Codriophorus mollis

(Cardot) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra in R. Ochyra et al.

in R. Ochyra et al., Cens. Cat. Polish Mosses, 141. 2003,.

Basionym: Racomitrium molle Cardot Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 8: 333. 1908
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 27. Treatment on page 298. Mentioned on page 297, 299.

Plants usually fairly soft, olivaceous, brown or yellow, rusty orange to blackish brown, sometimes dirty olive yellow, golden to blackish green distally, brown to blackish brown proximally, sometimes brown, blackish brown to jet throughout. Stems 1–7 (–10) cm tall. Leaves closely appressed and imbricate, erect, secund, erect-spreading to patent when dry, concave to cochleariform, broadly ovate, lingulate, elliptic, oblong or oblongelliptic, (1.5–) 2–2.5 (–2.8) × 0.9–1.2 mm; margins 1-stratose, entire to subentire at the apex; apices very broadly rounded-obtuse and usually cucullate; costa ceasing at 1/2–3/4 of the way up the leaf, spurred and commonly forked at the apex, 75–100 µm wide at the base; laminal cells 1-stratose. Inner perichaetial leaves hyaline or with several thick-walled cells at the extreme apex or chlorophyllous throughout. Seta dark-brown becoming black with age, fairly stout, 4–9 mm long. Capsule light to dark-brown, obloid to shortly cylindric, 1.2–2 × 0.7–0.8 mm; peristome teeth lanceolate, 400–425 µm long, reddish-brown, densely spiculate-papillose throughout, divided nearly to the base into 2, or often imperfectly into 3 terete, rather unequal prongs. Spores (13–) 17–20 µm.

Habitat: Wet cliffs, dripping rocks, splashed or periodically flooded boulders, stones and outcrops in creek beds and the margins of watercourses, seepy sloping outcrops on roadsides and thin soil over moist rock ledges, in open and insolated as well as in diffusely lit and shaded sites on both acidic and basic substrates, scattered throughout coastal coniferous forests and in subalpine meadows and bogs
Elevation: low to high elevations (0-2000 m)


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B.C., Alaska, Calif., Wash., South America (Colombia), e Asia


Codriophorus mollis is a circum-north-Pacific species, ranging from Japan and Kamchatka across the Aleutian arc to northwestern North America, and with a highly disjunct locality in the paramo of the northern Andes of Colombia. In North America its main center of occurrence is in British Columbia, with some stations in northern California. It is closely related to C. acicularis but differs in the fairly soft texture of the plants, which are often almost unbranched and thread-like with a characteristic “calliergonoid” appearance owing to the imbricate foliage of broadly elliptical, lingulate, or ovate to oblong or oblong-elliptical leaves with very broadly rounded-obtuse, entire or faintly erose-dentate apices. Moreover, the costa is slender, commonly spurred, and regularly forked at the apex, with one branch much longer and more slender, extending higher up the leaf than the other, usually reaching half or three quarters of the way up the leaf. The costa of C. mollis is similar to that in C. aduncoides, except for being more slender, 75–100 µm wide near the base in the former versus (80–)90–180(–220) µm wide in the latter. Moreover, the leaf apex in C. aduncoides is often subacute and tubular owing to inflexed margins and is remotely bluntly or sharply dentate to erose-dentate.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Codriophorus mollis"
hyaline-tipped +
cucullate +  and rounded-obtuse +
Halina Bednarek-Ochyra +  and Ryszard Ochyra +
- Cardot Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra in R. Ochyra et al. +
both +  and papillose +
toothed +
short to long +
nodulose;oblate;quadrate;elongate +
thick-walled +  and nodulose-porose +
rectangular;linear +
3-6 - -7-layered +
divided +
Racomitrium molle +
papillose +
undifferentiated +
naked +, plicate +  and smooth +
0 +  and 1/2 +
distinctly verrucose +  and papillose +
conic-mitrate +
small;large +
sulcate +  and smooth +
nearly +  and symmetric +
light +  and dark-brown +
0.12 cm1.2 mm <br />0.0012 m <br /> - 0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> +
striate +  and smooth +
obloid;shortly cylindric +
0.07 cm0.7 mm <br />7.0e-4 m <br /> - ? +  and 0.08 cm0.8 mm <br />8.0e-4 m <br /> - ? +
thick-walled +
2-5-stratose;percurrent +
subpercurrent +
1/2 +  and 3/4 +
papillose +  and smooth +
much larger +
75um +  and 100um +
1-2 - -4-stratose +
straight-walled +, 1-stratose +  and variously 2-stratose +
papillose to smooth +  and papillose +
B.C. +, Alaska +, Calif. +, Wash. +, South America - Colombia +  and e Asia +
low to high elevations - 0-2000 m +
sinuose-nodulose +
isodiametric +  and elongate +
wide-angled +
Wet cliffs, dripping rocks, splashed or peWet cliffs, dripping rocks, splashed or periodically flooded boulders, stones and outcrops in creek beds and the margins of watercourses, seepy sloping outcrops on roadsides and thin soil over moist rock ledges, in open and insolated as well as in diffusely lit and shaded sites on both acidic and basic substrates, scattered throughout coastal coniferous forests and in subalpine meadows and bogs forests and in subalpine meadows and bogs +
with several thick-walled cells +  and hyaline +
elliptical +  and lingulate +
elliptical +  and oblong-elliptical +
0.25 cm2.5 mm <br />0.0025 m <br /> - 0.28 cm2.8 mm <br />0.0028 m <br /> +
thick-walled +  and sinuose +
dioicous +  and sexual +
curved +  and straight +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> - 0.25 cm2.5 mm <br />0.0025 m <br /> +
erect-spreading +  and patent +
concave +  and cochleariform broadly ovate lingulate elliptic oblong or oblongelliptic +
0.09 cm0.9 mm <br />9.0e-4 m <br /> - 0.12 cm1.2 mm <br />0.0012 m <br /> +
erose-dentate to papillose-crenulate or crenate +  and entire +
incurved +, reflexed +  and recurved +
entire +  and subentire +
subpercurrent +
long-rostrate +
lanceolate;linear +
spiculate-papillose +
divided +  and lanceolate +
unequal +
in R. Ochyra et al., Cens. Cat. Polish Mosses, +
dark-brown becoming black +
straight +
0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br /> - 0.9 cm9 mm <br />0.009 m <br /> +
erect +, sinistrorse +  and dextrorse +
one;several +
papillose +  and smooth +
short to long +
ornamented +  and smooth +
spheric +
unbranched +  and branched +
1cm;7cm +
creeping +  and ascending +
filiform +
Racomitrium sect. Papillosa +  and Trichostomum sect. Stenotrichum +
Codriophorus mollis +
Codriophorus sect. Codriophorus +
species +
nodulose +
incrassate +
blackish brown;jet +
robust +  and gracile +