Property:Neck architecture A Text property defining a single value. Structure: neck Character: architecture A subproperty of perianth A Part of perianth Types of neck architecture None. Parts of neck architecture None. Usage26previous 5,0002050100250500next 5,000FilterShowing 24 pages using this property.BBraunia +sulcate +Braunia andrieuxii +sulcate +Braunia secunda +sulcate +EEleocharis bolanderi +cancellate +, reticulate +Eleocharis compressa +cancellate +Eleocharis compressa var. acutisquamata +cancellate +Eleocharis compressa var. compressa +cancellate +Eleocharis decumbens +cancellate +, reticulate +Eleocharis elliptica +cancellate +Eleocharis fallax +cancellate +Eleocharis montana +cancellate +Eleocharis montevidensis +cancellate +Eleocharis parishii +cancellate +Entosthodon rubrisetus +sulcate +HHedwigia +sulcate +Hedwigia ciliata +sulcate +Hedwigia detonsa +sulcate +Hedwigia stellata +sulcate +Hedwigiaceae +sulcate +OOedipodiaceae +hollow +Oedipodium +hollow +Oedipodium griffithianum +hollow +PPseudobraunia +sulcate +Pseudobraunia californica +sulcate +