subfamilyEricaceae subfam. Vaccinioideae
sectionVaccinium sect. Herpothamnus
Show Lower Taxa
Vaccinium sect. Herpothamnus
Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 71: 414. 1941.
Basionym: Herpothamnus Small Man. S.E. Fl. 1017, 1507, fig. p. 1017. 1933
Vines, trailing, (0.5-) 0.7-1.8 (-3) dm, rhizomatous. Leaves persistent. Inflorescences axillary, racemes, 2-4-flowered, borne on growth of preceding year. Pedicels articulated with calyx. Flowers: sepals 5; petals 5, connate for nearly their entire lengths, corolla urceolate; stamens 10, included, (ca. 2.5 mm); anthers without awns; tubules ca. 1 mm, with terminal pores. Berries 5-locular. Seeds 5-10.
se United States
Species 1
Selected References
Lower Taxa
"entire" is not a number."dm" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.
... more about "Vaccinium sect. Herpothamnus"
absent +
dehiscent +
inverted +
not flaky +
ovate;oblong-lanceolate or spatulate +
membranous;coriaceous +
much shorter +
aromatic +
absent +
deciduous +
absent +
rotate to crateriform campanulate cylindric globose or urceolate +
urceolate +
fascicles +
se United States +
straight +
undifferentiated +
fusiform +
minute +
cellular +
abundant +
fleshy +
straight +
distinct +
symmetric +
pendulous +
baccate +
ovoid;globose +
fleshy +
preceding +
absent +
axillary +
simple +
persistent +
cauline +
usually much shorter +
shorter to longer +
,;plane +
revolute +
absent +
furrowed +
axile +
inferior +
lobed +
anatropous +
fascicles +
articulated +
absent +
red;cream;pink bronze or green +
connate +
absent +
reduced +
not sticky +
absent +
4-5-carpellate +
solid +
Bot. Jahrb. Syst. +
1941 +
2-4-flowered +
winged +
tan;yellowish-brown or brown +
distinct +
5;10 +
ellipsoid +
connate +
absent +
included +
capitate +
5-lobed +
absent +
hollow +
straight +
declinate +
brochidodromous +
Vaccinium sect. Herpothamnus +
Vaccinium +
section +
reticulate +
thin +
rhizomatous +
trailing +
absent +
multicellular-hairy +