Revision as of 00:21, 30 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer
This template is used to set the semantic properties for treatments of the Cyperaceae family
It defines the following properties:
- Property:2n chromosome quantity
- Property:2n=68,70 , n chromosome atypical quantity
- Property:2n=68,70 , n chromosome quantity
- Property:40x relief
- Property:abaxial angle fusion
- Property:abaxial angle length
- Property:abaxial angle presence
- Property:abaxial angle prominence
- Property:abaxial angle shape
- Property:abaxial angle size or width
- Property:abaxial angle width
- Property:abaxial face architecture
- Property:abaxial face atypical some measurement
- Property:abaxial face length
- Property:abaxial face shape
- Property:abaxial face some measurement
- Property:abaxial face width
- Property:abaxial margin architecture or shape
- Property:abaxial midrib pubescence or relief
- Property:abaxial projection shape
- Property:abaxial rib pubescence
- Property:abaxial ridge dehiscence or orientation
- Property:abaxial surface architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:abaxial surface architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:abaxial surface architecture or shape
- Property:abaxial surface pubescence
- Property:abaxial surface pubescence or relief
- Property:abaxial surface relief
- Property:abaxial surface shape
- Property:abaxial surface width
- Property:abaxial suture architecture
- Property:abaxial suture architecture or shape
- Property:abaxial suture atypical some measurement
- Property:abaxial suture coloration
- Property:abaxial suture condition
- Property:abaxial suture prominence
- Property:abaxial suture prominence or shape
- Property:abaxial suture shape
- Property:abaxial suture some measurement
- Property:achene apex some measurement
- Property:achene architecture
- Property:achene architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:achene architecture or fixation
- Property:achene architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:achene architecture or shape
- Property:achene arrangement
- Property:achene arrangement or course or shape
- Property:achene arrangement or shape
- Property:achene atypical length
- Property:achene atypical quantity
- Property:achene atypical some measurement
- Property:achene atypical width
- Property:achene beak variability
- Property:achene body architecture or shape
- Property:achene body height or length or size
- Property:achene body position
- Property:achene body prominence
- Property:achene body quantity
- Property:achene body variability
- Property:achene coloration
- Property:achene coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:achene coloration or reflectance
- Property:achene condition or size
- Property:achene course
- Property:achene duration
- Property:achene fixation
- Property:achene fragility or size
- Property:achene habitat
- Property:achene height
- Property:achene height or length or size
- Property:achene l w ratio
- Property:achene length
- Property:achene length or size
- Property:achene life cycle
- Property:achene margin relief
- Property:achene position
- Property:achene position relational
- Property:achene presence
- Property:achene prominence
- Property:achene prominence or shape
- Property:achene pubescence
- Property:achene pubescence or relief
- Property:achene pubescence or texture
- Property:achene quantity
- Property:achene reflectance
- Property:achene relief
- Property:achene relief or architecture
- Property:achene reproduction
- Property:achene shape
- Property:achene size
- Property:achene size or length
- Property:achene size or width
- Property:achene some measurement
- Property:achene summit character
- Property:achene texture
- Property:achene thickness
- Property:achene variability
- Property:achene wart arrangement
- Property:achene width
- Property:achenes side l w ratio
- Property:achenes side length
- Property:achenes side prominence or shape
- Property:achenes side shape
- Property:achenes side width
- Property:adaxial and abaxial surface pubescence
- Property:adaxial area coloration
- Property:adaxial band coloration
- Property:adaxial blotch coloration
- Property:adaxial face architecture
- Property:adaxial face atypical length
- Property:adaxial face coloration
- Property:adaxial face length
- Property:adaxial face relief
- Property:adaxial face shape
- Property:adaxial face some measurement
- Property:adaxial face width
- Property:adaxial rib pubescence
- Property:adaxial side prominence
- Property:adaxial side shape
- Property:adaxial surface length
- Property:adaxial surface prominence
- Property:adaxial surface pubescence
- Property:adaxial surface relief
- Property:adaxial surface shape
- Property:adaxial surface width
- Property:adaxial vein length
- Property:adaxial vein length or size
- Property:adaxial vein shape
- Property:adaxial vein thickness
- Property:age architecture
- Property:age coloration
- Property:age length
- Property:age life cycle
- Property:age shape
- Property:age width
- Property:air prominence
- Property:air shape
- Property:alveola architecture or shape
- Property:alveola depth
- Property:alveola orientation
- Property:alveola relief
- Property:alveola shape
- Property:alveola size
- Property:alveola size or width
- Property:alveola width
- Property:alveolus shape
- Property:alveolus size
- Property:angle architecture
- Property:angle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:angle architecture or shape
- Property:angle atypical length
- Property:angle atypical quantity
- Property:angle atypical width
- Property:angle coloration
- Property:angle fragility
- Property:angle fusion
- Property:angle height or length or size
- Property:angle length
- Property:angle length or size
- Property:angle life cycle
- Property:angle position
- Property:angle position or shape
- Property:angle prominence
- Property:angle pubescence
- Property:angle pubescence or relief
- Property:angle quantity
- Property:angle relief
- Property:angle shape
- Property:angle size or width
- Property:angle some measurement
- Property:angle width
- Property:anthela architecture
- Property:anthela architecture or arrangement
- Property:anthela architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:anthela density
- Property:anthela length or size
- Property:anthela shape
- Property:anthela width
- Property:anthelum architecture
- Property:anthelum density
- Property:anthelum length or size
- Property:anthelum size
- Property:anther architecture or shape
- Property:anther arrangement or course or shape
- Property:anther arrangement or shape
- Property:anther atypical some measurement
- Property:anther coloration
- Property:anther duration
- Property:anther fixation
- Property:anther length
- Property:anther quantity
- Property:anther shape
- Property:anther some measurement
- Property:anther width
- Property:apex architecture
- Property:apex architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:apex architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:apex architecture or relief
- Property:apex architecture or shape
- Property:apex arrangement
- Property:apex atypical length
- Property:apex atypical some measurement
- Property:apex atypical width
- Property:apex awn pubescence
- Property:apex awn some measurement
- Property:apex character
- Property:apex coloration
- Property:apex coloration or relief
- Property:apex condition or size
- Property:apex course
- Property:apex depth
- Property:apex fragility
- Property:apex fragility or size
- Property:apex growth form or texture
- Property:apex height or length or size
- Property:apex length
- Property:apex length or size
- Property:apex life cycle
- Property:apex orientation
- Property:apex orientation or shape
- Property:apex position
- Property:apex position or shape
- Property:apex position relational
- Property:apex presence
- Property:apex prominence
- Property:apex pubescence
- Property:apex pubescence or relief
- Property:apex pubescence or texture
- Property:apex quantity
- Property:apex reflectance
- Property:apex relief
- Property:apex relief or texture
- Property:apex shape
- Property:apex shape or architecture
- Property:apex shape or vernation
- Property:apex size
- Property:apex size or width
- Property:apex some measurement
- Property:apex texture
- Property:apex variability
- Property:apex width
- Property:apical 1/2 coloration
- Property:apical 1/2 quantity
- Property:apical beak some measurement
- Property:apical margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:apical part coloration
- Property:apical part length or size
- Property:apical part shape
- Property:apical part some measurement
- Property:apical region architecture or shape
- Property:apical region coloration
- Property:apical region length or size
- Property:apical region shape
- Property:apical region some measurement
- Property:apical tooth architecture or shape
- Property:apical tooth atypical some measurement
- Property:apical tooth coloration
- Property:apical tooth fragility or size
- Property:apical tooth orientation
- Property:apical tooth some measurement
- Property:apical tuber length
- Property:apical tuber shape
- Property:apical tuber width
- Property:apiculu height or length or size
- Property:apiculu prominence
- Property:apiculu pubescence
- Property:apiculu pubescence or relief
- Property:apiculu some measurement
- Property:apiculu width
- Property:apiculum some measurement
- Property:appendage shape or vernation
- Property:area architecture
- Property:area coloration
- Property:area position
- Property:area shape
- Property:area some measurement
- Property:area texture
- Property:aspect arrangement
- Property:aspect position
- Property:aspect pubescence
- Property:auricle width
- Property:author
- Property:authority
- Property:awn architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:awn architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:awn architecture or shape
- Property:awn arrangement or shape
- Property:awn atypical some measurement
- Property:awn atypical width
- Property:awn coloration
- Property:awn course
- Property:awn fragility or size
- Property:awn fusion
- Property:awn height or length or size
- Property:awn length
- Property:awn length or size
- Property:awn presence
- Property:awn prominence
- Property:awn pubescence
- Property:awn pubescence or relief
- Property:awn quantity
- Property:awn shape
- Property:awn size
- Property:awn some measurement
- Property:awn width
- Property:axis length
- Property:axis length or size
- Property:axis width
- Property:back architecture or shape
- Property:back coloration
- Property:back pubescence
- Property:back pubescence or relief
- Property:band architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:band atypical some measurement
- Property:band coloration
- Property:band coloration or density
- Property:band dehiscence or orientation
- Property:band fusion
- Property:band length
- Property:band prominence
- Property:band relief
- Property:band shape
- Property:band size or width
- Property:band some measurement
- Property:band texture
- Property:band width
- Property:barb architecture
- Property:barb arrangement
- Property:barb orientation
- Property:basal and proximal sheath relief
- Property:basal blade arrangement
- Property:basal blade orientation
- Property:basal blade shape
- Property:basal branch size
- Property:basal inflorescence quantity
- Property:basal leaf architecture
- Property:basal leaf architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:basal leaf orientation
- Property:basal leaf prominence or shape
- Property:basal leaf quantity
- Property:basal leaf shape
- Property:basal leaf width
- Property:basal leaf-blade prominence or shape
- Property:basal leaf-blade width
- Property:basal offshoot size
- Property:basal papilla presence
- Property:basal papilla size
- Property:basal rim presence
- Property:basal rim shape
- Property:basal rim some measurement
- Property:basal scale coloration
- Property:basal scale quantity
- Property:basal scale reproduction
- Property:basal scale some measurement
- Property:basal sheath architecture
- Property:basal sheath coloration
- Property:basal sheath coloration or density
- Property:basal sheath dehiscence
- Property:basal sheath duration
- Property:basal sheath height or length or size
- Property:basal sheath life cycle
- Property:basal sheath presence
- Property:basal sheath pubescence
- Property:basal sheath pubescence or relief
- Property:basal sheath quantity
- Property:basal sheath reflectance
- Property:basal sheath shape
- Property:basal sheath size
- Property:basal sheath size or width
- Property:basal sheath some measurement
- Property:basal sheath texture
- Property:basal sheath width
- Property:basal spike architecture
- Property:basal spike arrangement
- Property:basal spike character
- Property:basal spike prominence
- Property:basal spike quantity
- Property:basal spikelet architecture
- Property:basal spikelet presence
- Property:basal spikelet reproduction
- Property:basal tissue prominence
- Property:basal tissue texture
- Property:base architecture
- Property:base architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:base architecture or shape
- Property:base area
- Property:base arrangement
- Property:base arrangement or course or shape
- Property:base arrangement or shape
- Property:base character
- Property:base coloration
- Property:base coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:base condition or size
- Property:base course
- Property:base depth
- Property:base duration
- Property:base fragility or size
- Property:base fusion
- Property:base growth form or orientation
- Property:base height
- Property:base height or length or size
- Property:base length
- Property:base length or size
- Property:base life cycle
- Property:base location or position
- Property:base maturation
- Property:base position or structure subtype
- Property:base position relational
- Property:base prominence
- Property:base prominence or shape
- Property:base pubescence
- Property:base pubescence or relief
- Property:base pubescence or texture
- Property:base quantity
- Property:base reflectance
- Property:base relief
- Property:base rhizome fragility or size
- Property:base rhizome shape
- Property:base shape
- Property:base size
- Property:base size or width
- Property:base some measurement
- Property:base texture
- Property:base thickness
- Property:base variability
- Property:base width
- Property:basionyms
- Property:beak apex atypical length
- Property:beak apex condition or size
- Property:beak apex length
- Property:beak apex shape
- Property:beak apex width
- Property:beak architecture
- Property:beak architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:beak architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:beak architecture or relief
- Property:beak architecture or shape
- Property:beak arrangement
- Property:beak arrangement or course or shape
- Property:beak atypical quantity
- Property:beak atypical some measurement
- Property:beak character
- Property:beak coloration
- Property:beak coloration or density
- Property:beak condition or size
- Property:beak course
- Property:beak fragility
- Property:beak fragility or size
- Property:beak fusion
- Property:beak growth form or texture
- Property:beak height or length or size
