Search results

  • ca. 7–18 µm. KOH laminal color reaction red, occasionally red-orange or yellow. Worldwide Species ca. 122 (26 in the flora). The genus Didymodon is distinguished
    28 KB (1,343 words) - 07:04, 30 July 2020
  • whorled, rigid, angle of divergence about 25°. Twigs bright green, becoming yellow-green with age, viscid, ridges between longitudinal grooves papillate; internodes
    7 KB (416 words) - 00:25, 30 July 2020
  • whorled, rigid, angle of divergence about 45°. Twigs pale green, becoming yellow with age, not viscid, glaucous, with numerous longitudinal grooves; internodes
    7 KB (419 words) - 00:26, 30 July 2020
  • umbilicate or turbinate in fruit > 54 53 Corollas pale greenish yellow or pale yellow to white, sometimes purple tinged, limb 5-8 mm; calyces clavate in
    36 KB (1,364 words) - 10:24, 30 July 2020
  • mm. Phyllaries distally brown, cream, gray, green, pink, red, white, or yellow (apices acute or erose-obtuse). Corollas: staminate unknown; pistillate
    8 KB (738 words) - 20:33, 29 July 2020
  • inclined 145–180°, brown to stramineous, short-pyriform to urceolate, neck less than 1/3 urn length; exothecial cells isodiametric, walls sinuate; stomata
    7 KB (556 words) - 07:39, 30 July 2020
  • brown to redbrown, sometimes stramineous, short-pyriform to urceolate, neck less than 1/3 urn length; exothecial cells isodiametric, walls sinuate; stomata
    7 KB (625 words) - 07:40, 30 July 2020
  • conspicuous, raised, prominent, sometimes short-mucronate. Perigynia ascending, yellow-brown or chestnut, veinless, ovate or elliptic, 2.5–3 × 1.5–1.75 mm, apex
    7 KB (601 words) - 02:02, 30 July 2020
  • rays furcate near base, (usually strongly umbonate, roughly tuberculate, less so over umbo). Stems few to several from base, erect or outer decumbent,
    7 KB (745 words) - 11:57, 30 July 2020
  • “double” cultivars, sometimes 0 in Z. anomala), pistillate, fertile; corollas yellow, orange, red, maroon, purple, or white (laminae persistent, sessile or nearly
    10 KB (870 words) - 23:00, 29 July 2020
  • closed or nearly so; hypanthium funnelform, sparsely yellow-pilose-strigose; sepals: margins yellow-villous, apex green and red-purple, acuminate or acute
    8 KB (703 words) - 14:32, 30 July 2020
  • reflexed less than 1/5 along length from base, yellow or sometimes yellow-orange proximally, red-orange or sometimes red, red-purple, orange, or yellow barely
    12 KB (1,248 words) - 05:44, 30 July 2020
  • inner tepals ca. 30 per flower, pale-yellow, ca. 30 mm; outer filaments white or pale-yellow; anthers orange-yellow; stigma lobes 5–8, white or cream, (2
    9 KB (923 words) - 09:25, 30 July 2020
  • flat to low-convex, pitted, glabrous, epaleate. Florets 5–300; corollas yellow to orange or white, outer often purplish abaxially. Cypselae gray to brown
    15 KB (826 words) - 20:23, 29 July 2020
  • (–14) mm, throat relatively open; staminode yellow-green, sometimes green to brown-red, flabellate, length less than width. 2n = 96. Phenology: Flowering
    4 KB (381 words) - 19:13, 29 July 2020
  • green, yellowish, brownish, or golden green, with orange tinge due to leaves yellow-green and stems reddish. Stems creeping, ascending, or sometimes erect,
    11 KB (575 words) - 07:47, 30 July 2020
  • of membranaceous blades with thickened midribs); petiole usually slender, less than 6 mm wide; blade linearlanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, oblanceolate
    12 KB (1,084 words) - 05:23, 30 July 2020
  • 8–30 mm; flower tube hairs usually 1–2 mm; inner tepals crimson or scarlet, less often orange-red (very rarely rose-pink), with or without whitish or yellowish
    11 KB (1,231 words) - 09:20, 30 July 2020
  • apex obtuse, acute, or short-acuminate; stamens included; anthers yellow; pollen yellow; ovary 3-grooved with ridge on either side of each groove, ridges
    9 KB (573 words) - 05:52, 30 July 2020
  • open; sepals directed forward to somewhat spreading, brown, tan, red, or yellow, often darker distally, lanceolate, 3-veined, 4.7–15 mm; petals frequently
    7 KB (608 words) - 05:32, 30 July 2020
  • apex pointed; anther adaxial, erect behind rostellum; pollinia 4, bright-yellow, clavate, joined in pairs, firm but somewhat mealy, attached to caudicles;
    7 KB (437 words) - 05:23, 30 July 2020
  • Mentioned on page 590, 596, 643, 654. Plants large, in thick mats or deep wefts, yellow-green to dark green, glossy. Stems irregularly branched. Stem-leaves ovatelanceolate
    8 KB (433 words) - 07:54, 30 July 2020
  • leaves Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3. Herbs, perennial, from orange, yellow, or pale-brown, slender rhizomes 0.5-2 mm thick. Leaves basal, petiolate
    8 KB (344 words) - 08:32, 30 July 2020
  • 15–28 mm; tube 13–15 mm; beak exserted, adaxially yellow or yellow-green, 7–8 mm; abaxial lip yellow or deep green, reduced, slightly inflated, pouched
    9 KB (727 words) - 18:55, 29 July 2020
  • leaf-bases. Pedicels present. Flowers 6–15 mm diam.; hypanthium tube greenish yellow or tinged reddish purple, narrowly cylindric, cups hemispheric-campanulate
    13 KB (773 words) - 14:15, 30 July 2020
  • 1–4.5 cm; bracts green to yellow-green throughout, or proximally green to yellow-green, distally yellow to sometimes pale yellow-orange, narrowly lanceolate
    8 KB (639 words) - 18:53, 29 July 2020
  • pink-purple with pale and darker stripes, less often white, cream with pink-orange stripes, ± orange, or yellow; cymes densely paniculate to subumbellate
    13 KB (537 words) - 09:45, 30 July 2020
  • bilaterally symmetric, cupulate, lobes lanceolate, adaxial largest; corolla yellow or white, bilaterally symmetric, bilabiate, tubular, tube base usually gibbous
    7 KB (367 words) - 18:58, 29 July 2020
  • 581. Plants often robust, in thick mats or short turf, yellow to orangebrown distally, yellow to redbrown proximally. Stems commonly elongate, 1–5 cm;
    11 KB (889 words) - 07:07, 30 July 2020
  • 0.3–1 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, glabrous; anthers purple turning yellow, 0.4–0.5 mm. Pistillate flowers: adaxial
    12 KB (943 words) - 11:59, 30 July 2020
  • rigid, angle of divergence about 30°. Twigs pale to dark green, becoming yellow with age, not viscid, slightly to strongly scabrous, with numerous longitudinal
    7 KB (404 words) - 00:29, 30 July 2020
  • apex acute to acuminate, not involute; stamens included; anthers yellow; pollen yellow; ovary crested; processes 6, prominent, central, triangular, short
    7 KB (530 words) - 05:51, 30 July 2020
  • whorled, rigid, angle of divergence about 30°. Twigs pale green, becoming yellow with age, not viscid, usually smooth or very slightly scabrous, with numerous
    7 KB (385 words) - 00:27, 30 July 2020
  • operculum short to long-conic; exostome teeth yellow to light-brown, triangular-acute; endostome yellow to yellowbrown, basal membrane 1/2 exostome length
    7 KB (541 words) - 07:40, 30 July 2020
  • 10–40 × 3–8 mm, margin entire, apex retuse to obtuse. Staminate flowers yellow (rarely brown), in clusters 2–3 mm wide, borne in panicles 3–15 cm. Pistillate
    8 KB (966 words) - 09:39, 30 July 2020
  • Plants small or medium-sized, green, yellowish green, golden brown, golden yellow, or brownish. Stems unbranched, irregularly branched, or irregularly pinnate;
    10 KB (605 words) - 07:43, 30 July 2020
  • sometimes included, adaxially yellow, pale orange to red-orange, reddish-brown, green, or white, 5–15 (–20) mm; abaxial lip yellow, white, red, deep red, red-violet
    9 KB (702 words) - 18:54, 29 July 2020
  • papillose-denticulate. Inflorescences mostly axillary, if also terminal then less than 5 cm; cymes 1–3 (–4) -flowered. Pedicels 1–3 mm. Flowers: at least some
    5 KB (723 words) - 10:10, 30 July 2020
  • glaucous adaxially; scalelike leaves 1–3 mm, not overlapping or if so, by less than 1/4 their length, keeled, apex acute, spreading. Seed-cones maturing
    6 KB (549 words) - 00:28, 30 July 2020
  • auricles less than 0.6 times as long as distance from base of lip to apex of middle lobe, apex 3-dentate; column 0.4–0.6 × 0.4–0.6 mm; pollinia yellow. Capsules
    7 KB (661 words) - 05:31, 30 July 2020
  • the upper glumes with 2 lateral-veins, these sometimes obscure and usually less than 1/2 the length of the glumes, acute; lower lemmas 2-2.4 mm, apices bifid
    5 KB (984 words) - 03:27, 30 July 2020
  • self-compatible. Stems (often purplish, especially distally, slender, usually less than 3 mm diam. at bases) branched (branches often relatively many, usually
    6 KB (702 words) - 23:39, 29 July 2020
  • apex acuminate, not involute; stamens included; anthers purple; pollen yellow; ovary conspicuously crested; processes 6, central, distinct, flattened
    9 KB (612 words) - 05:51, 30 July 2020
  • apex acute to short-mucronate. Perigynia ascending, pale green or pale-yellow, veinless or obscurely veined, ovate, orbicular or obovate, 2.5–3.5 × 1
    8 KB (681 words) - 02:03, 30 July 2020
  • brown to redbrown, sometimes stramineous, short-pyriform to urceolate, neck less than 1/3 urn length; exothecial cells isodiametric, walls sinuate; stomata
    8 KB (728 words) - 07:40, 30 July 2020
  • Flora of North America Association Plants moderate to robust, weak-stemmed, yellow, yellowish-brown to golden brown; capitulum varying from rounded, not 5-radiate
    8 KB (729 words) - 06:56, 30 July 2020
  • 9–23 mm; filaments white, less than 1/2 anther length, thin; anthers straight or very slightly recurving, creamy white or yellow, 5–18 mm, thick, dehiscence
    9 KB (823 words) - 05:19, 30 July 2020
  • erect, leaflike, 2–5 cm, reduced toward apex; peduncle scapelike, 0.2–0.5 m, less than 2.5 cm diam. Flowers pendent; tepals distinct, greenish white to white
    8 KB (611 words) - 06:12, 30 July 2020
  • 10-17, white; stamens 30-70, yellow-orange, abaxially usually suffused with purple, connective appendage projecting less than 0.2 mm beyond anther; filaments
    7 KB (649 words) - 08:34, 30 July 2020
  • acute, faces pilose; cauline linear-elliptic, reduced distally to 10 mm or less, margins obscurely dentate or entire. Heads 1–30 (–70). Peduncles 1.5–7 cm
    8 KB (674 words) - 21:51, 29 July 2020
  • Flowering-stems erect, bending over after flowering, to 25 cm, distal internode less than 4 cm. Sessile leaves in basal rosette. Petiolate leaves floating or
    9 KB (910 words) - 05:53, 30 July 2020
  • golden brown; capitulum flattopped and only weakly 5-radiate. Stems pale-yellow; stem cortex moderately well-differentiated but not much enlarged. Stem-leaves
    6 KB (620 words) - 06:53, 30 July 2020
  • brown to redbrown, sometimes stramineous, short-pyriform to urceolate, neck less than 1/3 urn length; exothecial cells isodiametric, walls sinuate; stomata
    7 KB (595 words) - 07:40, 30 July 2020
  • brownish, exfoliating, separating freely into long strips or broad plates, less commonly with small platelike scales. Twigs brown to reddish-brown or black
    8 KB (552 words) - 08:39, 30 July 2020
  • eventually turning yellowish-brown, very slender, less than 0.5 mm diam.; bark of older branches pale-yellow to gray; tips sharply pointed, flexible, not or
    6 KB (598 words) - 13:53, 30 July 2020
  • capsule, margins 3–7-lobed. Flowers: sepals 9–19 mm; petals orange proximally, yellow distally, obovate, 20–40 × (12–) 16–33 mm, apex mucronate; stamens 20+,
    6 KB (617 words) - 18:33, 29 July 2020
  • stalked. Flowers nodding, white, urceolate to gaping, claw of lip at low (less than 30°) angle to lamina, base appearing only slightly inflated; sepals
    8 KB (704 words) - 05:22, 30 July 2020
  • Leaves: blade linear to oblanceolate, 3–10 × 0.1–0.7 cm, tomentose abaxially, less so to thinly floccose and green adaxially, margins plane. Inflorescences
    6 KB (982 words) - 10:31, 30 July 2020
  • pale-pink; styles 3–5. Pomes orange to deep red or brick-red to red, rarely yellow, suborbicular, 5–8 (–12) mm diam., usually glabrous; flesh mealy or hard;
    11 KB (967 words) - 14:38, 30 July 2020
  • glandular-serrate; stamens (6–) 10 or 20, anthers usually pink or rose to purple, rarely yellow; styles 3–5. Pomes usually bright red, sometimes orange-red, suborbicular
    12 KB (860 words) - 14:42, 30 July 2020
  • recurved 3/5–2/3 along length from base, not strongly reflexed, lower often less recurved than upper and forming landing platform, orange or yellowish proximally
    10 KB (944 words) - 05:44, 30 July 2020
  • usually epaleate. Functionally staminate florets 10–50; corollas white to pale-yellow, tubes about equal to narrowly funnelform throats, lobes 5, spreading-reflexed
    19 KB (1,032 words) - 15:27, 15 December 2020
  • Treatment on page 337. Flowers: tepals yellow, 11–12 mm; basal filament appendages 2-cuspidate, aristate, cusps 1–2 mm, less than 1/2 length of filaments, apex
    3 KB (405 words) - 06:02, 30 July 2020
