

Sp. Musc. Frond., 75. 1801 ,.

Etymology: For J. F. K. Grimm, 1737–1821, physician and botanist of Gotha, Germany
Synonyms: Dryptodon Bridel Hydrogrimmia (I. Hagen) Loeske
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 27. Treatment on page 225. Mentioned on page 205, 206, 224, 226, 238, 241, 242, 248, 249, 252, 253, 256, 257, 258.
Grim Grimmia americana.jpegGrimmia americanaPatricia M. Eckel
Grim Grimmia atrata.jpegGrimmia atrataPatricia M. Eckel
Grim Grimmia attenuata.jpegGrimmia attenuataPatricia M. Eckel
... further results

Plants 5–40 (–70) mm, in dense cushions to loose mats, olivaceous, dark black-green to rusty-redbrown. Leaves broadly oblong-ovate, oblong-lanceolate, to narrowly ovatelanceolate, rarely ligulate, concave or keeled distally, margins plane, incurved or recurved, distal lamina 1-stratose to multistratose, specialized laminal and marginal chlorophyllose structures absent, muticous to long-awned but awns only rarely longer than lamina; basal-cells oblate to elongate, with straight or sinuose and thin to thick cell-walls; mid leaf and distal cells quadrate to rectangular, usually sinuose and thick-walled. Gemmae present or absent. Sexual condition autoicous or dioicous; perichaetial leaves enlarged or not. Seta short to long, straight, arcuate, or rarely sigmoid. Capsule erect, rarely pendent, immersed to long exserted, symmetric or rarely ventricose (subg. Grimmia), ovoid to obloid, rarely globose or cylindric; annulus poorly differentiated or well-defined comprised of quadrate, thin-walled or quadrate to rectangular, thick-walled cells; operculum mammillate, conic, or rostrate, falling detached from the columella. Calyptra mitrate or cucullate, not erose, small to medium, usually covering 1/2 or less of capsule, sometimes just covering operculum, smooth.


North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Islands, Australia, Antarctic


Species 95 (43 in the flora).

The genus Grimmia is found on all continents. However, nearly half (44) of the species are endemics and have restricted distributions. Most species of Grimmia prefer dry and temperate or cold environments—there is no species only known from tropical areas. Nearly all species of Grimmia are saxicolous with a marked preference for acidic bedrock. Only the subgenus Grimmia prefers calcareous rock, with a few other species in other subgenera characteristic of neutral to basic substrates.

Hastings has attempted to place species in the subgenera Grimmia, Guembelia, and Litoneuron into groups of related or similar-looking ones. Because of the diversity within subg. Rhabdogrimmia, Greven felt it most convenient to present this group largely in alphabetical order. While the proper subdivision of Grimmia remains uncertain, both authors agree that for purposes of identification, the present division is best for this very complicated genus. Hastings authored the accounts for species 1–8, 10, 11, 13–16, 18, and 20–24, Greven those for species 10, 13, 18, 20, 25–43. Both authors together wrote the entire key.


