This template is used to set the semantic properties for treatments of the Sphagnaceae family
It defines the following properties:
- Property:acumen shape
- Property:annulus quantity
- Property:antheridium architecture
- Property:antheridium shape
- Property:apex architecture
- Property:apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:apex architecture or relief
- Property:apex architecture or shape
- Property:apex arrangement or growth form
- Property:apex course
- Property:apex fixation or orientation
- Property:apex orientation
- Property:apex prominence
- Property:apex quantity
- Property:apex relief or texture
- Property:apex reproduction
- Property:apex shape
- Property:apex shape or vernation
- Property:apex size or width
- Property:apex texture
- Property:apex variability
- Property:apex width
- Property:apical pore quantity
- Property:apical region architecture
- Property:apical region texture
- Property:aporose architecture
- Property:aporose pubescence
- Property:aporose shape
- Property:appearance coloration
- Property:appearance shape
- Property:archegonium architecture
- Property:archegonium length or size
- Property:author
- Property:authority
- Property:band coloration
- Property:base position
- Property:base position or shape
- Property:base shape
- Property:base width
- Property:basionyms
- Property:border architecture
- Property:border architecture or shape
- Property:border arrangement or shape
- Property:border development
- Property:border fragility
- Property:border fusion
- Property:border prominence
- Property:border quantity
- Property:border reproduction
- Property:border shape
- Property:border size
- Property:border size or width
- Property:border variability
- Property:border width
- Property:branch architecture
- Property:branch architecture or arrangement
- Property:branch arrangement
- Property:branch arrangement or density
- Property:branch arrangement or growth form
- Property:branch arrangement or shape
- Property:branch atypical quantity
- Property:branch base coloration
- Property:branch coloration
- Property:branch course
- Property:branch fragility
- Property:branch fragility or size
- Property:branch growth form
- Property:branch height or length or size
- Property:branch leaf architecture
- Property:branch leaf architecture or shape
- Property:branch leaf arrangement
- Property:branch leaf arrangement or shape
- Property:branch leaf atypical some measurement
- Property:branch leaf character
- Property:branch leaf course
- Property:branch leaf fragility
- Property:branch leaf length
- Property:branch leaf length or size
- Property:branch leaf orientation
- Property:branch leaf orientation or pubescence
- Property:branch leaf prominence or shape
- Property:branch leaf quantity
- Property:branch leaf reproduction
- Property:branch leaf shape
- Property:branch leaf shape or vernation
- Property:branch leaf size
- Property:branch leaf some measurement
- Property:branch leaf variability
- Property:branch leaf width
- Property:branch length
- Property:branch length or size
- Property:branch life cycle
- Property:branch orientation
- Property:branch orientation or shape
- Property:branch quantity
- Property:branch shape
- Property:branch size
- Property:branch stem architecture
- Property:branch stem arrangement
- Property:branch stem coloration
- Property:branch stem quantity
- Property:branch stem texture
- Property:branch tip architecture or shape
- Property:branch tip coloration
- Property:branch tip condition or texture
- Property:branch tip shape
- Property:branch variability
- Property:branch width
- Property:broadest part reproduction
- Property:bud architecture
- Property:bud architecture or shape
- Property:bud arrangement
- Property:bud arrangement or course or shape
- Property:bud arrangement or shape
- Property:bud atypical quantity
- Property:bud character
- Property:bud coloration
- Property:bud fragility
- Property:bud fusion
- Property:bud height or length or size
- Property:bud length or size
- Property:bud life cycle
- Property:bud orientation
- Property:bud position
- Property:bud position or shape
- Property:bud position relational
- Property:bud prominence
- Property:bud pubescence
- Property:bud pubescence or shape
- Property:bud quantity
- Property:bud ratio
- Property:bud relief
- Property:bud reproduction
- Property:bud shape
- Property:bud size
- Property:bud size or width
- Property:bud texture
- Property:bud variability
- Property:bud width
- Property:calyptra texture
- Property:capitulum architecture
- Property:capitulum architecture or arrangement
- Property:capitulum arrangement or architecture
- Property:capitulum arrangement or shape
- Property:capitulum coloration
- Property:capitulum coloration or reflectance
- Property:capitulum course
- Property:capitulum density
- Property:capitulum depth
- Property:capitulum development
- Property:capitulum fusion
- Property:capitulum habitat
- Property:capitulum height or length or size