  • spreading to ascending, branching, bearing ± persistent, arcuate, bristlelike, less than 5 mm, proximal portions of midribs of old leaves, suffrutescent. Leaves
    5 KB (407 words) - 09:11, 30 July 2020
  • greenish marked with yellow, lanceolate-oblong, 1.5–2.5 cm, apex not recurved; nectaries green with maroon dots, broadly lanceolate, less than 1/2 tepal length;
    4 KB (360 words) - 05:41, 30 July 2020
  • to lanceolate. Scape 2–8 dm. Flowers: perianth golden yellow, campanulate, 6–7 mm, 2 times or less as long as broad, lobes erect. Fruits: beaks gradually
    3 KB (359 words) - 05:49, 30 July 2020
  • purple, or yellow, darker or paler basally, base densely white-pilose-hairy; staminal column exserted, 5-angled, anthers crowded, pale-yellow, glabrous;
    10 KB (636 words) - 11:23, 30 July 2020
  • grading distally into brush of hairlike protuberances; protuberances white, yellow, or orange to magenta, elongate, filiform to clavellate; column arcuate
    12 KB (768 words) - 05:28, 30 July 2020
  • Disc-florets 5–25, bisexual and fertile or functionally staminate; corollas yellow, tubes much shorter than tubular-funnelform throats, lobes 5, erect, deltate;
    12 KB (754 words) - 21:50, 29 July 2020
  • 6–8; filaments distinct, free, glabrous or pubescent proximally; anthers yellow to pink or red, ovate to elliptic; styles 3, spreading, connate basally
    11 KB (761 words) - 10:08, 30 July 2020
  • green, 3–5 × 2–3.5 cm; petals yellow, distal portion ovate to narrowly elliptic, 5–8.5 × 3–4 cm, margins entire; style disc yellow-green, 6–8 cm diam. Capsules
    8 KB (760 words) - 13:09, 30 July 2020
  • Mentioned on page 270. Plants soft, green, yellow, or yellow-green, dark-brown, usually only youngest parts yellow to yellow-green. Stems to 2 cm, usually shorter
    8 KB (750 words) - 07:42, 30 July 2020
  • long-exserted; filaments inserted ca. mid perianth-tube, erect, yellow to yellow-green, 5.5–6 cm; anthers yellow, 30–31 mm; ovary 3.3–4 cm, neck unconstricted, 2–4
    7 KB (562 words) - 06:13, 30 July 2020
  • throughout, rarely light orange or light yellow throughout, or proximally greenish, distally colored as above, less showy than calyces, lanceolate, 0 (–3)
    9 KB (646 words) - 18:56, 29 July 2020
  • P. P. de Candolle, Prodr. 5: 659. 1836. James D. Morefield Common names: Yellow pincushion Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 411. Mentioned
    10 KB (844 words) - 22:32, 29 July 2020
  • tepals caducous or outermost persistent, 14-30, white to pink-purple or yellow; stamens 100-200. Fruits somewhat globose or ovoid; receptacle gradually
    3 KB (277 words) - 08:24, 30 July 2020
  • cushions or turfs or loosely cespitose, green distally, brown to tan or yellow proximally. Stems to 1 cm, hyalodermis weakly differentiated to distinct
    18 KB (1,487 words) - 07:02, 30 July 2020
  • (often included by some in the latter) and Primulaceae, and are considered less advanced than either. Samolus had been included in Primulaceae; the semi-inferior
    9 KB (395 words) - 13:05, 30 July 2020
  • elongating after flowering. Receptacles epaleate. Florets 25–200; corollas yellow, tubes 2–5.5 mm, ligules 3–16 × 1–3 mm; anthers 1.5–4.5 mm. Cypselae 5–12
    8 KB (697 words) - 20:22, 29 July 2020
  • Treatment on page 72. Mentioned on page 63. Plants robust and weak-stemmed; yellow to light-brown; capitulum flattopped and with ± conspicuous terminal bud
    6 KB (648 words) - 06:54, 30 July 2020
  • separately, medium brown, 1/2 to equaling length of achene; anthers dark yellow to orange-yellow, 3.5–5 mm; styles (2–) 3-fid. Achenes dark to medium brown, color
    8 KB (786 words) - 01:55, 30 July 2020
  • oblong, 0.3–0.8 mm; filaments connate less than to more than 1/2 their lengths; anthers yellow or purple turning yellow, ellipsoid or shortly cylindrical,
    11 KB (864 words) - 12:03, 30 July 2020
  • barely spreading, diverging 3°–12° from axis; anthers pale-yellow, 0.4–0.8 cm; pollen yellow; pistil 2.7–3.8 cm; ovary 1.2–1.8 cm; style pale green; pedicel
    9 KB (905 words) - 05:43, 30 July 2020
  • 0.8–1 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, glabrous; anthers purple turning yellow, (ellipsoid), 0.5–0.6 mm. Pistillate flowers:
    11 KB (753 words) - 12:02, 30 July 2020
  • 0.6–1 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, glabrous; anthers purple turning yellow, ellipsoid to shortly cylindrical, 0.4–0
    11 KB (875 words) - 12:03, 30 July 2020
  • × 6–8 mm, margins paler, nearly entire; filaments yellow, green, red-violet, or pink; anthers yellow; styles minutely and sparsely papillate. Fruits dehiscent
    10 KB (954 words) - 09:23, 30 July 2020
  • spreading-spinulose, shorter than to equaling achene; stamens 3; anthers yellow to brown, 0.7–1.5 mm. Achenes with angles plus longitudinal ridges ca. 8–12
    14 KB (1,503 words) - 01:30, 30 July 2020
  • 11–16 µm, smooth to papillose, brownish. KOH laminal color reaction yellow to yellow-orange. Worldwide except Antarctica Species ca. 22 (3 in the flora)
    15 KB (1,012 words) - 07:04, 30 July 2020
  • 1–3.5 (–4) × (0.3–) 0.5–1.5 cm, densely tomentose abaxially, only slightly less so adaxially, margins plane. Inflorescences capitate, 1.5–2.5 cm; branches
    9 KB (891 words) - 10:34, 30 July 2020
  • sometimes villous with septate trichomes along veins, adaxial green, glabrous or less commonly thinly to densely gray-tomentose; basal often present at flowering
    11 KB (809 words) - 20:47, 29 July 2020
  • (inner), unequal, membranous, bases indurate, green zones in distal 1/5–1/3 or less (outer), reduced to midnerve or none (inner), margins erose, narrowly scarious
    11 KB (689 words) - 22:18, 29 July 2020
  • green parts), green zones 1/2–2/3 distal portions and full width (outer) to less than 1/6 and along midveins (inner), apices acute to long-acuminate, squarrose
    9 KB (758 words) - 22:18, 29 July 2020
  • long-trailing; branches yellowbrown, redbrown, or green-brown, glabrous; branchlets yellow-green or yellowbrown to redbrown, (sometimes weakly glaucous), glabrous
    12 KB (947 words) - 12:23, 30 July 2020
  • medium stout, from less than 1/2 achene length to sometimes slightly exceeding tubercle, retrorsely spinulose; stamens 1; anthers dark yellow to brown, 0.6–1
    10 KB (758 words) - 01:24, 30 July 2020
  • thin and delicate; anthers yellow; nectar chamber (2–) 3.5–6 (–8) mm. Fruits bright red, dull carmine, or purplish maroon, less often orange-tan or purplish
    10 KB (1,087 words) - 09:20, 30 July 2020
  • oblanceolate to oblong, (0.8–) 1–4 (–6) × 0.5–2 cm, tomentose abaxially, less so to floccose and greenish to grayish adaxially; cauline: petiole 0.3–2
    8 KB (940 words) - 10:50, 30 July 2020
  • ± longer than distal. Flowers 5-merous; hypanthium 3–5 mm diam.; petals yellow, ± obcordate, 4–8 mm, equal to or longer than sepals, apex retuse; stamens
    10 KB (819 words) - 13:57, 30 July 2020
  • taproots. Stems unsegmented, usually gray-green or blue-green to dark green [yellow-green in L. diffusa of Mexico], usually flat-topped and cryptic in soil
    9 KB (715 words) - 09:26, 30 July 2020
  • Wilson-Ramsey Copyright: Flora of North America Association Bulbs branching but less often than in subsp. pardalinum, otherwise similar; scales usually 2-segmented
    7 KB (930 words) - 05:44, 30 July 2020
  • white, slightly longer and narrower than anthers; anthers recurving, bright-yellow, 5–14 mm, thick, dehiscence introrse; ovary inconspicuous, white, angular-ovoid
    9 KB (782 words) - 06:14, 30 July 2020
  • (often weakly glaucous, dull or slightly glossy), glabrous; branchlets yellow-green or yellowbrown, usually glabrous, sometimes pilose to glabrescent
    11 KB (847 words) - 12:29, 30 July 2020
  • inner tepals ca. 20 per flower, dark golden yellow, pale greenish yellow, translucent dull yellow, or saffron yellow, proximally reddish, often bronze tinted
    13 KB (1,243 words) - 09:25, 30 July 2020
  • ascending or recurved only at tips, pale dull creamy yellow or pale greenish tan to pale yellow-orange or pale apricot, usually with well-defined darker
    12 KB (1,181 words) - 09:25, 30 July 2020
  • margins and apices, less so on abaxial faces. Paleae lanceolate, apices obtuse, faces glabrous. Ray-florets 6–8 (–13); corollas golden yellow, laminae 10–22
    7 KB (726 words) - 23:00, 29 July 2020
  • mostly glabrous, summit with hairs; collars hispid, hairs 0.2-0.8 mm; ligules less than 0.5 mm; blades 20-55 cm long, 2-4 mm wide, light bluish-green, flat
    7 KB (752 words) - 04:52, 30 July 2020
  • proximal often spreading, (12–) 15–22 mm thick, if spikes less than 15 mm thick, then usually less than 2.5 times as long as wide; terminal 1 spike staminate
    8 KB (672 words) - 02:16, 30 July 2020
  • to narrowly ovate, more or less open to dense, lowest node with 2-15 branches; branches scabridulous, ascending to more or less appressed, mostly branching
    7 KB (867 words) - 03:30, 30 July 2020
  • uniformly densely hairy, or the backs less densely so, apices acute to obtuse, entire; awns 5-8 mm, straight, arising less than 1.5 mm below the lemma apices;
    7 KB (816 words) - 02:54, 30 July 2020
  • 26. Treatment on page 190. Mentioned on page 189. Bulbs branching less often and less regularly than subsp. pardalinum, 2.1–4.4 × 4.4–10.3 cm, 0.4–0.6 times
    8 KB (903 words) - 05:44, 30 July 2020
  • broad cream-white petals, the montane var. reflexa, with less leafy inflorescences and narrow yellow petals, and the transitional interior var. glandulosa
    10 KB (876 words) - 14:10, 30 July 2020
  • white or purple, or green becoming light pink with age, distally white or yellow (sometimes becoming orange with age), purple or maroon spots or blotches
    11 KB (769 words) - 18:52, 29 July 2020
  • Ray-florets 3–8, pistillate, fertile; corollas pale-yellow. Disc-florets 10–20, bisexual, fertile; corollas yellow, tubes shorter than funnelform throats, lobes
    5 KB (463 words) - 23:13, 29 July 2020
  • mm wide; anther apiculations absent or less than 0.1 mm, thecae creamy yellow to golden yellow, tubules yellow to yellowish brown. Pyrola grandiflora 3
    12 KB (691 words) - 13:10, 30 July 2020
  • coarse and rigid, usually hoary, grayish, brownish or yellowish green, yellow or yellow to blackish brown. Stems mostly pinnately branched, with many short
    11 KB (895 words) - 06:52, 30 July 2020
  • pistillate, fertile; corollas usually yellow, sometimes ochroleucous. Disc-florets 20–40+, bisexual, fertile; corollas yellow to orange (glanddotted), tubes about
    7 KB (606 words) - 00:01, 30 July 2020
  • Mentioned on page 356, 357. Plants medium-sized to large, in thick mats, green, yellow-green, or orange-green. Stems with branches robust, julaceous, apices usually
    8 KB (653 words) - 07:46, 30 July 2020
  • longer than leaves. Leaves: basal leaf-sheaths fibrillose when old; blades yellow-green or bright green, involutecylindric, quill-shaped, 6–25 cm, 0.3–0.7
    6 KB (512 words) - 01:25, 30 July 2020
  • so, apex acute; corolla rotate or funnelform [convolute], pink or white [yellow, sometimes with red spot]. United States, Mexico, West Indies, Bermuda,
    6 KB (449 words) - 11:28, 30 July 2020
  • America Association Stems erect, apices bearing scales; scales lustrous yellow to brownish, concolored, 0.5–1 mm, margins stiffly ciliate. Leaves densely
    6 KB (410 words) - 00:33, 30 July 2020
  • narrow, with basal nectary; sepals 4, reflexed singly or in pairs; petals 4, yellow, fading pale yellowish orange, without spots; stamens 8 in 2 unequal series
    8 KB (562 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • (“flattened bristles”). Florets many; corollas white to pink, purple, or yellow; outer sterile, corollas expanded, raylike, bilateral, 5–many-lobed; inner
    7 KB (571 words) - 20:01, 29 July 2020
  • mixed with paraphyses (sori acrostichoid), containing 64 spores. Spores yellow, tetrahedral, minutely tuberculate or roughened, equatorial flange absent
    7 KB (385 words) - 00:30, 30 July 2020
  • distinct, subequal; petals erect with outcurved tips, distinct, buff or dull yellow often marked with red; calyx and corolla not circumscissile in fruit; nectaries
    6 KB (416 words) - 13:04, 30 July 2020
  • blue, or violet. Disc-florets 20–100+, bisexual, fertile; corollas usually yellow (sometimes reddening), slightly ampliate [tubular], tubes shorter than to
    10 KB (642 words) - 21:31, 29 July 2020
  • single, apparently sessile flower, scape concealed within leaf sheath; petals yellow-green Tillandsia usneoides 2 Stems short, plants densely clustered to form
    9 KB (299 words) - 01:00, 30 July 2020
  • width 2-12 mm (basal), 0.5-3 mm (cauline); margins of basal leaf, measured less than 1 cm from blade base, demarcating considerably more than 90° of arc
    9 KB (884 words) - 08:42, 30 July 2020
