
Showing 250 pages using this property.
Coastal areas, disturbed sites, often on limestone soil  +
Arid hillsides, along water courses  +
Soybean, corn, and cotton fields, naturalized in disturbed sites  +
Dry shrublands, disturbed vegetation, roadsides  +
Dry, open habitats, roadsides  +
Roadsides and paths, forest edges, logged lands, lawns, among cultivated ground covers and waste grounds  +
Coastal sands  +
Coastal grasslands, open rocky slopes, sand dunes, old roadsides  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Arid rocky slopes, desert washes.  +
Rocky pine woods, disturbed areas.  +
Moist bottomland woods, near streams or rivers, rarely in moist upland forests.  +
Pine and pine-oak woods, dry hardwood forests, glades, prairies, disturbed areas, usually on sand or shallow rocky soils.  +
Pine and oak woods, prairies, barrens, on sandy or shallow rocky soils.  +
Dry, open, rocky, gravelly, or sandy areas.  +
Moist or shaded areas, oak or pine woodlands, desert grasslands.  +
Stream banks, edges of woods, disturbed areas, agricultural fields.  +
Rocky areas, grasslands, oak, pine, or juniper woodlands.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Grassy openings, dunes, and oak or mesquite woodlands, usually on deep sand.  +
Deciduous and evergreen woods, moist depressions, swampy areas, riverbanks, agricultural fields, disturbed areas.  +
Disturbed areas.  +
Deciduous and evergreen woods, riverbanks, agricultural fields, disturbed areas.  +
Old home sites, disturbed areas.  +
Mesas, ridges, slopes, ravines, washes, in various shrub associations, commonly with Larrea, Yucca, Ambrosia, Artemisia, Ephedra, Atriplex  +
Gravelly soils, deserts, juniper woodlands  +
Gravelly, rocky soils, grasslands, deserts, woodlands  +
Sandy soils of dense thickets, hammocks, bottomlands of coastal areas  +
Sandy flats and slopes, chaparral communities, montane conifer woodlands  +
Sandy flats and slopes, montane conifer forests  +
Sandy calcareous slopes, chaparral communities  +
Sandy to gravelly flats and slopes, chaparral communities, montane conifer woodlands  +
Disturbed, often sandy sites  +
Disturbed, often sandy sites  +
Disturbed, often sandy sites  +
Soil, among grasses, pastures  +
Soil, gravel pit, pasture, lawn  +
Soil, dry washes  +
Soil, sand, clay, old fields, pastures, roadside banks, temporarily moist areas  +
Meadows, forest edges, roadsides, lakeshores, along streams, moist soils  +
Pastures, meadows, roadsides, stream sides, woodlands, waste grounds, dry or sandy soils, also in damp, clayey, and salty soils  +
Pastures, disturbed roadsides  +
Roadsides, disturbed sites, open fields and pastures, in sandy or gravelly soils or in moist to drying silty soils  +
Coastal and mountainous regions, Sequoia sempervirens and Pseudotsuga menziesii forests  +
Mountain regions in Cascade Range and Coast Range of California in coniferous forests  +
Grassy, often wet sites, usually with clay-rich soils  +
Dry, sandy waste places, near woolen mills  +
Waste places, chrome ore piles, hammocks  +
Wooded riverbanks  +
Dry, sandy areas, sand dunes, desert washes  +
Calcareous or gypseous soils in grasslands and shrublands  +
Arid, well-drained, often rocky, igneous, calcareous, or gypseous soils  +
Rocky, gravelly, or sandy soils, limestone or shale outcrops in grasslands or shrublands  +
Dry, sandy, and gravelly areas, rock, gypseous clay  +
Rocky, calcareous soils in cenizo (Leucophyllum frutescens) shrublands and grasslands  +
Dry clay and sandy, commonly calcareous or gypseous, soils  +
Gypsum hills and flats  +
Rocky, gravelly, loamy, or sandy calcareous, gypseous, or igneous-derived soils in deserts, grasslands, shrublands, or woodlands  +
Dry rocky soils, commonly with Larrea  +
Sandy, silty, or clay soils on calcareous or igneous substrates in grasslands, shrublands, or woodlands  +
Dry gypseous clays and shales  +