- Property:beak length
- Property:beak location
- Property:beak orientation
- Property:beak orientation or shape
- Property:beak orifice architecture or shape
- Property:beak orifice coloration
- Property:beak orifice pubescence
- Property:beak orifice shape
- Property:beak presence
- Property:beak prominence
- Property:beak prominence or shape
- Property:beak pubescence
- Property:beak pubescence or relief
- Property:beak quantity
- Property:beak relief
- Property:beak shape
- Property:beak size
- Property:beak size or width
- Property:beak some measurement
- Property:beak texture
- Property:beak tip architecture
- Property:beak tip architecture or shape
- Property:beak tip coloration
- Property:beak tip prominence
- Property:beak tip prominence or shape
- Property:beak tip relief
- Property:beak tip shape
- Property:beak tip size or width
- Property:beak tip some measurement
- Property:beak tooth fragility
- Property:beak tooth texture
- Property:beak variability
- Property:beak width
- Property:between distal lateral spikes longest internode some measurement
- Property:between ridges and angles row dehiscence or orientation
- Property:between ridges and angles row quantity
- Property:between ridges ridge orientation
- Property:between ridges ridge width
- Property:between spikes internode atypical some measurement
- Property:between spikes internode some measurement
- Property:between trabeculae space coloration or reflectance
- Property:blade architecture
- Property:blade architecture or arrangement
- Property:blade architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Property:blade architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:blade architecture or shape
- Property:blade arrangement
- Property:blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:blade arrangement or growth form
- Property:blade arrangement or relief
- Property:blade arrangement or shape
- Property:blade arrangement or vernation
- Property:blade atypical length
- Property:blade atypical quantity
- Property:blade atypical some measurement
- Property:blade atypical width
- Property:blade coloration
- Property:blade course
- Property:blade development
- Property:blade duration
- Property:blade fragility
- Property:blade fragility or texture
- Property:blade fusion
- Property:blade growth form or texture
- Property:blade height or length or size
- Property:blade heigth or size
- Property:blade l w ratio
- Property:blade length
- Property:blade length or size
- Property:blade location
- Property:blade orientation
- Property:blade position
- Property:blade position or shape
- Property:blade position relational
- Property:blade presence
- Property:blade prominence
- Property:blade prominence or shape
- Property:blade pubescence
- Property:blade pubescence or relief
- Property:blade pubescence or texture
- Property:blade quantity
- Property:blade relief
- Property:blade shape
- Property:blade shape or vernation
- Property:blade size
- Property:blade size or length
- Property:blade some measurement
- Property:blade texture
- Property:blade thickness
- Property:blade variability
- Property:blade width
- Property:blade-leaf distance
- Property:blade-leaf shape
- Property:blade-leaf width
- Property:body angle coloration
- Property:body angle shape
- Property:body architecture
- Property:body architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:body architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:body architecture or shape
- Property:body arrangement or shape
- Property:body atypical length
- Property:body atypical quantity
- Property:body atypical some measurement
- Property:body atypical width
- Property:body coloration
- Property:body coloration or reflectance
- Property:body course
- Property:body depth
- Property:body fusion
- Property:body growth form or texture
- Property:body height or length or size
- Property:body length
- Property:body length or size
- Property:body life cycle
- Property:body position
- Property:body position or shape
- Property:body position relational
- Property:body prominence
- Property:body pubescence
- Property:body pubescence or relief
- Property:body pubescence or texture
- Property:body quantity
- Property:body reflectance
- Property:body relief
- Property:body shape
- Property:body size
- Property:body size or length
- Property:body size or width
- Property:body some measurement
- Property:body texture
- Property:body variability
- Property:body width
- Property:border arrangement
- Property:border coating
- Property:border coloration
- Property:border prominence
- Property:border shape
- Property:border size or width
- Property:bract architecture
- Property:bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:bract architecture or shape
- Property:bract arrangement
- Property:bract atypical length
- Property:bract atypical quantity
- Property:bract atypical width
- Property:bract blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:bract blade position
- Property:bract blade position relational
- Property:bract blade some measurement
- Property:bract blade width
- Property:bract coloration
- Property:bract coloration or relief
- Property:bract course
- Property:bract development
- Property:bract height or length or size
- Property:bract l w ratio
- Property:bract length
- Property:bract length or size
- Property:bract ligule atypical some measurement
- Property:bract ligule some measurement
- Property:bract orientation
- Property:bract position
- Property:bract position or shape
- Property:bract position relational
- Property:bract presence
- Property:bract prominence
- Property:bract prominence or shape
- Property:bract pubescence
- Property:bract pubescence or relief
- Property:bract quantity
- Property:bract relief
- Property:bract shape
- Property:bract shape or vernation
- Property:bract sheath architecture or fragility
- Property:bract sheath arrangement or density
- Property:bract sheath length
- Property:bract sheath pubescence
- Property:bract sheath some measurement
- Property:bract size
- Property:bract some measurement
- Property:bract variability
- Property:bract width
- Property:bracteal leaf length
- Property:bractlet arrangement
- Property:bracts sheath coloration
- Property:branch architecture
- Property:branch architecture or fragility
- Property:branch arrangement
- Property:branch arrangement or course or shape
- Property:branch atypical length
- Property:branch atypical quantity
- Property:branch atypical width
- Property:branch course
- Property:branch density
- Property:branch fragility
- Property:branch length
- Property:branch orientation
- Property:branch prominence
- Property:branch quantity
- Property:branch shape
- Property:branch size
- Property:branch some measurement
- Property:branch width
- Property:bristle architecture
- Property:bristle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:bristle architecture or shape
- Property:bristle atypical quantity
- Property:bristle course
- Property:bristle fragility or size
- Property:bristle height or length or size
- Property:bristle length
- Property:bristle orientation
- Property:bristle position relational
- Property:bristle presence
- Property:bristle prominence
- Property:bristle quantity
- Property:bristle relief
- Property:bristle shape
- Property:bristle size
- Property:bristle tip atypical some measurement
- Property:bristle tip height or length or size
- Property:bristle tip some measurement
- Property:bristletip height or length or size
- Property:bud architecture
- Property:bud architecture or shape
- Property:bulb presence
- Property:buttress size or width
- Property:buttress width
- Property:callus shape
- Property:caudex presence
- Property:caudex texture
- Property:caudex thickness
- Property:cauline blade atypical width
- Property:cauline blade length
- Property:cauline blade orientation
- Property:cauline blade texture
- Property:cauline blade width
- Property:cauline leaf architecture
- Property:cauline leaf architecture or shape
- Property:cauline leaf arrangement
- Property:cauline leaf arrangement or course or shape
- Property:cauline leaf orientation
- Property:cauline leaf prominence or shape
- Property:cauline leaf quantity
- Property:cauline leaf shape
- Property:cauline leaf some measurement
- Property:cauline leaf width
- Property:cauline spike arrangement
- Property:cauline spike arrangement or density
- Property:cauline spike some measurement
- Property:cavity position
- Property:cavity prominence
- Property:cavity quantity
- Property:cavity width
- Property:cell architecture or shape
- Property:cell arrangement
- Property:cell arrangement or course or shape
- Property:cell length
- Property:cell orientation
- Property:cell prominence
- Property:cell pubescence or shape
- Property:cell shape
- Property:cell size
- Property:cell width
- Property:center architecture
- Property:center architecture or shape
- Property:center atypical length
- Property:center atypical width
- Property:center coloration
- Property:center length
- Property:center reflectance
- Property:center relief
- Property:center shape
- Property:center size
- Property:center width
- Property:central area texture
- Property:central disc coloration
- Property:central flank texture
- Property:central midrib position
- Property:central region architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:central region atypical length
- Property:central region coloration
- Property:central region length
- Property:central region life cycle
- Property:central region shape
- Property:central region width
- Property:central spikelet architecture
- Property:central spikelet quantity
- Property:central strip coloration
- Property:chaff coloration
- Property:claw length or size
- Property:clump density
- Property:clump life cycle
- Property:clump size
- Property:collar coloration
- Property:collar position
- Property:collar size or width
- Property:collar some measurement
- Property:colony density
- Property:common name
- Property:compound architecture
- Property:compound quantity
- Property:compound shape
- Property:compound width
- Property:compressedtrigonou duration
- Property:compressedtrigonou prominence
- Property:compressedtrigonou shape
- Property:compressedtrigonou width
- Property:concavity dehiscence or orientation
- Property:connective apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:connective apex coloration
- Property:connective apex length
- Property:connective apex prominence
- Property:connective apex pubescence
- Property:connective apex shape
- Property:connective apex size
- Property:connective apex some measurement
- Property:connective length
- Property:connective shape
- Property:connective some measurement
- Property:connective tip coloration
- Property:connective tip some measurement
- Property:constriction quantity
- Property:constriction shape
- Property:continuation shape
- Property:contraligule architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:contraligule coloration
- Property:contraligule height or length or size
- Property:contraligule presence
- Property:contraligule shape
- Property:contraligule size
- Property:contraligule texture
- Property:corm presence
- Property:cortex architecture or fragility
- Property:cortex arrangement or density
- Property:cortex duration
- Property:cortex fragility
- Property:cortex some measurement
- Property:cortex width
- Property:corymb atypical quantity
- Property:corymb quantity
- Property:covering coloration
- Property:covering pubescence
- Property:crest architecture or shape
- Property:crest height or length or size
- Property:cross-section architecture
- Property:cross-section architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:cross-section arrangement or shape
- Property:cross-section atypical length
- Property:cross-section atypical quantity
- Property:cross-section atypical width
- Property:cross-section height or length or size
- Property:cross-section length
- Property:cross-section length or size
- Property:cross-section position
- Property:cross-section prominence
- Property:cross-section pubescence
- Property:cross-section pubescence or relief
- Property:cross-section pubescence or texture
- Property:cross-section quantity
- Property:cross-section relief
- Property:cross-section shape
- Property:cross-section shape or vernation
- Property:cross-section texture
- Property:cross-section width
- Property:cross-vein prominence
- Property:crust coloration
- Property:crust pubescence
- Property:crust pubescence or texture
- Property:culm architecture
- Property:culm architecture or arrangement
- Property:culm architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:culm architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:culm architecture or shape
- Property:culm arrangement
- Property:culm arrangement or course or shape
- Property:culm arrangement or pubescence
- Property:culm arrangement or shape
- Property:culm atypical length
- Property:culm atypical quantity
- Property:culm atypical some measurement
- Property:culm atypical width
- Property:culm base arrangement or pubescence
- Property:culm base atypical length
- Property:culm base course
- Property:culm base duration
- Property:culm base fixation
- Property:culm base length
- Property:culm base life cycle
- Property:culm base presence
- Property:culm base shape
- Property:culm base size or width
- Property:culm base width
- Property:culm bract architecture or shape
- Property:culm bract atypical some measurement
- Property:culm bract height or length or size
- Property:culm bract length or size
- Property:culm bract orientation
- Property:culm bract pubescence
- Property:culm bract quantity
- Property:culm bract shape
- Property:culm bract some measurement
- Property:culm coloration
- Property:culm coloration or density
- Property:culm coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:culm coloration or relief
- Property:culm condition or size
- Property:culm course
- Property:culm diameter
- Property:culm fragility
- Property:culm fragility or size
- Property:culm growth form
- Property:culm growth form or orientation
- Property:culm height
- Property:culm height or length or size
- Property:culm leaf coloration
- Property:culm leaf length
- Property:culm leaf prominence or shape
- Property:culm leaf shape
- Property:culm leaf some measurement
- Property:culm leaf width
- Property:culm leaf-blade architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:culm leaf-blade length or size
- Property:culm leaf-blade width
- Property:culm length
- Property:culm length or size
- Property:culm life cycle
- Property:culm orientation
- Property:culm orientation or shape
- Property:culm position
- Property:culm position or shape
- Property:culm position or structure subtype
- Property:culm position relational
- Property:culm prominence
- Property:culm pubescence
- Property:culm pubescence or relief
- Property:culm pubescence or relief or texture
- Property:culm pubescence or texture
- Property:culm quantity
- Property:culm relief
- Property:culm relief or texture
- Property:culm reproduction
- Property:culm shape
- Property:culm shape or vernation
- Property:culm size
- Property:culm size or length
- Property:culm size or width
- Property:culm some measurement
- Property:culm texture
- Property:culm thickness
- Property:culm tip architecture
- Property:culm tip pubescence