  • to spreading or ± prostrate, highly branched, angled or ridged [terete], less than 1 m, becoming woody at least at base, hairy and glandular to almost
    10 KB (623 words) - 18:14, 29 July 2020
  • distal. Flowers 5-merous; hypanthium (2–) 3–6 (–7) mm diam.; petals pale-yellow to yellow, broadly oblanceolate to oblong or broadly obovate, (1–) 1.5–5 mm,
    13 KB (998 words) - 13:55, 30 July 2020
  • with a slightly shorter costa than usual. Due to somewhat less spreading branch leaves and a less regular branching pattern, the plants do not become spruce
    5 KB (553 words) - 07:46, 30 July 2020
  • 297, 298, 306, 386, 398, 399, 492, 655, 656. Plants small to large, green, yellow-green, yellowish, or brownish. Stems sparsely and irregularly branched to
    12 KB (706 words) - 07:43, 30 July 2020
  • circumferential rows from rim; sepals 5, spreading, ± ovate, 1–3 mm; petals 5, yellow, obovate to ± oval; stamens 5–15, shorter than petals; carpels 2, rarely
    14 KB (902 words) - 14:13, 30 July 2020
  • 40m (usually much shorter in North America); trunk to 0.6m diam. (usually less in North America), straight or contorted, erect or leaning; crown broad-conic
    8 KB (555 words) - 00:33, 30 July 2020
  • scapelike, 0.1–0.2 m, less than 2.5 cm diam. Flowers pendent; perianth broadly campanulate; tepals distinct, yellow or greenish yellow, usually tinged purple
    8 KB (568 words) - 06:12, 30 July 2020
  • 3–10-lobed. Flowers: sepals 7–20 mm; petals usually orange, rarely yellow, proximally, yellow distally, usually elliptic to ovate, rarely obovate, 21–42 × 8–17
    7 KB (630 words) - 18:19, 29 July 2020
  • concealing capsule, margins entire. Flowers: sepals 3–8 mm; petals yellow to orange proximally, yellow distally, (7–) 8–18 mm, apex rounded or acute apex; stamens
    6 KB (595 words) - 18:28, 29 July 2020
  • rarely entire. Flowers: sepals 1–4 mm; petals orange proximally, pale-yellow to yellow distally, 2–8 (–10) mm, apex retuse; stamens 20–40, 1.5–5 mm, filaments
    8 KB (699 words) - 18:18, 29 July 2020
  • brown, rough. Buds lance-cylindric, pale redbrown, 1–1.2 (–2) cm, mostly less than 1cm broad, slightly resinous; scale margins white-fringed, apex acuminate
    8 KB (585 words) - 00:27, 30 July 2020
  • lanceolate-ovate. Pedicels winged, 2–4 mm, glabrous. Flowers bright-yellow, becoming pale-yellow to green on drying, 4.5–6.4 mm; sepals decurrent on pedicel,
    8 KB (618 words) - 21:03, 7 June 2022
  • Volume 28. Treatment on page 278. Mentioned on page 271. Plants soft, pale yellow-green, light-brown with age. Stems to 1.5 (–3) cm, somewhat denuded basally
    8 KB (736 words) - 07:42, 30 July 2020
  • elliptic-linear, rarely linear-oblanceolate, mostly broadest toward middle, less than 1.5 cm wide, margins revolute, apex acute to obtuse, rarely notched
    4 KB (636 words) - 08:45, 30 July 2020
  • sometimes entire, apex acute. Pedicels (fruiting) 0.6–4 × less than 1 mm. Flowers: petals creamy yellow to orange, 6.5–13 × 3.5–7 mm, apex cuspidate, hairy on
    5 KB (526 words) - 18:20, 29 July 2020
  • Treatment appears in FNA Volume 2. Stems short-creeping; scales bronzy deep yellow, concolored, margins entire. Leaves arching to stiffly erect, often densely
    6 KB (429 words) - 00:27, 30 July 2020
  • Inflorescences 1–3-flowered. Flowers: tepals ± white, often pinkish, usually pale-yellow at base, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, 25–45 mm, inner with or without
    5 KB (524 words) - 05:40, 30 July 2020
  • elliptic to ovate-orbiculate, 4–12 × 2.5–7.5 cm. Flowers (1–) 2–4; sepals dull yellow, marked and suffused often intensely with reddish-brown or dark purple;
    5 KB (507 words) - 05:19, 30 July 2020
  • inner lanceolate (midveins often purple, thickened). Florets 5–100; corollas yellow or orange, equaling or surpassing phyllaries by 1–3 mm. Cypselae truncate-fusiform
    6 KB (596 words) - 20:24, 29 July 2020
  • or capsule. Flowers: petals white to pale-yellow, obovate, 10–30 (–50) mm, apex mucronate; stamens 7–17 mm, less than 1/2 petal length, all fertile, none
    6 KB (589 words) - 18:32, 29 July 2020
  • green, broadly lanceolate, 1–2.5 cm, glabrous, apex acuminate; petals pale-yellow, obovate, 2–4.5 cm, adaxial surface moderately hairy from gland to apex
    5 KB (498 words) - 05:34, 30 July 2020
  • corolla laminae 30–55, 4–7 mm, adaxial faces orange to yellow (outer unmarked or with smaller or less distinct marks, inner marked basally with purple-brown
    5 KB (449 words) - 20:04, 29 July 2020
  • inclined ± 180°, brown to stramineous, short-pyriform to urceolate, neck less than 1/3 urn length; exothecial cells isodiametric, walls sinuate; stomata
    7 KB (535 words) - 07:39, 30 July 2020
  • 20–50 × 1–4.5 cm, flexible, glaucous, margins denticulate or sometimes wavy, yellow. Inflorescences paniculate, often distally racemose, arising beyond rosettes
    6 KB (554 words) - 06:11, 30 July 2020
  • receptacle not prominent; petals 8-15, white; stamens 20-40, yellow, connective appendage projecting less than 0.2 mm beyond anther; filaments widest above middle
    6 KB (570 words) - 08:36, 30 July 2020
  • middle, 25–60 × 1–2 (–2.5) cm, rigid, slightly glaucous, margins denticulate, yellow or reddish-brown, hyaline. Inflorescences narrowly paniculate, arising beyond
    6 KB (518 words) - 06:11, 30 July 2020
  • inner lanceolate (midveins often purple, thickened). Florets 5–120; corollas yellow or white, equaling or surpassing phyllaries by 1–3 mm. Cypselae columnar
    6 KB (568 words) - 20:24, 29 July 2020
  • ape× acute to acuminate; corolla blue, banner white to pale lilac, base yellow with small maroon spots, wings and keel bluish, 8–15 mm, keel sparsely glandular;
    6 KB (500 words) - 19:04, 29 July 2020
  • scattered or gregarious in usually sparse protonemata, yellow-green to orangebrown. Stems less than 0.2 mm. Leaves erect or spreading, broadly ovatelanceolate
    5 KB (468 words) - 07:15, 30 July 2020
  • Torrey Bot. Club 40: 414. 1913. Jeffery J. Morawetz Common names: Combleaf yellow false foxglove Endemic Basionym: Gerardia pedicularia var. pectinata Nuttall
    6 KB (485 words) - 19:32, 29 July 2020
  • surface mostly densely prickly on midrib and main veins, adaxial surface less so; proximal lobed 4/5 distance to midrib; distal not clasping. Inflorescences:
    5 KB (410 words) - 08:22, 30 July 2020
  • not prominent; petals 8-27, pale violet to nearly white; stamens 55-145, yellow, connective appendage projecting to 1 mm, rarely more, beyond anther; filaments
    6 KB (438 words) - 08:37, 30 July 2020
  • prominent; petals 16-20, white; stamens ca. 75, yellow, outer with connective appendage projecting less than 2 mm beyond anther; filaments widest below
    6 KB (452 words) - 08:23, 30 July 2020
  • cross-section, about as wide as length of scalelike leaves. Leaves light yellow-green, abaxial glands inconspicuous and embedded, exudate absent, margins
    6 KB (496 words) - 00:22, 30 July 2020
  • toward tips, oblong-lanceolate, (1.1-) 1.4-3 cm, margins not expanded or less than 1 mm wide, thin, not crispate, tomentose, tips obtuse, spreading to
    5 KB (475 words) - 08:39, 30 July 2020
  • populations, most plants 1-leaved and vegetative; tepals white to cream with yellow base, broadly lanceolate to elliptic, 16–40 mm, inner with small auricles
    6 KB (523 words) - 05:40, 30 July 2020
  • inner lanceolate (midveins often purple, thickened). Florets 5–100; corollas yellow or orange, equaling or surpassing phyllaries by 1–2 mm. Cypselae columnar
    6 KB (547 words) - 20:24, 29 July 2020
  • if lobed, (1.5–) 2–5 (–6) × 0.1–2.5 cm, entire to 3-lobed, lobes filiform (less than 1 mm wide), apices acute, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Heads (mostly
    6 KB (588 words) - 20:46, 29 July 2020
  • 25–60 × 1.2–1.7 cm, glaucous, smooth, margins minutely denticulate, lemon yellow, hyaline, apex spinose, spine-tipped. Inflorescences paniculate, arising
    7 KB (520 words) - 06:11, 30 July 2020
  • cm. Stems dark red to reddish-brown when old; micronemata present. Leaves yellow-green or dark green, somewhat contorted when dry, broadly obovate, elliptic
    7 KB (489 words) - 07:42, 30 July 2020
  • buds with apical free tips less than 1 mm; floral-tube orangebrown inside, 3–5.5 mm; petals usually white, very rarely pale-yellow, sometimes purple-dotted
    4 KB (623 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • ciliate and more or less puberulent. D. M. Fabijan et al. (1987) stated that margins were always entire and ciliate and more or less pubescent throughout
    9 KB (744 words) - 11:16, 30 July 2020
  • pungensis the culms are usually less than 90 cm tall, the leaves less than 15 cm long, and the sessile spikelets less than 4.2 mm long. Andropogon liebmannii
    6 KB (956 words) - 04:26, 30 July 2020
  • Winter buds yellowbrown, usually densely stiffly hairy, resinous (resin yellow); terminal buds (4–) 7–11 (–14) mm; flowering buds separated on branchlets
    12 KB (872 words) - 11:57, 30 July 2020
  • obtuse, apiculate; petals overlapping or not, spreading, cream-white to pale-yellow (red-tinged in var. crumiana), narrowly to broadly obovate, 4–12 × 3–11
    10 KB (761 words) - 14:10, 30 July 2020
  • 1 Perianth bright yellow or orangish yellow, less than 4 cm; stigma borne near top of stamens; leaf blade not
    7 KB (422 words) - 05:55, 30 July 2020
  • length of petioles, elliptic to oblanceolate. > 2 1 Petiole scales 1 cm or less; blades 1-1.5 times length of petioles, elliptic to lanceolate. > 3 2 Pinnules
    7 KB (503 words) - 00:27, 30 July 2020
  • 298, 301. Shrubs or subshrubs, compact to spreading or rounded and more or less erect, occasionally decumbent, infrequently scapose, (1–) 2–15 × 2–25 (–30)
    13 KB (1,216 words) - 10:36, 30 July 2020
  • occasionally small, loosely or densely caespitose or forming extensive mats, yellow or olive green, rarely dark green in the uppermost part, brown to blackish
    13 KB (1,086 words) - 06:52, 30 July 2020
  • oblong-ovate, rarely oblong-lanceolate, 3–10 (–14) × 1–4 (–5) cm, normally less than 2.5 times as long as wide, base sagittate (with acute or subacute lobes
    11 KB (1,237 words) - 10:05, 30 July 2020
  • glaucous to strongly white-glaucous) > 11 10 Leaf blades green, greenish yellow, or greenish gray, not gray-glaucous > 14 11 Fruits globose, stones connate
    41 KB (2,034 words) - 13:11, 30 July 2020
  • usually ± 8 or ± 13, sometimes ± 21; corolla laminae 10–15 (–20) mm (mostly yellow, sometimes ochroleucous). Cypselae hairy. 2n = 40. Generated Map Legacy
    6 KB (565 words) - 21:13, 29 July 2020
  • 8–1 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, glabrous; anthers yellow or purple turning yellow, (ellipsoid), 0.5–0.7 mm. Pistillate
    12 KB (937 words) - 12:01, 30 July 2020
  • Mentioned on page 500, 502, 503, 505, 506, 509, 511. Plants dull, green, yellow-green or yellowbrown distally, brown proximally, becoming reddish at higher
    14 KB (1,028 words) - 07:02, 30 July 2020
  • usually aborting). Fruits pomes, usually orange or red, rarely brown or yellow [green, white, or pink], globose to ovoid, obovoid, ellipsoid, or oblong
    21 KB (1,208 words) - 14:28, 30 July 2020
  • nectary disc slightly raised on ovary apex, yellow, 1.5–2.5 mm diam., lobed, ringed with villous hairs; style yellow, 4.7–6.7 (–8) mm, glabrous or sparsely
    13 KB (1,089 words) - 21:01, 7 June 2022
  • straight, pale-yellow or maroon, 1.1–1.5 cm, bearing filaments throughout, free portion of filaments not secund, 1.5–2.5 mm; pollen yellow to orange-red;
    10 KB (669 words) - 11:27, 30 July 2020
  • wahlenbergii, except it is of a relatively clear yellow, whereas O. wahlenbergii is a sooty, fuscous yellow. One useful character with which to distinguish
    7 KB (855 words) - 06:59, 30 July 2020
  • Stem-leaves lingulate-triangular to triangular-lingulate, equal to or less than 1.2 mm, more or less spreading; apex obtuse; hyaline cells mostly fibrillose and
    7 KB (756 words) - 06:51, 30 July 2020
  • cells with flat end walls or with weak funnel-like projections extending less than halfway into the next cell; branches not clavate or if clavate, with
    12 KB (538 words) - 07:01, 30 July 2020
  • 1 Petals yellow, orange, or reddish or pinkish orange > 2 1 Petals white, pink, or purplish (sometimes tinged pale yellow in P. sediformis) >
    14 KB (868 words) - 09:46, 30 July 2020
  • acute; petals white or pale-yellow, oblanceolate to narrowly spatulate, 1.5–2.5 mm; stamens 5, filaments 0.5–1.1 mm, anthers yellow, sometimes with reddish
    9 KB (746 words) - 14:03, 30 July 2020
  • Heads (erect in fruit) in corymbiform or paniculiform arrays; corollas pale yellow-green, often purple-tinged, 6–7.2 mm; pappi of 38–46 purple-tinged bristles
    17 KB (617 words) - 22:47, 29 July 2020
  • scabrous only beyond midlength; awns 8-24 mm; anthers 1, 0.6-1.4 (1.7) mm, yellow or purple. Pedicellate spikelets vestigial or absent. 2n = 20. Generated