Various soils on calcareous substrates in grasslands or shrublands  +
Disturbed sites  +
Disturbed, wet or drying sites  +
Thin, rocky soil over limestone in hydric hammocks, wet savannas, and swamps of Everglades  +
Spring-fed bogs, seep areas, meadows, along streams, and in other wet areas  +
Spring-fed bogs, seep areas, meadows, along streams, and other moist areas in mountains  +
Meadows, along creeks, thickets, woods, rocky slopes, and alpine tundra  +
Meadows, thickets, and forests  +
Shaded ravines of woods in mountains and upper piedmont  +
Wet areas along streams and in springs, also less mesic locations in woods and clearings  +
Montane slopes above treeline, steep hillsides, steep cut banks or sandy loam of rivers  +
Moist hillsides, waste places, streambanks, sandy lake shores, talus slopes above treeline  +
Steep subalpine slopes, volcanic fell fields, often on talus or pumice  +
Mountain slopes, talus slopes, edges of serpentine outcrops  +
Sandy to rocky spruce-fir forests  +
Alpine and subalpine meadows, talus slopes, streambanks  +
Wet open areas, marshes, swales, and along edges of quiet water  +
Wet open areas, marshes, swales, and along edges of quiet water  +
Gravel and caliche soils in scrub oak, oak woodlands, and chaparral  +
Gravel, sandstone, silty, or caliche soils in desert scrub  +
Juniper forests, oak woodlands, dry matorral, desert scrub on calcareous, sandy clay, and gypsiferous soils  +
Gravel and caliche soils in warm Sonoran desert scrub  +
Gravel, caliche, or sandy loamy soils in open desert (Lower Sonoran Desert)  +
Woodlands and hammocks  +
Rotten logs, tree bark, charred wood, moist live-oak hammocks  +
Fields, roadsides, riverbanks, ditch banks, clearcuts, cultivated ground  +
Coastal mangrove swamps, salt marshes, low hammocks, along lake and canal margins  +
Somewhat saline to freshwater swamps, canal and pond margins, commonly in sinkholes in hammocks, disturbed marl sites, inland to coastal regions  +
Deciduous forests, less often with pines, junipers, or other conifers  +
Mostly deciduous forests, also mixed coniferous forests, open pine or spruce woodlands, swales, stream banks, and swamps  +
On and around rotten stumps and decomposing litter in damp forests and open baylands.  +
Subtropical semideciduous woodlands on loamy soils, occasionally shrublands on sandy to gravelly soils.  +
Woods, forests, usually in shade  +
Sandy and gravelly soils of washes and alluvial fans in deserts  +
Alluvial fans and rocky slopes in deserts  +
Wettish sites in otherwise arid areas, coarse, sandy alluvium  +
Dry slopes, ridges, lower chaparral and coastal sage scrub  +
Mesas, ravines, coastal sage scrub-chaparral  +
Dry granitic slopes, mesas, ravines, chaparral, pinyon woodlands  +
Wooded ravines, shaded banks, talus slopes, serpentine barrens, and coastal headlands (uncommon)  +
Moist calcareous cliffs, banks, and ledges along streams and rivers, walls of lime sinks, canyon walls (in the American southwest), around foundations, on mortar of storm drains  +
Banks and old walls  +
Seasonally moist, shaded, rocky banks, canyons, and ravines  +
Hammocks and limestone sinks in Everglades National Park  +
Rich, deciduous woodlands, often on humus-covered talus slopes and moist lime soils  +
Restricted to moist, shaded, limestone ledges, sink walls, and grottoes in the flora  +
Moist, shaded, limestone cliffs along streams and rivers, on boulders in creeks, and among rocks on steep slopes  +
Restricted to serpentine sites where it occurs in rock clefts, on talus slopes, and in well-developed serpentine soils  +
Moist coves, rocky woods, ledges, alluvial slopes, and thickets  +
Rocky slopes, dry canyons and washes, fields, roadsides, arroyos and hillsides near seeps, streambeds, chaparral, coastal sage scrub.  +
Open slopes and washes, rocky outcrops, limestone and igneous substrates, roadsides, chaparral, oak-juniper and mixed conifer-oak woodlands.  +
