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  • midleaf, gradually tapering distally or more or less abruptly narrowed; apex acute or obtuse, cucullate or concave, with an apiculus, mucro or short subula;
    21 KB (1,511 words) - 07:02, 30 July 2020
  • linear-lanceolate, acute, clustered distally on naked stem. Seta straight, smooth. Capsule with peristome absent. Operculum planoconvex. Calyptra conic-mitrate.
    4 KB (139 words) - 07:00, 30 July 2020
  • margins and/or apices barely to notably scarious. Receptacles usually flat to conic, sometimes concave, usually epaleate, rarely paleate (often foveolate, socket
    79 KB (1,886 words) - 20:55, 29 July 2020
  • short to long-conic; peristome single or double, appearing single, usually 4: 2:4; exostome, when present, white to hyaline, teeth narrowly acute or blunt-triangular
    10 KB (682 words) - 07:39, 30 July 2020
  • distally narrow, keeled to tubulose, gradually acuminate to a fine-point; apex acute to obtuse, not deciduous; margins at the base erect and entire, recurved
    21 KB (1,496 words) - 06:56, 30 July 2020
  • rugose; margins entire or denticulate; apex rounded-obtuse and mucronate or acute and subulate; costa percurrent or excurrent; basal laminal cells oblate to
    7 KB (494 words) - 07:43, 30 July 2020
  • to nearly entire basally, spinose-serrate to serrate in distal 2/3; apex acute to acuminate; costa single, double, or rarely triple, sometimes 2-fid, 1/3–3/4
    7 KB (419 words) - 07:44, 30 July 2020
  • recurved proximally, entire to subserrulate distally, limbidium absent; apex acute, acuminate, or obtuse, hairpoint absent; costa single, subpercurrent or ending
    9 KB (517 words) - 07:45, 30 July 2020
  • entire or serrulate to serrate at extreme apex, sometimes denticulate; apex acute, acuminate, or rarely piliferous; costa double, short, appearing single with
    12 KB (457 words) - 07:50, 30 July 2020
  • smooth. Capsule erect, symmetric; differentiated annulus absent; operculum conic-acute to subrostrate; peristome double; exostome teeth 16, connate at base,
    10 KB (458 words) - 07:51, 30 July 2020
  • 2–4 mm, apex acute, surfaces finely glandular-hairy, puberulent, or finely tomentose. Pedicels 3–5 mm, glabrous. Flowers: corolla white, conic to urceolate;
    6 KB (574 words) - 13:14, 30 July 2020
  • stem-leaves; margins plane to reflexed, entire or serrulate distally; apex acute to acuminate. Specialized asexual reproduction absent or by small, slender
    9 KB (483 words) - 07:55, 30 July 2020
  • glossy adaxially, broadly ovate to elliptic, (5–) 6–15 × 2.5–8 cm, thin, apex acute to acuminate, abaxial surface glabrous (or sparsely pubescent, especially
    7 KB (560 words) - 13:05, 30 July 2020
  • ovatelanceolate; costa ending well before the apex, distal leaves linear, acute to acuminate, margins entire, broadly reflexed, costa subpercurrent; laminal
    7 KB (341 words) - 06:44, 30 July 2020
  • mouth small; annulus absent or scarcely developed; operculum short-conic to conic-obtuse; peristome absent, of low membrane, or exostome teeth yellow
    8 KB (523 words) - 07:34, 30 July 2020
  • peristome present or absent. Calyptra deciduous, mostly cucullate, rarely conic-mitrate. Worldwide except Antarctica, mostly tropical and subtropical regions
    7 KB (504 words) - 07:15, 30 July 2020
  • when moist, lanceolate to ovatelanceolate, not rugose; margins entire; apex acute to narrowly obtuse [bluntly acuminate]; costa percurrent; basal laminal cells
    7 KB (475 words) - 07:44, 30 July 2020
  • terrestrial [lithophytic or epiphytic]. Roots slender, fibrous; pseudobulbs green, conic, ovoid, or ellipsoid, slightly compressed, soft (2 pseudobulbs typically
    9 KB (513 words) - 05:30, 30 July 2020
  • occasionally merely erect, seldom plane, entire; apex sharply acute to subulate, occasionally broadly acute, obtuse, or weakly cucullate; costa shortly and sharply
    18 KB (1,487 words) - 07:02, 30 July 2020
  • more strongly complanate-foliate; central strand present; pseudoparaphyllia acute; axillary hairs of 2–3 (–4) cells. Stem-leaves erectopatent to erect, imbricate