- Property:culm tuft architecture
- Property:culm variability
- Property:culm width
- Property:culm width or width
- Property:cusp fragility
- Property:cusp height or length or size
- Property:cusp length
- Property:cusp nearly length
- Property:cusp pubescence or relief
- Property:cusp quantity
- Property:cusp shape
- Property:cusp size
- Property:cusp some measurement
- Property:cusp variability
- Property:cyme architecture
- Property:cyme architecture or arrangement
- Property:cyme arrangement
- Property:cyme count or density
- Property:cyme density
- Property:cyme position relational
- Property:cyme quantity
- Property:cyme shape
- Property:depression architecture
- Property:depression position
- Property:depression prominence
- Property:depression quantity
- Property:depression size
- Property:despite arrangement or shape
- Property:distal 1/2 architecture or shape
- Property:distal 1/4 width
- Property:distal beak some measurement
- Property:distal beak texture
- Property:distal blade architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:distal blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:distal blade length
- Property:distal blade length or size
- Property:distal blade orientation
- Property:distal blade prominence
- Property:distal blade prominence or shape
- Property:distal blade width
- Property:distal blade-leaf atypical distance
- Property:distal blade-leaf distance
- Property:distal blade-leaf length
- Property:distal blade-leaf pubescence
- Property:distal blade-leaf width
- Property:distal body orientation
- Property:distal body shape
- Property:distal body width
- Property:distal bract architecture
- Property:distal bract arrangement
- Property:distal bract height or length or size
- Property:distal bract l w ratio
- Property:distal bract orientation
- Property:distal bract position or structure subtype
- Property:distal bract position relational
- Property:distal bract quantity
- Property:distal bract shape
- Property:distal bract size
- Property:distal bract some measurement
- Property:distal bract thickness
- Property:distal branch pubescence or relief
- Property:distal branch relief
- Property:distal cauline leaf prominence
- Property:distal cauline leaf shape
- Property:distal culm pubescence
- Property:distal end width
- Property:distal inflorescence architecture
- Property:distal inflorescence arrangement
- Property:distal inflorescence density
- Property:distal inflorescence orientation
- Property:distal inflorescence position
- Property:distal inflorescence position or structure subtype
- Property:distal inflorescence quantity
- Property:distal inflorescence shape
- Property:distal lateral spike architecture
- Property:distal lateral spike arrangement
- Property:distal lateral spike atypical quantity
- Property:distal lateral spike l w ratio
- Property:distal lateral spike length
- Property:distal lateral spike position
- Property:distal lateral spike quantity
- Property:distal lateral spike reproduction
- Property:distal lateral spike shape
- Property:distal lateral spike size
- Property:distal lateral spike width
- Property:distal leaf architecture
- Property:distal leaf arrangement
- Property:distal leaf length or size
- Property:distal leaf orientation
- Property:distal leaf position
- Property:distal leaf prominence or shape
- Property:distal leaf pubescence
- Property:distal leaf quantity
- Property:distal leaf some measurement
- Property:distal leaf width
- Property:distal leaf-blade length or size
- Property:distal ligule atypical some measurement
- Property:distal ligule height or length or size
- Property:distal ligule some measurement
- Property:distal margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:distal margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:distal margin architecture or shape
- Property:distal margin coloration
- Property:distal margin height or length or size
- Property:distal margin length
- Property:distal margin life cycle
- Property:distal margin position relational
- Property:distal margin relief
- Property:distal margin shape
- Property:distal margin texture
- Property:distal margin variability
- Property:distal margin width
- Property:distal part architecture or shape
- Property:distal part shape
- Property:distal peduncle height or length
- Property:distal portion architecture
- Property:distal portion width
- Property:distal ray pubescence or relief
- Property:distal region length or size
- Property:distal region shape
- Property:distal region some measurement
- Property:distal region width
- Property:distal scale architecture
- Property:distal scale architecture or shape
- Property:distal scale development
- Property:distal scale height or length or size
- Property:distal scale position
- Property:distal scale quantity
- Property:distal scale shape
- Property:distal scale width
- Property:distal sheath architecture
- Property:distal sheath architecture or dehiscence
- Property:distal sheath architecture or relief
- Property:distal sheath architecture or shape
- Property:distal sheath atypical distance
- Property:distal sheath coloration
- Property:distal sheath coloration or reflectance
- Property:distal sheath dehiscence
- Property:distal sheath distance
- Property:distal sheath duration
- Property:distal sheath height or length or size
- Property:distal sheath life cycle
- Property:distal sheath orientation or shape
- Property:distal sheath prominence
- Property:distal sheath pubescence
- Property:distal sheath quantity
- Property:distal sheath relief
- Property:distal sheath shape
- Property:distal sheath texture
- Property:distal spike architecture
- Property:distal spike architecture or arrangement
- Property:distal spike arrangement
- Property:distal spike arrangement or course or shape
- Property:distal spike atypical length
- Property:distal spike atypical quantity
- Property:distal spike atypical width
- Property:distal spike course
- Property:distal spike density
- Property:distal spike fusion
- Property:distal spike height or length or size
- Property:distal spike length
- Property:distal spike orientation
- Property:distal spike position
- Property:distal spike position or structure subtype
- Property:distal spike position relational
- Property:distal spike prominence
- Property:distal spike quantity
- Property:distal spike reproduction
- Property:distal spike shape
- Property:distal spike size
- Property:distal spike some measurement
- Property:distal spike width
- Property:distal spikelet architecture
- Property:distal spikelet arrangement
- Property:distal spikelet arrangement or course or shape
- Property:distal spikelet atypical length
- Property:distal spikelet length
- Property:distal spikelet orientation
- Property:distal spikelet shape
- Property:distal spikelet width
- Property:distalmost body prominence
- Property:distalmost involucral-bract arrangement
- Property:distalmost lateral bract quantity
- Property:distalmost lateral spike size
- Property:distalmost spike architecture
- Property:distalmost spike arrangement
- Property:distalmost spike quantity
- Property:distribution
- Property:dorsal suture prominence
- Property:dorsal suture some measurement
- Property:each architecture
- Property:each coloration
- Property:each length
- Property:each reflectance
- Property:each shape
- Property:each width
- Property:edge architecture or shape
- Property:edge coloration
- Property:edge pubescence
- Property:edge pubescence or relief
- Property:edge shape
- Property:edge width
- Property:elevation
- Property:embryo position
- Property:embryo shape
- Property:enclosed architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:enclosed position
- Property:end arrangement
- Property:end coloration
- Property:endosperm quantity
- Property:enfolding scale atypical some measurement
- Property:enfolding scale coloration
- Property:enfolding scale length
- Property:enfolding scale some measurement
- Property:epidermal-cell wall orientation
- Property:exocarp cell prominence
- Property:exocarp cell thickness
- Property:exocarp cell width
- Property:extension shape
- Property:face architecture
- Property:face architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:face architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:face architecture or shape
- Property:face arrangement or shape
- Property:face atypical length
- Property:face atypical width
- Property:face coloration
- Property:face fusion
- Property:face length
- Property:face position
- Property:face position relational
- Property:face prominence
- Property:face prominence or shape
- Property:face quantity
- Property:face reflectance
- Property:face relief
- Property:face shape
- Property:face size
- Property:face some measurement
- Property:face texture
- Property:face width
- Property:false whorl development
- Property:fan quantity
- Property:fiber arrangement or course or shape
- Property:fiber coloration
- Property:fiber duration
- Property:fiber prominence
- Property:fiber relief
- Property:filament some measurement
- Property:flank architecture
- Property:flank atypical length
- Property:flank coloration
- Property:flank length
- Property:flank pubescence or texture
- Property:flank shape
- Property:flank texture
- Property:flank width
- Property:flap atypical length
- Property:flap atypical width
- Property:flap length
- Property:flap reflectance
- Property:flap shape
- Property:flap texture
- Property:flap width
- Property:floral scale architecture
- Property:floral scale architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:floral scale architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:floral scale architecture or relief
- Property:floral scale architecture or shape
- Property:floral scale arrangement
- Property:floral scale arrangement or shape
- Property:floral scale atypical length
- Property:floral scale atypical quantity
- Property:floral scale atypical width
- Property:floral scale coloration
- Property:floral scale coloration or reflectance
- Property:floral scale coloration or relief
- Property:floral scale course
- Property:floral scale duration
- Property:floral scale fixation or orientation
- Property:floral scale length
- Property:floral scale orientation
- Property:floral scale position
- Property:floral scale pubescence
- Property:floral scale pubescence or texture
- Property:floral scale quantity
- Property:floral scale reflectance
- Property:floral scale relief
- Property:floral scale shape
- Property:floral scale size
- Property:floral scale some measurement
- Property:floral scale texture
- Property:floral scale width
- Property:floret development
- Property:floret some measurement
- Property:flower architecture
- Property:flower architecture or shape
- Property:flower arrangement
- Property:flower atypical quantity
- Property:flower atypical some measurement
- Property:flower length
- Property:flower position
- Property:flower presence
- Property:flower quantity
- Property:flower reproduction
- Property:flower some measurement
- Property:flower width
- Property:flowering-stem atypical some measurement
- Property:flowering-stem blade coloration
- Property:flowering-stem blade height or length or size
- Property:flowering-stem blade prominence or shape
- Property:flowering-stem length
- Property:flowering-stem length or size
- Property:flowering-stem pubescence
- Property:flowering-stem pubescence or relief
- Property:flowering-stem some measurement
- Property:flowering-stem thickness
- Property:flowering-stem width
- Property:foliage leaf atypical quantity
- Property:foliage leaf quantity
- Property:foliage leaf-blade atypical length
- Property:foliage leaf-blade atypical width
- Property:foliage leaf-blade length
- Property:foliage leaf-blade width
- Property:form duration
- Property:front apex architecture or shape
- Property:front apex atypical some measurement
- Property:front apex length
- Property:front apex shape
- Property:front apex some measurement
- Property:front architecture
- Property:front architecture or dehiscence
- Property:front architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:front architecture or shape
- Property:front coloration
- Property:front coloration or reflectance
- Property:front fragility
- Property:front growth form or texture
- Property:front position
- Property:front position or shape
- Property:front pubescence
- Property:front relief
- Property:front shape
- Property:front size or width
- Property:front texture
- Property:front width
- Property:fruit architecture
- Property:fruit arrangement
- Property:fruit atypical quantity
- Property:fruit atypical some measurement
- Property:fruit average some measurement
- Property:fruit body architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:fruit body quantity
- Property:fruit body relief
- Property:fruit length
- Property:fruit life cycle
- Property:fruit midbody architecture
- Property:fruit midbody height or length or size
- Property:fruit midbody position relational
- Property:fruit midbody shape
- Property:fruit quantity
- Property:fruit some measurement
- Property:fruit width
- Property:fruits achene architecture or arrangement
- Property:fruits achene position or shape
- Property:fruits achene shape
- Property:glomerule architecture
- Property:glomerule architecture or arrangement
- Property:glomerule atypical quantity
- Property:glomerule coloration
- Property:glomerule orientation
- Property:glomerule quantity
- Property:glomerule width
- Property:groove position
- Property:habitat
- Property:hair arrangement or shape
- Property:hair coloration
- Property:hair course
- Property:hair height or length or size
- Property:hair length or size
- Property:hair ligule architecture
- Property:hair ligule dehiscence or orientation
- Property:hair ligule presence
- Property:hair orientation
- Property:hair pubescence or texture
- Property:hair quantity
- Property:hair relief
- Property:hair shape
- Property:hair some measurement
- Property:head architecture
- Property:head architecture or arrangement
- Property:head architecture or shape
- Property:head arrangement
- Property:head atypical some measurement
- Property:head density
- Property:head diameter
- Property:head length
- Property:head presence
- Property:head quantity
- Property:head shape
- Property:head some measurement
- Property:head thickness
- Property:head width
- Property:higher power architecture or shape
- Property:hypogynium arrangement
- Property:hypogynium coloration
- Property:hypogynium position
- Property:hypogynium prominence
- Property:hypogynium quantity
- Property:hypogynium shape
- Property:hypogynium size
- Property:hypogynium width
- Property:illustration copyright
- Property:illustrator
- Property:inconpicuou height or length or size
- Property:individual spike length
- Property:individual spike width
- Property:inflorescence architecture
- Property:inflorescence architecture or arrangement
- Property:inflorescence architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:inflorescence architecture or fragility
- Property:inflorescence architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:inflorescence architecture or shape
- Property:inflorescence arrangement
- Property:inflorescence atypical length
- Property:inflorescence atypical quantity
- Property:inflorescence atypical some measurement
- Property:inflorescence atypical width
- Property:inflorescence bract architecture or shape
