Sacoila lanceolata var. lanceolata
Common names: Leafless beaked orchid
Synonyms: Neottia aphylla Hooker Satyrium orchioides Swartz Spiranthes jaliscana S. Watson Spiranthes orchioides (Swartz) A. Richard
Leaves usually absent at flowering time. Inflorescences 4–18 cm; floral bracts green to reddish-brown, lanceolate, 15–20 (–25) mm. Flowers 9–50, coral to orange-red; dorsal sepal 19–23 × 7–9 mm; lateral sepals 23–31 × 3–8 mm, connate for 5–7 mm over basal portion of mentum, free portion of mentum 4–6 mm; petals 21–26 × 6–8 mm; lip pale-red or pinkish white to white, 23–31 × 8–11 mm; column 9–10 mm from attachment of dorsal sepal to tip, foot extending back 11–12 mm; pollinaria 8–9 mm; viscidia 4–5 mm; pedicellate ovary 10–20 mm; rostellum 4–5 mm. Capsules 14 × 8 mm. Seeds largely polyembryonic. 2n = 46.
Phenology: Flowering mid Mar–early Jul.
Habitat: Open, dry to moist habitats including poorly drained pinelands, roadside ditches, pastures, open woods in sandy, ± acid substrates
Elevation: 0–30 m
![V26 1077-distribution-map.jpg](/w/images/8/8b/V26_1077-distribution-map.jpg)
Fla., Mexico, West Indies, Central America, n South America
Selected References
Lower Taxa
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separating +
abaxial +
self-pollination +
indehiscent +
elliptic +
marginal +
pubescent +
14 cm140 mm <br />0.14 m <br /> (?) +
ascending +
ovoid +
8 cm80 mm <br />0.08 m <br /> (?) +
bladeless +
extended +
Leafless beaked orchid +
free +
ascending +
absent +
symmetric +
resupinate +
epigynous +
9;50 +
bisexual +
ovoid +
fleshy +
3-carpellate +
connate +
Open, dry to moist habitats including poorly drained pinelands, roadside ditches, pastures, open woods in sandy, ± acid substrates +
transitional +
glandular-capitate +
bubble--shaped +
Present +
connate +
extended +
3mm;8mm +
absent +
modified +
differing in form and color +
free-tipped +
prominent +
pedicellate +
inferior +
anatropous +
numerous +
minute +
small +
dense +
flowering +
modified +
petaloid +
21mm;26mm +
decurrent;falcate;lanceolate +
not distinct +
subdivided +
pale-yellow +
free +
fertile +
expanded +
reduced +
Bot. Mus. Leafl. +
1982 +
flowered +
pubescent +
creeping +
abbreviated +
fascicled +
fleshy +
rigid +
polyembryonic +
numerous +
greener +
foliaceous +
longitudinal +
various +
Illustrated +
opposite +
adnate +
1;2 +
modified +
delicate +
proliferous +
perpendicular +
absent +
adnate +
Sacoila lanceolata var. lanceolata +
Sacoila lanceolata +
variety +
flowering +
stolonoid +
multilayered +
spongy +
terrestrial +
subterranean +