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Sp. Pl. 1: 171. 1753.


Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 78. 1754 ,.

Common names: Water pimpernel brookweed
Etymology: Ancient Celtic name for plant known to Druids
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 254. Mentioned on page 251, 252.
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Latest revision as of 13:05, 30 July 2020

FNA8 P31 Jacquinia keyensis.jpegJacquinia
Jacquinia keyensis
Samolus parviflorus
Hottonia inflata
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey

Herbs, perennial; resin canals apparent. Stems erect or ascending to prostrate or arching, simple or diffusely branched. Leaves basal and cauline, cauline mostly alternate; blade spatulate to obovate, elliptic, or orbiculate, base attenuate to cuneate, margins usually entire, sometimes slightly crenate, apex obtuse to rounded (sometimes apiculate), surfaces glabrous, sometimes obscurely punctate. Inflorescences terminal and axillary racemes or panicles [flowers solitary], 3–70-flowered, sometimes pedunculate. Pedicels present, bracteate or ebracteate. Flowers: sepals connate proximally, calyx lobes triangular to ovate, shorter to longer than tube; corolla white to pinkish, campanulate, lobes usually longer than tube, apex rounded to truncate or emarginate, sometimes erose; stamens borne near apex of corolla-tube; filaments distinct; anthers closely aggregated initially around style or not; staminodes absent or 5 [10], borne at apex of corolla-tube, petaloid or not; stigma capitate, truncate, or 2-lobed. Capsules pale tan to brown, valvate, globose; valves opening to base of calyx lobes. Seeds 20–50+, blackish brown to reddish-brown, hemispheric, angular, minutely alveolate or reticulate. x = 12, 13.


North America, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America, Eurasia, Africa (South Africa)


Species 10–12 (3 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Inflorescences pedunculate, peduncles 5-10 cm; pedicels ebracteate; staminodes absent. Samolus ebracteatus
1 Inflorescences sessile or pedunculate, peduncles to 1.5 cm; pedicels bracteate; staminodes present > 2
2 Stems erect or ascending; plants not stoloniferous; pedicels with bract ca. midlength. Samolus parviflorus
2 Stems prostrate or arching; plants stoloniferous or mat-forming; pedicels with bract proximal to midlength. Samolus vagans
... more about "Samolus"
rounded to truncate;obtuse;rounded +
Anita F. Cholewa +
Linnaeus +
attenuate +  and cuneate +
spatulate;obovate elliptic or orbiculate +
triangular;ovate +
shorter to longer +
pale tan;brown +
Water pimpernel +  and brookweed +
white +  and pinkish +
campanulate +
North America +, Mexico +, West Indies +, Central America +, South America +, Eurasia +  and Africa (South Africa) +
dicotyledonous +
Ancient Celtic name for plant known to Druids +
capsular +  and baccate +
loculicidal +
pedunculate +  and 3-70-flowered +
cauline +  and basal +
usually longer +
superior;partly inferior +
tenuinucellate +  and bitegmic +
ebracteate +  and bracteate +
5+-carpellate +
Sp. Pl. +  and Gen. Pl. ed. +
blackish brown;reddish-brown +
reticulate +  and alveolate +
hemispheric +
epipetalous +  and antipetalous +
not +  and petaloid +
epipetalous +  and antisepalous +
branched +  and simple +
ascending +  and prostrate or arching +
2-lobed +  and truncate +
Samolus +
Theophrastaceae +
glandular-punctate +  and with secretory resin canals +