- Property:inflorescence bract height or length or size
- Property:inflorescence bract length or size
- Property:inflorescence bract shape
- Property:inflorescence bract variability
- Property:inflorescence character
- Property:inflorescence coloration
- Property:inflorescence condition or size
- Property:inflorescence count or density
- Property:inflorescence course
- Property:inflorescence density
- Property:inflorescence diameter
- Property:inflorescence fragility
- Property:inflorescence height or length or size
- Property:inflorescence l w ratio
- Property:inflorescence length
- Property:inflorescence length or size
- Property:inflorescence life cycle
- Property:inflorescence orientation
- Property:inflorescence position
- Property:inflorescence position or structure subtype
- Property:inflorescence position relational
- Property:inflorescence presence
- Property:inflorescence pubescence
- Property:inflorescence pubescence or relief
- Property:inflorescence quantity
- Property:inflorescence reproduction
- Property:inflorescence shape
- Property:inflorescence size
- Property:inflorescence size or quantity
- Property:inflorescence size or width
- Property:inflorescence some measurement
- Property:inflorescence texture
- Property:inflorescence thickness
- Property:inflorescence variability
- Property:inflorescence width
- Property:inflorescences panicle architecture
- Property:inflorescences panicle development
- Property:inner band architecture
- Property:inner band architecture or shape
- Property:inner band arrangement or density
- Property:inner band coloration
- Property:inner band length
- Property:inner band shape
- Property:inner band some measurement
- Property:inner band texture
- Property:inner band width
- Property:inner layer relief
- Property:inner summit coloration
- Property:inner summit length
- Property:inner summit width
- Property:interangular line coloration
- Property:interangular marking coloration
- Property:internal air prominence
- Property:internal cavity prominence
- Property:internode architecture
- Property:internode arrangement
- Property:internode atypical some measurement
- Property:internode height or length or size
- Property:internode length
- Property:internode length or size
- Property:internode orientation
- Property:internode position
- Property:internode prominence
- Property:internode pubescence
- Property:internode pubescence or texture
- Property:internode quantity
- Property:internode shape
- Property:internode some measurement
- Property:internode thickness
- Property:internode width
- Property:interval architecture
- Property:interval coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:interval relief
- Property:intervenal area coloration
- Property:introduced
- Property:involucral-bract architecture
- Property:involucral-bract architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:involucral-bract architecture or shape
- Property:involucral-bract arrangement
- Property:involucral-bract arrangement or course or shape
- Property:involucral-bract atypical length
- Property:involucral-bract atypical quantity
- Property:involucral-bract atypical some measurement
- Property:involucral-bract base architecture
- Property:involucral-bract base coating
- Property:involucral-bract base coloration
- Property:involucral-bract coloration
- Property:involucral-bract height or length or size
- Property:involucral-bract length
- Property:involucral-bract length or size
- Property:involucral-bract orientation
- Property:involucral-bract position
- Property:involucral-bract position relational
- Property:involucral-bract presence
- Property:involucral-bract pubescence
- Property:involucral-bract quantity
- Property:involucral-bract shape
- Property:involucral-bract some measurement
- Property:involucral-bract variability
- Property:involucral-bract width
- Property:involucre presence
- Property:joint pubescence
- Property:joint some measurement
- Property:keel architecture
- Property:keel coloration
- Property:keel course
- Property:keel prominence
- Property:keel pubescence
- Property:keel pubescence or relief
- Property:keel relief
- Property:keel shape
- Property:larger blade pubescence
- Property:larger blade pubescence or relief
- Property:larger blade width
- Property:larger involucral-bract some measurement
- Property:larger leaf shape
- Property:larger spike architecture
- Property:larger spike density
- Property:largest blade atypical width
- Property:largest blade coloration
- Property:largest blade growth form or texture
- Property:largest blade length
- Property:largest blade prominence or shape
- Property:largest blade width
- Property:lateral adaxial vein prominence
- Property:lateral adaxial vein quantity
- Property:lateral angle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:lateral angle coloration
- Property:lateral angle prominence
- Property:lateral angle shape
- Property:lateral architecture
- Property:lateral arrangement
- Property:lateral auricle presence
- Property:lateral auricle relief
- Property:lateral face coloration
- Property:lateral face prominence
- Property:lateral face shape
- Property:lateral inflorescence atypical quantity
- Property:lateral inflorescence quantity
- Property:lateral peduncle orientation
- Property:lateral peduncle shape
- Property:lateral prominence
- Property:lateral quantity
- Property:lateral rib fragility
- Property:lateral rib prominence
- Property:lateral rib quantity
- Property:lateral rib width
- Property:lateral shape
- Property:lateral shoot course
- Property:lateral shoot development
- Property:lateral shoot reproduction
- Property:lateral spike architecture
- Property:lateral spike arrangement
- Property:lateral spike arrangement or course or shape
- Property:lateral spike arrangement or density
- Property:lateral spike arrangement or shape
- Property:lateral spike atypical length
- Property:lateral spike atypical quantity
- Property:lateral spike average length
- Property:lateral spike coloration
- Property:lateral spike coloration or density
- Property:lateral spike density
- Property:lateral spike length
- Property:lateral spike length or size
- Property:lateral spike orientation
- Property:lateral spike position
- Property:lateral spike position or shape
- Property:lateral spike position or structure subtype
- Property:lateral spike position relational
- Property:lateral spike presence
- Property:lateral spike prominence
- Property:lateral spike quantity
- Property:lateral spike reproduction
- Property:lateral spike shape
- Property:lateral spike some measurement
- Property:lateral spike width
- Property:lateral spikelet arrangement
- Property:lateral spikelet atypical quantity
- Property:lateral spikelet position or structure subtype
- Property:lateral spikelet quantity
- Property:lateral spikelet shape
- Property:lateral-vein architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:lateral-vein arrangement or relief
- Property:lateral-vein atypical width
- Property:lateral-vein development
- Property:lateral-vein fragility
- Property:lateral-vein length
- Property:lateral-vein life cycle
- Property:lateral-vein position
- Property:lateral-vein prominence
- Property:lateral-vein prominence or shape
- Property:lateral-vein quantity
- Property:lateral-vein relief
- Property:lateral-vein width
- Property:lateral; lateral peduncle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:lattex arrangement or course or shape
- Property:lattex depth
- Property:lattex orientation
- Property:lattex quantity
- Property:lattex size or width
- Property:lattex width
- Property:layer architecture
- Property:layer atypical length
- Property:layer atypical width
- Property:layer coloration
- Property:layer length
- Property:layer relief
- Property:layer shape
- Property:layer width
- Property:leaf architecture
- Property:leaf architecture or fragility
- Property:leaf architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:leaf architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:leaf arrangement
- Property:leaf arrangement or growth form
- Property:leaf atypical length
- Property:leaf atypical quantity
- Property:leaf atypical width
- Property:leaf base texture
- Property:leaf bract arrangement
- Property:leaf coloration
- Property:leaf coloration or relief
- Property:leaf course
- Property:leaf depth
- Property:leaf duration
- Property:leaf height or length or size
- Property:leaf leaf coating
- Property:leaf length
- Property:leaf length or size
- Property:leaf life cycle
- Property:leaf ligule prominence
- Property:leaf ligule shape
- Property:leaf ligule some measurement
- Property:leaf orientation
- Property:leaf position
- Property:leaf position relational
- Property:leaf presence
- Property:leaf prominence or shape
- Property:leaf pubescence
- Property:leaf pubescence or relief
- Property:leaf quantity
- Property:leaf relief
- Property:leaf shape
- Property:leaf shape or vernation
- Property:leaf sheath atypical some measurement
- Property:leaf sheath coloration
- Property:leaf sheath some measurement
- Property:leaf size
- Property:leaf size or width
- Property:leaf some measurement
- Property:leaf texture
- Property:leaf variability
- Property:leaf width
- Property:leaf-base life cycle
- Property:leaf-blade architecture
- Property:leaf-blade architecture or arrangement
- Property:leaf-blade architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:leaf-blade architecture or shape
- Property:leaf-blade atypical length
- Property:leaf-blade atypical width
- Property:leaf-blade coloration
- Property:leaf-blade fragility
- Property:leaf-blade growth form or texture
- Property:leaf-blade height or length or size
- Property:leaf-blade length
- Property:leaf-blade length or size
- Property:leaf-blade location
- Property:leaf-blade orientation
- Property:leaf-blade prominence or shape
- Property:leaf-blade pubescence
- Property:leaf-blade pubescence or relief
- Property:leaf-blade pubescence or texture
- Property:leaf-blade quantity
- Property:leaf-blade relief
- Property:leaf-blade shape
- Property:leaf-blade shape or vernation
- Property:leaf-blade size or length
- Property:leaf-blade texture
- Property:leaf-blade variability
- Property:leaf-blade width
- Property:leaves blade width
- Property:leaves sheath coloration
- Property:leaves sheath shape
- Property:ligule architecture
- Property:ligule architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:ligule architecture or shape
- Property:ligule atypical some measurement
- Property:ligule development
- Property:ligule height or length or size
- Property:ligule l w ratio
- Property:ligule length
- Property:ligule length or size
- Property:ligule presence
- Property:ligule prominence
- Property:ligule pubescence
- Property:ligule quantity
- Property:ligule shape
- Property:ligule size or length
- Property:ligule some measurement
- Property:ligule texture
- Property:ligule width
- Property:limb fusion
- Property:limb some measurement
- Property:line orientation
- Property:line quantity
- Property:line shape
- Property:line width
- Property:linearoblong atypical length
- Property:linearoblong length
- Property:linearoblong width
- Property:lobe architecture or shape
- Property:lobe fixation or orientation
- Property:lobe length
- Property:lobe shape
- Property:lobe width
- Property:locule quantity
- Property:long-exserted peduncle atypical width
- Property:long-exserted peduncle width
- Property:longer achene architecture or shape
- Property:longer achene variability
- Property:longer bract architecture
- Property:longer bract arrangement
- Property:longer bract atypical length
- Property:longer bract height or length or size
- Property:longer bract length
- Property:longer bract orientation
- Property:longer bract position relational
- Property:longer bract quantity
- Property:longer bract shape
- Property:longer bract width
- Property:longer culm some measurement
- Property:longer internode architecture or fragility
- Property:longer internode atypical some measurement
- Property:longer internode some measurement
- Property:longer involucral-bract architecture
- Property:longer involucral-bract variability
- Property:longer lateral spike ratio
- Property:longer peduncle atypical some measurement
- Property:longer peduncle length
- Property:longer peduncle some measurement
- Property:longer tubercle architecture or shape
- Property:longer tubercle variability
- Property:longest achene size
- Property:longest achene variability
- Property:longest bract atypical some measurement
- Property:longest bract length
- Property:longest bract orientation
- Property:longest bract some measurement
- Property:longest bract width
- Property:longest inflorescence atypical some measurement
- Property:longest inflorescence some measurement
- Property:longest involucral-bract height or length or size
- Property:longest leaf derivation
- Property:longest leaf length
- Property:longest leaf orientation
- Property:longest leaf width
- Property:longest ligule atypical some measurement
- Property:longest ligule l w ratio
- Property:longest ligule length or size
- Property:longest ligule some measurement
- Property:longest peduncle atypical some measurement
- Property:longest peduncle some measurement
- Property:longest primary involucral-bract height or length or size
- Property:longest primary involucral-bract position relational
- Property:longest proximal bract atypical some measurement
- Property:longest proximal bract some measurement
- Property:longest proximal internode atypical some measurement
- Property:longest proximal internode some measurement
- Property:longest proximal spike length
- Property:longest proximal spike width
- Property:longest scale architecture
- Property:longest scale atypical length
- Property:longest scale atypical width
- Property:longest scale height or length or size
- Property:longest scale length
- Property:longest scale length or size
- Property:longest scale variability
- Property:longest scale width
- Property:longest shoot heigth
- Property:longest shoot length or length
- Property:longest shoot reproduction
- Property:longest shoot some measurement
- Property:longest spike architecture
- Property:longest spike atypical some measurement
- Property:longest spike some measurement
- Property:longest terminal spike atypical length
- Property:longest terminal spike atypical width
- Property:longest terminal spike length
- Property:longest terminal spike width
- Property:lower involucral-bract architecture
- Property:main branch architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:main rib quantity
- Property:margin architecture
- Property:margin architecture or arrangement
- Property:margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:margin architecture or relief
- Property:margin architecture or shape
- Property:margin area
- Property:margin atypical area
- Property:margin atypical length
- Property:margin atypical quantity
- Property:margin atypical some measurement
- Property:margin atypical width
- Property:margin coating
- Property:margin coloration
- Property:margin coloration or density
- Property:margin coloration or reflectance
- Property:margin course
- Property:margin fragility
- Property:margin fragility or size
- Property:margin fusion
- Property:margin growth form or texture
- Property:margin height or length or size
- Property:margin l w ratio