- Property:capitulum life cycle
- Property:capitulum position
- Property:capitulum prominence
- Property:capitulum prominence or shape
- Property:capitulum quantity
- Property:capitulum reflectance
- Property:capitulum shape
- Property:capitulum size
- Property:capitulum texture
- Property:capitulum variability
- Property:capsule coloration
- Property:capsule location
- Property:capsule position
- Property:capsule prominence
- Property:capsule seta height or length or size
- Property:capsule shape
- Property:capsule some measurement
- Property:capsule surface height or length or size
- Property:carpet architecture or arrangement
- Property:carpet architecture or fragility
- Property:carpet density
- Property:carpet habitat
- Property:carpet position
- Property:carpet size
- Property:case architecture or shape
- Property:case quantity
- Property:cast coloration
- Property:cast prominence
- Property:cell angle arrangement
- Property:cell atypical quantity
- Property:cell comb-lamella coloration
- Property:cell comb-lamella prominence
- Property:cell quantity
- Property:cell shape
- Property:cell size
- Property:cell surface coloration
- Property:cell wall coloration
- Property:cell-wall architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:cell-wall arrangement
- Property:cell-wall coloration
- Property:cell-wall orientation
- Property:cell-wall reproduction
- Property:cell-wall variability
- Property:center coloration
- Property:clone life cycle
- Property:columella character
- Property:columella orientation
- Property:comb-fibril presence
- Property:comb-fibril prominence
- Property:comb-fibril quantity
- Property:comb-lamella fragility
- Property:comb-lamella presence
- Property:comb-lamella prominence
- Property:comb-lamella quantity
- Property:comb-lamella variability
- Property:commissural quantity
- Property:commissure atypical quantity
- Property:commissure quantity
- Property:commissure relief
- Property:commissure size
- Property:common name
- Property:corner pore relief
- Property:cortex architecture
- Property:cortex prominence
- Property:cortex size
- Property:cortex variability
- Property:cortical architecture
- Property:cortical prominence
- Property:cortical pubescence
- Property:cortical variability
- Property:cushion architecture or arrangement
- Property:cushion architecture or fragility
- Property:cushion density
- Property:cushion position
- Property:depression condition or texture
- Property:distal end architecture
- Property:distal end architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:distal pore quantity
- Property:distal portion fusion
- Property:distal portion quantity
- Property:distal portion texture
- Property:distal surface architecture or course
- Property:distal surface architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:distal surface architecture or shape
- Property:distal surface prominence
- Property:distal surface relief
- Property:distal surface sculpture
- Property:distal surface texture
- Property:distribution
- Property:due-to-cell wall shape
- Property:elevation
- Property:end pore quantity
- Property:end wall prominence
- Property:end wall reproduction
- Property:end wall size
- Property:end wall size or width
- Property:fascicle quantity
- Property:fibril arrangement or course
- Property:fibril prominence
- Property:fibril quantity
- Property:fibril size
- Property:field coloration
- Property:field depth
- Property:field reflectance
- Property:form architecture
- Property:form architecture or arrangement
- Property:form coloration
- Property:form condition
- Property:form fragility
- Property:form growth form or habitat
- Property:form growth form or location
- Property:form growth form or orientation
- Property:form habitat
- Property:form location
- Property:form quantity
- Property:form shape
- Property:form texture
- Property:from location
- Property:gametophyte development
- Property:gap size
- Property:granula arrangement
- Property:granula size
- Property:group quantity
- Property:growing condition
- Property:growing habitat
- Property:growth coloration
- Property:growth duration
- Property:growth life cycle
- Property:habitat
- Property:habitat architecture
- Property:habitat habitat
- Property:head branch shape
- Property:illustration copyright
- Property:illustrator
- Property:interior wall quantity
- Property:internal commissural wall relief
- Property:introduced
- Property:larger and/or habitat
- Property:lawn architecture or fragility
- Property:lawn density
- Property:lawn growth form or orientation
- Property:lawn habitat
- Property:lawn height
- Property:lawn position
- Property:lawn size
- Property:lawn texture
- Property:layer atypical quantity
- Property:layer quantity
- Property:leaf arrangement
- Property:leaf axis arrangement
- Property:leaf axis length or size
- Property:leaf depth
- Property:leaf fixation or orientation
- Property:leaf fusion
- Property:leaf length
- Property:leaf length or size