    11 KB (575 words) - 07:47, 30 July 2020
  • inverted at anthesis, with awns; ovary globose to ovoid; style ovoid or conic; stigma simple. Capsules borne on erect pedicels, globose to ovoid, dehiscent
    5 KB (429 words) - 13:19, 30 July 2020
  • forming a low rim; petals greenish to greenish white; style subulate or conic. Drupes usually blue-black (sometimes reddish purple in N. aquatica; yellow
    7 KB (488 words) - 18:15, 29 July 2020
  • thin-walled or quadrate to rectangular, thick-walled cells; operculum mammillate, conic, or rostrate, falling detached from the columella. Calyptra mitrate or cucullate
    25 KB (759 words) - 06:48, 30 July 2020
  • below mouth; annulus differentiated or not; operculum conic to rostrate, obliquely short to long-acute or obtuse; peristome perfect to reduced, hygroscopic;
    9 KB (555 words) - 07:53, 30 July 2020
  • 2–5 mm; margins entire to serrulate distally; apices somewhat blunt, or acute to acuminate; costa single, subpercurrent to short-excurrent; proximal laminal
    9 KB (561 words) - 06:47, 30 July 2020
  • in size, those on one side of rachis slightly smaller, base oblique, apex acute to obtuse, mucronate to apiculate, surfaces hairy to glabrate, terminal pair
    13 KB (670 words) - 18:18, 29 July 2020
  • yellowish or reddish vesiculose cells, irregularly deciduous; operculum conic to conic-rostrate; peristome teeth 16, linear, occasionally rudimentary, straight
    11 KB (889 words) - 07:07, 30 July 2020
  • cylindric, rarely narrowly conic or ovoid-conic; bark smooth, not metallic-silvery > 25 24 Capsules ± narrowly ovoid-conic or pyramidal-ovoid to ovoid
    13 KB (445 words) - 11:15, 30 July 2020
  • unappendaged) intrastaminal discs or, rarely, column present, pistillodia usually conic and hairy or vestigial; pistillate flowers: staminodia present or absent;
    7 KB (250 words) - 13:43, 30 July 2020
  • proximally, plane distally, serrulate proximally, serrate distally; apex acute; ecostate or costa double, ending below mid leaf; alar cells oblate to rounded
    6 KB (331 words) - 07:55, 30 July 2020
  • spreading when moist, lingulate or lingulate-subulate, rounded-obtuse to acute, mainly entire; costa single, strong, lamina usually 2 (–3) -stratose from
    8 KB (368 words) - 06:46, 30 July 2020
  • margins recurved to mid leaf or beyond, entire or serrulate distally; apex acute to short-acuminate; costa single or double, ending before apex; alar region
    7 KB (529 words) - 07:56, 30 July 2020
  • prominent, apex acute to obtuse, abaxial surface lanate to tomentose, glabrous, or pubescent, adaxial glabrous. Inflorescences mostly terminal, conic panicles
    7 KB (589 words) - 14:25, 30 July 2020
  • margins plane, denticulate, dentate, or ciliate-dentate, rarely entire; apex acute, acuminate, or long-acuminate, subulate to piliferous, rarely blunt; costa
    8 KB (265 words) - 07:50, 30 July 2020
  • entire or serrulate proximally, serrulate to serrate at apex; apex obtuse to acute; costa subpercurrent to percurrent; alar cells quadrate or rectangular, slightly
    6 KB (428 words) - 07:50, 30 July 2020
  • base, smooth. Leaves imbricate to spreading when dry, lanceolate to ovate, acute to subulate; margins plane, entire or serrate; costa subpercurrent to excurrent
    6 KB (348 words) - 07:00, 30 July 2020
  • somewhat falcate, narrowly to broadly ovatelanceolate; margins entire; apex acute to acuminate; costa double or ecostate; alar cells elongate, inflated, pigmented
    5 KB (268 words) - 07:53, 30 July 2020
  • distally; apex abruptly acuminate, or occasionally rounded, obtuse, or abruptly acute; costa double, 1/4–1/2 leaf length, sometimes nearly ecostate; alar cells
    5 KB (333 words) - 07:44, 30 July 2020
  • narrowly decurrent; margins nearly entire proximally, serrulate distally; apex acute to acuminate; costa double, 1/4–1/2 leaf length; alar cells differentiated;
    4 KB (317 words) - 07:45, 30 July 2020
  • proximally. Stem-leaves broadly ovate or obovate; margins entire; apex obtuse to acute and abruptly short-acuminate; costa ending before apex; proximal laminal