- Property:margin length
- Property:margin length or size
- Property:margin life cycle
- Property:margin orientation
- Property:margin position
- Property:margin position relational
- Property:margin presence
- Property:margin prominence
- Property:margin prominence or shape
- Property:margin pubescence
- Property:margin pubescence or relief
- Property:margin pubescence or texture
- Property:margin quantity
- Property:margin reflectance
- Property:margin relief
- Property:margin shape
- Property:margin shape or vernation
- Property:margin size
- Property:margin size or quantity
- Property:margin size or width
- Property:margin some measurement
- Property:margin texture
- Property:margin variability
- Property:margin width
- Property:marginal and abaxial rib pubescence
- Property:marginal quantity
- Property:marginal rib pubescence or relief
- Property:marginal tooth quantity
- Property:marginal tooth size
- Property:marginal vein fragility
- Property:marginal vein fusion
- Property:marginal vein prominence
- Property:marginal vein quantity
- Property:mark coloration
- Property:marking coloration
- Property:marooon coloration
- Property:mat density
- Property:mat size
- Property:medial part architecture or shape
- Property:medial part coloration
- Property:medial part length
- Property:medial part position relational
- Property:medial part shape
- Property:medial part width
- Property:median groove arrangement or shape
- Property:median groove atypical length
- Property:median groove length
- Property:median groove prominence
- Property:median groove width
- Property:median portion length
- Property:median portion width
- Property:median rib arrangement
- Property:median rib fragility
- Property:median rib quantity
- Property:median strip size or width
- Property:median width
- Property:mid band architecture or fragility
- Property:mid band coloration
- Property:middle and proximal portion length
- Property:middle and proximal portion size
- Property:middle and proximal portion width
- Property:middle apex position relational
- Property:middle apex shape
- Property:middle apex texture
- Property:middle floral scale width
- Property:middle internode atypical some measurement
- Property:middle internode some measurement
- Property:middle leaf shape
- Property:middle leaf texture
- Property:middle mouth shape
- Property:middle mouth texture
- Property:middle spike architecture
- Property:middle spike reproduction
- Property:middle vein shape
- Property:middle vein texture
- Property:midlength atypical length
- Property:midlength atypical width
- Property:midlength length
- Property:midlength width
- Property:midrib architecture
- Property:midrib architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:midrib architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:midrib architecture or shape
- Property:midrib coloration
- Property:midrib development
- Property:midrib fragility
- Property:midrib height or length or size
- Property:midrib length
- Property:midrib orientation
- Property:midrib position
- Property:midrib presence
- Property:midrib prominence
- Property:midrib pubescence
- Property:midrib pubescence or relief
- Property:midrib quantity
- Property:midrib region architecture
- Property:midrib region architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:midrib region architecture or shape
- Property:midrib region atypical length
- Property:midrib region coloration
- Property:midrib region length
- Property:midrib region prominence
- Property:midrib region pubescence or texture
- Property:midrib region shape
- Property:midrib region texture
- Property:midrib region width
- Property:midrib relief
- Property:midrib shape
- Property:midrib size
- Property:midrib size or width
- Property:midrib texture
- Property:midrib width
- Property:midstripe architecture
- Property:midstripe coloration
- Property:midstripe height or length or size
- Property:midstripe prominence
- Property:midstripe shape
- Property:midstripe size or width
- Property:midstripe some measurement
- Property:midstripe width
- Property:midvein architecture
- Property:midvein architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:midvein architecture or shape
- Property:midvein atypical length
- Property:midvein character
- Property:midvein coloration
- Property:midvein coloration or density
- Property:midvein fragility
- Property:midvein fusion
- Property:midvein height or length or size
- Property:midvein length
- Property:midvein length or size
- Property:midvein prominence
- Property:midvein pubescence or relief
- Property:midvein quantity
- Property:midvein shape
- Property:midvein size or width
- Property:midvein width
- Property:midzone coloration
- Property:midzone length
- Property:midzone shape
- Property:midzone width
- Property:monochasium architecture
- Property:mouth architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:mouth architecture or shape
- Property:mouth atypical some measurement
- Property:mouth coloration
- Property:mouth coloration or size
- Property:mouth position
- Property:mouth shape
- Property:mouth size or width
- Property:mouth some measurement
- Property:mouth width
- Property:mucro atypical some measurement
- Property:mucro course
- Property:mucro height or length or size
- Property:mucro length or size
- Property:mucro orientation
- Property:mucro pubescence
- Property:mucro pubescence or relief
- Property:mucro quantity
- Property:mucro relief
- Property:mucro shape
- Property:mucro some measurement
- Property:n chromosome quantity
- Property:near-to-collar coloration
- Property:neck architecture
- Property:neck architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:neck architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:neck fusion
- Property:neck height or length or size
- Property:neck length or size
- Property:neck presence
- Property:neck relief
- Property:neck shape
- Property:neck width
- Property:node arrangement
- Property:node position
- Property:node prominence
- Property:node quantity
- Property:node shape
- Property:nonbasal sheath coloration
- Property:nonbasal sheath pubescence
- Property:nonbasal sheath some measurement
- Property:noncellular architecture
- Property:nose shape
- Property:notch atypical some measurement
- Property:notch depth
- Property:notch some measurement
- Property:nub quantity
- Property:nub some measurement
- Property:nubbin quantity
- Property:offshoot architecture
- Property:one architecture
- Property:orifice architecture
- Property:orifice architecture or dehiscence
- Property:orifice architecture or relief
- Property:orifice architecture or shape
- Property:orifice arrangement or shape
- Property:orifice coloration
- Property:orifice length
- Property:orifice orientation or shape
- Property:orifice pubescence
- Property:orifice pubescence or relief
- Property:orifice shape
- Property:orifice texture
- Property:other architecture
- Property:other architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:other architecture or shape
- Property:other arrangement
- Property:other atypical length
- Property:other atypical width
- Property:other coloration
- Property:other length
- Property:other orientation
- Property:other presence
- Property:other prominence
- Property:other prominence or shape
- Property:other pubescence
- Property:other shape
- Property:other size
- Property:other some measurement
- Property:other texture
- Property:other variability
- Property:other width
- Property:outer set quantity
- Property:outermost rib length
- Property:outermost rib prominence
- Property:outermost rib shape
- Property:outermost rib width
- Property:outline length
- Property:outline width
- Property:pair fusion
- Property:panicle architecture
- Property:panicle architecture or arrangement
- Property:panicle arrangement
- Property:panicle arrangement or density
- Property:panicle atypical some measurement
- Property:panicle density
- Property:panicle position
- Property:panicle position or structure subtype
- Property:panicle position relational
- Property:panicle quantity
- Property:panicle some measurement
- Property:panicle width
- Property:papilla coloration
- Property:papilla coloration or reflectance
- Property:papilla position
- Property:papilla prominence
- Property:papilla pubescence
- Property:papilla relief
- Property:papilla shape
- Property:papilla size
- Property:papilla width
- Property:part architecture
- Property:part arrangement
- Property:part coloration
- Property:part position or shape
- Property:part prominence
- Property:part size
- Property:part some measurement
- Property:patch reflectance
- Property:pectinatefimbriate width
- Property:pedicel architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:pedicel pubescence or relief
- Property:pedicel relief
- Property:pedicel-joint height or length or size
- Property:pedicellar height or length or size
- Property:pedicellar joint some measurement
- Property:pedicellar pubescence
- Property:pedicellar some measurement
- Property:peduncle architecture
- Property:peduncle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:peduncle arrangement
- Property:peduncle arrangement or density
- Property:peduncle atypical some measurement
- Property:peduncle coloration
- Property:peduncle fragility
- Property:peduncle height or length or size
- Property:peduncle length
- Property:peduncle length or size
- Property:peduncle orientation
- Property:peduncle position
- Property:peduncle pubescence
- Property:peduncle pubescence or relief
- Property:peduncle shape
- Property:peduncle size
- Property:peduncle some measurement
- Property:peduncle variability
- Property:peduncule some measurement
- Property:penultimate involucral-bract atypical quantity
- Property:penultimate involucral-bract quantity
- Property:penultimate node atypical quantity
- Property:penultimate node quantity
- Property:pergynium quantity
- Property:perianth achene coloration
- Property:perianth achene variability
- Property:perianth architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:perianth architecture or shape
- Property:perianth atypical quantity
- Property:perianth blade shape
- Property:perianth blade some measurement
- Property:perianth blade variability
- Property:perianth bristle architecture
- Property:perianth bristle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:perianth bristle architecture or shape
- Property:perianth bristle arrangement
- Property:perianth bristle arrangement or shape
- Property:perianth bristle atypical quantity
- Property:perianth bristle atypical some measurement
- Property:perianth bristle coloration
- Property:perianth bristle course
- Property:perianth bristle duration
- Property:perianth bristle fixation
- Property:perianth bristle fixation or orientation
- Property:perianth bristle fragility
- Property:perianth bristle fragility or size
- Property:perianth bristle fusion
- Property:perianth bristle height or length or size
- Property:perianth bristle length
- Property:perianth bristle length or size
- Property:perianth bristle life cycle
- Property:perianth bristle orientation
- Property:perianth bristle position relational
- Property:perianth bristle presence
- Property:perianth bristle prominence
- Property:perianth bristle pubescence
- Property:perianth bristle pubescence or relief
- Property:perianth bristle quantity
- Property:perianth bristle relief
- Property:perianth bristle shape
- Property:perianth bristle size
- Property:perianth bristle size or length
- Property:perianth bristle some measurement
- Property:perianth bristle variability
- Property:perianth character or shape
- Property:perianth course
- Property:perianth duration
- Property:perianth height or length or size
- Property:perianth length or size
- Property:perianth life cycle
- Property:perianth member architecture
- Property:perianth member architecture or shape
- Property:perianth member atypical quantity
- Property:perianth member coloration
- Property:perianth member presence
- Property:perianth member prominence
- Property:perianth member quantity
- Property:perianth member shape
- Property:perianth member size
- Property:perianth member variability
- Property:perianth member width
- Property:perianth presence
- Property:perianth pubescence or relief
- Property:perianth quantity
- Property:perianth scale quantity
- Property:perianth segment architecture
- Property:perianth segment architecture or shape
- Property:perianth shape
- Property:perianth size or length
- Property:perianth tubercle coloration
- Property:perianth tubercle variability
- Property:pericarp width
- Property:perignyium beak height or length or size
- Property:perignyium beak some measurement
- Property:perignyium width
- Property:perigynia angle architecture
- Property:perigynia angle arrangement or shape
- Property:perigynia angle length
- Property:perigynia angle width
- Property:perigynium architecture
- Property:perigynium architecture or course
- Property:perigynium architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:perigynium architecture or shape
- Property:perigynium arrangement
- Property:perigynium arrangement or course or shape
- Property:perigynium arrangement or shape
- Property:perigynium atypical length
- Property:perigynium atypical quantity
- Property:perigynium atypical some measurement
- Property:perigynium atypical width
- Property:perigynium base size or width
- Property:perigynium beak architecture or shape
- Property:perigynium beak atypical length
- Property:perigynium beak length
- Property:perigynium beak orientation
- Property:perigynium beak shape
- Property:perigynium beak some measurement
- Property:perigynium beak variability
- Property:perigynium beak width
- Property:perigynium body position relational
- Property:perigynium body variability
- Property:perigynium character
- Property:perigynium coloration
- Property:perigynium coloration or density
- Property:perigynium coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:perigynium condition
- Property:perigynium course
- Property:perigynium density
- Property:perigynium fixation
- Property:perigynium fixation or orientation
- Property:perigynium fragility
- Property:perigynium growth form or texture
- Property:perigynium height or length or size
- Property:perigynium l w ratio
- Property:perigynium length
- Property:perigynium length or size
- Property:perigynium length or width
- Property:perigynium life cycle
- Property:perigynium orientation
- Property:perigynium position
- Property:perigynium position relational
- Property:perigynium position relational or variability
- Property:perigynium prominence
- Property:perigynium prominence or shape
- Property:perigynium pubescence
- Property:perigynium pubescence or relief
- Property:perigynium pubescence or texture
- Property:perigynium quantity
- Property:perigynium reflectance
- Property:perigynium relief
- Property:perigynium shape
- Property:perigynium shape or vernation
- Property:perigynium size
- Property:perigynium size or length
- Property:perigynium some measurement
- Property:perigynium texture
- Property:perigynium thickness
- Property:perigynium variability
- Property:perigynium width
- Property:persistent growth order
- Property:peryginium architecture
- Property:peryginium some measurement
- Property:perygynium architecture
- Property:perygynium atypical length
- Property:perygynium length