- Property:leaf midregion architecture
- Property:leaf orientation
- Property:leaf position
- Property:leaf quantity
- Property:leaf shape
- Property:leaf size
- Property:leaf texture
- Property:leaf variability
- Property:leaf-stem architecture
- Property:leaf-stem architecture or relief
- Property:leaf-stem architecture or shape
- Property:leaf-stem atypical distance
- Property:leaf-stem course
- Property:leaf-stem dehiscence
- Property:leaf-stem distance
- Property:leaf-stem fixation or orientation
- Property:leaf-stem height or length or size
- Property:leaf-stem length or size
- Property:leaf-stem orientation
- Property:leaf-stem quantity
- Property:leaf-stem shape
- Property:leaf-stem size
- Property:leaf-stem width
- Property:line architecture
- Property:margin architecture or shape
- Property:margin orientation
- Property:margin shape
- Property:margin shape or vernation
- Property:margin size
- Property:mark architecture
- Property:mark prominence
- Property:mat architecture or fragility
- Property:mat growth form or location
- Property:membrane gap atypical quantity
- Property:membrane gap quantity
- Property:membrane gap reproduction
- Property:membrane gap shape
- Property:mid region distance
- Property:mid region height or length or size
- Property:middle leaf ratio
- Property:neck fusion
- Property:neck height or length or size
- Property:neck prominence
- Property:neck quantity
- Property:neck shape
- Property:opening dehiscence
- Property:operculum dehiscence
- Property:operculum shape
- Property:papilla architecture or course
- Property:papilla prominence
- Property:papilla quantity
- Property:papilla relief
- Property:papilla sculpture
- Property:papilla size
- Property:papilla width
- Property:patch coloration
- Property:peristome quantity
- Property:phenology
- Property:place in publication
- Property:plant depth
- Property:plant location
- Property:plate architecture or course
- Property:plate relief
- Property:plate sculpture
- Property:point height or length or size
- Property:pore architecture
- Property:pore architecture or course
- Property:pore architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:pore arrangement
- Property:pore arrangement or shape
- Property:pore atypical quantity
- Property:pore fusion
- Property:pore prominence
- Property:pore quantity
- Property:pore relief
- Property:pore reproduction
- Property:pore shape
- Property:pore size
- Property:pore some measurement
- Property:pore structure in adjective form
- Property:portion coloration
- Property:projection fragility
- Property:projection length
- Property:projection presence
- Property:projection prominence
- Property:projection shape
- Property:protonema shape
- Property:protonemum architecture
- Property:proximal and distal surface architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:proximal end coloration
- Property:proximal end orientation
- Property:proximal half breadth
- Property:proximal half position or shape
- Property:proximal half prominence
- Property:proximal half size or width
- Property:proximal laesura quantity
- Property:proximal laesurum height or length or size
- Property:proximal laesurum length or size
- Property:proximal laesurum quantity
- Property:proximal laesurum variability
- Property:proximal portion reproduction
- Property:proximal surface quantity
- Property:proximal surface relief
- Property:pseudomatum arrangement
- Property:pseudopodium height or length or size
- Property:pseudopore quantity
- Property:pseudopore shape
- Property:pseudostomatum arrangement
- Property:pseudostomatum presence
- Property:pseudostomatum prominence
- Property:pseudostomatum quantity
- Property:publication title
- Property:publication year
- Property:reference
- Property:reinforcing arrangement or course
- Property:reinforcing prominence
- Property:reinforcing quantity
- Property:resorption size
- Property:retort bud architecture
- Property:retort bud architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:retort bud fusion
- Property:retort bud presence
- Property:retort bud prominence
- Property:retort bud shape
- Property:retort necked retort bud architecture
- Property:retort necked retort bud architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:retort necked retort bud pubescence
- Property:retort necked retort bud shape
- Property:rhizoid quantity
- Property:ridge quantity
- Property:row architecture
- Property:row architecture or course
- Property:row arrangement or course or shape
- Property:row quantity
- Property:season prominence
- Property:seep habitat
- Property:septation arrangement
- Property:septation quantity
- Property:shade-form architecture or arrangement
- Property:shade-form coloration
- Property:shade-form shape
- Property:side architecture or arrangement
- Property:side habitat
- Property:side position
- Property:side shape
- Property:site architecture
- Property:site coloration
- Property:site condition
- Property:site habitat
- Property:site prominence