    6 KB (350 words) - 07:37, 30 July 2020
  • lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, not rugose; margins entire; apex obtuse, acute, or cuspidate; costa ending just below apex; basal laminal cells rectangular
    6 KB (405 words) - 07:43, 30 July 2020
  • decurrent; margins plane, entire or usually serrulate to serrate at apex; apex acute to acuminate, rarely somewhat obtuse; costa double, ending just beyond base
    8 KB (492 words) - 07:51, 30 July 2020
  • leaves. Seta elongate. Capsule long-ovoid to cylindric, operculum conic to long-conic or rostrate, peristome teeth absent. Calyptra cucullate. Spores 7–10
    9 KB (723 words) - 07:08, 30 July 2020
  • recurved to near apex, entire or crenulate at apex; apex narrowly obtuse, acute, or apiculate; basal laminal cells rectangular, walls thin, not nodose; distal
    7 KB (585 words) - 07:52, 30 July 2020
  • absent; base slightly clasping, weakly decurrent; apex obtuse to rounded [acute]; costa single, stout, percurrent, abaxial and adaxial surface cells differentiated
    10 KB (398 words) - 06:52, 30 July 2020
  • sometimes matted. Ligules of larger cauline leaves 2-9 mm, truncate or acute to attenuate; widest cauline blades 1.5-18 mm wide. Panicles (3) 5-25 cm
    6 KB (867 words) - 03:26, 30 July 2020
  • transverse-section; ± fleshy), base cuneate, margins entire, apex obtuse to acute. Inflorescences terminal spikes, flowers [1–] 2–3 in axils. Flowers bisexual
    6 KB (459 words) - 09:32, 30 July 2020
  • uniform, ovatelanceolate to linear or obovate; margins not bordered; apex acute to rounded-obtuse; costa single, strong, usually ending before apex; distal
    5 KB (201 words) - 07:38, 30 July 2020
  • apex broadly rounded, obtuse, or acute, occasionally apiculate from obtuse or rounded apex, sometimes blunt from acute apex, acumen not differentiated;
    17 KB (800 words) - 07:42, 30 July 2020
  • 7–12 × (1.1–) 4–6 cm, base cuneate to attenuate, margins serrulate, apex acute, abaxial surface pubescent, primary-veins in 7–8 pairs. Inflorescence bracts
    7 KB (578 words) - 13:08, 30 July 2020
  • ray-floret). Receptacles conic, paleate (paleae persistent, lanceolate to lanceovate, flat or weakly conduplicate, apices acute). Ray-florets 6–21+, pistillate
    8 KB (531 words) - 23:21, 29 July 2020
  • densely branched, smooth. Leaves deltoid-ovate; base decurrent; apex broadly acute to obtuse, abruptly contracted, acumen long, apiculate or piliferous; costa
    9 KB (529 words) - 07:32, 30 July 2020
  • equal, margins somewhat hyaline, apices acute to acuminate, abaxial faces usually woolly). Receptacles conic to hemispheric, pitted or smooth, glabrous
    7 KB (592 words) - 23:55, 29 July 2020
  • to cordate, unlobed or 2-lobed, margins serrate to doubly serrate, apex acute to attenuate, abaxial surfaces unarmed or with prickles, strongly white-tomentose
    8 KB (671 words) - 14:13, 30 July 2020
  • thick; annulus differentiated and deciduous, or undifferentiated; operculum conic to short-rostrate; peristome double; exostome teeth bordered, external surface
    10 KB (407 words) - 07:50, 30 July 2020
  • thin-herbaceous, margins often hyaline, faces glabrous or strigose. Receptacles conic, pitted, epaleate. Ray-florets 10–65 (–85), pistillate, fertile; corollas
    9 KB (672 words) - 21:49, 29 July 2020
  • usually restricted to stolons. Stolon leaves scalelike, 0.2–1.3 mm; apex short-acute or long-acuminate; usually ecostate. Stipe leaves appressed, erect, or recurved
    14 KB (540 words) - 07:55, 30 July 2020
  • brownish gray, becoming grayish red; winter buds red-purple to redbrown, conic to ovoid, 8–13 mm, dull, slightly glaucous, not glutinous, sparsely or densely
    10 KB (780 words) - 14:30, 30 July 2020
  • weakly denticulate near apex; lamina 1-stratose; apex rounded to obtusely acute, usually mucronate, occasionally entire or apiculate; costa percurrent to
    15 KB (931 words) - 07:03, 30 July 2020
  • paroicous; perigonial leaves ovatelanceolate, to 1/5 stem-leaf length, apex acute; perichaetial leaves scarcely differentiated; archegonia scattered distally