- Property:perygynium shape
- Property:perygynium width
- Property:phenology
- Property:pistil architecture
- Property:pistil fusion
- Property:pistil quantity
- Property:pit architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:pit architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:pit architecture or shape
- Property:pit coloration
- Property:pit depth
- Property:pit fusion
- Property:pit orientation
- Property:pit prominence
- Property:pit pubescence or texture
- Property:pit quantity
- Property:pit shape
- Property:pit size
- Property:pit width
- Property:place in publication
- Property:plant atypical some measurement
- Property:plant base architecture
- Property:plant base arrangement or growth form
- Property:plant base fragility
- Property:plant base height or length or size
- Property:plant base pubescence
- Property:plant base pubescence or texture
- Property:plant fragility
- Property:plant habitat
- Property:plant height
- Property:plant length
- Property:plant side architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:plant size
- Property:plant some measurement
- Property:plant width
- Property:plants ray condition
- Property:plants ray some measurement
- Property:point architecture
- Property:point texture
- Property:portion architecture
- Property:portion architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:portion arrangement
- Property:portion atypical some measurement
- Property:portion coloration
- Property:portion coloration or reflectance
- Property:portion height or length or size
- Property:portion length
- Property:portion prominence
- Property:portion pubescence
- Property:portion quantity
- Property:portion reflectance
- Property:portion shape
- Property:portion size or width
- Property:portion some measurement
- Property:portion spike architecture
- Property:portion width
- Property:previous leaf presence
- Property:previous year presence
- Property:prickle arrangement
- Property:prickle coloration
- Property:prickle coloration or reflectance
- Property:prickle orientation
- Property:prickle quantity
- Property:prickle size
- Property:prickle some measurement
- Property:primary bract architecture
- Property:primary bract architecture or shape
- Property:primary bract arrangement
- Property:primary bract arrangement or course or shape
- Property:primary bract fragility
- Property:primary bract position relational
- Property:primary bract shape
- Property:primary involucral-bract quantity
- Property:principal blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:principal blade arrangement or shape or course
- Property:principal blade prominence or shape
- Property:principal blade pubescence
- Property:principal blade relief
- Property:principal blade shape
- Property:principal blade size or width
- Property:principal blade some measurement
- Property:principal blade width
- Property:principal involucral-bract architecture
- Property:principal involucral-bract arrangement
- Property:principal involucral-bract position relational
- Property:principal leaf prominence or shape
- Property:principal leaf quantity
- Property:principal leaf width
- Property:projection coloration
- Property:projection shape
- Property:projection some measurement
- Property:prophyll architecture
- Property:prophyll arrangement or course or shape
- Property:prophyll atypical quantity
- Property:prophyll position
- Property:prophyll presence
- Property:prophyll quantity
- Property:prophyll shape
- Property:prophyll some measurement
- Property:proximal and middle perigyinium architecture
- Property:proximal and middle perigyinium arrangement
- Property:proximal and middle perigyinium coloration
- Property:proximal and middle perigyinium shape
- Property:proximal and middle perigyinium some measurement
- Property:proximal blade coloration
- Property:proximal blade prominence
- Property:proximal blade relief
- Property:proximal bract architecture
- Property:proximal bract architecture or shape
- Property:proximal bract arrangement
- Property:proximal bract atypical quantity
- Property:proximal bract atypical some measurement
- Property:proximal bract coloration
- Property:proximal bract height or length or size
- Property:proximal bract length
- Property:proximal bract length or size
- Property:proximal bract orientation
- Property:proximal bract position
- Property:proximal bract position or structure subtype
- Property:proximal bract position relational
- Property:proximal bract presence
- Property:proximal bract prominence
- Property:proximal bract pubescence
- Property:proximal bract pubescence or relief
- Property:proximal bract quantity
- Property:proximal bract reproduction
- Property:proximal bract shape
- Property:proximal bract size
- Property:proximal bract size or length
- Property:proximal bract some measurement
- Property:proximal bract thickness
- Property:proximal bract variability
- Property:proximal bract width
- Property:proximal branch architecture
- Property:proximal branch architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:proximal branch arrangement
- Property:proximal branch coloration
- Property:proximal branch density
- Property:proximal branch fusion
- Property:proximal branch length
- Property:proximal branch relief
- Property:proximal branch width
- Property:proximal cauline bract architecture or shape
- Property:proximal cauline bract coloration
- Property:proximal cauline bract height or length or size
- Property:proximal cauline bract shape
- Property:proximal cauline spike architecture
- Property:proximal cauline spike shape
- Property:proximal culm architecture
- Property:proximal end width
- Property:proximal floral scale architecture or shape
- Property:proximal floral scale atypical length
- Property:proximal floral scale coloration
- Property:proximal floral scale length
- Property:proximal floral scale shape
- Property:proximal floral scale width
- Property:proximal inflorescence architecture
- Property:proximal inflorescence architecture or shape
- Property:proximal inflorescence arrangement
- Property:proximal inflorescence arrangement or density
- Property:proximal inflorescence arrangement or shape
- Property:proximal inflorescence atypical quantity
- Property:proximal inflorescence length
- Property:proximal inflorescence orientation
- Property:proximal inflorescence presence
- Property:proximal inflorescence quantity
- Property:proximal inflorescence shape
- Property:proximal inflorescence width
- Property:proximal internode architecture or arrangement
- Property:proximal internode arrangement
- Property:proximal internode atypical length
- Property:proximal internode atypical some measurement
- Property:proximal internode height or length or size
- Property:proximal internode length
- Property:proximal internode length or size
- Property:proximal internode prominence
- Property:proximal internode quantity
- Property:proximal internode some measurement
- Property:proximal internode variability
- Property:proximal internode width
- Property:proximal involucral-bract architecture
- Property:proximal involucral-bract position relational
- Property:proximal involucral-bract some measurement
- Property:proximal lateral branch position
- Property:proximal lateral branch prominence
- Property:proximal lateral spike architecture
- Property:proximal lateral spike architecture or arrangement
- Property:proximal lateral spike arrangement
- Property:proximal lateral spike arrangement or course or shape
- Property:proximal lateral spike atypical length
- Property:proximal lateral spike density
- Property:proximal lateral spike length
- Property:proximal lateral spike orientation
- Property:proximal lateral spike quantity
- Property:proximal lateral spike reproduction
- Property:proximal lateral spike width
- Property:proximal leaf architecture
- Property:proximal leaf coloration
- Property:proximal leaf duration
- Property:proximal leaf pubescence
- Property:proximal leaf quantity
- Property:proximal leaf size
- Property:proximal leaf-blade architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:proximal leaf-blade coloration
- Property:proximal leaf-blade length
- Property:proximal leaf-blade prominence
- Property:proximal leaf-blade pubescence
- Property:proximal leaf-blade pubescence or relief
- Property:proximal leaf-blade relief
- Property:proximal leaf-blade width
- Property:proximal margin architecture
- Property:proximal margin coloration
- Property:proximal margin orientation
- Property:proximal margin shape
- Property:proximal margin some measurement
- Property:proximal nonbasal bract architecture
- Property:proximal nonbasal bract architecture or shape
- Property:proximal nonbasal bract coloration
- Property:proximal nonbasal bract height or length or size
- Property:proximal nonbasal bract length or size
- Property:proximal nonbasal bract shape
- Property:proximal nonbasal bract some measurement
- Property:proximal nonbasal bract variability
- Property:proximal other shape
- Property:proximal papilla architecture
- Property:proximal papilla orientation
- Property:proximal papilla shape
- Property:proximal part architecture
- Property:proximal part shape
- Property:proximal peduncle atypical quantity
- Property:proximal peduncle quantity
- Property:proximal perigynium architecture
- Property:proximal perigynium architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:proximal perigynium arrangement
- Property:proximal perigynium coloration
- Property:proximal perigynium l w ratio
- Property:proximal perigynium length
- Property:proximal perigynium orientation
- Property:proximal perigynium quantity
- Property:proximal perigynium shape
- Property:proximal perigynium width
- Property:proximal portion architecture
- Property:proximal portion shape
- Property:proximal ray architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:proximal scale architecture
- Property:proximal scale architecture or fixation
- Property:proximal scale architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:proximal scale architecture or shape
- Property:proximal scale atypical quantity
- Property:proximal scale atypical some measurement
- Property:proximal scale coloration
- Property:proximal scale duration
- Property:proximal scale height or length or size
- Property:proximal scale length
- Property:proximal scale length or size
- Property:proximal scale orientation
- Property:proximal scale position
- Property:proximal scale position relational
- Property:proximal scale pubescence
- Property:proximal scale quantity
- Property:proximal scale reproduction
- Property:proximal scale shape
- Property:proximal scale some measurement
- Property:proximal scale structure in adjective form
- Property:proximal scale width
- Property:proximal sheath architecture
- Property:proximal sheath architecture or fragility
- Property:proximal sheath architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:proximal sheath architecture or shape
- Property:proximal sheath atypical quantity
- Property:proximal sheath coloration
- Property:proximal sheath dehiscence
- Property:proximal sheath diameter
- Property:proximal sheath orientation
- Property:proximal sheath position
- Property:proximal sheath prominence
- Property:proximal sheath pubescence
- Property:proximal sheath quantity
- Property:proximal sheath relief
- Property:proximal sheath shape
- Property:proximal sheath size
- Property:proximal sheath some measurement
- Property:proximal sheath texture
- Property:proximal sheath thickness
- Property:proximal spike architecture
- Property:proximal spike arrangement
- Property:proximal spike arrangement or density
- Property:proximal spike atypical length
- Property:proximal spike atypical quantity
- Property:proximal spike atypical some measurement
- Property:proximal spike atypical width
- Property:proximal spike fusion
- Property:proximal spike length
- Property:proximal spike length or size
- Property:proximal spike orientation
- Property:proximal spike quantity
- Property:proximal spike reproduction
- Property:proximal spike shape
- Property:proximal spike size or length
- Property:proximal spike some measurement
- Property:proximal spike width
- Property:proximal spikelet architecture
- Property:proximal spikelet arrangement
- Property:proximal spikelet density
- Property:proximal spikelet orientation
- Property:proximal spikelet reproduction
- Property:proximal spikelet shape
- Property:proximal spikelet width
- Property:proximalmost glomerule position
- Property:proximalmost inflorescence architecture
- Property:proximalmost inflorescence arrangement
- Property:proximalmost inflorescence density
- Property:proximalmost inflorescence length
- Property:proximalmost inflorescence shape
- Property:proximalmost involucral-bract architecture
- Property:proximalmost involucral-bract height or length or size
- Property:proximalmost involucral-bract length
- Property:proximalmost involucral-bract length or size
- Property:proximalmost involucral-bract position relational
- Property:proximalmost involucral-bract quantity
- Property:proximalmost spike position
- Property:proximalmost spike some measurement
- Property:proximalmost spikelet arrangement
- Property:proximalmost spikelet density
- Property:proximalmost spikelet shape
- Property:publication title
- Property:publication year
- Property:raceme arrangement
- Property:rachillum architecture
- Property:rachillum arrangement
- Property:rachillum coloration
- Property:rachillum duration
- Property:rachillum height or length or size
- Property:rachillum length or size
- Property:rachillum life cycle
- Property:rachillum position
- Property:rachillum presence
- Property:rachillum prominence
- Property:rachillum some measurement
- Property:rachillum width
- Property:rachis architecture
- Property:rachis architecture or fixation
- Property:rachis architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:rachis atypical some measurement
- Property:rachis position
- Property:rachis presence
- Property:rachis prominence
- Property:rachis pubescence
- Property:rachis pubescence or relief
- Property:rachis relief
- Property:rachis some measurement
- Property:rachis width
- Property:ray architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:ray architecture or shape
- Property:ray arrangement
- Property:ray atypical quantity
- Property:ray atypical some measurement
- Property:ray density
- Property:ray fragility
- Property:ray length
- Property:ray orientation
- Property:ray position
- Property:ray presence
- Property:ray pubescence
- Property:ray pubescence or relief
- Property:ray quantity
- Property:ray relief
- Property:ray reproduction
- Property:ray shape
- Property:ray size
- Property:ray some measurement
- Property:receptacle atypical some measurement
- Property:receptacle pubescence
- Property:receptacle shape
- Property:receptacle some measurement
- Property:receptacular stipe height or length or size
- Property:receptacular stipe pubescence
- Property:reference
- Property:region coloration
- Property:region fragility or size
- Property:region height or length or size
- Property:region relief
- Property:region shape
- Property:region size or width
- Property:region some measurement
- Property:region texture
- Property:region width
- Property:remains coloration
- Property:remains condition
- Property:remains growth order
- Property:remains quantity
