Rumex subg. Platypodium

(Willkomm) Rechinger f.

Bot. Not. Suppl., 3(3): 106. 1954.

Basionym: Rumex sect. Platypodium Willkomm in H. M. Willkomm and J. M. C. Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 1: 284. 1862
Synonyms: Undefined subg. Bucephalophora Pau Rumex sect. Heterolapathum Nyman
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 5. Treatment on page 532. Mentioned on page 489, 491.

Plants synoecious, with basal rosette of leaves usually not persistent at maturity. Stems ascending, spreading, or almost prostrate, occasionally erect. Leaf-blades spatulate, lanceolate, or ovatelanceolate, rarely rounded, base cuneate. Pedicels articulated in distal part, usually heteromorphic: some curved, swollen, and clavate, others straight, not swollen, and cylindric. Flowers normally bisexual; outer tepals not spreading; inner tepals enlarged, often heteromorphic, (1.5–) 2–4 (–5) mm, equaling or slightly wider and longer than achenes, margins usually dentate; tubercles very small, or absent.


Introduced; s Europe, sw Asia, n Africa, occasionally in other regions


Species 1.

Sometimes subg. Platypodium is recognized as a separate genus, Bucephalophora, together with other segregates from Rumex in the broad sense (see Á. Löve and B. M. Kapoor 1967).

Selected References


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... more about "Rumex subg. Platypodium"
unwinged +  and weakly winged +
tan;dark-brown +
pyramidal +, compressed-3-gonous +  and 3-gonous +
yellow +  and brownish yellow +
ovate +  and elongate +
Sergei L. Mosyakin +
- Willkomm Rechinger f. +
not articulated +
cuneate +
Rumex sect. Platypodium +
crisped;undulate;flat;crisped;undulate;flat +
foliaceous +  and perfoliate +
scale-like +
tuberculate +
just below the soil surface or and above the soil surface +  and spreading +
s Europe +, sw Asia +, n Africa +  and occasionally in other regions +
free +  and distinct +
disarticulating +  and solid +
decumbent to erect +  and prostrate +
unwinged +  and winged +
black +, red +, brown +  and yellowish +
exserted +  and included +
pubescent +  and glabrous +
spheroidal +, 4-gonous +, lenticular +, biconvex +, discoid +, 3-gonous +  and 2-gonous +
0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br /> - 0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> +
slightly wider and longer +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> - 0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br /> +
nonmembranous +
rounded +, ovatelanceolate +, lanceolate +  and spatulate +
deciduous +
cauline +  and basal +
pubescent +  and glabrous +
entire +, orbiculate +  and linear +
smaller +
narrower +
swollen +
partly +  and foliaceous +
deciduous +  and persistent +
cylindric +
membranous +
straight +
cylindric +  and not swollen +
anatropous +, , +  and orthotropous +
heteromorphic +  and articulated +
clavate +  and swollen +
accrescent +
spreading;erect +
red;pinkish;red;pinkish;green +
campanulate +
accrescent +
fleshy +, indurate +  and membranous +
- 2-3 - -4-carpellate +
Bot. Not. Suppl., +
slender;stout +
not scapose +
erect +, spreading +  and ascending +
papillose-pubescent +  and glabrous +
plumose +  and fimbriate +
deciduous +  and persistent +
2-lobed +  and cylindric +
coriaceous +  and membranous +
distinct +
reflexed;spreading +
spreading;erect +
Undefined subg. Bucephalophora +  and Rumex sect. Heterolapathum +
Rumex subg. Platypodium +
subgenus +
lobed +  and laciniate +
coriaceous +
persistent +
membranous +
pubescent +  and glabrous +
stoloniferous +  and rhizomatous +
annual +, biennial +  and perennial +
10 +, 9 +, 8 +  and 7 +