Roadsides, fields, sagebrush scrub, and open pine or aspen forests in valleys and foothills  +
Prairies, fields, river banks, and waste places  +
Roadsides and sites adjacent to gardens  +
Cliffs and banks near sea  +
North-facing cliffs in canyons and above sea  +
Bogs, wet flatwoods, hydric savannas, seepage slopes.  +
Tallgrass or loess hills or upland prairies, dry rocky or sandy soils over limestone, limestone bluffs, gravelly moraines.  +
Seasonally wet meadows, mesic prairies, glades, roadsides, fallow fields.  +
Oak woods, dry loamy soils.  +
Wet alkaline, saline meadows and marshes associated with springs and seeps.  +
Sand plain grasslands, dry prairie remnants, dry roadsides, cemeteries, margins and openings in mesic to dry mixed woodlands, serpentine grasslands.  +
Prairies, grassy roadsides, pastures, well-drained calcareous soils.  +
Dry open pine savannas, dry oak openings, dry sandy ground, mesic flatwoods, margins of bogs and seepage slopes, dry roadsides.  +
Grasslands, open rocky slopes, calcareous, clay or sandy soils.  +
Dry or wet sandy ground, waste places, roadsides, ditches, pastures, fallow fields, alluvial ground of streams, brackish soils, thickets, lawns.  +
Mesic to moist longleaf pine forests, moist prairies, shallow bogs, moist roadsides, remnant wiregrass communities, borrow pits.  +
Xeric, sandy, open pine forests, open coastal scrub habitats, dunes, open areas of pine flatwoods, hydric soils of pine flatwoods.  +
Mesic to moist soils, open, wiregrass-dominated longleaf pine systems, savannas, prairies, seepage slopes, depressed wetlands, disturbed ground.  +
Dry roadsides, open woodlands, forest margins, mesic prairies, glades, bluffs, exposed ridges, alvars, often in cherty limestone, or sandy, rocky soils.  +
Dry or moist longleaf pine savannas, oak openings, wiregrass-dominated seepage slopes, margins of bogs.  +
Wet to mesic savannas, bogs, wet prairies, borders of fresh to brackish marshes, roadsides and ditches, drier sites near these habitats.  +
Moist open sites, moist prairies, margins of mesic to wet forests, fallow fields, roadsides, ditches, margins of marshes and ponds, disturbed sandy soils.  +
Dry, open woodlands, dry to xeric sandy terrace communities above streams, dry roadsides, open sandy habitats.  +
Dry to mesic pinelands, pine and oak savannas, sand hills, openings in saw palmetto flatwoods, sandy soils.  +
Wet savannas and prairies, depressed areas of mesic savannas or open flatwoods, bogs, margins and centers of cypress domes, margins of ponds, lakes, brackish and freshwater marshes, open stream banks, roadsides, ditches.  +
Saline coastal areas, salt marshes, edges of saline or brackish pools, open salt terns, edges of ditches, salt flats, and tidal flats.  +
Salt marshes, salt flats, tidal flats, edges of saline or brackish pools, ditches.  +
Rocky prairie remnants on sandstone outcrops, sandy clay soils of longleaf pine savannas.  +
Sandy or peaty soils, margins of pools, lakes, bogs, estuaries, and marshes, sand flats, dune hollows, ditches.  +
Mesic to dry savannas, dry roadsides with native vegetation, open rocky ground, open pine flatwoods, cutover and edges of pine plantations, margins of bogs and seepage slopes.  +
Moist to dry longleaf pine savannas, edges of pine plantations, dry roadsides, chalky outcrops, seepage slopes of clay roadsides.  +
Dry to xeric, sandy, gravelly or clay roadsides, pine-oak forests, margins of savannas, disturbed ground.  +
Dry, open pine savannas, open pine-oak sandhills, dry upslope areas of wiregrass-dominated mesic prairies, chalky glades or roadsides, dry sandy or clay roadsides beside existing or remnant savannas.  +
Moist sandy, clay, or peaty soils at margins of ponds, lakes, streams, bogs, freshwater or brackish marshes, ditches, roadsides.  +