    9 KB (393 words) - 07:35, 30 July 2020
  • sometimes rugose; margins entire or sometimes serrulate at apex; apex gradually acute, acuminate, or apiculate; costa percurrent or short-excurrent; basal laminal
    7 KB (509 words) - 07:33, 30 July 2020
  • margins subentire to dentate or pinnately lobed (apices rounded or obtuse to acute or acuminate, faces glabrous or glabrate to sparsely villous, pilose, or
    28 KB (2,401 words) - 20:10, 29 July 2020
  • herbaceous, midnerves often keeled, proximal margins often scarious). Receptacles conic or convex (usually hollow), paleate (paleae linear to spatulate, distally
    8 KB (545 words) - 22:41, 29 July 2020
  • proximally, ± entire, 1–3-stratose, limbidium absent or present; apex obtuse to acute; costa not reaching apex to very short-excurrent, apiculus smooth, guide
    13 KB (797 words) - 07:37, 30 July 2020
  • or not, faces hairy or glabrous, sometimes glandular. Receptacles flat to conic, pitted, epaleate. Ray-florets 0 or 12–350 in 1 (–2+) series, pistillate
    97 KB (2,063 words) - 21:58, 29 July 2020
  • decurrent; margins plane or narrowly recurved basally, serrate to entire; apex acute to acuminate; costa double and short or ecostate; alar cells not differentiated
    10 KB (548 words) - 07:52, 30 July 2020
  • annulus of 2–3 rows of large, deciduous, revoluble cells; operculum conic to long-conic, straight; peristome single, teeth 16, split nearly to their base
    10 KB (644 words) - 06:59, 30 July 2020
  • chartaceous, base cuneate, margins finely serrate to serrulate, apex acute. Panicles narrowly conic, 5–15 × 3–6 cm. Pedicels 1–2 (–3) mm. Flowers 5–8 mm diam.;
    5 KB (601 words) - 14:24, 30 July 2020
  • white-margined, linear, 3-angled in cross-section, 2–3 × 0.5–0.6 cm, apex acute. Inflorescences axillary or terminal cymes; pedicel to 20 mm. Flowers 3–7
    5 KB (431 words) - 09:14, 30 July 2020
  • and margins 1-stratose, or double and margins 2-stratose; apex acuminate [acute]; costa single, strong, percurrent to short-excurrent, distal abaxial surface
    8 KB (314 words) - 07:42, 30 July 2020
  • than wide, 2–6 mm; fertile scales broadly ovate, keeled, 1–1.3 mm, apex acute, abaxially puberulent, midrib included or excurrent as mucro. Flowers: stamens
    7 KB (491 words) - 01:32, 30 July 2020
  • sometimes to base, teeth usually paired and sharp, sometimes single; apex acute or acuminate, usually cuspidate, cusp often lightly toothed; costa percurrent
    7 KB (445 words) - 07:42, 30 July 2020
  • ligulate-lanceolate, not rugose; margins entire to crenulate; apex sharply acute, obtuse, or obtusely apiculate; costa percurrent to excurrent; basal laminal
    6 KB (456 words) - 07:45, 30 July 2020
  • moderately decurrent; margins nearly entire to serrulate; apex very broadly acute to rounded, short-apiculate when young, blunt when mature; costa to mid leaf
    5 KB (429 words) - 07:49, 30 July 2020
  • spike staminate (rarely gynecandrous). Proximal pistillate scales with apex acute or awned. Perigynia ascending or spreading, veined or veinless, with 2, strong
    7 KB (430 words) - 02:13, 30 July 2020
  • their lengths, margins ± scarious, apices acute, abaxial faces glabrous [arachnose to tomentose]. Receptacles conic or convex, deeply alveolate (pits enclosing
    6 KB (456 words) - 20:03, 29 July 2020
  • proximally, serrate, serrulate, or rarely entire distally; apex narrowly acute [blunt]; costa double; alar cells differentiated, subquadrate to rectangular;
    6 KB (514 words) - 07:51, 30 July 2020
  • 6–10 mm, apex acute, surfaces densely glandular-hairy. Pedicels 5–15 mm, finely glandular-hairy. Flowers: corolla white to pink, conic to urceolate; ovary
    6 KB (575 words) - 13:13, 30 July 2020
  • sometimes bordered by 3–4 rows of thick-walled cells; apex rounded-obtuse to acute; costa ending a few cells before apex to short-excurrent, adaxial outgrowths
    14 KB (935 words) - 07:06, 30 July 2020
  • ±recurved to near apex; apex acute to obtuse; basal laminal cells rectangular to elongate-rectangular; distal cells 7–14 µm, papillae conic or clavate, small or
    7 KB (689 words) - 07:33, 30 July 2020
