
R. Brown ex Lindley

Bot. Reg. 8: plate 686. 1823.

Etymology: Greek eu, well, and lophos, plume, crest, alluding to the crest on the lip
Synonyms: Platypus Small & Nash
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 639. Mentioned on page 491, 496.
FNA26 Plate 106.jpegEulophia alta
Oeceoclades maculata
Pteroglossaspis ecristata
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi

Herbs, terrestrial [rarely epiphytic], cespitose. Stems modified into corms [pseudobulbs], concealed by leaf-sheaths. Leaves usually caducous, 1–several [sometimes much reduced, scalelike], basal, distichous, imbricate near base, clustered distally, nearly [distinctly] petiolate; blade plicate, not articulate with leaf-sheaths, leathery. Inflorescences lateral, arising from base of corm [pseudobulb], racemes [rarely paniculate], erect. Flowers resupinate, showy; sepals and petals distinct [lateral sepals sometimes connate at base] and free, sepals erect to spreading; lip adnate or articulate to column-foot, concave, saccate [sometimes spurred], 3-lobed; disc with erect lamellae; column erect, slightly arcuate, semiterete, long, more than 10 mm [short], basally produced into conspicuous foot, with shallow lateral wings distally; anther terminal, incumbent, 1-locular, operculate, 2-lobed at apex [entire]; pollinarium with 2 pollinia, yellow, nearly triangular to nearly circular, sulcate, cartilaginous; stipe short, inconspicuous [conspicuous, ligulate], viscidium semicircular [semilunar]. Fruits capsules, pendent when mature.


Species 215 (1 in the flora).

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Eulophia"
self-pollination +
Gustavo A. Romero-González +
R. Brown ex Lindley +
imbricate +  and distichous +
indehiscent +
not articulate +
conduplicate +  and plicate +
flattened +, triangular +  and cylindric +
semiterete +
Pantropical +
Greek eu, well, and lophos, plume, crest, alluding to the crest on the lip +
3-merous +, sessile +  and pedicellate +
conspicuous +
petiolate +, sessile +  and simple +
duplicate +, convolute +, whorled +, opposite +, distichous +  and alternate +
cauline +  and basal +
1 - ? +  and Several - ? +
reduced +
3-lobed +  and concave +
larger +
differing in form and color +
1-many-flowered +  and cymose +
pendent +  and erect +
free +  and distinct +
nearly triangular +  and nearly circular +
aerial +  and subterranean +
minute +
free +  and distinct +
erect +  and spreading +
foliaceous +
not +  and alike +
branched +, or +  and simple +
pendent +  and erect +
proliferous +
thickened +  and stout +
concave +  and convex +
inconspicuous +
Platypus +
Eulophia +
Orchidaceae - tribe Cymbidieae subtribe Eulophiinae +
annual +  and perennial +
herb +  and cespitose +
aquatic +, lithophytic +, terrestrial +  and epiphytic +
saprophytic +, photosynthetic +  and mycotrophic +