Genera Included
Revision as of 11:57, 28 July 2020 by imported>Admin (Created page with "== Disclaimer == The following is an alphabetical list of genera published and included in this web representation of the FNA. Not...")
The following is an alphabetical list of genera published and included in this web representation of the FNA.
Not all taxa have been published. Please see the FNANM Alphabetical List of Families for a full alphabetical list of Pteridophyte, Gymnosperm and Angiosperm families with volume numbers, including unpublished families. See an alphabetical list of Bryophytes here, including unpublished families.
Alphabetical List of Genera Included
- Abelmoschus
- Abies
- Abietinella
- Abildgaardia
- Abronia
- Abutilon
- Acaena
- Acalypha
- Acamptopappus
- Acanthocereus
- Acanthoscyphus
- Acanthospermum
- Acaulon
- Achillea
- Achlys
- Achnatherum
- Achyrachaena
- Achyranthes
- Achyronychia
- Acleisanthes
- Acmella
- Acoelorraphe
- Aconitum
- Aconogonon
- Acorus
- Acourtia
- Acrachne
- Acrocomia
- Acroporium
- Acroptilon
- Acrostichum
- Actaea
- Actinostachys
- Adelia
- Adenocaulon
- Adenophyllum
- Adenostoma
- Adiantum
- Adlumia
- Adolphia
- Adonis
- Aegilops
- Aegopogon
- Aeluropus
- Aeonium
- Agalinis
- Agarista
- Agave
- Agdestis
- Ageratina
- Ageratum
- Agnorhiza
- Agoseris
- Agrimonia
- Agropyron
- Agrostemma
- Agrostis
- Aira
- Akebia
- Alcea
- Alchemilla
- Aletris
- Alisma
- Allenrolfea
- Alliaria
- Allionia
- Allium
- Allolepis
- Alloteropsis
- Allotropa
- Allowissadula
- Almutaster
- Alnus
- Aloe
- Aloina
- Alopecurus
- Alophia
- Alpinia
- Alsia
- Alstroemeria
- Alternanthera
- Althaea
- Alvaradoa
- Alyssum
- Amaranthus
- Amauriopsis
- Amberboa
- Amblyodon
- Amblyolepis
- Amblyopappus
- Amblystegium
- Ambrosia
- Amelanchier
- Amelichloa
- Amerorchis
- Amianthium
- Ammannia
- Ammophila
- Amoreuxia
- Ampelaster
- Ampelodesmos
- Ampelopsis
- Amphiachyris
- Amphibromus
- Amphicarpum
- Amphidium
- Amphipappus
- Amphiscirpus
- Anacamptodon
- Anacolia
- Anagallis
- Anaphalis
- Ancistrocactus
- Ancistrocarphus
- Andreaea
- Andreaeobryum
- Andromeda
- Andropogon
- Androsace
- Androstephium
- Anelsonia
- Anemia
- Anemone
- Anemopsis
- Angelonia
- Anisocarpus
- Anisocoma
- Annona
- Anoda
- Anoectangium
- Anomobryum
- Anomodon
- Anredera
- Antennaria
- Anthemis
- Anthenantia
- Anthephora
- Anthoxanthum
- Antigonon
- Antirrhinum
- Antitrichia
- Anulocaulis
- Aongstroemia
- Apacheria
- Apera
- Aphanes
- Aphanisma
- Aphanorrhegma
- Aphanostephus
- Aphragmus
- Aplectrum
- Aplodon
- Apluda
- Apodanthera
- Aponogeton
- Aptenia
- Apteria
- Aquilegia
- Arabidopsis
- Arabis
- Arachniodes
- Arbutus
- Arceuthobium
- Archidium
- Arctagrostis
- Arctanthemum
- Arctium
A cont.
