Eucalyptus pulchella
Tabl. École Bot. ed. 3, 284, 408. 1829.
Common names: White peppermint gum
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 10.
Trees, to 21 m; trunk white or bluish gray, mostly smooth, occasionally shaggy or rough near base; bark shed in relatively long strips. Leaves: (juvenile alternate, petiolate); with slight peppermint odor when crushed; petiole 0.1–0.6 cm; blade dark green, linear, 5–10 × 0.1–0.5 cm. Peduncles 0.1–0.3 cm. Inflorescences 9+-flowered, umbels. Flowers: hypanthium obconic, 2–3 mm, length ± equaling calyptra; calyptra hemispheric, rounded; stamens white. Capsules ovoid or subpyriform, 4–6 mm, not glaucous; valves 4, ± level with apex or included.
Phenology: Flowering winter.
Habitat: Disturbed areas.
Elevation: 0–200 m.
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Calif., Australia (Tasmania)
In the flora area, Eucalyptus pulchella is known only from Alameda County.
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dehiscing +
persistent +
pinnate +
cordate +
dark green +
faint +
glandular +
absent +
absent +
equaling +
imbricate +
equaling +
nutlike +
not glaucous +
White peppermint gum +
oily +
starchy +
absent +
scant +
epigynous +
thick-walled +
woody +
young +
aromatic +
simple +
prolonged +
obconic +
9+-flowered +
true +
straight +
ascending +
opposite +
persistent +
juvenile +
horizontal +
sinuate +
carpellate +
axile +
bitegmic +
multiseriate +
biseriate +
absent +
10;100 +
sterile +
fused +
imbricate +
Tabl. École Bot. ed. +
1829 +
dispersed +
100 +
cuboid +
unarmed +
clonal +
terrestrial +
erect +
synoecious +
white +
showy +
fertile +
true +
surrounding +
petiolate +
alternate +
adult +
vertical +
glaucous +
Eucalyptus pulchella +
Eucalyptus +
species +
erect +
open +
included +