Cotoneaster gamblei
Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe 15: 530. 1966.
Shrubs or trees, 4–10 m. Stems loosely erect, spreading and arching; branches spiraled, brown or maroon-purple, initially tomentose-strigose. Leaves usually semipersistent (persisting to April if sheltered), sometimes deciduous; petiole 4–10 mm, densely villose-strigose; blade elliptic, (25–) 50–127 × 13–49 [–62 in cultivation] mm, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, base cuneate or obtuse, margins flat, veins 7 or 8, superficial, apex acute or obtuse, abaxial surfaces pale gray-green, initially villous, later glabrate, adaxial dark green, shiny, not glaucous, flat between lateral-veins, sometimes becoming slightly rugose, glabrate; fall leaves pale yellowish green. Inflorescences on fertile shoots 40–70 mm with 2 or 3 leaves, 5–34-flowered, lax. Pedicels 1–8 mm, sparsely villose-strigose. Flowers 8–12.5 mm diam.; buds white; hypanthium cupulate, densely villous; sepals: margins maroon, tomentose, apex acute, surfaces densely villous; petals spreading, white, sometimes with hair-tuft; stamens 18–20, filaments white, anthers red-purple or dark red-purple; styles (1 or) 2. Pomes red, often tinged with pink, green, brown, or purple, obovoid, rarely subglobose, 8.5–12.8 × 8–12 mm, dull, slightly glaucous, sparsely villous; sepals flat, margins tomentose, densely villous; navel slightly open; style remnants near apex. Pyrenes [1 or] 2.
Phenology: Flowering May; fruiting Sep–Nov.
Habitat: Mesic thickets, flood plains, disturbed forests
Elevation: 0–50 m

Introduced; Wash., Asia (Bhutan), Asia (India)
Selected References
Lower Taxa
"dm" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.