Common names: Broomrape Family
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 456. Mentioned on page 4, 5, 6, 7, 324, 453, 457, 460, 474, 502, 559.
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Herbs, rarely subshrubs or shrubs, annual, biennial, or perennial, sometimes fleshy, hemiparasitic or holoparasitic (without chlorophyll) [autotrophic]. Stems subterranean or aerial; aerial stems prostrate to decumbent, ascending, or erect [viny]. Leaves deciduous, cauline or basal and cauline, rarely basal only or absent, sometimes scales, opposite, alternate, whorled, or spiral, simple; stipules absent; petiole present or absent; blade usually not fleshy or leathery, rarely fleshy, leathery, or chartaceous, margins entire, toothed, or lobed. Inflorescences terminal and/or axillary, racemes, panicles, spikes, corymbs, or flowers 1 or 2. Flowers bisexual, perianth and androecium hypogynous; sepals (0 or) 2–5 (–8), connate, calyx radially or bilaterally symmetric; petals [4 or] 5, connate, corolla bilaterally symmetric, bilabiate or strongly bilabiate, tubular, funnelform, campanulate, salverform, or club-shaped, sometimes cylindric, subrotate, or curved; stamens (2 or) 4, adnate to corolla-tube, didynamous, subequal, or equal, staminodes 0 or 2; pistil 1, 2 [or 3] -carpellate, ovary superior, 1-locular or 2-locular, placentation axile, sometimes parietal; ovules anatropous or campylotropous-like (Rhinanthus), unitegmic, tenuinucellate; style 1; stigma 1. Fruits capsules, dehiscence loculicidal and/or septicidal or indehiscent (Conopholis). Seeds 1–2500 (–5000), brown or black, sometimes tan, white, yellow, amber, or gray, ovoid to ellipsoid, reniform, globular, oblong, or angled; embryo straight, endosperm present.


nearly worldwide, especially in warm temperate regions


Genera ca. 100, species ca. 2000 (27 genera, 292 species in the flora).

Orobanchaceae are now defined to include both the holoparasitic members traditionally included in the family (A. Cronquist 1981) and the hemiparasitic genera formerly included in Scrophulariaceae. Although multiple research groups focus on members of the Orobanchaceae, a widely accepted infrafamilial classification of the family in the sense of Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2016) has not yet appeared.

The classification by J. R. McNeal et al. (2013), who found that Orobanchaceae comprise six clades, is followed herein (their named clades are roughly equivalent to tribes). The autotrophic Lindenbergia Lehmann (12 species in the Old World) corresponds to the basal clade sister to the rest of the clades. Species in our region are distributed among the remaining five clades: Cymbarieae D. Don (genus 1), Orobancheae Lamarck & de Candolle (genera 2–6), Rhinantheae Lamarck & de Candolle (genera 7–12), Buchnereae Bentham (genera 13 and 14), and Pedicularideae Duby (genera 15–27). Within the family, genera are arranged alphabetically within tribes, or within Pedicularideae, in subgroups within the tribe.

Parasitic plants attach to their hosts via haustoria (L. J. Irving and D. D. Cameron 2009). Haustoria are produced by both hemiparasitic and holoparasitic Orobanchaceae (E. Fischer 2004). In hemiparasitic taxa, haustoria usually tap their host’s xylem, mostly taking up water, mineral nutrients, and nitrogen from their host, and sometimes also carbon. Holoparasitic taxa derive all of their growth requirements predominantly from the host’s phloem (Irving and Cameron).

Parasitism has evolved once in the family (N. D. Young et al. 1999; J. R. McNeal et al. 2013); holoparasitism has arisen independently three times from the hemiparasitic condition (J. R. Bennett and S. Mathews 2006; McNeal et al.).

Some Orobanchaceae are serious pests, primarily on legume and grain crops in warmer and drier areas, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Striga is a particularly serious pest that parasitizes mostly monocots; S. gesnerioides attacks eudicots (K. I. Mohamed et al. 2006). Orobanche parasitizes eudicot crops primarily in temperate parts of the world (E. S. Teryokhin 1997). All Striga species and non-native species of Orobanche in the flora area are listed on the Federal Noxious Weed List ( in the United States.


