
(A. Gray) Rothmaler

Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 52: 26. 1943.

Common names: Snapdragon vine
Etymology: Genus Maurandya and Latin -ella, diminutive, alluding to presence of personate corolla in Maurandella
Basionym: Antirrhinum Linnaeus [unranked] Maurandella A. Gray Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 375. 1868
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 35. Mentioned on page 14, 20, 21, 36.
FNA17 P05 Mabrya acerifolia.jpegMabrya acerifolia
Maurandella antirrhiniflora
Misopates orontium subsp. orontium
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi

Herbs, perennial; caudex woody. Stems climbing, glabrous. Leaves cauline, alternate; petiole twining; blade fleshy, not leathery, margins entire. Inflorescences axillary, flowers solitary; bracts absent. Pedicels present; bracteoles absent. Flowers bisexual; sepals 5, distinct, lanceolate, calyx bilaterally symmetric, campanulate; corolla blue to violet, pink, or red, bilaterally symmetric, bilabiate and personate, tubular, tube base not spurred or gibbous, lobes 5, abaxial 3, adaxial 2; stamens 4, basally adnate to corolla, didynamous, filaments glandular-hairy; staminode 1, filamentous; ovary 2-locular, placentation axile; stigma 2-lobed. Fruits capsules, dehiscence loculicidal. Seeds 80–150, dark-brown to black, ovoid to oblong-polygonal, wings absent. x = 12.


sw, sc United States, Mexico


Species 2 (1 in the flora).

Maurandella most commonly has been recognized as a genus segregated from Maurandya Ortega or as a section within Maurandya, based on distinctive characteristics: personate corolla, globular capsule, V-shaped septum, and marked asymmetry of the locules. The V-shaped septum results in unequal locule volumes, which is unique in Antirrhineae. Based on this unique combination of characteristics, Maurandella is recognized here as a genus distinct from Epixiphium and Maurandya.

Initial molecular phylogenetic studies indicated a sister group relationship between species of Maurandella and Maurandya (M. Ghebrehiwet et al. 2000); they lacked the taxon sampling needed to resolve relationships among closely related species in Epixiphium, Maurandella, and Maurandya (C. E. Freeman and R. Scogin 1999; P. Vargas et al. 2004). The more complete ITS sampling by M. Fernández-Mazuecos et al. (2013) placed both genera in the Cymbalaria clade, but not as sister taxa; Maurandya was sister to Lophospermum, whereas Maurandella was nested in a more basal position within a seven-taxon subclade comprising genera in subtribe Maurandyinae.

Maurandella hederifolia Rothmaler is known from northern Mexico.

Selected References


... more about "Maurandella"
Wayne J. Elisens +
- A. Gray Rothmaler +
alternate +, opposite +, whorled +, helical +  and subopposite +
Antirrhinum +
not leathery +  and fleshy +
campanulate +
Snapdragon vine +
personate +  and bilabiate +
blue +  and violet pink or red +
sw +, sc United States +  and Mexico +
drupe-like +
curved +  and straight +
Genus Maurandya and Latin -ella, diminutive, alluding to presence of personate corolla in Maurandella +
glandular-hairy +
1 +  and 4 +
persistent +  and deciduous +
entire +  and subentire toothed or lobed +
axile +  and parietal +
basal +, apical +  and superior +
tenuinucellate +, unitegmic +  and hemitropous +
campylotropous +, hemianatropous +  and anatropous +
5 +  and 4 +
Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. +
minute +
dark-brown +  and black +
ovoid +  and oblong-polygonal +
distinct +
lanceolate +
filamentous +
sprawling +, creeping +  and prostrate +
reclining;pendent;spreading;arching;erect;ascending;erect;ascending;decumbent +
Maurandella +
Plantaginaceae +
gibbous +  and not spurred +