- Property:remains texture
- Property:remnant architecture or shape
- Property:remnant coloration
- Property:remnant prominence
- Property:remnant texture
- Property:reticulation pubescence
- Property:reticulum coloration
- Property:reticulum width
- Property:rhizome architecture
- Property:rhizome architecture or arrangement
- Property:rhizome architecture or pubescence
- Property:rhizome architecture or shape
- Property:rhizome arrangement or growth form
- Property:rhizome arrangement or shape
- Property:rhizome atypical length
- Property:rhizome atypical some measurement
- Property:rhizome character
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- Property:rhizome coloration or density
- Property:rhizome depth
- Property:rhizome development
- Property:rhizome diam
- Property:rhizome diameter
- Property:rhizome fragility
- Property:rhizome fragility or size
- Property:rhizome growth form
- Property:rhizome growth form or orientation
- Property:rhizome height or length or size
- Property:rhizome internode atypical some measurement
- Property:rhizome internode some measurement
- Property:rhizome internode thickness
- Property:rhizome length
- Property:rhizome length or size
- Property:rhizome location
- Property:rhizome odor
- Property:rhizome orientation
- Property:rhizome orientation or shape
- Property:rhizome presence
- Property:rhizome prominence
- Property:rhizome pubescence or texture
- Property:rhizome quantity
- Property:rhizome relief
- Property:rhizome shape
- Property:rhizome size
- Property:rhizome size or length
- Property:rhizome some measurement
- Property:rhizome texture
- Property:rhizome thickness
- Property:rhizome width
- Property:rhizomes internode some measurement
- Property:rhizomes internode thickness
- Property:rib arrangement
- Property:rib atypical length
- Property:rib atypical quantity
- Property:rib atypical width
- Property:rib dehiscence or orientation
- Property:rib fusion
- Property:rib length
- Property:rib position
- Property:rib prominence
- Property:rib pubescence
- Property:rib pubescence or relief
- Property:rib quantity
- Property:rib shape
- Property:rib some measurement
- Property:rib width
- Property:ridge architecture
- Property:ridge arrangement
- Property:ridge arrangement or course or shape
- Property:ridge atypical length
- Property:ridge atypical quantity
- Property:ridge atypical width
- Property:ridge coloration
- Property:ridge dehiscence or orientation
- Property:ridge l w ratio
- Property:ridge length
- Property:ridge length or size
- Property:ridge length or size or width
- Property:ridge orientation
- Property:ridge position
- Property:ridge prominence
- Property:ridge pubescence or texture
- Property:ridge quantity
- Property:ridge shape
- Property:ridge size or width
- Property:ridge texture
- Property:ridge width
- Property:rim size or width
- Property:ring coloration
- Property:ring shape
- Property:root coloration
- Property:root density
- Property:root derivation
- Property:root orientation
- Property:root position relational
- Property:root pubescence
- Property:root texture
- Property:root width
- Property:rosette fragility
- Property:row architecture or shape
- Property:row arrangement
- Property:row atypical quantity
- Property:row dehiscence or orientation
- Property:row orientation
- Property:row quantity
- Property:row shape
- Property:row size or width
- Property:row width
- Property:rugulosity dehiscence or orientation
- Property:rugulosity shape
- Property:scale architecture
- Property:scale architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:scale architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:scale architecture or shape
- Property:scale arrangement
- Property:scale arrangement or course or shape
- Property:scale arrangement or shape
- Property:scale atypical length
- Property:scale atypical quantity
- Property:scale atypical some measurement
- Property:scale atypical width
- Property:scale character
- Property:scale coloration
- Property:scale coloration or density
- Property:scale coloration or reflectance
- Property:scale course
- Property:scale dehiscence
- Property:scale duration
- Property:scale fixation or orientation
- Property:scale fusion
- Property:scale height or length or size
- Property:scale l w ratio
- Property:scale length
- Property:scale length or size
- Property:scale life cycle
- Property:scale midrib coloration
- Property:scale orientation
- Property:scale position
- Property:scale position or shape
- Property:scale position relational
- Property:scale presence
- Property:scale prominence
- Property:scale pubescence
- Property:scale pubescence or relief
- Property:scale pubescence or texture
- Property:scale quantity
- Property:scale reflectance
- Property:scale relief
- Property:scale reproduction
- Property:scale scale architecture
- Property:scale shape
- Property:scale size
- Property:scale size or length
- Property:scale size or width
- Property:scale some measurement
- Property:scale texture
- Property:scale thickness
- Property:scale variability
- Property:scale width
- Property:scape architecture
- Property:scape architecture or shape
- Property:scape arrangement or course or shape
- Property:scape arrangement or shape
- Property:scape character
- Property:scape diameter
- Property:scape fragility
- Property:scape height or length or size
- Property:scape orientation
- Property:scape pubescence
- Property:scape quantity
- Property:scape shape
- Property:scape size
- Property:scape some measurement
- Property:scape thickness
- Property:scape width
- Property:seed quantity
- Property:segment architecture
- Property:segment architecture or shape
- Property:segment length or size
- Property:segment shape
- Property:septum architecture
- Property:septum arrangement
- Property:septum coloration
- Property:septum dehiscence or orientation
- Property:septum orientation
- Property:septum quantity
- Property:septum some measurement
- Property:series architecture
- Property:series orientation
- Property:series quantity
- Property:set height or length or size
- Property:set position
- Property:set shape
- Property:seta pubescence
- Property:seta quantity
- Property:shade-form depth
- Property:sheath apex architecture or shape
- Property:sheath apex shape
- Property:sheath architecture
- Property:sheath architecture or fragility
- Property:sheath architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:sheath architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:sheath architecture or shape
- Property:sheath arrangement
- Property:sheath arrangement or density
- Property:sheath arrangement or relief
- Property:sheath atypical some measurement
- Property:sheath back pubescence
- Property:sheath blade length
- Property:sheath blade width
- Property:sheath border coloration
- Property:sheath coloration
- Property:sheath coloration or reflectance
- Property:sheath condition
- Property:sheath condition or size
- Property:sheath dehiscence
- Property:sheath duration
- Property:sheath front architecture
- Property:sheath front atypical some measurement
- Property:sheath front coloration
- Property:sheath front coloration or reflectance
- Property:sheath front growth form
- Property:sheath front growth form or texture
- Property:sheath front length
- Property:sheath front pubescence
- Property:sheath front relief
- Property:sheath front shape
- Property:sheath front size or width
- Property:sheath front some measurement
- Property:sheath front texture
- Property:sheath front variability
- Property:sheath height or length or size
- Property:sheath length
- Property:sheath length or size
- Property:sheath life cycle
- Property:sheath margin architecture or shape
- Property:sheath margin pubescence
- Property:sheath position
- Property:sheath position relational
- Property:sheath presence
- Property:sheath pubescence
- Property:sheath pubescence or relief
- Property:sheath quantity
- Property:sheath relief
- Property:sheath shape
- Property:sheath size
- Property:sheath size or length
- Property:sheath size or width
- Property:sheath some measurement
- Property:sheath summit atypical some measurement
- Property:sheath summit length
- Property:sheath summit shape
- Property:sheath summit some measurement
- Property:sheath texture
- Property:sheath width
- Property:sheath-blade junction quantity
- Property:shoot arrangement
- Property:shoot blade width
- Property:shoot habitat
- Property:shoot height
- Property:shoot heigth
- Property:shoot heigth or size
- Property:shoot life cycle
- Property:shoot location
- Property:shoot orientation
- Property:shoot prominence
- Property:shoot quantity
- Property:shoot reproduction
- Property:shoot some measurement
- Property:shorter bract orientation
- Property:side architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:side arrangement
- Property:side atypical length
- Property:side atypical width
- Property:side coloration
- Property:side l w ratio
- Property:side length
- Property:side prominence or shape
- Property:side quantity
- Property:side shape
- Property:side size
- Property:side width
- Property:slender apical tooth some measurement
- Property:slender awn some measurement
- Property:slender peduncle arrangement
- Property:slender peduncle height or length or size
- Property:slender peduncle orientation
- Property:slender peduncle shape
- Property:slender portion shape
- Property:slender portion some measurement
- Property:slender ray some measurement
- Property:sort quantity
- Property:source xml
- Property:special status
- Property:species architecture
- Property:species life cycle
- Property:spike architecture
- Property:spike architecture or arrangement
- Property:spike architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:spike architecture or fragility
- Property:spike architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:spike architecture or shape
- Property:spike arrangement
- Property:spike arrangement or course or shape
- Property:spike arrangement or density
- Property:spike arrangement or growth form
- Property:spike atypical length
- Property:spike atypical quantity
- Property:spike atypical some measurement
- Property:spike atypical width
- Property:spike between basal inflorescence architecture or arrangement
- Property:spike between basal inflorescence atypical some measurement
- Property:spike between basal inflorescence density
- Property:spike between basal inflorescence quantity
- Property:spike between basal inflorescence some measurement
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- Property:spike blade atypical some measurement
- Property:spike blade position
- Property:spike blade shape
- Property:spike blade some measurement
- Property:spike blade width
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- Property:spike density
- Property:spike development
- Property:spike diameter
- Property:spike fixation
- Property:spike fusion
- Property:spike height
- Property:spike height or length or size
- Property:spike inflorescence atypical some measurement
- Property:spike inflorescence position
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- Property:spike inflorescence pubescence or relief
- Property:spike inflorescence some measurement
- Property:spike l w ratio
- Property:spike length
- Property:spike length or size
- Property:spike orientation
- Property:spike peduncle architecture
- Property:spike peduncle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:spike peduncle arrangement
- Property:spike peduncle atypical some measurement
- Property:spike peduncle fragility or size
- Property:spike peduncle height or length or size
- Property:spike peduncle length
- Property:spike peduncle orientation
- Property:spike peduncle position
- Property:spike peduncle pubescence
- Property:spike peduncle pubescence or relief
- Property:spike peduncle shape
- Property:spike peduncle size
- Property:spike peduncle some measurement
- Property:spike portion architecture
- Property:spike portion some measurement
- Property:spike position
- Property:spike position or shape
- Property:spike position or structure subtype
- Property:spike position relational
- Property:spike presence
- Property:spike prominence
- Property:spike pubescence
- Property:spike pubescence or relief
- Property:spike quantity
- Property:spike rachis pubescence
- Property:spike reproduction
- Property:spike shape
- Property:spike size
- Property:spike some measurement
- Property:spike thickness
- Property:spike variability
- Property:spike width
- Property:spikelet achene coloration
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- Property:spikelet achene shape
- Property:spikelet achene width
- Property:spikelet apex shape
- Property:spikelet architecture
- Property:spikelet architecture or arrangement
- Property:spikelet architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:spikelet architecture or fragility
- Property:spikelet arrangement
- Property:spikelet arrangement or course or shape
- Property:spikelet arrangement or shape
- Property:spikelet atypical length
- Property:spikelet atypical quantity
- Property:spikelet atypical some measurement
- Property:spikelet atypical width
- Property:spikelet coloration
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- Property:spikelet density
- Property:spikelet depth
- Property:spikelet diameter
- Property:spikelet height or length or size
- Property:spikelet length
- Property:spikelet length or size
- Property:spikelet life cycle
- Property:spikelet orientation
- Property:spikelet position
- Property:spikelet position or structure subtype
- Property:spikelet position relational
- Property:spikelet presence
- Property:spikelet prominence
- Property:spikelet prominence or shape
- Property:spikelet pubescence
- Property:spikelet pubescence or texture
- Property:spikelet quantity
- Property:spikelet reflectance
- Property:spikelet reproduction
- Property:spikelet scale reproduction
- Property:spikelet scale shape
- Property:spikelet scale shape or vernation
- Property:spikelet scale width
- Property:spikelet shape
- Property:spikelet size
- Property:spikelet size or length
- Property:spikelet some measurement
- Property:spikelet structure subtype
- Property:spikelet texture
- Property:spikelet thickness
- Property:spikelet variability
- Property:spikelet width
- Property:spikelet width or width
- Property:spikes internode atypical some measurement
- Property:spikes internode some measurement
- Property:spinule architecture or shape
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- Property:spinule count or density
- Property:spinule density
- Property:spinule fragility or size
- Property:spinule height or length or size
- Property:spinule length or size
- Property:spinule orientation
- Property:spinule presence
- Property:spinule prominence
- Property:spinule quantity
- Property:spinule shape
- Property:spinule size
- Property:spinule some measurement
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- Property:spot architecture or shape
- Property:spot length
- Property:spot presence
- Property:spot prominence
- Property:spot quantity
- Property:spot reflectance
- Property:spot shape
- Property:spot width
- Property:stalk height or length or size
- Property:stamen atypical quantity
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- Property:stamen fusion
- Property:stamen length or size