  • to Georgia. Quercus arkansana 51 Apex of leaf blade acute or obtuse, margins always with 3–4 acute lobes; North Carolina to Maine. Quercus ilicifolia 52
    23 KB (617 words) - 08:21, 30 July 2020
  • near apex, 1-stratose, limbidium present or absent; apex broadly rounded to acute; costa sometimes not reaching apex, usually short to long-excurrent, awn
    16 KB (845 words) - 07:38, 30 July 2020
  • to pink or orange to red, corolla urceolate, campanulate, or campanulate-conic, lobes much shorter than tube; stamens 10, included, (slightly shorter than
    10 KB (580 words) - 12:53, 30 July 2020
  • annulus revoluble; operculum long-conic; peristome double, 4: 2:6–8; exostome yellow to light-brown, teeth triangular-acute, trabeculate, pitted basally, coarsely
    8 KB (566 words) - 07:40, 30 July 2020
  • 4–6-veined, lanceolate to lanceovate, ± equal, apex acuminate. Flowers conic to campanulate, 7–14 mm; tepals erect, reddish purple, rarely white, narrowly
    9 KB (601 words) - 05:52, 30 July 2020
  • membranous, white to stramineous, raylike, entire. Receptacles flat to conic, epaleaete scaly or bristly (each floret surrounded by ± connate, membranous
    8 KB (580 words) - 20:06, 29 July 2020
  • (sticky); bracts appressed, (glaucous), scalelike, deltate, 3–4 mm, apex acute to acuminate, surfaces viscid-glandular (rarely minutely stipitate-glandular)
    7 KB (634 words) - 13:12, 30 July 2020
  • entire to serrate distally, 1-stratose, limbidium absent or present; apex acute to broadly rounded; costa short to long-excurrent, awn stout, pigmented,
    10 KB (725 words) - 07:35, 30 July 2020
  • often plane throughout, entire, 1-stratose, limbidium absent; apex broadly acute; costa not reaching apex or very short-excurrent, mucro smooth, guide cells
    10 KB (695 words) - 07:35, 30 July 2020
  • glandular-hairs; bracts not appressed, leaflike, lanceolate, 8–15 mm, apex acute, surfaces glabrous, hairy, or finely glandular-hairy. Pedicels 2–5 mm, sparsely
    7 KB (650 words) - 13:15, 30 July 2020
  • hemicordate, margins coarsely serrate, sometimes revolute, apex rounded to acute, abaxial surface sparsely hispidulous to strigillose (densely so on young
    7 KB (544 words) - 18:24, 29 July 2020
  • or nearly throughout, entire, lamina 1-stratose; apex narrow and bluntly acute, sometimes acuminate, occasionally with an apiculus; costa ending before
    9 KB (718 words) - 07:03, 30 July 2020
  • linear-lanceolate, 3–6 mm, apex acute or acuminate, surfaces glabrous. Pedicels 4–8 mm, glabrous. Flowers: corolla white, conic to urceolate; ovary glabrous
    6 KB (579 words) - 13:12, 30 July 2020
  • white. > 15 15 Racemes spikelike or nearly so, cylindric, cylindric-conic, or conic; bracts deciduous; pedicels 0–1(–2) mm. > 16 16 Seeds glabrous. Polygala
    19 KB (903 words) - 21:03, 7 June 2022
  • differentiated. Leaves oblong, elliptic or narrowly obovate; apex broadly acute, mucronate; margins plane to weakly incurved, crenulate distally, entire
    6 KB (414 words) - 06:46, 30 July 2020
  • Volume 2. Trees to 90 (–100) m; trunk to 4.4m diam.; crown narrow to broadly conic, flattened in age. Twigs slender, pubescent, becoming glabrous with age.
    5 KB (455 words) - 00:29, 30 July 2020
  • Leaf-blade deep green, shiny, obovate to oblanceolate, thick, leathery, base acute, apex rounded, notched, or blunt; oil cells possibly evident as pellucid
    6 KB (357 words) - 08:23, 30 July 2020
  • with distinctive velvety sheen, simple, not peltate, oblongelliptic, base acute to obtuse or sometimes oblique, apex rounded-apiculate or short-acuminate;
    5 KB (356 words) - 00:54, 30 July 2020
  • ovate to deltate, 0.6-4 × 0.5-3 cm, base truncate, rounded, or cordate, apex acute to slightly acuminate; surfaces glabrous. Spikes axillary, terminal, and
    5 KB (378 words) - 08:23, 30 July 2020
  • penicellate, enclosing paraphyses, axillary hairs, few archegonia. Calyptra conic, barely covering operculum. North America, Mexico, West Indies, Central America
    5 KB (442 words) - 06:46, 30 July 2020

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