    7 KB (880 words) - 04:26, 30 July 2020
  • usually greatly exceeding tubercle; stamens usually 3; anthers brown to yellow, 0.3–0.6 mm; styles usually 3-fid and 2-fid in same spikelet. Achenes 0
    8 KB (871 words) - 01:30, 30 July 2020
  • Corollas 18–29 mm; beak adaxially pink or purple; abaxial lip proximally white, yellow, or purple, often with purple spot in each crease, pouches widened gradually
    6 KB (730 words) - 18:52, 29 July 2020
  • scarious, narrow to broad. Perigynia becoming divergent or slightly deflexed, yellow, olive, or at maturity chestnut-brown, obscurely to evidently 17–20-striate
    8 KB (870 words) - 01:51, 30 July 2020
  • Floating leaves: petioles continuous in color to apex, 3–4.5 cm; blade yellow-green to dark green, elliptic to ovate, 3.5–4 cm × 16–20 mm, base rounded
    9 KB (699 words) - 00:53, 30 July 2020
  • strongly weeping (moving in slight wind). Stems: plants seldom flowering at less than 1 m; twigs: new growth white-canescent, 1-year old purple-brown, older
    9 KB (990 words) - 13:46, 30 July 2020
  • Treatment on page 191. Mentioned on page 184, 185, 189. Bulbs branching less often and less regularly than subsp. pardalinum, 1.4–3.6 × 4.6–12.8 cm, 0.2–0.5 times
    8 KB (967 words) - 05:44, 30 July 2020
  • usually less than 2 times heads). Involucres globose or ovoid, 6–8 mm. Phyllaries ± hirsute and thick-stalked-glandular as well, glands golden yellow, apices
    6 KB (577 words) - 23:44, 29 July 2020
  • distal. Flowers 5-merous; hypanthium (3–) 3.5–6 (–8) mm diam.; petals bright-yellow, ± obcordate, (3–) 4–10 (–12) mm, usually longer than sepals, apex retuse;
    18 KB (1,044 words) - 13:56, 30 July 2020
  • or purple; styles (3–) 5. Pomes orange-red, bright or deep red, or bright-yellow, usually suborbicular, 8–15 (–25) mm diam., hairy (at least base and apex);
    16 KB (1,227 words) - 14:40, 30 July 2020
  • hirtellous; petals yellow, obpyramidal,7–24 × 4–13 mm, apex mucronate or emarginate, upcurved; stamens 10 (or 12), in 2 unequal series, bright-yellow, filaments
    13 KB (1,003 words) - 21:01, 7 June 2022
  • plumose > 2 1 Styles 0.2-1 mm; inflorescences lax spikes or panicles, units less than 10 mm diam > 3 2 Inflorescences cylindric or ovoid spikes; tepals silvery
    6 KB (285 words) - 09:40, 30 July 2020
  • 1 Blades yellow-green or pale green, mostly 2-pinnate-pinnatifid, leaves usually less than 1 m. Dennstaedtia punctilobula 1
    5 KB (273 words) - 00:34, 30 July 2020
  • filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, glabrous or hairy on proximal 1/2; anthers yellow or purple turning yellow, ellipsoid or shortly cylindrical
    13 KB (1,163 words) - 12:02, 30 July 2020
  • 266, 270, 273, 305, 455, 575, 645, 653, 654, 655. Plants small to large, yellow-green, green, dark green, or blackish. Stems unbranched or irregularly branched;
    17 KB (800 words) - 07:42, 30 July 2020
  • moderate-sized, fairly stiff-stemmed; green, brownish green, pale-yellow, golden yellow, yellow and brown; capitulum hemispherical and not 5-radiate to somewhat
    8 KB (770 words) - 06:52, 30 July 2020
  • than distal. Flowers 5-merous; hypanthium 2.5–6 mm diam.; petals pale-yellow or yellow, usually ± obcordate, (2–) 3–7 mm, equal to or distinctly longer than
    16 KB (1,082 words) - 14:02, 30 July 2020
  • (–12) µm. Inner perichaetial leaves ovatelanceolate, usually pilose. Seta yellow to brown, 2–3.5 mm. Capsule brown, dull to glistening, ovoid, obloid to
    15 KB (1,371 words) - 06:51, 30 July 2020
  • persistent; sepals persistent, ascending to slightly reflexed. Seeds 1 (–5), shiny yellow, carunculate. x = 9. North America, n Mexico, ne Asia, in Europe Species
    11 KB (607 words) - 14:17, 30 July 2020
  • often conspicuously falcate, giving capitulum a twisted appearance; green to yellow, often tinged with red, redbrown or brown in capitula. Stems green; superficial
    8 KB (763 words) - 06:51, 30 July 2020
  • (outer shorter than or equal to inner, often less than 3 times as long as wide), bases outer indurate less than 1/2 (some foliaceous), inner scarious, margins
    11 KB (834 words) - 15:28, 15 December 2020
  • Treatment on page 605. Mentioned on page 603. Stems pinkish red, pale pink-yellow, or pink-white, 15–70 cm; sheathing bracts 3–5. Flowers cleistogamous or
    6 KB (685 words) - 05:29, 30 July 2020
  • sheath to 2cm, shed early, base persistent. Pollen cones ovoid, 20–30mm, yellow. Seed-cones maturing in 3 years, shedding seeds soon thereafter, persisting
    9 KB (612 words) - 00:23, 30 July 2020
  • green with central light green stripe, mottling becoming obscure with age but less so than in most species, elliptic-ovate, rarely ± orbicular, 6.7–12 × 3.8–6
    9 KB (738 words) - 05:30, 30 July 2020
  • oblong, 0.3–0.8 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths; anthers purple turning yellow, 0.4–0.6 mm. Pistillate flowers: adaxial nectary
    10 KB (920 words) - 12:03, 30 July 2020
  • filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, glabrous or hairy on proximal 1/2 or basally; anthers yellow, ellipsoid, shortly cylindrical
    10 KB (771 words) - 12:03, 30 July 2020
  • oblong, 0.6–1 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths; anthers purple turning yellow, ellipsoid, long-cylindrical, or globose, 0.4–0
    11 KB (1,058 words) - 12:03, 30 July 2020
  • ovate, 0.5–1.2 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths; anthers purple turning yellow, ellipsoid or shortly cylindrical, 0.4–0.7 mm
    12 KB (906 words) - 12:03, 30 July 2020
  • Plants moderate-sized to robust; upright, prostrate, or aquatic; green, pale-yellow, golden brown, dark-brown, tinged with red in exposed sites and purplish
    9 KB (867 words) - 07:01, 30 July 2020
  • glabrous or slightly scabrous; nodes usually not exposed. Sheaths closed for less than 1/3 their length, glabrous or scabrous, persistent, not shredding into
    9 KB (1,115 words) - 03:08, 30 July 2020
  • recurved 3/5 along length from base, lower less recurved than upper and forming landing platform, bright-yellow with sparse, usually minute maroon spots
    9 KB (914 words) - 05:44, 30 July 2020
  • stem (occasionally most of stem), usually reddish-brown or red (greenish yellow when mature), usually rather dense, interrupted in proximal part, broadly
    10 KB (1,013 words) - 10:07, 30 July 2020
  • veins excurrent for less than 1 mm; rachilla segments subtending second florets with a distal tuft of hairs; anthers 1.7-2.9 mm, yellow or purple; upper florets
    9 KB (1,008 words) - 04:47, 30 July 2020
  • (foliaceous part often wider than base), inner usually narrowly foliaceous 1/3 or less, sometimes green parts lanceolate apically along midnerves or none. Ray-florets
    10 KB (732 words) - 22:19, 29 July 2020
  • spines. Roots diffuse or short taproots also present, largest roots basally less than 1/5 of stem diam. Stems cylindric, 5–27+ × 4.5–9 cm; tubercles 10–14
    11 KB (1,195 words) - 09:25, 30 July 2020
  • segment 2–20 (–26) mm, usually parallel and all in 1 plane, forming angles less than 45° with central axis; emersed leaves pectinate to pinnatifid proximally
    13 KB (1,164 words) - 21:01, 7 June 2022
  • 5, linear-subulate, unequal to subequal, 3.5–7 × 0.4–0.8 mm; petals 5, yellow, obovate to elliptic-lanceolate, (5–) 6–10 mm; stamens deciduous, 50–80
    7 KB (461 words) - 11:15, 30 July 2020
  • 9; pistillate flowers nearly sessile, styles 7–8. Fruits bright green to yellow-green or red, 1.5–2.5 cm diam., dehiscing in 5–8 valves; beak 4–7 mm. Phenology:
    6 KB (592 words) - 00:54, 30 July 2020
  • Phyllaries yellowish, 4–8 × 2–4 mm. Ray-florets 0. Disc-florets 20–40; corollas yellow, 2.5–3.5 mm, tubes 1.5–2 mm, throats campanulate, 0.8–1.5 mm, lengths 1–1
    5 KB (498 words) - 23:47, 29 July 2020
  • bractlets, lengths less than 1/2 phyllaries. Involucres obconic to campanulate, 3.5–4 mm. Phyllaries 9–15, margins of outer free less than 1/3 their lengths
    6 KB (586 words) - 23:33, 29 July 2020
  • bractlets, lengths less than 1/2 phyllaries. Involucres obconic to campanulate, 5–6.5 mm. Phyllaries 8–16, margins of outer distinct less than 1/2 their lengths
    5 KB (544 words) - 23:35, 29 July 2020
  • pendent, to 7 cm; perianth globose; tepals spreading, connate basally for less than 1 mm, creamy white tinged with green or purple near base, lanceolate
    7 KB (524 words) - 06:11, 30 July 2020
  • characteristics. In particular, lips are commonly creamy, ivory, or yellow; often lips are yellow when the flower first opens and fade to white over the period
    10 KB (1,221 words) - 05:19, 30 July 2020
  • pyramidal, paniculiform arrays, branches divaricate or branches 10 cm or less ascending, often arched and secund, sometimes racemiform. Peduncles 5–30
    14 KB (1,010 words) - 21:05, 29 July 2020
  • nonflower-producing portions of stems, acicular to short and stout, usually less than 3 cm; central spines (0–) 1 (–3) per areole, usually pointing toward
    15 KB (1,401 words) - 09:21, 30 July 2020
  • not cordlike, short-creeping (leaf bases less than 0.5 cm apart) or if long-creeping, leaf bases generally less than 1 cm apart. > 2 2 Rachises, costae
    13 KB (711 words) - 15:29, 15 December 2020
  • awns of lemmas, if present, not flanked by membranous lobes or the lobes less than 0.3 mm long. > 5 7 Upper glumes with hairs, at least over the midveins
    16 KB (1,065 words) - 04:46, 30 July 2020
  • hydropoten (aggregates of transfer cells) sometimes present as scattered yellow, red, or brown splotches. Turions present or absent, lateral and/or terminal
    19 KB (1,182 words) - 21:01, 7 June 2022
  • dentate, or crenulate, apex acute. Pedicels (fruiting) 1–5 × less than 1 mm. Flowers: petals yellow to orange, 6.5–17 × 4–9.5 mm, apex cuspidate, hairy on apex
    6 KB (646 words) - 18:35, 29 July 2020
  • obtuse, mucronate, faces moderately to densely long-woolly (proximalmost less so), stipitate-glandular. Heads 10–60 (1–5 per branch) in lax to compact
    7 KB (662 words) - 21:52, 29 July 2020
  • page 548. Mentioned on page 533. Plants medium-sized, not in tufts, pale yellow-green to golden green. Stems 2–10 cm, yellowish to pale green, creeping
    7 KB (681 words) - 07:52, 30 July 2020
  • nectary oblong or square, 0.3–0.9 mm; filaments connate less or more than 1/2 their lengths; anthers yellow, 0.5–0.7 mm. Pistillate flowers: adaxial nectary oblong
    9 KB (668 words) - 12:03, 30 July 2020
  • margins usually entire, rarely 2-lobed. Flowers: sepals (7–) 9–16 mm; petals yellow, 12–25 mm, apex acute or mucronate; stamens 20+, 3–10 mm, filaments monomorphic
    7 KB (624 words) - 18:27, 29 July 2020
  • (0.4–) 0.6–2 cm, white-tomentose and grayish on both surfaces, or slightly less so adaxially. Inflorescences cymose, diffuse, spreading, 5–25 × 5–20 cm;
    7 KB (828 words) - 10:50, 30 July 2020
  • elliptic, 1–2 (–2.5) × 0.5–1.5 cm, thinly tomentose to floccose abaxially, less so to thinly floccose or glabrous and green adaxially, margins plane. Inflorescences
    6 KB (1,006 words) - 10:42, 30 July 2020
  • usually curved outward, tapering to a fine-point. Spikes 1.5-6 cm, more or less included in the upper sheaths at maturity, congested throughout; internodes
    5 KB (781 words) - 04:50, 30 July 2020
  • dentate-serrate, apex broadly acute to rounded, surfaces densely tomentose abaxially, less so adaxially, inconspicuous nectary abaxially on midvein near base. Inflorescences
    9 KB (596 words) - 11:27, 30 July 2020
  • and compact, capitulum usually hemispherical; green, grayish white, pale-yellow, purplish red, may have a slight metallic luster when dry. Stems pale green
    7 KB (728 words) - 07:15, 30 July 2020
  • to ovate, 1–2.5 (–3) × 0.5–1.5 (–1.8) cm, white to gray-lanate abaxially, less so to floccose or glabrous and green adaxially, margins plane. Inflorescences
    5 KB (958 words) - 10:41, 30 July 2020
  • open, occasionally compact tufts, olivaceous or brownish, sometimes with yellow or orange tones. Stems 1–3.5 (–5) cm, central strand distinct. Leaves erect
    7 KB (703 words) - 06:48, 30 July 2020
  • sparsely puberulent to strigose on some floral structures, hairs whitish, most less than 0.1 mm. Leaves: petiole channeled, 2–14 × 1–2 mm, glabrous; blade drying
    9 KB (571 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • tapered, smooth, yellowish or hyaline awn 1/5–1/2 the length of the leaf, yellow or red, rounded and smooth on abaxial surface; basal-cells rather abruptly
    7 KB (885 words) - 07:12, 30 July 2020
  • 1–5 cm; petiole 2–13 cm; blade reniform, 1–4 × 1–5 cm, length equal to or less than width, apex obtuse. Inflorescences spicate, 2–8-flowered, elongating
    7 KB (505 words) - 06:12, 30 July 2020
  • capsule, margins entire. Flowers: sepals 2–3 mm; petals orange proximally, yellow distally, 2–4 mm, apex retuse or rounded; stamens 10–30, 2–3 mm, filaments
