Property:Surface presence Property "Surface presence" and the assigned parent property "Presence" have different type annotations.A Text property defining a single value. Structure: surface Character: presence A quantity property Types of surface presence None. Parts of surface presence None. Usage24previous 5,0002050100250500next 5,000FilterShowing 24 pages using this property.CCayaponia +absent +Cayaponia americana +absent +Cayaponia quinqueloba +absent +FFagus +absent +Fagus grandifolia +absent +OOxydendrum +absent +Oxydendrum arboreum +absent +PPotentilla bruceae +absent +Potentilla brunnescens +absent +Potentilla drummondii +absent +Potentilla glaucophylla +absent +Potentilla glaucophylla var. glaucophylla +absent +Potentilla glaucophylla var. perdissecta +absent +Potentilla gracilis +absent +Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri +absent +Potentilla gracilis var. fastigiata +absent +Potentilla gracilis var. flabelliformis +absent +Potentilla gracilis var. gracilis +absent +Potentilla gracilis var. owyheensis +absent +Potentilla pulcherrima +absent +Potentilla sect. Graciles +absent +Potentilla townsendii +absent +SSphagnum mississippiense +absent +UUlota coarctata +absent + Category: Quantity