1 Costa ending well before the apex; leaf tip rounded to cucullate, muticous; lamina uniformly 1-stratose; laminal cells all quadrate. Grimmia mollis
1 Costa reaching apex; leaf tip rounded to acute, muticous or awned; lamina usually with 2-stratose areas towards margins or with 2-stratose ridges; laminal cells oblate, quadrate, rectangular or elongate > 2
2 Seta eccentrically attached to capsule base; capsule immersed, smooth, ventricose; stomata 3-4, large, at base of capsule (subg. Grimmia) > 3
2 Seta centrally attached to capsule base; capsule immersed to exserted, smooth to plicate, not ventricose; stomata none to many, small, at neck to base of capsule > 6
3 Distal leaves concave-keeled; distal lamina 1-stratose or with 2-stratose patches, margins 1- or 2-stratose; annulus absent or reduced to 1-2 rows of small cells; operculum mammillate > 4
3 Distal leaves concave; distal lamina 2-stratose with 2-stratose margins; annulus prominent; operculum rostrate > 5
4 Peristome present, annulus absent; distal lamina 1-stratose, margins 1- or 2- stratose Grimmia plagiopodia
4 Peristome absent, annulus present; distal lamina 1-stratose with 2-stratose patches, margins 2-stratose. Grimmia anodon
5 Basal laminal cells thick-walled; gonioautoicous; peristome fully developed. Grimmia americana
5 Basal laminal cells thin-walled; dioicous; peristome rudimentary. Grimmia crinitoleucophaea
6 Leaves merely 1-stratose distally; margins at most narrowly 2-stratose; one or both leaf margins recurved (G. reflexidens plane) (mostly subg. Rhabdogrimmia) > 7
6 Leaves 2-3-stratose distally or 1-stratose with distal margins widely 2-stratose (G. sessitana and some G. donniana); leaf margins incurved, plane or recurved > 26
7 Costa projecting on abaxial side with two wings. Grimmia ramondii
7 Costa on abaxial side smooth or angled > 8
8 Leaves muticous, without awns or only distal leaves with very short awn or hyaline tip > 9
8 At least distal or perichaetial leaves with distinct awns > 13
9 Leaves cucullate. Grimmia atrata
9 Leaves not cucullate > 10
10 Leaves squarrose when moist; medial laminal cells oblate to rounded quadrate Grimmia lisae
10 Leaves erect to patent when moist; medial laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular > 11
11 Basal marginal cells with thickened transverse walls; seta arcuate; globular gemmae occasionally present on leaves. Grimmia trichophylla
11 Basal marginal cells with thin transverse walls; seta straight or slightly arcuate; gemmae absent > 12
12 One leaf margin recurved; medial laminal cells sinuose; seta straight or slightly arcuate Grimmia elongata
12 Leaf margins both recurved; medial laminal cells with nodulose walls; seta straight. Grimmia lesherae
13 Awns nearly equal to or much longer than lamina, decurrent, seta straight to flexuose > 14
13 Awns typically shorter than lamina (G. pulvinata can be long); decurrent or not; seta arcuate to cygneous > 15
14 Awns 1-2 mm, leaf margins plane, [seta straight]; only known from Maritime provinces in North America. Grimmia reflexidens
14 Awns 2-4 mm, leaf margins both recurved; seta flexuose; endemic to Montana and Idaho. Grimmia brittoniae
15 Leaves abruptly narrowed to awns, apex rounded; autoicous > 16
15 Leaves gradually tapering to awns, apex narrowed; dioicous > 18
16 Operculum rostrate; basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular Grimmia pulvinata
16 Operculum mammillate to conical; basal marginal laminal cells short- to long-rectangular > 17
17 Awns only on perichaetial leaves; basal juxtacostal cells with thin, straight walls; marginal distal lamina 2-stratose; acidic rocks. Grimmia moxleyi
17 Awns on all distal leaves; basal juxtacostal cells with thick, nodulose walls; marginal distal lamina 1-stratose; basic rocks. Grimmia orbicularis
18 Clusters of gemmae easily visible on abaxial side of leaf lamina or on leaf tips > 19
18 Clusters of gemmae absent or in obscure clusters in leaf axils > 21
19 Multicellalar gemmae on abaxial side of leaf lamina in distal leaves; leaves crisped and contored. Grimmia torquata
19 Cluster of gemmae only on leaf tips; leaves straight > 20
20 Leaves with blunt eroded apices; distal cells with pseudo- papillose walls; stem central strand present. Grimmia anomala
20 Leaves with acuminate apices; distal cells with smooth walls; stem central strand absent. Grimmia hartmanii
21 Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, distinctly incurved or contorted when dry. Grimmia incurva
21 Leaves lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, straight, appressed, only occasionally somewhat contorted when dry > 22
22 Central strand absent; basal juxtacostal leaf cells uniformly elongate to linear, strongly nodulose and thick-walled; mid leaf cells extremely sinuose and very thick-walled; leaf margins both recurved > 23