    7 KB (708 words) - 18:27, 29 July 2020
  • internodes, or emersed and procumbent. Flowering-stems 1–4 cm, distal internode less than 1 cm. Sessile leaves alternate; blade linear to oblanceolate, thin,
    8 KB (575 words) - 05:18, 30 July 2020
  • series, squarrose, oblong to oblanceolate, unequal, bases of outer indurate less than 1/3, margins entire, green zones oblong-linear to oblanceolate, apices
    9 KB (715 words) - 21:09, 29 July 2020
  • Torrey Bot. Club 40: 412. 1913. Jeffery J. Morawetz Common names: Fernleaf yellow false foxglove Endemic Basionym: Gerardia pedicularia Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 2:
    7 KB (618 words) - 19:32, 29 July 2020
  • (outer at least 3 times longer than wide), bases (outer) indurate 1/2 or less, margins scarious proximally, eciliate or ciliolate, green zones lanceolate
    10 KB (737 words) - 21:10, 29 July 2020
  • arrays (height usually less than 1/5 plants, branches slender, ascending, stipitate-glandular, sweet camphor smelling). Involucres (yellow-green in bud) cylindro-campanulate
    8 KB (712 words) - 21:51, 29 July 2020
  • pedicel slender, 6-15 mm or more; sepals lanceolate, ca. 1 mm; petals pale-yellow, spurred petal 7-9 mm, spur incurved, ca. 2 mm, crest high, marginal wing
    8 KB (529 words) - 08:33, 30 July 2020
  • blade (ovate-elliptic to lanceolate, similar to basal, reduced distally and less divided), base tapered, not auriculate or amplexicaul, (margins entire to
    8 KB (872 words) - 12:20, 30 July 2020
  • 5–15 (–20) -flowered, not leafy, congested to deeply branched, 1/10–2/3 or less of stem, usually narrow, rarely ± wide, branch angles (5–) 10–20 (–30) °
    8 KB (788 words) - 14:10, 30 July 2020
  • opening near sunrise; floral-tube (1.1–) 1.8–3 mm; sepals 2.6–5.5 mm; petals yellow, sometimes red-dotted near base, (3–) 4–8 mm; episepalous filaments (1.2–)
    7 KB (674 words) - 21:03, 7 June 2022
  • near sunrise; floral-tube (1.8–) 2–3.8 mm; sepals (1.5–) 3.2–8.5 mm; petals yellow, usually with 1 or 2 red dots basally, (2.5–) 5–10.5 mm; episepalous filaments
    6 KB (663 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • oblong, or ovate, 0.3–0.8 mm; filaments connate less to more than 1/2 their lengths; anthers purple turning yellow, ellipsoid, shortly cylindrical, or globose
    11 KB (915 words) - 12:03, 30 July 2020
  • erect, blunt or rounded short-acuminate, tip less than 1/4 length of bud. Flowers: receptacle obconic, less than 2.5 cm broad, cup without spreading free
    5 KB (321 words) - 08:37, 30 July 2020
  • Paleae 12–18 mm. Florets 20–40; corollas pale-pink abaxially, white to yellow adaxially, 15–18 mm. Cypselae 5–6 mm; pappi 4–7 mm. 2n = 18. Phenology:
    5 KB (503 words) - 20:29, 29 July 2020
  • pedicels pubescent. Pomes bright red, sometimes orange-red or deep red, rarely yellow, suborbicular, often tapered at base, 8–14 mm diam., ± tomentose; sepals
    12 KB (1,142 words) - 14:40, 30 July 2020
  • Sporobolus clandestinus 6 Plants without rhizomes. > 7 11 Upper glumes usually less than 2/3 as long as the florets. > 12 12 Lower panicle branches much shorter
    22 KB (1,094 words) - 04:32, 30 July 2020
  • (oblong, carinate, apices obtuse or acute). Ray-florets 0 or 6–9; laminae yellow, 3–5 (× 2–3) mm. Disc-florets 30–40; corollas 4 mm. Cypselae 3–4 mm; pappi
    5 KB (586 words) - 23:57, 29 July 2020
  • 2–1 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, glabrous; anthers yellow or purple turning yellow (ellipsoid or shortly cylindrical),
    15 KB (1,489 words) - 12:00, 30 July 2020
  • abaxially without prickles; internodes of stem without prickles; seeds 1.2 mm or less wide, if 1.2 mm wide, then with smooth testa. > 2 2 Style offset to one side
    10 KB (561 words) - 01:00, 30 July 2020
  • 3–4 mm in diameter, with inner coronal filaments usually less than 1.5 mm and outer filaments less than 4 mm, whereas in P. suberosa the hypanthium generally
    8 KB (694 words) - 11:20, 30 July 2020
  • distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths (or appearing as a single stamen), glabrous or hairy basally; anthers purple or red turning yellow, (ellipsoid
    11 KB (796 words) - 12:01, 30 July 2020
  • branches highly brittle at base, yellow-green, yellowbrown, or gray-brown, (highly glossy), glabrous; branchlets yellow-green, yellowbrown, or redbrown
    10 KB (711 words) - 12:07, 30 July 2020
  • entire, apex rounded; stamens 20, 9–10 mm, anthers yellow before dehiscence; styles 5, basally connate less than 1/2 length, 9–10 mm, slightly longer than
    12 KB (890 words) - 14:33, 30 July 2020
  • short, mostly on inner lobes below junction of blade and claw, white or yellow. Fruits (12-) 16-22 mm, 4-4.5 times longer than wide, usually puberulent
    7 KB (641 words) - 08:28, 30 July 2020
  • 205, 206, 231, 263. Plants 3–15 (–20) mm, in dense cushions, dark olive, yellow-green, or dull green to olivaceous. Leaves broadly ovate to obovate, concave
    7 KB (581 words) - 06:51, 30 July 2020
  • mucronate; paleas thinner than the lemmas, 1-2 (5) -veined; anthers (1-5) 6, yellow; styles 2, fused or free to the base, white or brown. Caryopses laterally
    9 KB (777 words) - 02:54, 30 July 2020
  • lobes 0.5–1 mm. Cypselae (stramineous) 2–2.5 mm, 2–6-ridged (ridges golden yellow to redbrown, translucent, clavate), weakly ribbed, faces sparsely strigose
    8 KB (636 words) - 21:52, 29 July 2020
  • exceeding the lemmas by 0-2.5 mm; anthers 0.5-1.2 mm, usually pale to deep yellow or orange, rarely purple. Caryopses 1-1.8 mm. 2n = 14, 28. Generated Map
    7 KB (999 words) - 02:43, 30 July 2020
  • apex acute; lateral branches 3–15. Floral bracts imbricate, erect, red, red-yellow-green, or green, broad (covering all or most of rachis, rachis not visible
    8 KB (414 words) - 00:58, 30 July 2020
  • 6-11 mm, cleft 2-4 mm; hairs on entire surface, densest on inner lobes, yellow or white. Fruits 9-20 mm, 3-4.5 times longer than wide, glabrous to puberulent
    8 KB (702 words) - 08:22, 30 July 2020
  • annulus revoluble; operculum long-conic; peristome double, 4: 2:6–8; exostome yellow to light-brown, teeth triangular-acute, trabeculate, pitted basally, coarsely
    8 KB (566 words) - 07:40, 30 July 2020
  • tepals appearing ± keeled; stamens 3–8. Achenes enclosed in perianth, light yellow, light-brown, or greenish brown to dark-brown, ovate to lanceolate, 1.3–2
    9 KB (819 words) - 10:09, 30 July 2020
  • 3-winged; inflorescences usually appearing capitate; inner perianth lobes usually less than 2/3 length of outer lobes. Burmannia capitata 1 Flowers distinctly 3-winged;
    5 KB (258 words) - 05:18, 30 July 2020
  • sepals lanceolate, margins eciliate, auricles 1–2 mm; petals deep lemon-yellow adaxially, upper 2, and sometimes lateral 2, brownish purple abaxially,
    10 KB (819 words) - 11:18, 30 July 2020
  • ovate, 1.5–3 mm; petals mostly dark red, sometimes yellowish at base or yellow with apical 1/3 red, elliptic-oblong, 1.5–5 mm, shorter than stamens, in
    10 KB (1,068 words) - 13:00, 30 July 2020
  • light yellow, 0.5–1.2 (–1.5) × 0.3–0.7 mm; ovary 10–42 mm, subglabrous to sparsely mixed strigillose and glandular puberulent; style light yellow or cream
    12 KB (930 words) - 21:02, 7 June 2022
  • moisture: the drier the conditions, the less pronounced the inflation. Stems produced in the summer tend to be inflated less frequently than those produced in
    11 KB (1,152 words) - 10:46, 30 July 2020
  • with inner tepals and, if so, then paler; anthers bright dark yellow (rarely orange-yellow); stigma lobes 5–13, erect or ascending, white to magenta, 2
    14 KB (1,312 words) - 09:25, 30 July 2020
  • glabrous or hairy, with scattered, yellow, sessile, round glands; blade reniform to orbiculate, 3-lobed, 2 proximal segments less deeply and very unequally lobed
    11 KB (712 words) - 12:57, 30 July 2020
  • leaf blades 8–17(–20) cm. > 10 10 Staminodes yellow-green, sometimes green to brown-red, flabellate, lengths less than widths. Scrophularia lanceolata 10 Staminodes
    11 KB (602 words) - 19:09, 29 July 2020
  • suberect; sepals perpendicular to floral axis, yellow, ovate, 25-34 × 14-18 mm, apex obtuse; petals: spurs yellow, straight, ± parallel, 40-56 mm, slender,
    5 KB (486 words) - 08:22, 30 July 2020
  • insertion on receptacle often slightly prominent; petals 12-30, yellow; stamens ca. 50-60, yellow, connective appendage minute or absent; filaments widest below
    7 KB (639 words) - 08:21, 30 July 2020
  • abaxially pale yellow-green, glabrous except for pilose midrib, adaxially dark green, glabrous to pilose, both surfaces densely glandular; glands yellow to orange
    10 KB (780 words) - 08:23, 30 July 2020
  • narrowly obovate to oblanceolate or broadly elliptic, 4–7 cm, equal to or less than 1.5 times as long as wide, base narrowly cuneate, lobes 0 or 5–7 per
    10 KB (1,155 words) - 14:39, 30 July 2020
  • distinctly clawed, apex very narrowly acute, nectar guides above claws yellow to pale-yellow and spotted maroon or magenta, ± equal; sepals not ridged abaxially
    11 KB (1,150 words) - 05:42, 30 July 2020
  • equaling tubercle; stamens 3; anthers dark yellow to orangebrown, 1.3–2.7 mm; styles 2-fid. Achenes not persistent, yellow maturing to yellowbrown or dark-brown
    14 KB (1,404 words) - 02:19, 30 July 2020
  • flowers, antherodes with maroon centers (instead of entirely yellow), distalmost cyme less well developed and usually not producing a flower, and spathes
    7 KB (544 words) - 00:54, 30 July 2020
  • plethora of yellow and orange-fruited forms, particularly from southern Louisiana. Crataegus fera and C. tersa are red-fruited, C. crocina yellow. The fruit
    9 KB (1,002 words) - 14:39, 30 July 2020
  • mm; hairs well dispersed, mostly near margins and base of cleft, white to yellow or blue. Fruits 10-14 (-18) mm, 3.5-4 times longer than wide, pubescent
    7 KB (641 words) - 08:24, 30 July 2020
  • superficial; annulus present; operculum long-conic; exostome teeth orange-yellow to brown, bluntly acute; endostome hyaline to yellowbrown, basal membrane
    7 KB (609 words) - 07:39, 30 July 2020
  • its close relatives in Mexico by having a more flattened and less fleshy lip that is less deeply concave proximal to anthers. Plants have 10–33 flowers
    6 KB (596 words) - 05:31, 30 July 2020
  • linear-acuminate leaves, red-purple abaxial corolla lips, and with less dense and less conspicuous stem pubescence. None. None. window.propertiesFromHig
    5 KB (612 words) - 18:54, 29 July 2020
  • pale gray-green throughout, or proximally pale gray-green, distally red or yellow, proximal linear, distal broader, often oblanceolate to obovate, (0–) 3-lobed;
    9 KB (803 words) - 18:53, 29 July 2020
  • mm. Flowers: calyx 4–7 × 4–7 mm; petals connate 4.5–8 mm, red to apricot-yellow, 9–15 × 1.5–2 mm, apex obtuse to sharply acute, tips outcurved; pistils
    8 KB (828 words) - 13:02, 30 July 2020
  • costa excurrent into a conspicuously tapered, serrate awn 0.1–0.6 mm, red or yellow, sparsely to densely spinulose abaxially; basal-cells abruptly differentiated
    6 KB (828 words) - 07:12, 30 July 2020
  • 4–5 (–10) -merous; hypanthium 1.5–5 (–7) mm diam.; petals usually bright-yellow, rarely cream, ± obcordate or obovate to round, (2–) 4–9 (–12) mm, usually
    13 KB (967 words) - 13:55, 30 July 2020
  • laminae mostly oblong. Disc-florets 300–500, bisexual, fertile; corollas yellow [greenish], tubes cylindric (sessile-glandular), throats narrowly campanulate
    10 KB (898 words) - 20:53, 29 July 2020
  • than to equaling achene, rarely all rudimentary; stamens 3; anthers dark yellow to stramineous, 0.8–1.5 mm; styles 3-fid or some 2-fid. Achenes falling
    10 KB (812 words) - 01:25, 30 July 2020
  • below midlength, scabrous distally; awns 6-21 mm; anthers 1 (3), 0.6-1.5 mm, yellow or purple. Pedicellate spikelets vestigial to absent. 2n = 20. Generated
    8 KB (952 words) - 04:26, 30 July 2020
  • 7.2–11.3 (–14.6) × 1.5–2.5 mm. Disc-florets (17–) 19–33 (–43); corollas yellow turning purplish red, 3.5–6.1 mm, tubes slightly shorter than funnelform
    15 KB (964 words) - 21:04, 29 July 2020
  • oblong-linear or lanceolate, lateral pair slightly saccate basally; petals yellow, spatulate to broadly obovate, claw differentiated from blade, (apex rounded
    10 KB (786 words) - 12:27, 30 July 2020
  • or weakly twisted, to 740 µm. Spores 9–12 µm. Distal laminal KOH reaction yellow or red-orange. Generated Map Legacy Map North America, Mexico, s South America
    10 KB (944 words) - 07:04, 30 July 2020
  • Habitat: Rocky slopes, outcrops, ravines, upper chaparral, oak woodlands, yellow pine forests Elevation: (50–)150–1800(–2200) m Generated Map Legacy Map
    9 KB (986 words) - 14:15, 30 July 2020
  • 28. Treatment on page 26. Mentioned on page 25, 27. Plants light green or yellow-green. Stems 1.5–3.5 cm. Leaves somewhat crowded at stem apices, obovate
