

Sp. Pl. 1: 505. 175.


Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 22. 1754.

Etymology: Greek podos, foot, and phyllon leaf
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3.
FNA03 P52 Podophyllum Achlys Vancouveria pg 289.jpegAchlys triphylla
Podophyllum peltatum
Vancouveria hexandra
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers

Herbs, perennial, deciduous, 2-6 dm, glabrous to sparsely pubescent. Rhizomes short-to-elongate, formed of distinct annual increments, producing 1 leaf or flowering shoot per year. Aerial stems present. Leaves simple, variously parted. Leaves of nonflowering shoot 1, basal; petiole centrally attached, erect, stemlike, blade orbiculate, peltate. Leaves of flowering shoots (0-) 2 (-3), cauline, alternate or nearly opposite; petiole attached near margin, blade reniform-orbiculate, peltate. Leaf-blades 10-38 cm, parts entire or lobed, margins entire or serrate; venation palmate. Inflorescences terminal, flowers solitary. Flowers 3-merous, 30-55 mm; bracteoles absent; sepals caducous, 6, white or pale green; petals 6-9, white or pink; stamens equal to or 2 times number of petals; anthers dehiscing longitudinally; pollen exine finely reticulate to verrucate; ovaries ellipsoid; placentation marginal; style central. Fruits berries, yellow, orange, red, or maroon, ellipsoid. Seeds 20-50, yellow, orange, red, or maroon; aril yellow, rarely maroon, fleshy, enclosing seed. x = 6.


Widely disjunct temperate areas in e North America and e Asia


Species 2 (1 in the flora).

Podophyllum hexandrum Royle, which is native to eastern Asia, is recognized in its own genus, Sinopodophyllum T. S. Ying, by some authors. Also occurring in east Asia is the segregate genus Dysosoma Woodson, with about seven species.

Selected References


... more about "Podophyllum"
maroon +  and yellow +
Lisa O'Rourke George +
Linnaeus +
10 cm100 mm <br />0.1 m <br /> - 38 cm380 mm <br />0.38 m <br /> +
reniform-orbiculate +  and orbiculate +
opposite +  and alternate +
Widely disjunct temperate areas in e North America and e Asia +
small +  and large +
Greek podos, foot, and phyllon leaf +
showy +  and inconspicuous +
3 cm30 mm <br />0.03 m <br /> - ? +  and 5.5 cm55 mm <br />0.055 m <br /> - ? +
maroon +, red +, orange +  and yellow +
axillary +  and terminal +
opposite +  and alternate +
serrate +  and entire +
1-carpellate +
basal +  and superior +
ellipsoid +
lobed +  and entire +
3-merous +  and 2-merous +
pink +  and white +
distinct +
Sp. Pl. +  and Gen. Pl. ed. +
short +  and elongate +
maroon +, red +, orange +  and yellow +
20 +  and 50 +
pale green +  and white +
distinct +
elongating +
palmate +  and pinnate +
persistent +
Podophyllum +
Berberidaceae +
deciduous +  and perennial +
glabrous +  and sparsely pubescent +