Moist sandy soils at margins of ponds, lakes, streams, bogs, freshwater and brackish marshes, ditches, pine barrens, meadows, prairies, coastal swales, dry soils, margins of pine plantations, inundated marl prairies.  +
Dry sandy soils, pine savannas, margins of pine-oak woodlands and scrub, sand hills, roadside embankments.  +
Dry to mesic areas in sand and loess hill prairies, bluff prairies, dolomite glades, dunes, open woods, areas of low and/or sparse herbaceous cover.  +
Grasslands, old fields, pastures, open mesquite plains, dunes along Gulf Coast.  +
Dry sandy to mesic pine savannas, margins of pine plantations, mixed open woodlands and oak-pine scrub, open pine-palmetto palm woodlands, ditch banks, sandy embankments, roadsides.  +
Wet to dry roadsides, ditches, margins of streams and ponds, borders of woodlands, dry to moist prairies, fallow fields, railroad embankments, rocky cliff faces and bluffs.  +
Mesic to wet areas of prairies, moist to wet savannas, moist roadsides, mesic to wet edges of recently clear-cut forests, dry or wet roadsides.  +
Acid swamps to moist broadleaved forests, especially along streams, in ravines, or near springs  +
Sandy places in desert scrub  +
Sandy places in desert scrub  +
Sandy places in desert scrub and grasslands  +
Sandy to gravelly, often calcareous places in desert scrub  +
Sandy to gravelly places on granitic or volcanic soils in desert scrub, grasslands, pinyon-juniper, and oak woodlands  +
Sandy soil in hammocks  +
Gravelly places with desert scrub, rarely in chaparral or pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places in desert scrub and pinyon juniper woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places in desert scrub and pinyon juniper woodlands  +
Sandy places along roadsides and in hammocks  +
Gravelly to rocky, often calcareous places in grasslands, desert scrub, and pinyon juniper woodlands  +
Gravelly to rocky, often calcareous places in grasslands, desert scrub, pinyon-juniper, and oak woodlands  +
Gravelly to rocky calcareous places in desert scrub  +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places with desert scrub, chaparral and pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Near drainage systems in desert scrub  +
Sandy places near beaches  +
Sandy to gravelly places on limestone in oak woodlands and grassy plains  +
Gravelly to rocky places in grasslands and desert scrub  +
Gravelly places in grasslands, chaparral, pinyon-juniper, and oak woodlands  +
Gravelly places in oak and pine woodlands  +
Gravelly to rocky places in grasslands, desert scrub, chaparral, pinyon-juniper, and oak woodlands  +
Open rocky slopes, mostly in desert grasslands and oak woodlands  +
Sandy to gravelly places with desert scrub  +
Gravelly to rocky places, mostly in desert scrub, grasslands, juniper and oak woodlands  +
Gravelly to rocky places, mostly in desert scrub, grasslands, juniper and oak woodlands  +
Coastal bluffs with coastal sage scrub and chaparral  +
Sandy places along roadsides and in hammocks  +
Open gravelly to rocky limestone or basalt slopes, mostly with desert scrub, chaparral, and pinyon?juniper woodlands  +
Open gravelly to rocky limestone or basalt slopes, mostly with desert scrub, chaparral, and pinyon-juniper woodlands  +
Sandy flats  +
Calcareous or sandstone outcrops in desert scrub, pinyon-juniper, or adjacent conifer woodlands  +
Calcareous outcrops with desert scrub  +
Calcareous outcrops with desert scrub  +
Calcareous outcrops with desert scrub  +
Sandy places with grasses and low shrubs  +
Rocky slopes in desert scrub and grasslands  +
Rocky slopes in chaparral and juniper-dominated grasslands  +
Gravelly calcareous slopes in grasslands and oak-juniper woodlands  +
Hammocks, orchards, waste places, ravines  +
Stream margins, ditches, road embankments, hillsides  +
Moist forests, cove forests  +
Moist forests, northern red oak, oak-chestnut, cove forests  +
