Manilkara jaimiqui

(C. Wright ex Grisebach) Dubard

Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille, sér. 3, 3: 16. 1915 ,.

Common names: Wild dilly
Basionym: Mimusops jaimiqui C. Wright ex Grisebach Cat. Pl. Cub., 164. 1866
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 235. Mentioned on page 234.



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Fla., West Indies (Greater Antilles)


Subspecies 4 (1 in the flora).

Selected References


... more about "Manilkara jaimiqui"
retuse +  and acuminate +
Richard P. Wunderlin +  and R. David Whetstone +
- C. Wright ex Grisebach Dubard +
rounded +  and cuneate +
Mimusops jaimiqui +
depressed-globose +  and subglobose +
Wild dilly +
tubular +, cyathiform +  and rotate +
Fla. +  and West Indies - Greater Antilles +
basiventral +  and axile +
solitary +  and fascicles +
persistent +
divided +  and not divided +
2 +  and 1 +
defoliated +  and leafy +
basal +  and superior +
hairy +  and glabrous +
tenuinucellate +, unitegmic +  and hemitropous +
yellow;white +
hairy +  and glabrous +
5-12[-14]-carpellate +
Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille, sér. +
compressed +
indurate +
distinct +
Illustrated +
epipetalous +  and antipetalous +
incurved +  and erect +
hairy +  and glabrous +
triangular-lanceolate +
glabrous +  and tomentose +
lobed +  and capitate +
included +, exserted +  and terminal +
glabrous +  and hairy +
Manilkara jaimiqui +
Manilkara +
species +
evergreen +  and deciduous +
tree +  and shrub +