />) +
winged;ribbed;winged;ribbed +
tuberculate +  and rugose +
deltate;subulate +
barbellulate +  and barbellate +
yellow +  and yellow-orange +
0.25 cm2.5 mm <br />0.0025 m <br /> (0.45 cm4.5 mm <br />0.0045 m <br />) +
strigillose +  and glabrous +
cylindro-clavate +, obconic +  and obpyramidal +
fertile +  and bisexual +
fertile +  and bisexual +
0–30 m +
tomentose +, puberulent +, lanate +, floccose +, canescent +, arachnose +  and glabrous +
pistillate +, staminate +  and neuter +
winged +  and beaked +
dispersed +
Sandy soils, coastal grasslands, roadways +
cymiform +, corymbiform +, discoid +  and radiate +
singly +  and radiant +
indeterminate +
homogamous +  and heterogamous +
each +  and sessile +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> (0.7 cm7 mm <br />0.007 m <br />) +
0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> (0.7 cm7 mm <br />0.007 m <br />) +
1.5mm;3mm +
sessile +  and petiolate +
linear;spatulate +
toothlike +
dentate to pinnatifid or palmatifid +  and entire +
0 +  and 1/5 +
2-carpellate +
persistent +
of 10(-20) distinct scales +  and coroniform +
hirtellous +  and glabrous +
3 cm30 mm <br />0.03 m <br /> (8 cm80 mm <br />0.08 m <br />) +
Flowering spring. +
12 +  and 22 +
bearing subulate enations +, hairy +  and bristly +
pitted +  and smooth +
distinct +
10 +  and 12 +
aristate +
unequal +
0 cm0 mm <br />0 m <br /> (0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br />) +
exalbuminous +
decumbent +  and erect +
appendaged +  and truncate +
hirsutulous +  and glabrous +
papillate +
Dyssodia wrightii +  and Dyssodia tenuiloba var. wrightii +
Thymophylla tenuiloba var. wrightii +
Thymophylla tenuiloba +
variety +
cylindric +
toothed +  and entire +
hirtellous +  and glabrous +
0 cm0 mm <br />0 m <br /> (30 cm300 mm <br />0.3 m <br />) +
1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> (5 cm50 mm <br />0.05 m <br />) +
shrub +  and subshrub +