Property:Sulcus relief Property "Sulcus relief" and the assigned parent property "Relief" have different type annotations.A Text property defining a single value. Structure: sulcus Character: relief A texture property Types of sulcus relief None. Parts of sulcus relief None. Usage111previous 5,0002050100250500next 5,000FilterShowing 58 pages using this property.AAbronia +rugose +, smooth +Abronia alpina +rugose +, smooth +Abronia ameliae +rugose +, smooth +Abronia ammophila +rugose +, smooth +Abronia angustifolia +rugose +, smooth +Abronia argillosa +rugose +, smooth +Abronia bigelovii +rugose +, smooth +Abronia bolackii +rugose +, smooth +Abronia carletonii +rugose +, smooth +Abronia elliptica +rugose +, smooth +Abronia fragrans +rugose +, smooth +Abronia latifolia +rugose +, smooth +Abronia macrocarpa +rugose +, smooth +Abronia maritima +rugose +, smooth +Abronia mellifera +rugose +, smooth +Abronia nana +rugose +, smooth +Abronia nana var. covillei +rugose +, smooth +Abronia nana var. nana +rugose +, smooth +Abronia pogonantha +rugose +, smooth +Abronia turbinata +rugose +, smooth +Abronia umbellata +rugose +, smooth +Abronia umbellata var. acutalata +rugose +, smooth +Abronia umbellata var. breviflora +rugose +, smooth +Abronia umbellata var. umbellata +rugose +, smooth +Abronia villosa +rugose +, smooth +Abronia villosa var. aurita +rugose +, smooth +Abronia villosa var. villosa +rugose +, smooth +BBoerhavia +rugose +, smooth +Boerhavia anisophylla +not rugose +, papillate +Boerhavia ciliata +not rugose +, papillate +Boerhavia coccinea +not papillate +, not rugose +Boerhavia coulteri +not papillate +, rugose +, smooth +Boerhavia coulteri var. coulteri +rugose +Boerhavia coulteri var. palmeri +rugose +Boerhavia diffusa +not papillate +, not rugose +Boerhavia erecta +rugose +, smooth +Boerhavia gracillima +not rugose +, papillate +, smooth +Boerhavia intermedia +papillate +, rugose +Boerhavia linearifolia +rugose +, smooth +Boerhavia megaptera +not papillate +, rugose +Boerhavia pterocarpa +not papillate +, rugose +Boerhavia purpurascens +papillate +, rugose +Boerhavia spicata +not papillate +, rugose +Boerhavia torreyana +papillate +, rugose +Boerhavia triquetra +papillate +, rugose +Boerhavia wrightii +not papillate +, rugose +MMirabilis glabra +tuberculate +Mirabilis linearis +cross-rugose +Mirabilis linearis var. decipiens +cross-rugose +Mirabilis linearis var. linearis +cross-rugose +Mirabilis linearis var. subhispida +cross-rugose +Mirabilis melanotricha +slightly rugose +, smooth +, with very low tubercules +Mirabilis rotundifolia +rugose +TTripterocalyx +rugose +, smooth +Tripterocalyx carneus +rugose +, smooth +Tripterocalyx crux-maltae +rugose +, smooth +Tripterocalyx micranthus +rugose +, smooth +Tripterocalyx wootonii +rugose +, smooth + Category: Texture