    5 KB (450 words) - 07:36, 30 July 2020
  • encircling areole, and less dense subapical tuft obscured by long dense wool, yellow to yellowbrown, 1–6 (–12) mm. Flowers: inner tepals yellow sometimes with
    8 KB (808 words) - 09:18, 30 July 2020
  • ovate, symmetric, 2–3 mm, mouth yellow to yellow-orange; operculum conic, apiculate; peristome reduced; exostome teeth yellow basally, hyaline distally, lamellae
    8 KB (731 words) - 07:38, 30 July 2020
  • stellate-hairy, lobes not prominently veined; corolla tubular, petals pale-yellow or yellow-green, not auriculate, 12–18 mm; staminal column with 5 apical teeth;
    6 KB (505 words) - 11:31, 30 July 2020
  • margins of outer distinct less than 1/5 their lengths, abaxial faces tomentose. Ray-florets 10–15; corollas bright-yellow, becoming greenish, laminae
    6 KB (552 words) - 23:33, 29 July 2020
  • × 0.4–1.1 mm, less than 1.75 times as long as wide, margins entire, glabrous; petals yellow, oblong, 2.5–6.3 × 1–2.5 mm; stamens yellow, 4–10 mm; anthers
    6 KB (485 words) - 12:06, 30 July 2020
  • margins of outer distinct less than 1/4 their lengths, abaxial faces tomentose. Ray-florets 12–13; corollas golden yellow, laminae 6–8 × 3–4 mm. Disc-florets
    6 KB (554 words) - 23:34, 29 July 2020
  • Branches spreading-ascending; 2-year-old branchlets slender (ca. 5mm or less), greenish brown to redbrown, often glaucous, aging redbrown to gray, roughened
    7 KB (506 words) - 00:33, 30 July 2020
  • or with apical free tips less than 1 mm; floral-tube yellow inside, 4–5 mm; petals often with red dots near base, fading yellow to orange, 7–12 mm; anthers
    4 KB (684 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • in fruit). Flowers 5-merous; hypanthium 2–7 mm diam.; petals pale to dark yellow, mostly ± obcordate (to orbiculate in P. elegans), (2–) 3–10 (–12) mm, usually
    14 KB (899 words) - 13:59, 30 July 2020
  • with yellow adaxial spot at base, lanceolate, 15–30 mm, auricles absent; stamens 8–15 mm; filaments yellow, lanceolate; anthers yellow; pollen yellow; style
    6 KB (578 words) - 05:41, 30 July 2020
  • inner tepals bright yellow-green, often with maroon midstripes, 9–18 × 2.7–3.8 mm, tips relatively thin and delicate; anthers yellow; nectar chamber 1 mm
    7 KB (861 words) - 09:20, 30 July 2020
  • tepals ovatelanceolate, 18–22 × 6–8 mm; filaments green to yellow; anthers cream to yellow. Fruits indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent, green to tan or
    8 KB (859 words) - 09:24, 30 July 2020
  • 1–2 (–3.5) cm, not dendroid; sterile stems to 7 cm. Leaves dark green or yellow-green, contorted when dry, flat when moist, obovate, ± diamond-shaped or
    8 KB (677 words) - 07:41, 30 July 2020
  • leaves ovate, obtuse to rounded. Seta 0.6–0.8 mm. Capsule 0.55–0.85 mm, pale-yellow; annuli a single row of quadrate cells; peristome absent; opercula conic
    6 KB (617 words) - 07:00, 30 July 2020
  • Patricia M. Eckel Copyright: Flora of North America Association Plants green or yellow-green. Stems with paraphyllia absent; axillary hair distal cells 1–3, linear
    5 KB (715 words) - 07:44, 30 July 2020
  • Involucres 12–22 mm. Phyllaries linear. Ray-florets 20–40. Disc corollas yellow, ca. 5 mm. Cypselae (cuneate to obovate) ca. 5 mm (faces ± villous); pappi
    5 KB (619 words) - 23:10, 29 July 2020
  • narrowly elliptic to spatulate, 2.5–4.5 (–6.5) mm; petals 6, white or light yellow, 2.5–4.5 mm, clawed, adaxial ones trisect, lateral lobes deeply laciniate;
    7 KB (525 words) - 12:05, 30 July 2020
  • medially, pale-pink apically, linear, terete, 10–17 mm. Berries green to pale yellow-green, ovoid, 2–3 × 15–25 mm. Phenology: Flowering Jul–Aug. Habitat: Deserts
    7 KB (490 words) - 11:20, 30 July 2020
  • projections, dense, on abaxial surface only. Indusia ciliate. Spores light yellow. 2n = 82. Habitat: Terrestrial, forest floor, only occasionally on rock
    7 KB (649 words) - 00:23, 30 July 2020
  • the United States, particularly California and New York, for its fruit and less often throughout temperate North America as an ornamental and a curiosity
    4 KB (557 words) - 14:34, 30 July 2020
  • patent. Leaf-blades: abaxial surface prickly on main veins, adaxial surface less prickly to almost unarmed on veins. Inflorescences: buds broadly ellipsoid
    5 KB (398 words) - 08:23, 30 July 2020
  • Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 141. Flowers: petals deep yellow, ovatelanceolate, often fringed with redbrown hairs; anther apex acute.
    2 KB (428 words) - 05:38, 30 July 2020
  • petals purplish, conspicuously fringed, adaxial surface with long dark or yellow hairs, apex rounded; anther apex rounded. Phenology: Flowering late spring–mid
    2 KB (452 words) - 05:38, 30 July 2020
  • Flowers: receptacle obconic, less than 2.5 mm broad, cup without spreading free rim; calyx apiculate, glabrous; petals yellow, sometimes with orange spot
    4 KB (305 words) - 08:40, 30 July 2020
  • Flowers: receptacle turbinate, less than 1.5 mm broad, cup without spreading free rim; calyx acute, pubescent; petals yellow, sometimes with orange spot at
    4 KB (286 words) - 08:29, 30 July 2020
  • sparingly to copiously prickly on and sometimes between veins, adaxial surface less so; proximal lobed 5/6 distance to midrib; distal often clasping. Inflorescences:
    5 KB (405 words) - 08:36, 30 July 2020
  • base to submedially. Petals yellow, obovate, 8–15 mm. Fruits orange-red, broadly ovoid, 2.5–4 (–7) cm, beak becoming less prominent at maturity, surface
    5 KB (381 words) - 11:19, 30 July 2020
  • inconspicuous, slightly pouched, 1.6–6 mm, less than 50% as long as beak; teeth spreading, yellow or yellow-green, 1–4 mm. Phenology: Flowering Mar–Jun
    7 KB (609 words) - 18:52, 29 July 2020
  • elongate-pyriform, symmetric, 2–4 mm, mouth yellow; operculum conic, apiculate; peristome well developed; exostome teeth yellow basally, hyaline distally, lamellae
    8 KB (710 words) - 07:38, 30 July 2020
  • usually white to yellow-green or green, rarely red (often brighter than distal portion), fading white to bright orange, distally white to yellow or pale orange
    8 KB (660 words) - 18:16, 29 July 2020
  • brown, less than 2 mm. Flowers: inner tepals yellow to orange throughout, 25–50 mm; filaments and anthers yellow; style bright red; stigma lobes yellow. Fruits
    8 KB (860 words) - 09:18, 30 July 2020
  • barbed. Glochids yellow, aging brown, 4–9 mm. Flowers: inner tepals yellow throughout, 20–25 mm; filaments pale green to yellow; anthers yellow; style pale
    6 KB (665 words) - 09:16, 30 July 2020
  • -veined; upper glumes 9.5-12 mm, 5 (7) -veined; lemmas 12-16 mm, usually more or less uniformly pubescent, sometimes scabrous, 7-veined; awns 8-17 mm, sometimes
    6 KB (832 words) - 02:52, 30 July 2020
  • maturity. > 8 8 Culms smooth or nearly so; leaves green; perigynia brownish yellow, apex distinctly beaked. Carex lachenalii 8 Culms rough distally; leaves
    11 KB (598 words) - 01:52, 30 July 2020
  • Corollas orange, pink, red, or purplish (often drying purplish) > 3 2 Corollas yellow, outermost often each with abaxial purplish stripe (often drying whitish
    12 KB (714 words) - 20:21, 29 July 2020
  • 5 (–8) mm, (median pair slightly thickened apically, cucullate); petals (yellow to orange), broadly obovate, 6–11 mm, (narrowing gradually to short claw)
    7 KB (732 words) - 11:56, 30 July 2020
  • tube 2–3 mm, glabrous, lobes deltate, 0.2–0.5 mm; corolla pink, with 2 yellow lines and pink spots pale or absent in abaxial throat, 12–15 (–17) mm, throat
    9 KB (655 words) - 19:31, 29 July 2020
  • enlarged. Seta straight, 0.5–0.7 mm. Capsule occasionally present, immersed, yellow, oblong-ovoid, exothecial cells quadrate, thin-walled, stomata present in
    9 KB (978 words) - 06:50, 30 July 2020
  • obconic, 2–4.5 mm diam.. Phyllary apices flat. Ray-florets 5–23; corollas yellow, 3–6 mm. Disc-florets 7–48 (bisexual and fertile or functionally staminate)
    5 KB (605 words) - 21:29, 29 July 2020
  • and tube 0.5–1.5 × 1.5–5 mm; anthers 5–9 mm; pollen-sacs usually maroon or yellow, sometimes yellowish and speckled maroon, rarely with reddish purple to
    9 KB (715 words) - 13:06, 30 July 2020
  • (rigid, fruits not pendent on arching pedicels). Flowers: sepals (greenish yellow), lanceolate, 6–8.5 mm, (saccate and cucullate); petals spatulate to narrowly
    7 KB (828 words) - 11:57, 30 July 2020
  • perichaetial leaves similar to stem-leaves, the inner broadly sheathing. Seta pale-yellow, to 2.5 cm, erect. Capsule straight and erect or slightly curved, orangebrown
    6 KB (534 words) - 07:00, 30 July 2020
  • 4.5–6 (–6.3) mm, apex emarginate, sparsely glandular-hairy. Seeds 6–14, yellow to ochre, globular, cymbiform, 1.3–2.1 × 1–1.6 mm, 0.6–1.1 mm thick, strongly
    7 KB (514 words) - 19:24, 29 July 2020
  • hairs 0.5-2 mm, longer than those below; lodicules 2, truncate; anthers 3, yellow or reddish-purple; stigmas pink to purple. Caryopses dorsiventrally compressed
    7 KB (742 words) - 04:35, 30 July 2020
  • anthers pink to purplish, sometimes cream; styles 3 or 4. Pomes greenish yellow to yellow, sometimes reddish, suborbicular, 8–10 mm diam.; sepals spreading or
    8 KB (941 words) - 14:44, 30 July 2020
  • entire, apex acute to acuminate; stamens included; anthers yellow or purple; pollen yellow; ovary crestless; style linear, equaling stamens; stigma capitate
    8 KB (594 words) - 05:51, 30 July 2020
  • petals marcescent, 1-colored, yellow, drying white or orange, obovate, 3–6 × 2.5–3 mm; stamens as long as style; anthers yellow, ovoid, to 1 mm; ovary ovoid
    9 KB (706 words) - 18:15, 29 July 2020
  • with H. imponens, but H. jutlandicum has yellow rather than red-brown stems and golden yellow rather than pale yellow leaves. The pseudoparaphyllia of H. imponens
    7 KB (691 words) - 07:52, 30 July 2020
  • entire to minutely toothed apically; filaments cream, yellow, green, red-violet, or pink; anthers yellow; styles minutely and sparsely papillate. Fruits dehiscent
    10 KB (962 words) - 09:23, 30 July 2020
  • on page 160. Mentioned on page 157, 161. Plants in dense turfs, green or yellow-green. Stems 0.5–2 (–3) cm, evenly foliate to comose, innovations elongate
    8 KB (721 words) - 07:38, 30 July 2020
  • equaling achene; stamens 3; anthers dark yellow to stramineous, 1.2–2 mm; styles 2-fid. Achenes not persistent, dark yellow or medium or dark-brown, ellipsoid
    11 KB (999 words) - 01:21, 30 July 2020
  • recurved, prominently bifurcate, distal 4–8 mm densely villous, hairs yellow to golden yellow, to 2.5 mm; style 11–15 mm. Capsules 10–14 × 5–7 mm. Seeds 2–3 mm
    9 KB (773 words) - 19:08, 29 July 2020
  • petals yellow, with 1 or 2 red dots basally, 2.5–5.5 mm; episepalous filaments 2–2.8 mm, epipetalous filaments 1–1.7 mm, anthers 0.7–1.2 mm, less than 5%
    5 KB (613 words) - 21:03, 7 June 2022
  • ciliate; ligules to 2 mm, membranous, ciliate; blades to 20 cm long, usually less than 2 mm wide, filiform, scabrous adaxially. Panicles 1-5 cm long, 1-3 cm
    5 KB (723 words) - 04:35, 30 July 2020
  • spreading, diverging 10°–20° from axis; anthers pale-yellow to yellow, 0.5–1.3 cm; pollen orange or yellow; pistil 2.4–3.7 cm; ovary 1.1–2.2 cm; style green;
    9 KB (976 words) - 05:43, 30 July 2020
  • cells; the branches are radiculose at their bases. The leaves are more or less concave; the cells across the insertion are often dark and relatively short
    10 KB (658 words) - 07:52, 30 July 2020
  • spreading), 3–6-rayed, rays furcate or bifurcate, usually slightly fused at base, less frequently distinct. Stems few to several from base, ascending (in flower)
    6 KB (702 words) - 11:58, 30 July 2020
  • fairly slender to large, in loose or dense patches or tufts, dull green, yellow-green or yellowbrown, often hoary when dry. Stems (1–) 3–10 (–12) cm, sparingly
    10 KB (675 words) - 06:52, 30 July 2020
  • and glabrous distally [glabrous throughout]; sepals 4 or 5, pale green, yellow, or white, sometimes red-tinged, triangular to ovate-triangular, glabrous
    12 KB (830 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • (2.2) 3-6 (10) mm, ovate to lanceolate, membranous; anthers 0.2-3.2 mm, yellow to orangish. Fruits 1-2 mm, ellipsoid, laterally flattened, often striate
    10 KB (989 words) - 04:32, 30 July 2020
  • or white, laminae (6–) 10–19 × 0.9–2.1 mm. Disc-florets 28–68; corollas yellow becoming reddish-brown to purple, 4–7.5 mm, tubes shorter than funnelform-campanulate
    13 KB (977 words) - 21:08, 29 July 2020
  • slightly shorter than anthers, slender; anthers ± straight, pale lavender or yellow, 3–8 (–10) mm, thicker than filaments, dehiscence introrse; connectives
    10 KB (951 words) - 05:22, 30 July 2020
  • well above level of leaves; sepal apices without tubercles; petals yellow to yellow-orange, with prominent red lines proximally, (13–) 15–20 (–23) mm.