Sandy soils, burned pinelands, turkey oak sand ridges, pine-oak and oak-hickory upland woods, old fields, roadsides, fencerows, moist sites  +
Bluffs, limestone outcrops and slopes, ledges along streams, often in oak-juniper woodlands  +
Pine, pine-oak, juniper, and pinyon-juniper woodlands, rocks along streams, slopes, ridges, washes  +
Sand pine scrub, longleaf pine-turkey oak sand ridges, pine-palmetto, live-oak woods, hammocks, dunes, roadsides, old fields, stream banks, dry flatwoods  +
Rocky slopes, mostly in pine-oak woodlands  +
Under overhanging sandstone (Pottsville formation) cliffs and ledges  +
Crevices, outcrops, rocky slopes, ridges, talus, gravelly and sandy stream bars, mixed hardwood-conifer woodlands, aspen, open and brushy vegetation  +
Rocky slopes, crevices, gravelly, sandy streambeds, pine-oak woodlands  +
Rocky slopes and ledges, in oak-juniper, pine-oak, pine, aspen, and spruce-fir woodland  +
Cracks and crevices of nearly vertical limestone cliffs  +
Rocky sites, oak woodland  +
Limestone slopes, ledges, alluvium, in brushy vegetation  +
Disturbed sites, mostly coastal  +
Crevices, ledges, cliffs, other rocky sites in canyons, along streams, in desert grasslands, oak-agave, oak, oak-juniper, and pine-oak woodlands  +
Disturbed sites, mostly coastal  +
Beach sand and nearby thickets, coral soils, salt marshes, hammocks, roadsides  +
Openings in chaparral  +
Open pine forests  +
Openings in chaparral and in pine and oak forests  +
Grassy slopes, openings in pine forests  +
Chaparral, oak woodlands  +
Coastal dunes and beach heads  +
Coastal dunes, sand hills, and beach heads  +
Wet meadows, bogs, muskegs, stream and lake margins, montane to alpine habitats, or ± drier sites of open forests and mountain slopes, various soils, often disturbed areas, roadsides  +
Moist, subalpine meadows and forests to alpine tundra, often disturbed areas  +
Moist to dry habitats, alpine meadows, montane forests, northern prairies, arctic tundra, in gravelly, rocky, and other coarse-textured soils  +
Wet meadows, stream margins, swales, other moist sites, grasslands, steppes, and meadow habitats, slightly alkaline or saline sites, mostly in silts, clays, and other fine-textured soils  +
Mesic to dry meadows, grasslands, sagebrush steppes, open oak or coniferous woodlands, chaparral  +
Moist to dry lowland prairies, coastal forests, open coniferous woodlands  +
Mesic to dry habitats in grasslands, chaparral, oak woodlands, and open pine forests  +
Wet to dry, mostly seasonal habitats in deserts, grasslands, chaparral, steppe, oak woodlands, and open pine forests, often disturbed sites  +
Mesic to dry habitats in deserts, grasslands, and oak woodlands  +
Mesic to dry grasslands, oak woodlands, and coastal scrub-lands  +
Mesic subalpine meadows and forests to alpine tundra and rocky slopes, volcanic or pyroclastic soils  +
Dry habitats, sandy soils, short-grass prairies, sagebrush steppes, pinyon-juniper woodlands, montane meadows, mixed conifer forests  +
Mesic to dry habitats in scrub-lands, chaparral, steppe, and open oak or pine woodlands  +
Lowland prairies  +
Edges, open spaces, and thickets, deciduous or mixed pine-deciduous woods  +
Dry to moist, longleaf pine-oak woods, oak-hickory slopes, roadsides, sand or shell maritime thickets  +
Edges, open spaces and thickets, deciduous or mixed pine-deciduous woods  +
Edges, open spaces, thickets deciduous or mixed woods and thickets in wet places  +
Edges, open spaces, thickets, deciduous or mixed deciduous woods  +
Edges, open spaces, and thickets, deciduous or mixed deciduous woods  +
Edges, open spaces, thickets, in deciduous or mixed deciduous woods  +
Fields, roadsides, waste places  +
Waste places, open woodlands  +
Disturbed sites, roadsides, vacant lots  +
Disturbed sites, roadsides, vacant lots  +
Meadows, herb slopes, moist rock ledges  +
Moist meadows, herb slopes, often near seashores  +

Showing 25 related entities (more are available).