

Sp. Pl. 1: 2. 1753; Gen. Pl., ed. 5; 2, 1754.

Common names: Arrowroot prayer-plant
Etymology: for Bartolomea Maranti, Venetian physician and botanist who lived during the mid 1500s
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 22.
FNA22 P60 Canna Maranta Thalia pg 313.jpegMaranta arundinacea
Canna flaccida
Thalia dealbata
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers

Plants terrestrial, prostrate, scandent, or upright, usually dying back to rhizome during dry season, 0.1–1.5 (–1.8) m. Rhizomes occasionally swollen, storing starch. Stems branched or unbranched with basal and cauline leaves to highly branched above elongate, canelike stem (internode) with few or no basal leaves. Leaves homotropic [rarely antitropic]; sheath usually auriculate, not spongy; blade [patterned] plain green, ovate to elliptic. Inflorescences usually 2–several per shoot, spikel-like, unbranched; bracts persistent, subtending 2–6 pedicellate flower pairs, herbaceous; prophylls keeled, membranous; secondary bracts absent; bracteoles usually absent. Flowers self-fertilizing [or outcrossing], corolla white, staminodes white [purple]; sepals persistent in fruit, more than 5 mm, herbaceous; corolla-tube [4–] 12–14 mm, corolla lobes unequal; outer staminodes 2, petallike; callose staminode apex usually petallike; cucullate staminode with 1 appendage, medial [subterminal], flaplike [fingerlike]; stylar movement in single plane; style unappendaged. Fruits capsules, 1-seeded, obliquely ellipsoid, pericarp relatively thin, dehiscent. Seeds brown, ellipsoid, rugose; perisperm canal 1, distally branched; aril conspicuous, white.


Tropical and subtropical regions, s Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America (to n Argentina)


Species 32 (1 in the flora).

... more about "Maranta"
conspicuous +
Helen Kennedy +
Linnaeus +
no +  and few +
plain green +
ovate;elliptic +
persistent +
subtending +
Arrowroot +  and prayer-plant +
0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br /> - 1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br /> +
1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br /> - 1.4 cm14 mm <br />0.014 m <br /> +
Tropical and subtropical regions +, s Mexico +, West Indies +, Central America +  and South America - to n Argentina +
for Bartolomea Maranti, Venetian physician and botanist who lived during the mid 1500s +
self-fertilizing +
medial +  and subterminal +
flaplike +  and fingerlike +
differentiated +
3-carpellate +
differentiated +
andersson1986a +, anonymous1893a +, hodge1957a +, morton1977a +, purseglove1972a +  and sturtevant1969a +
ellipsoid +
persistent +
distinct +
differentiated +
auriculate +
not spongy +
petal-like +
flaplike +  and cucullate +
unbranched +  and branched +
cane-like +  and elongate +
cup-shaped +
unappendaged +
Maranta +
Marantaceae +
150 cm1,500 mm <br />1.5 m <br /> - 180 cm1,800 mm <br />1.8 m <br /> +
plant +  and scandent +