Sedum radiatum
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 18: 193. 1883,.
Herbs, annual or biennial, multistemmed from base, glabrous, pedicels and leaves of offsets sometimes ciliate. Stems erect or horizontal proximally and erect distally, simple or branched, bearing elevated rosettes. Leaves alternate, ascending, sessile; blade yellow-green (rosette leaves with 5 green to purple veins), not glaucous, oblongelliptic, oblong-lanceolate, lanceolate, or ovate, subterete, 4.4–14 × 1.8–3 mm (somewhat longer and wider on flowering shoots), base short-spurred, scarious, apex acuminate or acute, (unlobed to 3-lobed on flowering shoots, surfaces sometimes ciliate marginally, papillose). Flowering shoots erect or slightly recurved, simple, 5.5–19 cm, (sometimes ciliate, papillose); leaf-blades lanceolate, base spurred (spurs unlobed or 3-lobed); offsets caducous, axillary. Inflorescences cymes, 4–25-flowered, 3-branched; branches recurved or not, sometimes dichotomously forked; bracts similar to leaves, smaller. Pedicels to 1 mm, (sometimes ciliate, papillose). Flowers 5-merous; sepals erect, distinct, green to yellow, lanceolate or ovate, equal, ca. 1.5–3.5 × 0.8–2 mm, (base broadly spurred), apex acuminate or acute, (sometimes papillose apically); petals spreading, distinct, white, creamy white, or yellow, elliptic-lanceolate, carinate basally, 5–11 mm, apex acute with mucronate appendage; filaments white; anthers yellow, orange, or red; nectar scales orange or yellow, square. Carpels stellately spreading in fruit, connate basally, straw colored streaked with reddish-brown. 2n = 16.

Calif., Oreg.
Varieties 3 (3 in the flora).
Selected References
Lower Taxa
1 | Primary branches of cymes simple, rarely dichotomously forked; petals yellow; anthers yellow. | Sedum radiatum var. radiatum |
1 | Primary branches of cymes often dichotomously forked; petals white or creamy white, sometimes drying yellowish; anthers red, orange, or yellow | > 2 |
2 | Petals 7-11 mm; anthers yellow. | Sedum radiatum var. ciliosum |
2 | Petals 6-7 mm; anthers red, orange, or yellow. | Sedum radiatum var. depauperatum |