22 Central strand present; basal juxtacostal cells short- to long-rectangular, elongate cells absent or few and scattered; mid leaf cells straight to sinuose, thin- to thick-walled; leaf margins one or both recurved > 24
23 Costa circular, projecting in transverse section; basal marginal cells thin-walled; distal leaves straight, awns not decurrent. Grimmia attenuata
23 Costa semicircular, not projecting in transverse section; basal marginal cells thick-walled; distal leaves often secund, awns often decurrent Grimmia leibergii
24 Leaves squarrose when moist; mid leaf cells rounded to oblate, straight. Grimmia lisae
24 Leaves erect to patent when moist; mid leaf cells rounded-quadrate to short-rectangular, sinuose > 25
25 Blackish green tufts; costa angled or bluntly winged in transverse section; awns denticulate, occasionally decurrent; capsule globose, brown. Grimmia muehlenbeckii
25 Yellowish green tufts; costa semicircular in transverse section; awns smooth to slightly denticulate, not decurrent; capsule oblong-ovoid, yellow-green Grimmia trichophylla
26 Leaves concave; costa not prominent; margins plane or incurved; dioicous (subg. Litoneuron) > 27
26 Leaves keeled; costa prominent; margins recurved, plane or incurved; autiocous or dioicous (mostly subg. Guembelia) > 33
27 All leaves muticous, straight or falcate > 28
27 At least distal leaves awned, straight > 29
28 Leaves oblong-lanceolate to ligulate, straight, cucullate, obtuse-rounded; basal marginal laminal cells short-rectangular; widely distributed. Grimmia unicolor
28 Leaves oblong-lanceolate, homomallous-falcate, subulate, uncinate; basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular; endemic to Pacific Coast region. Grimmia hamulosa
29 Leaves oblong-ovate to oblong-lanceolate; basal marginal laminal cells oblate to quadrate; costa broad at base; awn broadly attached and decurrent. Grimmia laevigata
29 Leaves ovate-lanceolate from an ovate base; basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to long-rectangular; costa narrow at base; awn typically narrowly attached and not decurrent > 30
30 Costa-like multistratose leaf bands present in transverse section. Grimmia serrana
30 Costa-like multistratose leaf bands absent > 31
31 Capsule emergent, gymnostomous, stomata absent, operculum mammilate; basal laminal cells uniformly short-rectangular, straight and thin-walled. Grimmia nevadensis
31 Capsule exserted, peristome fully developed, stomata present, operculum rostrate; basal marginal and juxtacostal laminal cells typically contrasting in length or thickness > 32
32 Basal marginal laminal cells quadrate; basal juxtacostal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular; seta sigmoid; capsule wrinkled when dry; perichaetial leaves not enlarged; endemic to eastern North America. Grimmia olneyi
32 Basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to long-rectangular; basal juxtacostal laminal cells rectangular to elongate; seta straight; capsule smooth when dry; perichaetial leaves enlarged; widely distributed. Grimmia ovalis
33 Margins plane or incurved > 34
33 Margins recurved on one or both sides > 44
34 Costa transverse section circular distally; awn hyaline-tipped to short (0.3 mm), decurrent Grimmia teretinervis
34 Costa transverse section semicircular distally; awn short to long, usually prominent, decurrent or not > 35
35 Seta arcuate; leaves spirally curved around stem when dry, flagelliform innovations present Grimmia funalis
35 Seta straight; leaves straight when dry, flagelliform innovations absent > 36
36 Gemmae abundant on adaxial distal leaf surface. Grimmia shastae
36 Gemmae absent on leaves > 37
37 Distal laminal cells bulging > 38
37 Distal laminal cells not bulging > 40
38 Leaf margins plane; cladautoicous; basal juxtacostal laminal cells rectangular to elongate; distal juxtacostal laminal cells 1-stratose; stomata present. Grimmia sessitana
38 Leaf margins incurved; dioicous; basal juxtacostal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular; distal juxtacostal laminal cells 2-stratose; stomata present or absent > 39
39 Stomata absent; leaves not plicate, not cucullate. Grimmia alpestris
39 Stomata present; leaves weakly to rarely strongly plicate distally, cucullate Grimmia caespiticia
40 Margins plane throughout; basal marginal laminal cells short- to long-rectangular; stomata present; autoicous > 41
40 Margins incurved distally; basal marginal laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular; stomata absent; dioicous > 42
41 Distal juxtaxcostal laminal cells 2-stratose, occasionally 1-stratose; basal marginal leaf cells long-rectangular, hyaline; annulus large, of 2 rows of rectangular cells, revoluble; calyptra mitrate. Grimmia donniana