- Arctoa
- Arctomecon
- Arctophila
- Arctostaphylos
- Arctotheca
- Arctotis
- Arctous
- Ardisia
- Arenaria
- Arethusa
- Argemone
- Argyranthemum
- Argyrochosma
- Argythamnia
- Arida
- Ariocarpus
- Arisaema
- Aristida
- Aristocapsa
- Aristolochia
- Arivela
- Armeria
- Armoracia
- Arnica
- Arnoglossum
- Arnoseris
- Aronia
- Arrhenatherum
- Arrhenopterum
- Artemisia
- Arthraxon
- Arthrocnemum
- Aruncus
- Arundinaria
- Arundo
- Asanthus
- Asarum
- Aschisma
- Asemeia
- Asimina
- Asparagus
- Asphodelus
- Aspicarpa
- Aspidotis
- Asplenium
- Aster
- Astilbe
- Astraea
- Astranthium
- Astrolepis
- Astrophytum
- Atamisquea
- Athyrium
- Athysanus
- Atrichoseris
- Atrichum
- Atriplex
- Aubrieta
- Aucuba
- Aulacomnium
- Aureolaria
- Aurinia
- Austrostipa
- Avena
- Avenula
- Axonopus
- Axyris
- Ayenia
- Azolla
- Baccharis
- Bacopa
- Bahia
- Bahiopsis
- Baileya
- Balduina
- Balsamorhiza
- Bambusa
- Barbarea
- Barbella
- Barbula
- Barkleyanthus
- Bartlettia
- Bartramia
- Bartramiopsis
- Bartsia
- Basiphyllaea
- Bassia
- Bastardia
- Batesimalva
- Batis
- Bebbia
- Beckmannia
- Begonia
- Bejaria
- Belamcanda
- Bellardia
- Bellibarbula
- Bellis
- Beloglottis
- Benitoa
- Bensoniella
- Berberis
- Berchemia
- Bergerocactus
- Bergia
- Berlandiera
- Bernardia
- Berteroa
- Bestia
- Beta
- Betula
- Bidens
- Bigelowia
- Billieturnera
- Bischofia
- Bistorta
- Blechnum
- Blennosperma
- Blepharidachne
- Blepharipappus
- Blepharizonia
- Blepharoneuron
- Bletia
- Blindia
- Bloomeria
- Blutaparon
- Blysmopsis
- Blyxa
- Boechera
- Boehmeria
- Boerhavia
- Bolandra
- Bolboschoenus
- Boltonia
- Bommeria
- Bonellia
- Bontia
- Borrichia
- Boschniakia
- Bothriochloa
- Botrychium
- Bouteloua
- Boykinia
- Brachelyma
- Brachychiton
- Brachydontium
- Brachyelytrum
- Brachymenium
- Brachypodium
- Brachystigma
- Brachytheciastrum
- Brachythecium
- Bradburia
- Brandegea
- Brasenia
- Brassia
- Brassica
- Braunia
- Braya
- Breynia
- Brickellia
- Brickelliastrum
- Brintonia
- Briza
- Brodiaea
- Bromidium
- Bromus
B cont.
- Brosimum
- Brothera
- Brotherella
- Broussonetia
- Bruchia
- Brunnichia
- Bryhnia
- Bryoandersonia
- Bryobrittonia
- Bryocrumia
- Bryoerythrophyllum
- Bryolawtonia
- Bryonia
- Bryophyllum
- Bryoxiphium
- Bryum
- Buchloë
- Buchnera
- Buckiella
- Bucklandiella
- Buckleya
- Buddleja
- Bulbophyllum
- Bulbostylis
- Bunias
- Burmannia
- Butomus
- Buxbaumia
- Buxus
- Byrsonima
- Cabomba
- Cacaliopsis
- Cakile
- Calamagrostis
- Calamovilfa
- Calandrinia
- Calendula
- Calepina
- Calla
- Callaeum
- Callicladium
- Callicostella
- Calliergon
- Calliergonella
- Callirhoë
- Callisia
- Callitriche
- Callitris
- Calluna
- Calocedrus
- Calochortus
- Calophyllum
- Calopogon
- Caltha
- Calycadenia
- Calycanthus
- Calycocarpum
- Calycoseris
- Calydorea
- Calymperes
- Calypso
- Calyptocarpus
- Calyptranthes
- Camassia
- Camelina
- Camissonia
- Camissoniopsis
- Campyliadelphus
- Campylium
- Campylocentrum
- Campyloneurum
- Campylophyllum
- Campylopodiella
- Campylopus
- Campylostelium
- Canadanthus
- Canbya
- Canella
- Canna
- Cannabis
- Canotia
- Caperonia
- Capraria
- Capsella
- Cardamine
- Cardionema
- Carduus
- Carex
- Carica
- Carlina
- Carlquistia
- Carminatia
- Carnegiea
- Carpenteria
- Carphephorus
- Carphochaete
- Carpinus
- Carpobrotus
- Carrichtera
- Carsonia
- Carthamus
- Carya
- Caryota
- Cascadia
- Cassiope
- Cassytha
- Castanea
- Castilleja
- Casuarina
- Catabrosa
- Cathestecum
- Catopsis
- Catoscopium
- Caulanthus
- Caulophyllum
- Causonis
- Cayaponia
- Ceanothus
- Celastrus
- Celosia
- Celtica
- Celtis
- Cenchrus
- Centaurea
- Centratherum
- Centromadia
- Centrostegia
- Cephalanthera
- Cerastium
- Ceratiola
- Ceratodon
- Ceratophyllum
- Ceratopteris
- Ceratotheca
- Cercocarpus
- Cevallia
- Chaenactis
- Chaenomeles
- Chaenorhinum
- Chaetadelpha
- Chaetopappa
- Chamaebatia
- Chamaebatiaria
- Chamaechaenactis
- Chamaecyparis
- Chamaedaphne
- Chamaedorea
- Chamaelirium
- Chamaemelum
- Chamaenerion
- Chamaerhodos
- Chamelaucium
- Chaptalia
- Chasmanthe
- Chasmanthium
- Cheilanthes
- Cheiroglossa
- Chelidonium
- Chelone
- Chenia
- Chenopodium
- Chimaphila
- Chionodoxa
- Chionophila
- Chloracantha
- Chloris
- ... further results