


Prodr., 12. 1788, name conserved.

Common names: Breadnut
Etymology: Greek brosimos, edible
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3.
FNA03 P74 Maclura Brosimum Dorstenia pg 394.jpegDorstenia contrajerva
Brosimum alicastrum
Maclura pomifera
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers

Trees, evergreen; sap milky. Terminal buds surrounded by bud-scales. Leaves alternate; stipules caducous, free. Leaf-blade oblong, leathery, margins entire, never lobed; venation pinnate. Inflorescences globose heads. Flowers: staminate and pistillate on same plants; perianth vestigial. Staminate flowers numerous, surrounding 1-2 central pistillate flowers; stamen 1, straight; anther peltate, dehiscence circumscissile. Pistillate flowers borne inside receptacle; bracts peltate; ovary 1, inferior, 1-locular; style 2-branched. Syncarps somewhat globose; each achene embedded in enlarged, pulpy receptacle. x = 13.


Species ca. 24 (1 in the flora).

Selected References


... more about "Brosimum"
circumscissile +
Richard P. Wunderlin +
Swartz +
3 - ? +  and 5 - ? +
Breadnut +
Neotropical +
Greek brosimos, edible +
pistillate +  and staminate +
1 +  and 2 +
globose +
with 3-5 basal palmate veins +  and pinnate +
pinnate +  and entire +
1-2-carpellate +
flask--shaped +
connate +  and distinct +
2 +  and 6 +
Brosimum +
Moraceae +
flattened +