 Family Plate of taxonIllustrator 
FNA17 P50 Diplacus longiflorus.jpegPhrymaceae
Diplacus longiflorus
Paulownia tomentosa
Schwalbea americana
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
FNA17 P51 Boschniakia rossica.jpegOrobanchaceae
Boschniakia rossica
Conopholis alpina
Epifagus virginiana
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P52 Kopsiopsis strobilacea.jpegOrobanchaceae
Kopsiopsis strobilacea
Orobanche minor
Orobanche fasciculata
Orobanche corymbosa subsp. corymbosa
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P53 Orobanche californica v cal.jpegOrobanchaceae
Orobanche californica subsp. californica
Orobanche californica subsp. feudgei
Orobanche ludoviciana
Orobanche cooperi subsp. latiloba
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P54 Bartsia alpina.jpegOrobanchaceae
Bartsia alpina
Bellardia trixago
Euphrasia ostenfeldii
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Barbara Alongi
FNA17 P55 Euphrasia hudsoniana.jpegOrobanchaceae
Euphrasia hudsoniana
Euphrasia farlowii
Melampyrum lineare
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
FNA17 P56 Odontites vulgaris as serotina.jpegOrobanchaceae
Odontites vulgaris
Rhinanthus minor subsp. minor
Buchnera floridana
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Barbara Alongi
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
FNA17 P57 Striga asiatica.jpegOrobanchaceae
Striga asiatica
Striga gesnerioides
Pedicularis bracteosa var. paysoniana
Pedicularis canadensis
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P58 Pedicularis capitata.jpegOrobanchaceae
Pedicularis capitata
Pedicularis groenlandica
Pedicularis labradorica
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P59 Pedicularis ornithorhynchos.jpegOrobanchaceae
Pedicularis ornithorhynchos
Agalinis aphylla
Agalinis divaricata
Agalinis filicaulis
Agalinis georgiana
John Myers
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy
FNA17 P60 Agalinis laxa.jpegOrobanchaceae
Agalinis laxa
Agalinis navasotensis
Agalinis obtusifolia
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy
FNA17 P61 Agalinis oligophylla.jpegOrobanchaceae
Agalinis oligophylla
Agalinis pulchella
Agalinis setacea
Agalinis tenella
Aureolaria virginica
Brachystigma wrightii
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy
Barbara Alongi
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
FNA17 P62 Dasistoma macrophyllum.jpegOrobanchaceae
Dasistoma macrophyllum
Macranthera flammea
Seymeria pectinata subsp. pectinata
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
FNA17 P63 Castilleja affinis.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja affinis var. affinis
Castilleja affinis var. contentiosa
Castilleja affinis var. neglecta
Castilleja applegatei var. pinetorum
Castilleja arachnoidea
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P64 Castilleja attenuata.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja attenuata
Castilleja campestris var. campestris
Castilleja campestris var. succulenta
Castilleja cervina
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P65 Castillejas chlorotica.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja chlorotica
Castilleja chromosa
Castilleja coccinea
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P66 Castilleja cryptantha.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja cryptantha
Castilleja cusickii
Castilleja disticha
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P67 Castilleja elmeri.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja elmeri
Castilleja flava var. flava
Castilleja flava var. rustica
Castilleja foliolosa
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P68 Castilleja hispida.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja hispida var. hispida
Castilleja hispida var. acuta
Castilleja hololeuca
Castilleja lanata
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P69 Castilleja levisecta.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja levisecta
Castilleja linariifolia
Castilleja lineata
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P70 Castilleja mexicana.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja mexicana
Castilleja miniata var. miniata
Castilleja miniata var. oblongifolia
Castilleja minor var. minor
Castilleja minor var. exilis
Castilleja minor var. spiralis
Castilleja minor var. stenantha
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P71 Castilleja ornata.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja ornata
Castilleja pallida var. caudata
Castilleja pallida var. yukonis
Castilleja parviflora var. oreopola
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P72 Castilleja patriotica.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja patriotica
Castilleja peirsonii
Castilleja pilosa var. pilosa
Castilleja pilosa var. longispica
Castilleja pilosa var. steenensis
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P73 Castilleja plagiotoma.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja plagiotoma
Castilleja pruinosa
Castilleja rupicola
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P74 Castilleja septentrionalis.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja septentrionalis
Castilleja sessiliflora
Castilleja tenuiflora var. tenuiflora
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P75 Castilleja thompsonii.jpegOrobanchaceae
Castilleja thompsonii
Castilleja victoriae
Castilleja viscidula
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P76 Chloropyron maritimum.jpegOrobanchaceae
Chloropyron maritimum subsp. canescens
Cordylanthus capitatus
Cordylanthus tenuis subsp. tenuis
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers
FNA17 P77 Dicranostegia orcuttiana.jpegOrobanchaceae
Dicranostegia orcuttiana
Orthocarpus luteus
Triphysaria eriantha subsp. eriantha
John Myers
Barbara Alongi
Barbara Alongi