41 Distal juxtacostal laminal cells 1-stratose; basal marginal leaf cells short- to long-rectangular, rarely hyaline; annulus small, of 1 row of quadrate cells, not revoluble; calyptra cucullate. Grimmia sessitana
42 Capsule immersed to emergent, wide-mouthed, peristome rudimentary; endemic to California. Grimmia mariniana
42 Capsule exserted, narrow-mouthed, peristome present, fully developed; widespread in western North America > 43
43 Basal juxtacostal laminal cells short- to long-rectangular, distinct from quadrate to short-rectangular basal marginal cells; medial laminal cells rounded, thick-walled. Grimmia montana
43 Basal juxtacostal and marginal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, basal areolation relatively uniform; medial laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, thin-walled. Grimmia alpestris
44 Leaves muticous, cucullate. Grimmia atrata
44 Leaves awned, not cucullate > 45
45 Leaves spirally curved around stem when dry, flagelliform innovations present. Grimmia funalis
45 Leaves straight when dry, flagelliform innovations absent > 46
46 Sporophytes present > 47
46 Sporophytes absent > 51
47 Capsule immersed > 48
47 Capsule exserted > 49
48 Stem central strand present, epidermis thin; leaf margins 2-stratose, not thickened, one margin recurved (rarely both); leaves broadly ovate- lanceolate. Grimmia arizonae
48 Stem central strand absent, epidermis thick; leaf margins 3(-4) stratose, thicker than juxtacostal lamina, usually both margins recurved; leaves narrowly lanceolate from an ovate base. Grimmia pilifera
49 Seta arcuate; dioicous. Grimmia elatior
49 Seta straight; autoicous > 50
50 Annulus small, 1 row of quadrate cells; stomata in 1 row; basal juxtacostal cells straight and thin-walled. Grimmia sessitana
50 Annulus prominent, 2 rows of rectangular cells; stomata in 2-3 rows; basal juxtacostal cells sinuose and thick walled. Grimmia longirostris
51 Basal juxtacostal cells straight, thin-walled; distal juxtacostal lamina 1-stratose, cells often bulging; plants small (less than 1 cm), blackish; moist, alpine habitats. Grimmia sessitana
51 Basal juxtacostal cells sinuose, thick-walled; distal juxtacostal lamina at least 2-stratose, cells not bulging; plants robust (greater than 1cm), yellow-green to very dark olivaceous; dry, widely distributed > 52
52 Leaf margins 2-stratose, not thickened; stem central strand present, epidermis thin > 53
52 Leaf margins multistratose and thickened; stem central strand absent, epidermis thick > 54
53 Autoicous; costa transverse section reniform; leaves sheathing; widely distributed. Grimmia longirostris
53 Dioicous; costa transverse section semicircular; leaves not sheathing; American Southwest Grimmia arizonae
54 Leaves narrowly lanceolate from an ovate base, usually narrowly recurved on both margins; distal lamina without multistratose bands, never papillose. Grimmia pilifera
54 Leaves broadly lanceolate, broadly recurved on one margin; distal lamina with multistratose bands, occasionally papillose Grimmia elatior
... more about "Grimmia"
deciduous +  and persistent +
well-defined +
differentiated +
Roxanne I. Hastings +  and Henk C. Greven +
Hedwig +
only rarely longer +
not papillose +
toothed +
sinuous +  and straight to sometimes +
sinuose-nodulose;quadrate;elongate +
oblate;elongate +
divided +
undifferentiated +
plicate +  and smooth +
less +  and 1/2 +
not papillose +
cucullate +  and mitrate +
small;medium +
sulcate +  and smooth +
pendent +  and erect +
striate +  and smooth +
rarely ventricose ovoid;obloid rarely globose or cylindric +
thin +  and thick +
thick-walled +  and thin-walled +
quadrate +  and rectangular +
excurrent;percurrent;excurrent +
subpercurrent +
reniform +, elliptical +  and terete +
usually not markedly larger +
1-stratose +  and multistratose +
North America +, Mexico +, Central America +, South America +, Eurasia +, Africa +, Pacific Islands +, Australia +  and Antarctic +
For J. F. K. Grimm, 1737–1821, physician and botanist of Gotha, Germany +
reproduction +  and asexual +
dioicous +, autoicous +  and sexual +
papillose +, mammillose +  and smooth +
specialized +
dioicous +, autoicous +  and sexual +
keeled +, concave +, oblong-lanceolate +  and narrowly ovatelanceolate +
1;multistratose +
recurved +  and incurved +
thick-walled +  and sinuose +
thick-walled +  and sinuose +
rostrate;conic;rostrate;conic;mammillate +
not +  and enlarged +
not +  and differentiated +
lanceolate;linear +
Sp. Musc. Frond., +
greven1999a +, greven2003a +  and sayre1952a +
straight +
sigmoid +  and arcuate +
papillose +  and smooth +
short to long +
ornamented +  and smooth +
globose +
muticous;long-awned +
Dryptodon +  and Hydrogrimmia +
Grimmia +
Grimmiaceae subfam. Grimmioideae +
4 cm40 mm <br />0.04 m <br /> (7 cm70 mm <br />0.07 m <br />) +
dark black-green;rusty-redbrown +