    8 KB (554 words) - 18:19, 29 July 2020
  • Mentioned on page 270, 271, 279, 281. Plants soft, yellow-green, sometimes with rusty mottling, or less often yellowbrown, bright green, or blackish green
    10 KB (895 words) - 07:42, 30 July 2020
  • paniculiform arrays, branches ascending or arching, secondary branches (10 cm or less) secund and erect, densely leafy, heads crowded, sparsely to moderately pilose
    13 KB (881 words) - 21:05, 29 July 2020
  • deltate scale, white to pink, membranaceous, 0.5–1 (–1.2) mm, glabrous; petiole less than 1 mm, glabrous; blade ovate, oblong or orbiculate, 2–7 (–9) × 2–6 mm
    9 KB (760 words) - 18:23, 29 July 2020
  • slender and soft, lax to compact, moderately stiff-stemmed; green to pale-yellow to golden brown to brown; capitulum strongly convex in drier grown forms
    9 KB (882 words) - 06:50, 30 July 2020
  • or 2; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, hairy on proximal 1/2; anthers purple turning yellow, ellipsoid or shortly cylindrical,
    10 KB (780 words) - 12:03, 30 July 2020
  • hairy; blade ovate to orbiculate, angulate-lobate (maple or grapelike) or less frequently unlobed, 10–22 × 9–23 cm, base deeply and narrowly cordate to
    10 KB (700 words) - 11:28, 30 July 2020
  • 0.6–1.1 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, glabrous; anthers purple turning yellow, 0.4–0.8 mm. Pistillate flowers: adaxial
    11 KB (742 words) - 12:00, 30 July 2020
  • 6–1.1 mm; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, hairy basally; anthers purple turning yellow, 0.6–1 mm. Pistillate flowers: adaxial
    11 KB (913 words) - 11:57, 30 July 2020
  • lanceolate to broadly ovate, lowest node with 3-7 branches; branches more or less scabrous, erect to spreading, usually branched above midlength, spikelet-bearing
    8 KB (1,051 words) - 03:29, 30 July 2020
  • from base, pink, less often white, and if so usually aging pink, usually with copious maroon spots and proximal median longitudinal yellow stripe extending
    8 KB (853 words) - 05:43, 30 July 2020
  • 5) × 0.15–0.4 (–0.5) cm, grayish to whitish-tomentose on both surfaces or less so and greenish adaxially, margins entire, plane. Inflorescences capitate
    9 KB (1,026 words) - 10:44, 30 July 2020
  • speciesEpilobium luteum Pursh Fl. Amer. Sept. 1: 259. 1813. Peter C. Hoch Common names: Yellow willowherb Treatment appears in FNA Volume 10. Herbs usually with scaly
    11 KB (1,045 words) - 21:02, 7 June 2022
  • branches, clumps 15–60 (–100) cm, either dense or lax. Stems erect, long ovoid, less than 30 × 4.5–11 cm; ribs 10–16; crests slightly undulate; areoles 12–20
    8 KB (830 words) - 09:19, 30 July 2020
  • Riddell W. J. Med. Phys. Sci., 10. 1836. Nancy R. Morin Common names: Grooved yellow flax lin à rameaux sillonnés Endemic Synonyms: Cathartolinum sulcatum (Riddell)
    8 KB (579 words) - 18:19, 29 July 2020
  • flat to spheroid, 2–4 × 2.5–4 mm, united to middle, smooth to tuberculate or less commonly bicristate, with few large, irregular teeth at summit. Seeds dark-brown
    5 KB (729 words) - 09:37, 30 July 2020
  • 28. Treatment on page 504. Mentioned on page 503. Plants in dense mats, yellow-green. Stems to 5 cm, irregularly branched, branches complanate-foliate
    6 KB (550 words) - 07:51, 30 July 2020
  • spreading, yellow, without basal blotch, plane, 25-35 mm, 1.5 times length of calyx, apex erose or irregularly crenulate; stamens ca. 80; anthers yellow; pistils
    6 KB (426 words) - 08:46, 30 July 2020
  • when old; micronemata absent. Leaves reddish, reddish-brown, or sometimes yellow-green or with golden hue, slightly to moderately contorted when dry, orbicular
    6 KB (488 words) - 07:41, 30 July 2020
  • distinctive in vegetative and reproductive characters. Plants are slender, light yellow-green, cespitose, with pale brown basal sheaths and proximal sheaths. The
    8 KB (690 words) - 02:01, 30 July 2020
  • conspicuously whitened with stomatal bands or if stomatal bands present, these less conspicuous than on adaxial surfaces, often with 2 subepidermal resin bands
    8 KB (610 words) - 00:22, 30 July 2020
  • basal membrane less than 1/2 exostome height, segments with ovate perforations, cilia reduced or absent. Spores 16–22 (–24) µm, yellow to green. Phenology:
    8 KB (759 words) - 07:38, 30 July 2020
  • 2–4 mm, broadly acute; petals yellow, narrowly oblanceolate, 2–3 mm; stamens 5–10, filaments 0.6–1.2 (–1.5) mm, anthers yellow, oblong, 0.8–1 mm; carpels
    8 KB (697 words) - 14:03, 30 July 2020
  • floral-tube (15–) 30–60 (–70) mm, funnelform in distal 1/2 or less; sepals 10–25 mm; petals yellow, fading pale-pink or pale-purple, 10–20 mm; filaments 4–12
    7 KB (794 words) - 21:02, 7 June 2022
  • sometimes with apical free tips less than 1 mm; floral-tube yellow or orangebrown inside, 2–6.5 mm; petals bright-yellow, some­times red-dotted in proximal
    6 KB (695 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • sometimes dull purple, often paler or greener than bracts, distal 1/4 or less colored as bract lobes, 12–17 mm; abaxial and adaxial clefts 3–8 mm, 40%
    9 KB (704 words) - 18:52, 29 July 2020
  • sepals 2–3 mm, ± acute; petals yellow, narrowly oblanceolate, 1.5–2 mm; stamens 20, filaments 1–1.5 (–1.8) mm, anthers yellow, subrotund, 0.2–0.3 mm; carpels
    8 KB (711 words) - 14:03, 30 July 2020
  • subapical free tips less than 1 mm; floral-tube 1–3 mm, glabrous or villous inside proximally; sepals 3–8 mm; petals usually bright-yellow, rarely cream, fading
    8 KB (729 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • concealing capsule, margins entire. Flowers: sepals 2–6 mm; petals yellow to orange proximally, yellow distally, 3–8 mm, apex rounded or acute apex; stamens 20–40
    6 KB (597 words) - 18:14, 29 July 2020
  • colored, proximally pink to deep red-purple or white, distal 1/4 white, yellow, or yellow-orange, 4.5–9 mm. Phenology: Flowering Jan–Jun(–Aug). Habitat: Grasslands
    5 KB (703 words) - 18:52, 29 July 2020
  • Sp. 5(fol.): 189; 5(qto.): 244. 1822. Guy L. Nesom Common names: Western yellow wood-sorrel Synonyms: Oxalis californica var. subglabra Wiegand O. corniculata
    7 KB (468 words) - 18:13, 29 July 2020
  • and blunt; typically mottled pale yellow-green and purplish red, without metallic sheen when dry. Stems pale yellow-green to pink; superficial cortical
    7 KB (776 words) - 06:44, 30 July 2020
  • slightly shorter than phyllaries (see discussion for exception); corollas yellow. 2n = 24. Phenology: Flowering early summer. Habitat: Disturbed sites Elevation:
    4 KB (541 words) - 20:18, 29 July 2020
  • 288. Mentioned on page 289. Plants medium-sized, golden brown or golden yellow. Stems erect or creeping, ± irregularly branched; paraphyllia absent. Stem-leaves
    4 KB (499 words) - 07:43, 30 July 2020
  • connate in pairs, pale-brown or orangebrown. Spores spheric, 8–13 µm, greenish yellow. Phenology: Capsules mature summer. Habitat: Dung in bogs, wet places Elevation:
    5 KB (409 words) - 07:35, 30 July 2020
  • with 4-18 flowers. Flowers: bracteoles 2-4 mm; sepals purple, red, brown, yellow, 6-9 × 1-4 mm, laterally revolute; petals 2-3 mm; stamen filaments 1.5-2
    4 KB (396 words) - 08:46, 30 July 2020
  • page 124. Mentioned on page 122, 123. Plants in open to dense turfs, green, yellow-green, or golden, often lustrous. Stems 0.5–1 (–2) cm, gemmiform to somewhat
    5 KB (533 words) - 07:35, 30 July 2020
  • Leaves persistent, gray-green, mostly basal; proximal blades reduced, mostly less than 1 cm, lobed or entire; distal blades 1–2 × 0.5–0.8 cm, 1–2-ternately
    5 KB (510 words) - 20:46, 29 July 2020
  • few-flowered panicles, branches spreading-ascending, occupying to 1/4 or less of total height. Pedicels 0.5–2.9 mm, stout. Flowers: sepals persistent,
    7 KB (520 words) - 18:33, 29 July 2020
  • cliffs and among boulders, less common on gravel alluvium of streambeds, associated with bigtooth maple, hornbeam, madrone, and yellow pine woodlands Elevation:
    5 KB (601 words) - 21:09, 29 July 2020
  • tips, sometimes with apical free tips less than 1 mm; floral-tube orangebrown inside, 2.5–4 mm; petals pale-yellow, fading reddish or not changing color
    5 KB (671 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • sparsely, papillate-scabrous (hairs triangular or deltate to lanceolate, less than 0.1 mm). Leaves: proximal usually absent at flowering; cauline blades
    5 KB (605 words) - 21:29, 29 July 2020
  • scattered, white and/or purple hairs proximal to middle, sometimes with yellow hairs distal to gland, margins dentate distally; glands ± square, not depressed
    6 KB (494 words) - 05:36, 30 July 2020
  • lanceolate, 15-30 (-50) × 5-10 (-11.5) cm, 3-5 times as long as wide, sinus less than 1/3 length of midrib, lobes usually divergent and forming V-shaped angle;
    6 KB (501 words) - 08:41, 30 July 2020
  • tips, sometimes with apical free tips less than 1 mm; floral-tube orangebrown inside, 3.5–6 mm; petals bright-yellow, sometimes red-dotted in proximal 1/2
    5 KB (651 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • pedicel, ovary, or capsule. Flowers: petals yellow to orange, obovate, 12–31 mm, apex mucronate; stamens 4–12 mm, less than 1/2 petal length, all fertile, none
    6 KB (617 words) - 18:16, 29 July 2020
  • lanceolate to ovate, 15-25 × 8-10 cm, ca. 2.5 times as long as wide, sinus less than 1/3 length of midrib, lobes often overlapping; surfaces glabrous. Flowers
    5 KB (460 words) - 08:36, 30 July 2020
  • cm, villous, pubescent, or glabrous; blade round-ovate, 3–5-lobed, cleft less than 1/2 to midrib, 2.5–3.5 cm, base shallowly cordate, surfaces sparsely
    8 KB (445 words) - 13:07, 30 July 2020
  • narrowly oblanceolate to spatulate, tomentose abaxially, less so adaxially. Flowers 5–9 mm; perianth yellow to ochroleucous, sparsely to densely villous abaxially
    3 KB (816 words) - 10:44, 30 July 2020
  • not elongated (subumbellate). Petals usually yellow, rarely white, 6.5–12 (–14) mm, usually 1.5 times or less as long as sepals. 2n = 12, 24, 36, 48, 50
    4 KB (658 words) - 11:57, 30 July 2020
  • persisting 5–6 years, 3–7cm × 1–1.5mm, pliant, dark green, abaxial surface with less conspicuous stomatal bands than adaxial surfaces, adaxial surfaces with strong
    7 KB (523 words) - 00:27, 30 July 2020
  • 646. Mentioned on page 645. Plants erect; trichomes tuberculate throughout, less densely so over the center, (rays often fused at base). Basal leaves: blade
    4 KB (640 words) - 11:57, 30 July 2020
  • sometimes solitary, yellow, brown or reddish yellow. Capsule 2–3 mm, arcuate, inclined to horizontal, furrowed when dry, yellow to light-brown; operculum
    11 KB (1,112 words) - 06:57, 30 July 2020
  • sepals and petals reflexed 1/5–1/4 along length from base, yellow (occasionally pale-yellow or yellow-orange) proximally, red-orange or dusky red (occasionally
    10 KB (1,116 words) - 05:44, 30 July 2020
  • or simple and 3-lobed. Inflorescences 3–18-flowered. Pedicels puberulent, less densely hirsute, eglandular. Flowers erect; epicalyx bractlets 0.5–2 mm;
    8 KB (736 words) - 13:44, 30 July 2020
  • with proportionately broad leaves and more or less obtuse lobes that are few and shallow. Both red- and yellow-fruited forms are known, as are forms with
    8 KB (878 words) - 14:44, 30 July 2020
  • reddish; anthers light yellow; color of style and stigma lobes unknown. Fruits commonly sterile, often proliferating, green, becoming yellow with red blush to
    7 KB (763 words) - 09:14, 30 July 2020
  • but shows less branching than is typical of K. montana, and its flower color is intermediate between the orange of K. biflora and the yellow of K. montana
    7 KB (647 words) - 20:27, 29 July 2020
  • is less certain. Many occur in moist sites within native rangeland, but these areas have also been affected by European settlement, although less intensively
    6 KB (962 words) - 02:43, 30 July 2020
  • though inflated and distinctly rugose, which in G. dichotomum is less thickened and more or less smooth. None. None. "narrower" is not a number."narrow" is not
    6 KB (736 words) - 07:35, 30 July 2020
  • absent. Involucres 3–15 per cluster, 4–5 (–6.5) mm. Flowers 4–5 mm; perianth yellow. 2n = 40. Phenology: Flowering Apr–Aug. Habitat: Sandy to gravelly flats
    5 KB (987 words) - 10:39, 30 July 2020
  • Patricia M. Eckel Copyright: Flora of North America Association Plants green, yellow-green, brownish, brown-red, or rarely clear red in extremely exposed habitats