1 Plants holoparasitic, achlorophyllous. > 2
2 Corollas salverform; annuals. Striga
2 Corollas short-tubular, tubular, or funnelform; perennials or annuals. > 3
3 Flowers cleistogamous and chasmogamous; petals 5 (appearing as 4); stems absent. Epifagus
3 Flowers chasmogamous; petals 5; stems present. > 4
4 Capsules indehiscent; calyces divided abaxially, not divided adaxially; stamens exserted. Conopholis
4 Capsules dehiscent; calyces divided roughly uniformly abaxially and adaxially; stamens included. > 5
5 Corollas tinged pink to purple, yellow, or blue, pallid proximally; palatal folds present (longitudinal folds in abaxial side of tube); calyces narrowly campanulate to campanulate; roots short, sometimes coralloid. Orobanche
5 Corollas dark red or purple, sometimes yellow; palatal folds absent; calyces cup-shaped; roots absent. > 6
6 Inflorescences dense spikes; pedicels absent, bracteoles absent; corollas short-tubular. Boschniakia
6 Inflorescences compact or open racemes; pedicels present, bracteoles present, rarely absent; corollas funnelform. Kopsiopsis
1 Plants hemiparasitic, chlorophyllous. > 7
7 Corollas bilabiate, adaxial lips not galeate, cucullate, or beaked. > 8
8 Corollas salverform. > 9
9 Corollas purple, blue-purple, blue, violet, rosy, or white; filaments pilose. Buchnera
9 Corollas red, brownish red, or purple, rarely white or yellow; filaments glabrous. Striga
8 Corollas tubular, campanulate, or subrotate. > 10
10 Leaves whorled. Brachystigma
10 Leaves alternate, opposite, or subopposite. > 11
11 Leaves alternate. Agalinis
11 Leaves opposite or subopposite. > 12
12 Corollas pale pink to rose purple or purple, rarely white; leaf blade margins entire, rarely proximally cleft, pinnatifid, or 2-pinnatifid. Agalinis
12 Corollas yellow or bright orange; leaf blade margins toothed or irregularly lobed, pinnatifid, or 2-pinnatifid, sometimes entire. > 13
13 Corollas bright orange, tubular; stamens equal. Macranthera
13 Corollas yellow, campanulate; stamens didynamous, subequal, or equal. > 14
14 Anthers villous. Aureolaria
14 Anthers glabrous. > 15
15 Calyx lobes ovate to oblong-ovate; stamens didynamous. Dasistoma
15 Calyx lobes linear to lanceolate; stamens equal to subequal. Seymeria
7 Corollas strongly bilabiate or bilabiate, adaxial lips galeate, cucullate, or beaked. > 16
16 Perennials, caudices woody or fleshy. > 17
17 Bracteoles present; sepals 5. Schwalbea
17 Bracteoles absent; sepals 2, 4, or 5. > 18
18 Cauline leaves decussate. Bartsia
18 Cauline leaves alternate, rarely whorled. > 19
19 Pollen sacs equal; corollas: adaxial lips sometimes with an upcurved or coiled beak. Pedicularis
19 Pollen sacs unequal; corollas: adaxial lips straight, rarely hooked. Castilleja
16 Annuals, rarely biennials, caudices absent. > 20
20 Cauline leaves opposite, sometimes subopposite or alternate. > 21
21 Leaf blade margins entire, sometimes margins of distal leaves proximally toothed; calyx lobes subulate; seeds 1–4. Melampyrum
