Information for "Chorizanthe brevicornu"

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Display titleChorizanthe brevicornu
Default sort keyChorizanthe brevicornu
Page length (in bytes)8,031
Page ID53413
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Page creatorimported>Volume Importer
Date of page creation09:56, 30 July 2020
Latest editorimported>Volume Importer
Date of latest edit09:56, 30 July 2020
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... more about "Chorizanthe brevicornu"
lenticular +
white +  and pale-yellow +
0.03 cm0.3 mm <br />3.0e-4 m <br /> (0.04 cm0.4 mm <br />4.0e-4 m <br />) +
James L. Reveal +
Torrey in W. H. Emory +
alternating +
uncinate +
0.02 cm0.2 mm <br />2.0e-4 m <br /> (0.05 cm0.5 mm <br />5.0e-4 m <br />) +
alternate +  and rosulate +
stipelike +
awn-tipped +  and simple +
3 cm30 mm <br />0.03 m <br /> (4 cm40 mm <br />0.04 m <br />) +
1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br /> (3 cm30 mm <br />0.03 m <br />) +
oblanceolate;narrowly elliptic or spatulate +
0.1 cm1 mm <br />0.001 m <br /> (1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br />) +
deciduous +
distinct +
glandular +, woolly-floccose +, tomentose +, strigose +, villous +, hirsute +  and pubescent +
scale-like +
disarticulating +, dichotomous +, branched +  and open +
erect +  and spreading +
just below the soil surface or and above the soil surface +  and spreading +
Ariz. +, Calif. +, Idaho +, Nev. +, Oreg. +  and nw Mexico +
curved +  and straight +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> (0.35 cm3.5 mm <br />0.0035 m <br />) +
white +  and pink or rose maroon or purple or yellow +
decumbent to erect +  and prostrate +
unwinged +  and winged +
black +, red +, brown +  and yellowish +
exserted +  and included +
pubescent +  and glabrous +
spheroidal +, 4-gonous +, lenticular +, biconvex +, discoid +, 3-gonous +  and 2-gonous +
uniparous +, capitate +  and cymose +
cymelike +, paniclelike +, racemelike +  and spikelike +
connate +  and free +
6-toothed +, 3-angled +, ventricose +  and cylindric +
0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br /> (0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br />) +
nonmembranous +
oblanceolate +  and narrowly elliptic or spatulate +
in whorls +, opposite +, alternate +  and rosulate +
deciduous +  and persistent +
bractlike +
pubescent +  and glabrous +
lobed +, undulate +, crisped +, crenulate +  and entire +
scarious +  and membranous +
not swollen +
orthotropous +
accrescent +
curved +  and straight +
erect to deflexed +
white;greenish white;white or pale yellowish +
cylindric +
accrescent +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> (0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br />) +
fleshy +, indurate +  and membranous +
with extrafloral nectaries +  and not articulate +
0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> (2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br />) +
homostylous +  and 3-carpellate +
1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> (1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br />) +
0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br /> (1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br />) +
acicular +  and scale-like +
0.1 cm1 mm <br />0.001 m <br /> (0.25 cm2.5 mm <br />0.0025 m <br />) +
in W. H. Emory, Rep. U.S. Mex. Bound. +
, +  and solid +
slender;stout +
Illustrated +
disarticulating +
decumbent to erect +  and prostrate +
prostrate +  and erect +
penicillate +, fimbriate +  and capitate +
deciduous +  and persistent +
2-lobed +  and cylindric +
coriaceous +  and membranous +
consisting of a series +  and tubular +
distinct +
erect;spreading +
spreading;erect +
chambered +, , +  and solid +
slender +  and stout +
Chorizanthe brevicornu +
Chorizanthe sect. Fragile +
species +
acute +, linear +  and narrowly oblanceolate +
coriaceous +
shallow +
erect +  and spreading +
unequal +
0.04 cm0.4 mm <br />4.0e-4 m <br /> (0.12 cm1.2 mm <br />0.0012 m <br />) +
persistent +
membranous +
pubescent +  and glabrous +
glabrate +, strigose +  and pubescent +
3 +, 2 +  and 1 +