    6 KB (671 words) - 07:46, 30 July 2020
  • ancestors in their larger size and more variable shape, less durable and more varicolored rinds, and less fibrous, nonbitter flesh. Plants of Cucurbita pepo
    6 KB (866 words) - 11:42, 30 July 2020
  • tips blunt, callous). Ray-florets 6–17; corollas yellow (laminae 12–17 mm). Disc-florets: corollas yellow; anthers dark purple. Cypselae brown, 4–5 mm, shortly
    5 KB (552 words) - 23:57, 29 July 2020
  • Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 1: 335. 1753. Sergei L. Mosyakin Common names: Curly or yellow dock patience crépue rumex crépu reguette WeedyIntroducedIllustrated Synonyms:
    10 KB (1,116 words) - 10:06, 30 July 2020
  • convolute-sheathing. Seta 1.5–2 cm., solitary, yellowish to yellowish-brown or reddish yellow. Capsule 1.2–1.8 mm, nearly straight and erect to slightly arcuate, striate
    10 KB (1,056 words) - 06:57, 30 July 2020
  • These are more or less intermediate between the parents, and the inflorescence is usually 2-flowered. The tepals are white to pale yellow, and the short corona
    5 KB (496 words) - 05:58, 30 July 2020
  • cordate-amplexicaul; basal leaf blades: margins 2- or 3-pinnatifid or pinnatisect; petals yellow. Lepidium perfoliatum 2 Plants usually puberulent or hirsute proximally
    29 KB (1,412 words) - 12:33, 30 July 2020
  • elongate botuliform, longest segment 1.8–5.2 (–6) mm, basal segment usually less than or equal to 1/2 central axis of leaf, apex apiculate, with single, brown
    14 KB (1,014 words) - 21:01, 7 June 2022
  • (10–) 13–15 (–20) × 1.3–3 mm. Disc-florets (40–) 52–80+; corollas light yellow turning brown, 5.8–6.6 mm, ± ampliate, tubes (1.7–2.2 mm) shorter than narrowly
    14 KB (1,075 words) - 22:20, 29 July 2020
  • tuft of white hairs). Ray-florets 8–20; corollas yellow. Disc-florets: corollas yellow; anthers yellow. Cypselae gray to brown, 3–8 mm, subglabrous to sparsely
    7 KB (645 words) - 23:58, 29 July 2020
  • obconic, 0.8–1 × 0.6–0.8 mm, sparsely villous to pilose; glands 4, green to yellow-green (turning pink with age), usually ± unequal, narrowly oblong, 0.1–0
    9 KB (761 words) - 18:23, 29 July 2020
  • ± longer than distal. Flowers 5-merous; hypanthium 2–5 mm diam.; petals yellow, obovate to cuneate-obcordate, (2–) 2.5–7 (–8) mm, slightly shorter to ±
    11 KB (963 words) - 13:56, 30 July 2020
  • slightly shorter than to exceeding the lemmas, bifid; anthers 3, 3-5 mm, yellow. Caryopses usually falling with the lemmas and paleas attached, x = 7. Haplome
    11 KB (1,406 words) - 02:58, 30 July 2020
  • stems twining counter-clockwise, staminate flowers aggregated into more or less sessile cymes and with six fertile stamens, tepals united only at the base
    11 KB (804 words) - 05:18, 30 July 2020
  • pale green, yellow-green to occasionally strongly reddish; growing in loose mats. Stems pale-brown to green. Stem-leaves very small, less than 0.8 mm,
    7 KB (623 words) - 06:46, 30 July 2020
  • white, 5–7 mm wide, 3–5 (–7) -lobed; lobes linear to narrowly spatulate, less than 2 × 1–2 mm. Calyces 17.5–23 mm; abaxial clefts 4–6 mm, adaxial 9–16
    5 KB (738 words) - 18:52, 29 July 2020
  • sparsely canescent. Florets: pistillate 6–10; bisexual 18–25; corollas pale-yellow, 0.8–1.2 mm, glabrous. Cypselae ellipsoid, 0.5–1.5 mm, resinous (pappi coroniform)
    6 KB (613 words) - 20:49, 29 July 2020
  • rosettes; blade elliptic, 0.5–2.5 × 0.3–1 cm, thinly floccose abaxially, less so to thinly floccose or glabrous and green adaxially, with some blades glabrous
    5 KB (936 words) - 10:42, 30 July 2020
  • anthers 1.6–3 mm, apiculations absent or less than 0.1 mm, thecae creamy yellow to golden yellow, tubules yellow to yellowish-brown, 0.1–0.3 mm, scarcely
    9 KB (751 words) - 13:10, 30 July 2020
  • to yellow or bright orange, fading white to orange, broadly obovate, 10–34 × 7–22 mm; stamens as long as style; anthers red, orange, rarely yellow (same
    9 KB (742 words) - 18:17, 29 July 2020
  • spots, flesh yellow to light or bright orange to greenish, lightly to very sweet. Seeds whitish to cream or light-brown with golden-yellow to silvery margins
    10 KB (782 words) - 11:42, 30 July 2020
  • pubescent; petals elliptic or ± circular; anthers cream; styles 3. Pomes yellow to copper-orange or reddish orange, suborbicular, 8 mm diam., pubescent
    11 KB (1,166 words) - 13:46, 30 July 2020
  • Flora of North America Association Plants small to large, golden green, yellow-green, or pale green. Stems 1–5 cm, reddish-brown to yellowish green, brown
    9 KB (779 words) - 07:52, 30 July 2020
  • Plants medium-sized, in dense tufts, green when young, very rapidly becoming yellow-green and often rich golden and orangish. Stems to 6 cm, creeping, terete
    8 KB (680 words) - 07:47, 30 July 2020
  • obscure, apices acute, faces glabrous. Florets 25–60; corollas orange or yellow-orange, 15–25 mm. Cypselae reddish-brown, columnar, 2–2.5 mm, 12–15-ribbed;
    8 KB (682 words) - 20:27, 29 July 2020
  • early and completely. Pollen cones broadly ellipsoid, ca. 10–15mm, brown or yellow. Seed-cones maturing in 3 years, shedding seeds soon thereafter but long-persistent
    8 KB (568 words) - 00:34, 30 July 2020
  • 9–25 (–45) × 4–20 (–25) mm, margin entire, apex obtuse. Staminate flowers yellow, in clusters 2–4 mm wide or in spikes to 1 cm, axillary, in foliose-bracteate
    6 KB (639 words) - 09:39, 30 July 2020
  • absent. Cauline stems slightly compressed, without spots, 35–90 cm; glands yellow-green to gold, 0.2–1 mm diam. Turions terminal, abundant, 3.5–7.8 cm × 2
    8 KB (594 words) - 01:01, 30 July 2020
  • hermaphroditica 3 Mericarps brown or gray-brown, wings 0.05–0.1 mm wide, width less than mericarp body. Callitriche stenoptera 1 Leaves connate at bases; leaf
    13 KB (810 words) - 19:03, 29 July 2020
  • adaxial tuft, yellow to tan, aging gray, 1–2 mm. Flowers: inner tepals rose to red-purple, bronze-purple, or yellow, sometimes pale greenish yellow or whitish
    10 KB (859 words) - 09:15, 30 July 2020
  • or occasionally minutely glandular, pustulose in some; perianth yellow to pale-yellow or, rarely, cream; tepals connate proximal 1/4–1/3, monomorphic,
    12 KB (1,158 words) - 10:33, 30 July 2020
  • erect, blunt, ± rigid. Florets: corollas white to pinkish, cream, or pale-yellow, 4.5–6.5 mm (inner); peripheral corollas spreading, zygomorphic, enlarged
    9 KB (947 words) - 22:33, 29 July 2020
  • resemble T. mertensiana, e.g., leaves are less strictly 2-ranked and stomatal bands on the abaxial leaf surfaces are less conspicuous than at lower elevations
    5 KB (533 words) - 00:27, 30 July 2020
  • robust and coarse, loosely tufted or forming intricate patches, yellow, green, yellow, grayish or olive green distally, brown to blackish brown proximally
    12 KB (1,136 words) - 06:52, 30 July 2020
  • 2 per perichaetium, yellow to reddish-brown. Capsule 2–3.8 mm, arcuate, inclined to horizontal, smooth to striate when dry, yellow to dark reddish-brown;
    10 KB (1,016 words) - 06:56, 30 July 2020
  • 1 Trophophore blade green to pale yellow-green, broad, coarse, succulent; middle and terminal segments usually more than 2 mm wide exclusive of lobes.
    5 KB (525 words) - 00:24, 30 July 2020
  • with glassy yellow hairs between the 2 inner lateral-veins, these more common on the upper spikelets; upper lemmas 2.5-4 mm, glabrous, yellow, tan, or gray
    9 KB (1,072 words) - 03:57, 30 July 2020
  • rachises with 21-40 fascicles per cm. > 8 8 Rachises pubescent; bristles yellow or purple; leaf blades (4)12-40 mm wide; paleas of lower florets present
    18 KB (1,301 words) - 04:12, 30 July 2020
  • on page 63, 65, 72, 93. Plants robust and weak-stemmed; green to golden yellow; capitulum ± rounded in emergent forms, flat in submersed forms; lacking
    7 KB (656 words) - 06:59, 30 July 2020
  • 2.5–3 mm in fruit; perianth reddish purple or maroon, rarely yellow, becoming slightly less reddish in fruit, strigose abaxially; tepals narrowly spatulate
    7 KB (841 words) - 10:46, 30 July 2020
  • entire, not ciliate, apex acute to subulate; midrib prominent, marginal nerves less conspicuous. Inflorescences racemelike; bracts glandular-toothed, not ciliate
    7 KB (497 words) - 18:19, 29 July 2020
  • Leaves sheathing; blade 1–6 × 1–2 (–3) cm, densely tomentose abaxially, less so to floccose adaxially, margins strongly undulate-crisped. Inflorescences
    5 KB (918 words) - 10:38, 30 July 2020
  • trichomes (lower layer) smoother, (upper-layer) moderately tuberculate, much less so over flat or mounded center. Basal leaves: blade margins sinuate or lobed
    5 KB (684 words) - 11:57, 30 July 2020
  • round-ovate to rounded, 0.5–2 (–2.5) × 0.5–2 cm, white-tomentose abaxially, less so to nearly glabrous and grayish or greenish adaxially. Inflorescences cymose
    8 KB (883 words) - 10:50, 30 July 2020
  • bifurcate, slightly fused near base of main rays, (tuberculate throughout, less over umbo). Stems several from base, decumbent to prostrate, (well-exserted
    5 KB (680 words) - 11:57, 30 July 2020
  • opening near sunrise; floral-tube 1.2–2 mm; sepals 1–2.2 (–2.5) mm; petals yellow, some­times with 1 or 2 red dots near base, 1.5–3.5 (–4.5) mm; episepalous
    7 KB (727 words) - 21:03, 7 June 2022
  • lanceolate, with short (less than 1.5 mm), soft hairs on the lower 1/2, apices scabridulous, acuminate; anthers 1-1.7 mm, yellow. Caryopses 1.7-2 mm, fusiform
    7 KB (903 words) - 04:38, 30 July 2020
  • or capsule. Flowers: petals white to pale-yellow, obovate, 10–40 mm, apex mucronate; stamens 6–15 mm, less than 1/2 petal length, all fertile, none petaloid
    6 KB (572 words) - 18:25, 29 July 2020
  • functionally unisexual; filaments dimorphic; anthers deep red; styles and stigmas less than 0.1 mm in anthesis. Staminate flowers: outer tepals loosely appressed
    8 KB (706 words) - 10:07, 30 July 2020
  • elliptic, 0.3–0.6 (–1) × 0.2–0.4 (–0.6) cm, white-tomentose abaxially, slightly less so and greenish adaxially, margins plane. Inflorescences compact-umbellate;
    6 KB (950 words) - 10:42, 30 July 2020
  • 5 mm wide distally. Leaves: sheaths tight, green, fronts hyaline; ligules less than 2 mm, wider than long; widest leaf-blades 1–1.7 mm wide. Inflorescences
    7 KB (627 words) - 01:49, 30 July 2020
  • Mentioned on page 62, 81, 84, 96. Plants small, slender and weak-stemmed; pale-yellow to golden brown, rarely tinged with red; capitulum not especially distinct
    7 KB (682 words) - 06:59, 30 July 2020
  • petals yellow, each with 1 red dot near base, 2.8–4.2 mm; episepalous filaments 1.3–2.3 mm, epipetalous filaments 0.4–1.6 mm, anthers 0.4–0.8 mm, less than
    6 KB (624 words) - 21:03, 7 June 2022
  • adherent, eglandular; basal leaves sessile or basally attenuate and sessile, less commonly with petiolar region 10–50 mm, cauline sessile; blade obovate to
    8 KB (544 words) - 19:18, 29 July 2020
  • rachises; primary branches 5-10 (13) cm, axes triquetrous, narrowly winged, wings less than 1/2 as wide as the midribs, lower and middle portions of the branches
    5 KB (817 words) - 03:57, 30 July 2020
  • rachises; primary branches 8-13 cm, axes triquetrous, narrowly winged, wings less than 1/2 as wide as the midribs, lower and middle portions of the branches
    6 KB (812 words) - 03:57, 30 July 2020
  • page 156. Plants perennial; occasionally rhizomatous. Culms 20-70 cm tall, less than 3 mm thick, erect, branched above; internodes smooth, shiny for most
    8 KB (919 words) - 04:38, 30 July 2020
  • persisting 5–8 years, 3–7cm × 1–1.5 (–2) mm, mostly connivent, deep yellow-green, abaxial surface less so, adaxial surface conspicuously whitened by stomates, margins
    8 KB (576 words) - 00:30, 30 July 2020
  • Flowers: petals white to pale-yellow, usually with orange veins, obovate, 13–65 mm, apex mucronate; stamens 4–26 mm, less than 1/2 petal length, all fertile
    7 KB (639 words) - 18:28, 29 July 2020
  • broadly triangular, sinuses broad, rounded (basal and distal cauline sometimes less divided, lobes linear-lanceolate), margins revolute, spreading, entire or
    9 KB (719 words) - 20:34, 29 July 2020
  • medium-sized, in dense tufts, light green when young, golden or brownish yellow with age. Stems to 10 cm, densely regularly pinnate, branches 5–7 mm, curved
    9 KB (631 words) - 07:48, 30 July 2020

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