

Enum. Syst. Pl., 5, 24. 1760 ,.

Common names: Sweetleaf
Etymology: Greek symplokos, connected, twisted, entwined, evidently alluding to connation of stamens and their adnation to petals in type species, S. martinicensis Jacquin
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 330. Mentioned on page 331.
FNA8 P38 Stewartia malacodendron.jpegStewartia
Stewartia malacodendron
Stewartia ovata
Symplocos tinctoria
Galax urceolata
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey

Shrubs or trees, glabrous or hairy (hairs simple, 1-celled, with transverse septa); new vegetative growth from axillary and/or pseudoterminal buds. Branches smooth at maturity, glabrous or white or rufous-pubescent. Leaves often sweet-tasting; blade with marginal teeth usually glandular, apex acute to acuminate, midvein abaxially prominent, adaxially raised, prominent, or impressed [rarely flat]. Flowers fragrant; sepals imbricate; petals imbricate, white or yellow [pink, reddish, or lavender]; filaments glabrous [hairy]; anthers rotund-ovate to spheric. Drupes usually blue, sometimes orange to brown [white], crowned by persistent calyx; endocarp 1 [–5] -celled. x = 11.


e, s United States, West Indies (Antilles), South America (Argentina), South America (Brazil), Asia (China), Asia (India), Asia (Japan), Pacific Islands (Fiji), Australia, temperate, tropical, and subtropical areas


Species 318 (2 in the flora).

1 Leaf midveins impressed adaxially, blade margins closely serrate, serrulate, or dentate; inflorescences paniculate, usually internodal; flowers appearing with leaves; corolla lobes

2.5–5 mm; styles 2–4 mm; drupes bright blue to bluish black 1. Symplocos paniculata

Selected References



1 Leaf midveins impressed adaxially, blade margins closely serrate, serrulate, or dentate; inflorescences paniculate, usually internodal; flowers appearing with leaves; corolla lobes 2.5-5 mm; styles 2-4 mm; drupes bright blue to bluish black. Symplocos paniculata
1 Leaf midveins raised to prominent adaxially, blade margins usually obscurely crenulate-serrulate, teeth remote, sometimes nearly entire; inflorescences fasciculate, axillary; flowers appearing before leaves; corolla lobes 6-8 mm; styles 5-6 mm; drupes dark orange to brown. Symplocos tinctoria
... more about "Symplocos"
rotund-ovate;spheric +
acute +  and acuminate +
Frank Almeda +  and Peter W. Fritsch +
Jacquin +
entire +, crenulate-serrulate +, dentate +, serrulate +  and serrate +
rufous-pubescent +  and glabrous +
persistent +
Sweetleaf +
e +, s United States +, West Indies - Antilles +, South America - Argentina +, South America - Brazil +, Asia - China +, Asia - India +, Asia - Japan +, Pacific Islands - Fiji +, Australia +, temperate +, tropical +  and and subtropical areas +
orange;brown +
Greek symplokos, connected, twisted, entwined, evidently alluding to connation of stamens and their adnation to petals in type species, S. martinicensis Jacquin +
fragrant +
internodal +  and axillary +
arranged +  and alternate +
sweet-tasting +
impressed;prominent;impressed;prominent;raised;prominent +
tenuinucellate +  and unitegmic +
yellow +  and white +
2-3-carpellate +
Enum. Syst. Pl., +
reniform +  and ovoid +
2-5-lobed +
filiform +
Symplocos +
Symplocaceae +
tree +  and shrub +
hairy +  and glabrous +