- Property:stamen position
- Property:stamen quantity
- Property:stem architecture
- Property:stem architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:stem character
- Property:stem coloration
- Property:stem length
- Property:stem length or size
- Property:stem orientation
- Property:stem pubescence or relief
- Property:stem reproduction
- Property:stem shape
- Property:stem texture
- Property:stem variability
- Property:stem width
- Property:stigma architecture
- Property:stigma arrangement or shape
- Property:stigma atypical quantity
- Property:stigma atypical some measurement
- Property:stigma coloration
- Property:stigma course
- Property:stigma duration
- Property:stigma fragility
- Property:stigma height or length or size
- Property:stigma length or size
- Property:stigma orientation
- Property:stigma prominence
- Property:stigma pubescence
- Property:stigma quantity
- Property:stigma relief
- Property:stigma shape
- Property:stigma size
- Property:stigma some measurement
- Property:stigma width
- Property:stigmatic arrangement or course or shape
- Property:stigmatic atypical quantity
- Property:stigmatic quantity
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- Property:stipe atypical some measurement
- Property:stipe coloration
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- Property:stipe height or length or size
- Property:stipe length
- Property:stipe presence
- Property:stipe pubescence
- Property:stipe shape
- Property:stipe size
- Property:stipe some measurement
- Property:stipe texture
- Property:stipe width
- Property:stolon architecture
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- Property:stolon atypical length
- Property:stolon atypical some measurement
- Property:stolon diameter
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- Property:stolon growth form or orientation
- Property:stolon length
- Property:stolon length or size
- Property:stolon orientation
- Property:stolon presence
- Property:stolon prominence
- Property:stolon pubescence or texture
- Property:stolon size
- Property:stolon some measurement
- Property:stolon texture
- Property:stolon width
- Property:streak architecture
- Property:streak coloration or relief
- Property:streak shape
- Property:style architecture
- Property:style architecture or shape
- Property:style arrangement
- Property:style arrangement or course or shape
- Property:style atypical some measurement
- Property:style base architecture
- Property:style base coloration
- Property:style base course
- Property:style base duration
- Property:style base fusion
- Property:style base reflectance
- Property:style base relief
- Property:style base shape
- Property:style base size
- Property:style base some measurement
- Property:style course
- Property:style duration
- Property:style height or length or size
- Property:style length
- Property:style life cycle
- Property:style orientation
- Property:style position
- Property:style position or shape
- Property:style prominence or shape
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- Property:style quantity
- Property:style relief
- Property:style shape
- Property:style size
- Property:style size or width
- Property:style some measurement
- Property:style width
- Property:subapical band coloration
- Property:submarginal band coloration
- Property:subproximal scale architecture
- Property:subproximal scale quantity
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- Property:subtending bract shape
- Property:subtending bractlet architecture
- Property:subtending flower reproduction
- Property:subtending involucral-bract arrangement
- Property:subtending involucral-bract length or size
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- Property:summit architecture or shape
- Property:summit atypical some measurement
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- Property:summit length
- Property:summit position relational
- Property:summit relief
- Property:summit shape
- Property:summit size
- Property:summit size or width
- Property:summit some measurement
- Property:summit tubercle shape
- Property:summit variability
- Property:summit width
- Property:surface architecture
- Property:surface architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:surface architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:surface architecture or shape
- Property:surface arrangement
- Property:surface arrangement or course or shape
- Property:surface coloration
- Property:surface coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:surface coloration or relief
- Property:surface lattex orientation
- Property:surface layer architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:surface layer coloration
- Property:surface layer prominence
- Property:surface layer width
- Property:surface position
- Property:surface position relational
- Property:surface prominence
- Property:surface pubescence
- Property:surface pubescence or relief
- Property:surface quantity
- Property:surface reflectance
- Property:surface relief
- Property:surface relief or architecture
- Property:surface shape
- Property:suture dehiscence or orientation
- Property:suture prominence
- Property:suture size or width
- Property:synonyms
- Property:system architecture
- Property:system architecture or fragility
- Property:tallest culm some measurement
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- Property:terminal and distal lateral spike arrangement
- Property:terminal and distal lateral spike density
- Property:terminal and distal lateral spike position or structure subtype
- Property:terminal and distal spikelet architecture
- Property:terminal bud shape
- Property:terminal bud size
- Property:terminal cluster architecture or arrangement or growth form
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- Property:terminal head density
- Property:terminal head shape
- Property:terminal internode shape
- Property:terminal node arrangement
- Property:terminal node position
- Property:terminal node quantity
- Property:terminal or proximal spike arrangement
- Property:terminal or proximal spike density
- Property:terminal panicle some measurement
- Property:terminal panicle width
- Property:terminal perigynium architecture
- Property:terminal perigynium life cycle
- Property:terminal scale architecture or shape
- Property:terminal scale arrangement or vernation
- Property:terminal scale reproduction
- Property:terminal scale shape
- Property:terminal scale shape or vernation
- Property:terminal scale width
- Property:terminal spike architecture
- Property:terminal spike architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:terminal spike arrangement
- Property:terminal spike arrangement or course or shape
- Property:terminal spike atypical length
- Property:terminal spike atypical quantity
- Property:terminal spike atypical some measurement
- Property:terminal spike atypical width
- Property:terminal spike coloration
- Property:terminal spike density
- Property:terminal spike development
- Property:terminal spike height or length or size
- Property:terminal spike length
- Property:terminal spike orientation
- Property:terminal spike position
- Property:terminal spike position relational
- Property:terminal spike presence
- Property:terminal spike prominence
- Property:terminal spike quantity
- Property:terminal spike reproduction
- Property:terminal spike shape
- Property:terminal spike some measurement
- Property:terminal spike width
- Property:terminal spikelet architecture
- Property:terminal spikelet arrangement
- Property:terminal spikelet presence
- Property:terminal tuber presence
- Property:terminal tuber texture
- Property:terminal tuber thickness
- Property:testa fusion
- Property:testa width
- Property:tip architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:tip architecture or shape
- Property:tip atypical some measurement
- Property:tip atypical width
- Property:tip coloration
- Property:tip condition or texture
- Property:tip length
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- Property:tip orientation
- Property:tip position
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- Property:tip shape
- Property:tip size or width
- Property:tip some measurement
- Property:tip width
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- Property:tissue development
- Property:tissue presence
- Property:tissue prominence
- Property:tissue pubescence or texture
- Property:tissue reflectance
- Property:tissue texture
- Property:tissue u-shape
- Property:tomentum coloration
- Property:tomentum density
- Property:tooth architecture
- Property:tooth architecture or course
- Property:tooth architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:tooth architecture or shape
- Property:tooth arrangement
- Property:tooth atypical some measurement
- Property:tooth coloration
- Property:tooth course
- Property:tooth fragility
- Property:tooth length
- Property:tooth length or size
- Property:tooth orientation
- Property:tooth presence
- Property:tooth prominence
- Property:tooth pubescence or texture
- Property:tooth quantity
- Property:tooth shape
- Property:tooth size
- Property:tooth size or width
- Property:tooth some measurement
- Property:top orientation
- Property:trabecula arrangement
- Property:trabecula fusion
- Property:trabecula prominence
- Property:trabecula quantity
- Property:trace coloration
- Property:trace coloration or density
- Property:tuber length
- Property:tuber position or structure subtype
- Property:tuber presence
- Property:tuber quantity
- Property:tuber shape
- Property:tuber some measurement
- Property:tuber width
- Property:tubercle architecture
- Property:tubercle architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:tubercle architecture or shape
- Property:tubercle arrangement or course or shape
- Property:tubercle arrangement or shape
- Property:tubercle atypical length
- Property:tubercle atypical some measurement
- Property:tubercle atypical width
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- Property:tubercle base length
- Property:tubercle base position relational
- Property:tubercle base shape
- Property:tubercle character
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- Property:tubercle coloration
- Property:tubercle development
- Property:tubercle fixation or orientation
- Property:tubercle fusion
- Property:tubercle height
- Property:tubercle height or length or size
- Property:tubercle length
- Property:tubercle position
- Property:tubercle position relational
- Property:tubercle presence
- Property:tubercle prominence
- Property:tubercle prominence or shape
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- Property:tubercle quantity
- Property:tubercle relief
- Property:tubercle shape
- Property:tubercle size
- Property:tubercle some measurement
- Property:tubercle texture
- Property:tubercle tip position relational
- Property:tubercle variability
- Property:tubercle width
- Property:tuft architecture or fragility
- Property:tuft density
- Property:tuft quantity
- Property:tuft size
- Property:turbercle architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:turbercle shape
- Property:turbercle some measurement
- Property:tussock density
- Property:ultimate apex shape
- Property:umbo coloration
- Property:undulating width
- Property:undulation dehiscence or orientation
- Property:upculm arrangement
- Property:vein architecture
- Property:vein architecture or shape
- Property:vein arrangement
- Property:vein arrangement or course or shape
- Property:vein arrangement or shape
- Property:vein atypical length
- Property:vein atypical quantity
- Property:vein atypical width
- Property:vein coloration
- Property:vein condition or size
- Property:vein dehiscence or orientation
- Property:vein duration
- Property:vein fragility
- Property:vein growth form or texture
- Property:vein height or length or size
- Property:vein l w ratio
- Property:vein length
- Property:vein length or size
- Property:vein life cycle
- Property:vein orientation
- Property:vein position
- Property:vein position relational
- Property:vein prominence
- Property:vein prominence or shape
- Property:vein pubescence
- Property:vein pubescence or relief
- Property:vein quantity
- Property:vein reflectance
- Property:vein shape
- Property:vein size
- Property:vein texture
- Property:vein thickness
- Property:vein width
- Property:wall dehiscence or orientation
- Property:whole-organism architecture
- Property:whole-organism arrangement
- Property:whole-organism density
- Property:whole-organism duration
- Property:whole-organism growth form
- Property:whole-organism quantity
- Property:whole-organism shape
- Property:whole-organism thickness
- Property:whole-organism width
- Property:whole_organism architecture
- Property:whole_organism architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:whole_organism architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:whole_organism architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:whole_organism architecture or shape
- Property:whole_organism arrangement
- Property:whole_organism arrangement or pubescence
- Property:whole_organism atypical some measurement
- Property:whole_organism duration
- Property:whole_organism fragility
- Property:whole_organism fragility or size
- Property:whole_organism growth form
- Property:whole_organism growth form or habitat
- Property:whole_organism growth form or orientation
- Property:whole_organism height or length or size
- Property:whole_organism life cycle
- Property:whole_organism orientation
- Property:whole_organism position
- Property:whole_organism pubescence
- Property:whole_organism quantity
- Property:whole_organism relief
- Property:whole_organism reproduction
- Property:whole_organism shape
- Property:whole_organism size
- Property:whole_organism size or length
- Property:whole_organism some measurement
- Property:whole_organism texture
- Property:whorl width
- Property:wide position
- Property:widest blade architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:widest blade pubescence
- Property:widest blade pubescence or relief
- Property:widest blade relief
- Property:widest blade some measurement
- Property:widest blade width
- Property:widest blade-leaf distance
- Property:widest blade-leaf pubescence
- Property:widest bract width
- Property:widest leaf architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:widest leaf growth form or texture
- Property:widest leaf pubescence
- Property:widest leaf relief
- Property:widest leaf shape
- Property:widest leaf some measurement
- Property:widest leaf width
- Property:widest leaf-blade pubescence
- Property:widest leaf-blade relief
- Property:widest leaf-blade width
- Property:wing architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:wing architecture or relief
- Property:wing architecture or shape
- Property:wing atypical some measurement
- Property:wing coloration
- Property:wing duration
- Property:wing fixation
- Property:wing fragility
- Property:wing fusion
- Property:wing growth form or texture
- Property:wing life cycle
- Property:wing orientation
- Property:wing position relational
- Property:wing prominence
- Property:wing quantity
- Property:wing shape
- Property:wing size or width
- Property:wing some measurement
- Property:wing thickness
- Property:wing width
- Property:x chromosome quantity