- Property:slender branch arrangement
- Property:source xml
- Property:special status
- Property:species relief
- Property:split depth
- Property:split fragility
- Property:split shape
- Property:spore architecture or shape
- Property:spore atypical some measurement
- Property:spore fusion
- Property:spore prominence
- Property:spore pubescence or texture
- Property:spore quantity
- Property:spore relief
- Property:spore relief or texture
- Property:spore sac derivation
- Property:spore sculpture
- Property:spore shape
- Property:spore some measurement
- Property:spore texture
- Property:spore variability
- Property:spore width
- Property:stand density
- Property:stem arrangement
- Property:stem coloration
- Property:stem cortex size
- Property:stem cortex variability
- Property:stem orientation
- Property:stem position
- Property:stem position relational
- Property:stem quantity
- Property:stem variability
- Property:stem-leaf architecture
- Property:stem-leaf height or length or size
- Property:stem-leaf length
- Property:stem-leaf length or size
- Property:stem-leaf prominence or shape
- Property:stem-leaf quantity
- Property:stem-leaf ratio
- Property:stem-leaf shape
- Property:stem-leaf size
- Property:stem-leaf texture
- Property:stem-leaf variability
- Property:stem-leaf width
- Property:superficial bud fragility
- Property:superficial bud quantity
- Property:superficial bud shape
- Property:superficial cortex architecture
- Property:superficial cortex character
- Property:superficial cortex coloration
- Property:superficial cortex quantity
- Property:superficial cortex variability
- Property:superficial cortical bud architecture
- Property:superficial cortical bud quantity
- Property:superficial cortical bud shape
- Property:superficial cortical layer prominence
- Property:superficial cortical layer quantity
- Property:superficial layer architecture
- Property:superficial surface architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:superficial surface relief
- Property:surface architecture
- Property:surface architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:surface bud coloration
- Property:surface condition
- Property:surface diameter
- Property:surface fusion
- Property:surface pore quantity
- Property:surface pore shape
- Property:surface position
- Property:surface presence
- Property:surface prominence
- Property:surface quantity
- Property:surface region quantity
- Property:surface region shape
- Property:surface relief
- Property:surface reproduction
- Property:surface shape
- Property:surface size
- Property:surface texture
- Property:synonyms
- Property:terminal bud arrangement or shape
- Property:terminal bud coloration
- Property:terminal bud coloration or reflectance
- Property:terminal bud course
- Property:terminal bud fragility
- Property:terminal bud fusion
- Property:terminal bud presence
- Property:terminal bud prominence
- Property:terminal bud quantity
- Property:terminal bud reflectance
- Property:terminal bud size
- Property:terminal bud variability
- Property:tip coloration
- Property:tip shape
- Property:tip shape or vernation
- Property:tip size or width
- Property:tooth prominence
- Property:tooth quantity
- Property:transverse-section shape
- Property:tuft habitat
- Property:tuft size
- Property:type quantity
- Property:wall arrangement
- Property:wall projection prominence
- Property:wall prominence
- Property:wall relief
- Property:wall sculpture quantity
- Property:wall sculpture reproduction
- Property:wall shape
- Property:wall-thinning fusion
- Property:wall-thinning prominence
- Property:wall-thinning quantity
- Property:wall-thinning shape
- Property:wall-thinning size
- Property:whole-organism architecture or arrangement
- Property:whole-organism coloration
- Property:whole-organism orientation
- Property:whole-organism shape
- Property:whole-organism width
- Property:whole_organism architecture
- Property:whole_organism architecture or arrangement
- Property:whole_organism architecture or fragility
- Property:whole_organism arrangement or architecture
- Property:whole_organism arrangement or pubescence
- Property:whole_organism coloration
- Property:whole_organism condition
- Property:whole_organism density
- Property:whole_organism fragility
- Property:whole_organism growth form
- Property:whole_organism growth form or location
- Property:whole_organism growth form or orientation
- Property:whole_organism habitat
- Property:whole_organism height
- Property:whole_organism height or length or size
- Property:whole_organism length
- Property:whole_organism location
- Property:whole_organism orientation
- Property:whole_organism position
- Property:whole_organism pubescence or texture
- Property:whole_organism reflectance
- Property:whole_organism relief
- Property:whole_organism shape
- Property:whole_organism size
- Property:whole_organism texture
- Property:whole_organism variability
- Property:worm architecture or course