21 Leaf blade margins toothed; calyx lobes deltate, triangular, or lanceolate; seeds (2–)10–450. > 22
22 Calyces ovate to suborbiculate, flattened laterally, accrescent in fruit. Rhinanthus
22 Calyces tubular to campanulate, not flattened laterally, not accrescent in fruit. > 23
23 Anther mucros unequal; capsule dehiscence septicidal. Euphrasia
23 Anther mucros equal or absent; capsule dehiscence loculicidal. > 24
24 Filaments glabrous; inflorescences spikelike racemes. Bellardia
24 Filaments papillose; inflorescences unilateral racemes. Odontites
20 Cauline leaves alternate, proximals rarely subopposite to opposite. > 25
25 Stamens 2. > 26
26 Leaf blades: margins of proximals 3-lobed, margins of distals entire. Cordylanthus
26 Leaf blades: margins entire or pinnately 5–11-lobed. > 27
27 Leaf blade margins entire or pinnately 5- or 7-lobed; pollens sacs approximate, connectives not elongate. Chloropyron
27 Leaf blade margins pinnately 8–11-lobed; pollens sacs separate, connectives elongate. Dicranostegia
25 Stamens 4. > 28
28 Corollas: adaxial lips ± straight, openings directed forward, rarely beaked, bent, or hooked at tip and openings directed downward; stigmas capitate or 2-lobed. > 29
29 Cauline leaves alternate; pollen sacs 2. Castilleja
29 Cauline leaves: proximals usually subopposite to opposite, distals alternate; pollen sacs 1. Triphysaria
28 Corollas: adaxial lips rounded at apex, sometimes obscurely so, openings directed downward; stigmas not or slightly expanded. > 30
30 Sepals 4, calyces tubular. Orthocarpus
30 Sepals 2, calyces spathelike. > 31
31 Leaf blade margins entire; corollas: middle lobes of abaxial lips not revolute; saline marshes, alkaline flats. Chloropyron
31 Leaf blade margins entire or 3–7-lobed; corollas: middle lobes of abaxial lips tightly revolute; sagebrush scrub, chaparral, woodlands, forests. Cordylanthus
... more about "Orobanchaceae"
Craig C. Freeman +, Richard K. Rabeler +  and Wayne J. Elisens +
Ventenat +
chartaceous +, leathery +  and fleshy +
Broomrape Family +
bilabiate +  and symmetric +
subrotate +, cylindric +, club--shaped +, salverform +, campanulate +  and tubular +
nearly worldwide +  and especially in warm temperate regions +
2 +  and 1 +
indehiscent +, septicidal +, loculicidal +  and dehiscence +
axillary +  and terminal +
spiral +, whorled +, alternate +  and opposite +
deciduous +
basal +  and cauline +
lobed +, toothed +  and entire +
tenuinucellate +  and unitegmic +
campylotropous-like +
bennett2006b +, mcneal2013a +, park2008a +, teryokhin1997a +, thieret1971a +, wolfe2005a +  and young1999a +
yellow;white;tan;black;brown +
1 +  and 2500 +
2 +  and 5 +
subequal +
aerial +  and subterranean +
erect +, ascending +  and prostrate to decumbent +
Orobanchaceae +
perennial +, biennial +  and annual +
shrub +, subshrub +  and herb +
holoparasitic +  and hemiparasitic +