


Sp. Pl. 2: 983. 1753.

Common names: Box [[Common name::boxwood [Latin]]]
Etymology: buxus from Greek pyxos (or puxos), name for box tree, of uncertain origin but supposedly from pyknos, dense, solid, alluding to excellent wood
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 10.
FNA10 P01 Grevillea robusta.jpgGrevillea robusta
Buxus sempervirens
Pachysandra procumbens

Shrubs [trees], not clonal. Leaves opposite or subopposite; blade margins entire, surfaces shiny. Inflorescences axillary and terminal, spikes or capitate clusters [racemes]. Staminate flowers basal; tepals 4; pistillode present. Pistillate flowers 1 per inflorescence, apical; tepals 5 or 6; ovary 2-carpellate or 3-carpellate; locules 1 per carpel; stigma decurrent; interstylar nectaries or nectariferous tissue present; ovules 2 per locule. Fruits capsules, broadly oblong [globose or ovoid], loculicidally dehiscent, splitting into 2 or 3 valves, forcibly ejecting seeds at maturity, usually glabrous; style persistent. Seeds 2 per locule, black, oblong; with rudimentary aril. x = 14.


Introduced; Mexico, West Indies, Central America, n South America, Europe, Asia, Africa


Species ca. 70 (1 in the flora).

The structures subtending the pistillate flowers are ambiguous; they may be tepals or bracts. The taxonomy and nomenclature of Buxus are unsettled. Species and cultivars other than B. sempervirens are likely to persist from cultivation.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Buxus"
conspicuous +
rudimentary +
David E. Boufford +
Linnaeus +
circumscissile +
circumscissile +
Mexico +, West Indies +, Central America +, n South America +, Europe +, Asia +  and Africa +
buxus +  and from Greek pyxos - or puxos, name for box tree, of uncertain origin but supposedly from pyknos, dense, solid, alluding to excellent wood +
pistillate +  and staminate +
apical +  and basal +
circumscissile +
perennial +
subopposite +  and opposite +
persistent +
dentate +  and entire +
3-carpellate +  and 2-carpellate +
crassinucellate +  and bitegmic +
anatropous +  and pendulous +
3-carpellate +  and 2-carpellate +
distinct +  and connate +
not +  and carunculate +
distinct +  and free +
ascending +  and erect +
decurrent +
divergent +  and divaricate +
persistent +
subulate +
Buxaceae +
distinct +
6 +, 5 +  and 4 +